Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Mole ❯ All in one day! ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
(cut to the airport in LA)
I'm your host A. Author! I'll be in here as AA. Now to the show!
(At an airport, the DD with their bags)
Ages: Davis, Ken, TK, Kari, Yolei= 21
Tai, Mimi, Sora= 32
Davis: I wonder why we are here.
Kari: You got me.
AA: Welcome to "The Mole." You eight lucky contestants will be traveling around the world trying to win around a million bucks.
Ken: I'll like that much!
TK: Is there a catch?
AA: Yes. One of you will try to stop the group from winning any money.
Yolei: I knew it!
Sora: YEAH!
Mimi: Yeesh!
AA: Stop it group! Got your passports?
(group shows AA and the camera their passports)
AA: Go to the gate with ??? as it's destination. I'll meet you there!
(cue the theme music)
AA: There are Eight people traveling around the world to take a stab at one million dollars. But one of them is a traitor, a secret agent that we hired to stop the players at winning. Who is the Mole?
(cue the bios of the eight contestants)
(cut to the arrival area of the first game)
AA: Ah, your here! Welcome to the Amazon forest in South America!
Group: Lovely!
AA: Don't look at the scenery too long! time for your first game!
Group: And the game will be...?
AA: How well you know your geography.
Group: That'll be easy, we passed it in Middle AND High School.
AA: Middle school AND High School was history. This is reality TV. Now, to the game area!
(cut to game area)
AA: Here, if you pass the challenge, you will get $200,000 for your jackpot. If you miss a question, it will be $100,000 and so on. Pencils up! You will have two minutes to finish your test. Ready? GO!
(the DD finish their test after the two minutes has passed)
AA: TIME! I'll check your tests. Feel free to chat.
Ken: I think I did horrible!
Yolei: I think I did well.
AA: Results: NONE MISSED! $200,000 in the jackpot!
(the group cheers)
AA: but tonight, one of you will leave this world and live in the digiworld until the rest joins you. The campgrounds are ready, no digimon there, I checked. Also, your digimon partner will be there. You WILL be sharing the same tent and maybe the sleeping bags if you're wondering.
(The group growns, studders, and shivers a bit, then goes to the dismissal area and takes the quiz.)
(cut to the quiz area)
AA: if you see a green thumbprint, you are still in the game, a red one; however, that means you are out of the game, and you take your bags, I'll hand you your D-3 and your D-terminal. You will stay in the digiworld. OK, here we go.
(cue suspense music)
AA: Tai.
(AA enters Tai's name and the green thumbprint appears)
Tai: PHEW!
AA: Kari.
(AA enters Kari's name and the green thumbprint appears)
(Kari glares at Tai)
AA: Ken.
(AA enters Ken's name and the red thumbprint appears)
(end suspense music, start loud drum strike)
AA: Ken, you are the Mole's first Victim. Here's your D-3 and your D- termainal.
(Ken says his goodbyes to his former teammates)
(Ken arrives in the tent, wommon is there and they sleep together in the same sleeping bag)
AA: Congradulations you Seven. You survived the first dismissal. Your hotel rooms are ready. Have a nice sleep and I'll see you in the morning. I'll pick the couples. Yolei and Tai, Kari and Davis, Mimi and Tk. Sora, you have a room alone.
(Crew changes in their PJ's as the fades to black)
(The night passes, the crew arrives in the dining area in their DD clothes)
(Same starting show music and the bios appear, Ken is edited out because he is out of the game)
AA: Have a good sleep?
Group: Yeah, but we miss Ken.
AA: Enjoy your breakfast, this challenge is for $150,000 in the jackpot You will need your strength for the next challenge.
(cut to plane going to central asia, at the Himalayas)
AA: This is the Himalaya Mountians. This will be like rock climbing, but no rock platforms or a bungee cord. IF one of you chicken out, there will be no money added to the jackpot.
Yolei: I'm afraid of heights!
Davis: Just pretend that you're in elevator with the glass painted black while you are going up.
Yolei: Thanks, Davis.
Davis: No problem.
AA: If you can make it up and down with out slipping, $10,000 will be added to the jackpot as well.
(The DD succeeded)
AA: $150,000 won!
(group cheers again)
AA: See you at the dismissal area tonight!
(The DD arrive at the area, and take the quiz again)
AA: Tai.
(AA enters his name in the system and it returns with a green thumbprint)
Tai: Another close one.
AA: Yolei.
(AA types Yolei's name in the computer and the red thumbprint appears.)
AA: Yolei, you are the mole's second victim. Join Ken in the tent. Here's your D-3 and Your D-termainal.
(Yolei says her goodbyes to the team)
(Yolei teleports in the sleeping bag
with Armodillomon (sp?) and where Ken is)
Ken: oh, Yolei! you scared me!
Yolei: Sorry ken!
(Yolei joined Ken in the sleeping bag A/N: Don't THINK it hentai lovers!)
AA: Yet again, you survived another dismissal. Same couples in a differnet room in the hotel. Tk, you sleep with Mimi.
(same theme, but this time, Yolei is edited out with Ken)
AA: Morning Players.
Group: Morning Mr. Author.
AA: Eat a lot of cool foods. You'll need it.
(the DD wonder what he ment by that, they fly to the Gobi Desert.)
AA: Here you will spend 30 minutes chained to your group, if you can last that long, $200,000 to your jackpot will be added. If one of you chicken out, or should I say, ALL of you, nothing will be added.
(During the challenge, Davis and Kari sweated on each other, since they didnt have any towels or water)
Davis: sorry! I couldn't catch that sweat drop!
Kari: Forgiven!
(Davis and Kari return to stand in the intense heat until the timer goes off)
(30 minutes later...)
AA: $200,000 added to Jackpot! The Jackpot is now $550,000! You can now go back to the hotel to change clothes and to take the quiz area.
(AA unchains the group from each other)
Group: finally!
(A/N: it was 400 degrees at the desert scene)
(Before the change of clothes, Davis frenched Kari as a thank-you gift, then lets her go. Davis started to walk to his room to change. Then all of a sudden, Kari turns Davis around and frenches Davis back to return the kiss)
(cut to quiz area)
AA: Here we are again Group. You know the rules.
(cut to final scene)
AA: Sora.
(AA enters Sora's name and the green thumbprint appears)
(Sora sighs)
(AA enters his name and the evil red thumbprint appears.)
AA: TK, you are the mole's third victim. Here's your DigiDestined equipment. Patamon's in the tent.
(TK says his goodbyes and teleports to digiworld)
(TK appears in the tent where Yolei and Ken are)
Ken, Yolei (unison): Mole got you?
TK: Yeah. We'll be together on the final episode to find out who the mole is. I'll figure out who the mole is! (who ever the mole is)
(AA zaps TK, almost burnt to a crisp)
TK(burnt): OW! Why did you do that AA?
AA: I wouldn't rish of saying who the mole is.
TK(still burnt): Got it!
(The people go to sleep in the tent)
(back to quiz area)
AA: another quiz behind your backs. Back to the hotel. Mimi, you will be sleeping alone tonight.
Mimi: AWW MAN!
(Same introduction, TK edited out of the bios as with Ken and Yolei)
AA: 3 more days left! With the Jackpot at $560,000, things get tougher. Challenges more harder, more Brutal! More...I'll let you find out. A toast to The contestants!
Group: to the contestants!
(A/N: they were drinking champagne)
AA: To the Car! There is a new challenge for you!
(they arrive in China)
AA: Behold, the Great Wall! In this challenge, you will run a relay race!
Group: Easy!
AA: Blind-folded!
Group: eep!
AA: and Barefoot!
(The group gasps)
(A/N: This will be a good contest!)
AA: The relay will be run this intense heat, which is about 200 degrees farenhight. The concrete that makees this wonderful structure, even hotter! The concrete temperature is 250 degrees Farenhight. If you finish this, $140,000 will be added to the jackpot. If you don't finish, no reward money.
(The group decides who runs what leg of the race)
AA: the first leg of the race will be runned by: Tai. Second: Kari. Third, Davis. Forth: Mimi. Last: Sora. You have 40 minutes to reach the finish line. GO!
(Tai reaches Kari in two minutes, Kari reaches Davis in a minute, Davis reaches Mimi in two minutes, Mimi reaches sora in twenty minutes, Sora reaches the finish line in a minute.)
AA: $140,000 ADDED!
(group trys to catch their breath when they reach the hotel to change, put their shoes on, and all that stuff, then get their bags for the quiz section of the show)
AA: Same rules. Different questions. 10 questions about this show. No time limit for this quiz.
(the five finished thier test and sit down near the screen)
AA: I'll enter a name in this database. Same rules. Green stays, Red goes.
AA: Davis.
(Davis gulps)
(AA enters Davis' name an it comes back green)
Davis: PHEW!
AA: Mimi.
(AA enters Mimi's name in the computer player box and it comes back red.)
AA: Mimi, you have became the Mole's
fourth victim. Join the rest. The rest is waiting for you. Palmon is also waiting to for you.
(Mimi says her goodbyes to the group
(Mimi goes into the tent and goes to Sleep with Tk)
(A/N: don't EVEN think it)
(Back to real world)
AA: Try to sleep well. Tai and Sora and Davis and Kari will be seperated in two different hotel rooms.
(A/N: This is turning out great! I'll tell you who the mole is! Just kidding! I can't!)
AA: Good morning!
Tai(sleepy): What's so good about it?
(A/N: that's his inside joke)
AA: We are getting close to the finals! That's whats good about it! only 2 more challenges again, good!
Davis: It's almost over? Aw, man! I was enjoying this!
AA: You will Davis. This is the next to last challenge.
(The Players Fly to england)
(A/N: the next challenge has something to do with royality)
AA: Here we are in cherry ol' england!
Tai: Crikey!
Kari: That's Austraila!
(Kari slaps some sence into Tai)
Tai: OW!
Davis: Let's have a chip lunch and let our worries go!
AA: That's a hint about our next challenge!
Davis: England Talk?
AA: No, but it's close though! It's about royality. If you meet the King and/or Queen of England, you must treat them like in a Fearie Tale.
Kari: I got it! Like Goldilocks?
AA: right, but without the climbing the wall with hair.
Sora: I'm ready for the challenge!
Tai: Chill, girl! we have to eat and drink our tea with our pinkies up.
Kari, Davis(unison): Like this?
(Davis and Kari grab a cup of green tea and drinks it wih their pinkies up)
(A/N: I know green tea is in Japan, but It's in england as well!)
Tai: Right!
AA: Hey! that's my line!
Tai: Sorry.
(The Contestants eat thier lunch and do the contest.)
AA: This contest is for $200,000. Make sure you treat the King and Queen of England with royal respect. IF I see even the one of you mess it up, there will be no reward money added.
(The 2 couples treated the King and Queen like they have never been treated before, but with more royal respect.)
AA: $200,000 added!
Group: Cherrio!
The King/Queen: Cherrio!
AA: the Jackpot is now is at $900,000! You will have your last challenge tomorrow. It will be worth $100,000. IF you complete this task, there will be one million dollars in the jackpot for someone to win.
Group: Here we go again!
(cut to quiz area)
(The DD finishes their quizes and they await the results)
AA: you know what happens. Here we go. Davis.
(AA Enters Davis' name it is comes back as a green thumb print)
Davis: ANOTHER close call!
(A/N: Davis is a little scared about the next event)
AA: Sora.
(AA enters Sora's name and a red thumb print appears.)
AA: Sora, you have became the mole's fifth victim. Biyomon is waiting for you. Go on to the digital world.
(Sora says her goodbys to the group)
(Sora appears in the tent where the other four is)
Sora: I can't belive this. Near the end, I'm eliminated.
TK: It happens. We can watch the final quiz results. It's legal.
Ken: I think I know who's going to win or I think I know who the mole is.
(The author Zaps Ken so he is burnt)
Ken(burnt): I should have kept that to myself.
AA: You should have Ken.
Yolei: Oh, my Boyfirend is hurt! (A/N: They made themselfs boyfirend/girlfriend over the day's break)
TK(singing): Love is in the air..
(AA zaps TK again because his singing is HORRIBLE!)
AA: Your singing is terrible! even a cat won't sing THAT! Besides, it's my policy that the mole's identy doesn't get out.
(Same theme, only Davis, Kari, and Tai remain)
AA: This is our last day of this little contest. The jackpot is at $900,000. In this last contest, you will have to trust on your friends to win this contest. There are 4 stunts in total. $25,000 each. You should know the math.
(A/N: the group starts to shudder)
AA: Want me to tell you the events?
Group: Yes.
AA: First one is tight-rope walking over a lava pit with no net.
(A/N: could be barbeque time!) Second is walking the plank over 10 feet of water, Third is walking over hot coals estimated temperature: 210 degrees Farenghight, and the last one it's bungee jumping into hot mud. Scared?
Group: A little. So, the sooner we start, the sooner we get done. OK! Let's go.
(Tai succeded the rope walk, (He began to sweat bullets later.) Kari survied the plank, but she almost fell into the water pit. Davis also survived the hot coals. [A/N: the coals were as hot as Kari!] The group went for the bungee and succeeded!)
AA: great news! The Jackpot is at one million dollars out of the whole million. See you at the final quiz area.
(The scene: Bull fight arena. The three take their test over the season. They get done with the twenty quiz questions.)
AA: I'll call you in one person at a time, not like we usually did.
AA: Tai, would you come here? You toher two go outside and chat for a while.
(Everyone but Tai leaves the arena)
Davis: Do you think Tai will in?
Kari: I don't have a clue. Good luck.
Davis: Thanks Kari.
(They embrased each other)
AA: Tai, if you see a green thumbprint, either you won or you are the mole. But, if you see a red thumbprint, you are the mole's sixth and last victom. Here we go.
(AA enters tai's name and its blurts back a red thumbprint)
AA: Tai, you are the mole's sixth and last victim. Agumon is ready in the tent. Tell the others to enter the grand hall with the TV to watch who will win this contest.
(Tai goes back to the tent, then tells others to go into the grand hall and get dressed to watch the rest of the show)
AA: Davis, come here plese.
(Davis arrives in front of the Host's face and sits down in the seat there.)
AA: I'll enter your name, if it comes out Green, you either have won, or either you are the mole. If it comes back red, you have became the mole's sixth and last victim. Here we go.
(AA puts Davis' name in the Name box and it comes back green.
AA: Congratulations Davis, you have won.
(Davis looks at the host with a face of surprise.)
Davis: If I won, that means...
AA: Kari, come on out!
(At the bottom of the screen, it says "Kari, the mole")
Kari: Congradulations Davis.
Davis: Thanks.
(They hugged each other, and walk into the grand hall.)
AA: Yes, Davis has won the mole contest. I'll show you how we fooled you by seeing on how well you paid attention during the duration of this contest.)
(A/N: I'll tell you the clues on the next episode of "The Mole")
R&R Please! The clues will show you how the people did or did not know that Kari was the mole. Stay tuned! The clues chapter will come soon!
(cut to the airport in LA)
I'm your host A. Author! I'll be in here as AA. Now to the show!
(At an airport, the DD with their bags)
Ages: Davis, Ken, TK, Kari, Yolei= 21
Tai, Mimi, Sora= 32
Davis: I wonder why we are here.
Kari: You got me.
AA: Welcome to "The Mole." You eight lucky contestants will be traveling around the world trying to win around a million bucks.
Ken: I'll like that much!
TK: Is there a catch?
AA: Yes. One of you will try to stop the group from winning any money.
Yolei: I knew it!
Sora: YEAH!
Mimi: Yeesh!
AA: Stop it group! Got your passports?
(group shows AA and the camera their passports)
AA: Go to the gate with ??? as it's destination. I'll meet you there!
(cue the theme music)
AA: There are Eight people traveling around the world to take a stab at one million dollars. But one of them is a traitor, a secret agent that we hired to stop the players at winning. Who is the Mole?
(cue the bios of the eight contestants)
(cut to the arrival area of the first game)
AA: Ah, your here! Welcome to the Amazon forest in South America!
Group: Lovely!
AA: Don't look at the scenery too long! time for your first game!
Group: And the game will be...?
AA: How well you know your geography.
Group: That'll be easy, we passed it in Middle AND High School.
AA: Middle school AND High School was history. This is reality TV. Now, to the game area!
(cut to game area)
AA: Here, if you pass the challenge, you will get $200,000 for your jackpot. If you miss a question, it will be $100,000 and so on. Pencils up! You will have two minutes to finish your test. Ready? GO!
(the DD finish their test after the two minutes has passed)
AA: TIME! I'll check your tests. Feel free to chat.
Ken: I think I did horrible!
Yolei: I think I did well.
AA: Results: NONE MISSED! $200,000 in the jackpot!
(the group cheers)
AA: but tonight, one of you will leave this world and live in the digiworld until the rest joins you. The campgrounds are ready, no digimon there, I checked. Also, your digimon partner will be there. You WILL be sharing the same tent and maybe the sleeping bags if you're wondering.
(The group growns, studders, and shivers a bit, then goes to the dismissal area and takes the quiz.)
(cut to the quiz area)
AA: if you see a green thumbprint, you are still in the game, a red one; however, that means you are out of the game, and you take your bags, I'll hand you your D-3 and your D-terminal. You will stay in the digiworld. OK, here we go.
(cue suspense music)
AA: Tai.
(AA enters Tai's name and the green thumbprint appears)
Tai: PHEW!
AA: Kari.
(AA enters Kari's name and the green thumbprint appears)
(Kari glares at Tai)
AA: Ken.
(AA enters Ken's name and the red thumbprint appears)
(end suspense music, start loud drum strike)
AA: Ken, you are the Mole's first Victim. Here's your D-3 and your D- termainal.
(Ken says his goodbyes to his former teammates)
(Ken arrives in the tent, wommon is there and they sleep together in the same sleeping bag)
AA: Congradulations you Seven. You survived the first dismissal. Your hotel rooms are ready. Have a nice sleep and I'll see you in the morning. I'll pick the couples. Yolei and Tai, Kari and Davis, Mimi and Tk. Sora, you have a room alone.
(Crew changes in their PJ's as the fades to black)
(The night passes, the crew arrives in the dining area in their DD clothes)
(Same starting show music and the bios appear, Ken is edited out because he is out of the game)
AA: Have a good sleep?
Group: Yeah, but we miss Ken.
AA: Enjoy your breakfast, this challenge is for $150,000 in the jackpot You will need your strength for the next challenge.
(cut to plane going to central asia, at the Himalayas)
AA: This is the Himalaya Mountians. This will be like rock climbing, but no rock platforms or a bungee cord. IF one of you chicken out, there will be no money added to the jackpot.
Yolei: I'm afraid of heights!
Davis: Just pretend that you're in elevator with the glass painted black while you are going up.
Yolei: Thanks, Davis.
Davis: No problem.
AA: If you can make it up and down with out slipping, $10,000 will be added to the jackpot as well.
(The DD succeeded)
AA: $150,000 won!
(group cheers again)
AA: See you at the dismissal area tonight!
(The DD arrive at the area, and take the quiz again)
AA: Tai.
(AA enters his name in the system and it returns with a green thumbprint)
Tai: Another close one.
AA: Yolei.
(AA types Yolei's name in the computer and the red thumbprint appears.)
AA: Yolei, you are the mole's second victim. Join Ken in the tent. Here's your D-3 and Your D-termainal.
(Yolei says her goodbyes to the team)
(Yolei teleports in the sleeping bag
with Armodillomon (sp?) and where Ken is)
Ken: oh, Yolei! you scared me!
Yolei: Sorry ken!
(Yolei joined Ken in the sleeping bag A/N: Don't THINK it hentai lovers!)
AA: Yet again, you survived another dismissal. Same couples in a differnet room in the hotel. Tk, you sleep with Mimi.
(same theme, but this time, Yolei is edited out with Ken)
AA: Morning Players.
Group: Morning Mr. Author.
AA: Eat a lot of cool foods. You'll need it.
(the DD wonder what he ment by that, they fly to the Gobi Desert.)
AA: Here you will spend 30 minutes chained to your group, if you can last that long, $200,000 to your jackpot will be added. If one of you chicken out, or should I say, ALL of you, nothing will be added.
(During the challenge, Davis and Kari sweated on each other, since they didnt have any towels or water)
Davis: sorry! I couldn't catch that sweat drop!
Kari: Forgiven!
(Davis and Kari return to stand in the intense heat until the timer goes off)
(30 minutes later...)
AA: $200,000 added to Jackpot! The Jackpot is now $550,000! You can now go back to the hotel to change clothes and to take the quiz area.
(AA unchains the group from each other)
Group: finally!
(A/N: it was 400 degrees at the desert scene)
(Before the change of clothes, Davis frenched Kari as a thank-you gift, then lets her go. Davis started to walk to his room to change. Then all of a sudden, Kari turns Davis around and frenches Davis back to return the kiss)
(cut to quiz area)
AA: Here we are again Group. You know the rules.
(cut to final scene)
AA: Sora.
(AA enters Sora's name and the green thumbprint appears)
(Sora sighs)
(AA enters his name and the evil red thumbprint appears.)
AA: TK, you are the mole's third victim. Here's your DigiDestined equipment. Patamon's in the tent.
(TK says his goodbyes and teleports to digiworld)
(TK appears in the tent where Yolei and Ken are)
Ken, Yolei (unison): Mole got you?
TK: Yeah. We'll be together on the final episode to find out who the mole is. I'll figure out who the mole is! (who ever the mole is)
(AA zaps TK, almost burnt to a crisp)
TK(burnt): OW! Why did you do that AA?
AA: I wouldn't rish of saying who the mole is.
TK(still burnt): Got it!
(The people go to sleep in the tent)
(back to quiz area)
AA: another quiz behind your backs. Back to the hotel. Mimi, you will be sleeping alone tonight.
Mimi: AWW MAN!
(Same introduction, TK edited out of the bios as with Ken and Yolei)
AA: 3 more days left! With the Jackpot at $560,000, things get tougher. Challenges more harder, more Brutal! More...I'll let you find out. A toast to The contestants!
Group: to the contestants!
(A/N: they were drinking champagne)
AA: To the Car! There is a new challenge for you!
(they arrive in China)
AA: Behold, the Great Wall! In this challenge, you will run a relay race!
Group: Easy!
AA: Blind-folded!
Group: eep!
AA: and Barefoot!
(The group gasps)
(A/N: This will be a good contest!)
AA: The relay will be run this intense heat, which is about 200 degrees farenhight. The concrete that makees this wonderful structure, even hotter! The concrete temperature is 250 degrees Farenhight. If you finish this, $140,000 will be added to the jackpot. If you don't finish, no reward money.
(The group decides who runs what leg of the race)
AA: the first leg of the race will be runned by: Tai. Second: Kari. Third, Davis. Forth: Mimi. Last: Sora. You have 40 minutes to reach the finish line. GO!
(Tai reaches Kari in two minutes, Kari reaches Davis in a minute, Davis reaches Mimi in two minutes, Mimi reaches sora in twenty minutes, Sora reaches the finish line in a minute.)
AA: $140,000 ADDED!
(group trys to catch their breath when they reach the hotel to change, put their shoes on, and all that stuff, then get their bags for the quiz section of the show)
AA: Same rules. Different questions. 10 questions about this show. No time limit for this quiz.
(the five finished thier test and sit down near the screen)
AA: I'll enter a name in this database. Same rules. Green stays, Red goes.
AA: Davis.
(Davis gulps)
(AA enters Davis' name an it comes back green)
Davis: PHEW!
AA: Mimi.
(AA enters Mimi's name in the computer player box and it comes back red.)
AA: Mimi, you have became the Mole's
fourth victim. Join the rest. The rest is waiting for you. Palmon is also waiting to for you.
(Mimi says her goodbyes to the group
(Mimi goes into the tent and goes to Sleep with Tk)
(A/N: don't EVEN think it)
(Back to real world)
AA: Try to sleep well. Tai and Sora and Davis and Kari will be seperated in two different hotel rooms.
(A/N: This is turning out great! I'll tell you who the mole is! Just kidding! I can't!)
AA: Good morning!
Tai(sleepy): What's so good about it?
(A/N: that's his inside joke)
AA: We are getting close to the finals! That's whats good about it! only 2 more challenges again, good!
Davis: It's almost over? Aw, man! I was enjoying this!
AA: You will Davis. This is the next to last challenge.
(The Players Fly to england)
(A/N: the next challenge has something to do with royality)
AA: Here we are in cherry ol' england!
Tai: Crikey!
Kari: That's Austraila!
(Kari slaps some sence into Tai)
Tai: OW!
Davis: Let's have a chip lunch and let our worries go!
AA: That's a hint about our next challenge!
Davis: England Talk?
AA: No, but it's close though! It's about royality. If you meet the King and/or Queen of England, you must treat them like in a Fearie Tale.
Kari: I got it! Like Goldilocks?
AA: right, but without the climbing the wall with hair.
Sora: I'm ready for the challenge!
Tai: Chill, girl! we have to eat and drink our tea with our pinkies up.
Kari, Davis(unison): Like this?
(Davis and Kari grab a cup of green tea and drinks it wih their pinkies up)
(A/N: I know green tea is in Japan, but It's in england as well!)
Tai: Right!
AA: Hey! that's my line!
Tai: Sorry.
(The Contestants eat thier lunch and do the contest.)
AA: This contest is for $200,000. Make sure you treat the King and Queen of England with royal respect. IF I see even the one of you mess it up, there will be no reward money added.
(The 2 couples treated the King and Queen like they have never been treated before, but with more royal respect.)
AA: $200,000 added!
Group: Cherrio!
The King/Queen: Cherrio!
AA: the Jackpot is now is at $900,000! You will have your last challenge tomorrow. It will be worth $100,000. IF you complete this task, there will be one million dollars in the jackpot for someone to win.
Group: Here we go again!
(cut to quiz area)
(The DD finishes their quizes and they await the results)
AA: you know what happens. Here we go. Davis.
(AA Enters Davis' name it is comes back as a green thumb print)
Davis: ANOTHER close call!
(A/N: Davis is a little scared about the next event)
AA: Sora.
(AA enters Sora's name and a red thumb print appears.)
AA: Sora, you have became the mole's fifth victim. Biyomon is waiting for you. Go on to the digital world.
(Sora says her goodbys to the group)
(Sora appears in the tent where the other four is)
Sora: I can't belive this. Near the end, I'm eliminated.
TK: It happens. We can watch the final quiz results. It's legal.
Ken: I think I know who's going to win or I think I know who the mole is.
(The author Zaps Ken so he is burnt)
Ken(burnt): I should have kept that to myself.
AA: You should have Ken.
Yolei: Oh, my Boyfirend is hurt! (A/N: They made themselfs boyfirend/girlfriend over the day's break)
TK(singing): Love is in the air..
(AA zaps TK again because his singing is HORRIBLE!)
AA: Your singing is terrible! even a cat won't sing THAT! Besides, it's my policy that the mole's identy doesn't get out.
(Same theme, only Davis, Kari, and Tai remain)
AA: This is our last day of this little contest. The jackpot is at $900,000. In this last contest, you will have to trust on your friends to win this contest. There are 4 stunts in total. $25,000 each. You should know the math.
(A/N: the group starts to shudder)
AA: Want me to tell you the events?
Group: Yes.
AA: First one is tight-rope walking over a lava pit with no net.
(A/N: could be barbeque time!) Second is walking the plank over 10 feet of water, Third is walking over hot coals estimated temperature: 210 degrees Farenghight, and the last one it's bungee jumping into hot mud. Scared?
Group: A little. So, the sooner we start, the sooner we get done. OK! Let's go.
(Tai succeded the rope walk, (He began to sweat bullets later.) Kari survied the plank, but she almost fell into the water pit. Davis also survived the hot coals. [A/N: the coals were as hot as Kari!] The group went for the bungee and succeeded!)
AA: great news! The Jackpot is at one million dollars out of the whole million. See you at the final quiz area.
(The scene: Bull fight arena. The three take their test over the season. They get done with the twenty quiz questions.)
AA: I'll call you in one person at a time, not like we usually did.
AA: Tai, would you come here? You toher two go outside and chat for a while.
(Everyone but Tai leaves the arena)
Davis: Do you think Tai will in?
Kari: I don't have a clue. Good luck.
Davis: Thanks Kari.
(They embrased each other)
AA: Tai, if you see a green thumbprint, either you won or you are the mole. But, if you see a red thumbprint, you are the mole's sixth and last victom. Here we go.
(AA enters tai's name and its blurts back a red thumbprint)
AA: Tai, you are the mole's sixth and last victim. Agumon is ready in the tent. Tell the others to enter the grand hall with the TV to watch who will win this contest.
(Tai goes back to the tent, then tells others to go into the grand hall and get dressed to watch the rest of the show)
AA: Davis, come here plese.
(Davis arrives in front of the Host's face and sits down in the seat there.)
AA: I'll enter your name, if it comes out Green, you either have won, or either you are the mole. If it comes back red, you have became the mole's sixth and last victim. Here we go.
(AA puts Davis' name in the Name box and it comes back green.
AA: Congratulations Davis, you have won.
(Davis looks at the host with a face of surprise.)
Davis: If I won, that means...
AA: Kari, come on out!
(At the bottom of the screen, it says "Kari, the mole")
Kari: Congradulations Davis.
Davis: Thanks.
(They hugged each other, and walk into the grand hall.)
AA: Yes, Davis has won the mole contest. I'll show you how we fooled you by seeing on how well you paid attention during the duration of this contest.)
(A/N: I'll tell you the clues on the next episode of "The Mole")
R&R Please! The clues will show you how the people did or did not know that Kari was the mole. Stay tuned! The clues chapter will come soon!