Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Survivor 1 ❯ episode nine ( Chapter 9 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~~Last time on Digimon Survivor: The final Four was announced. Mimi was voted off for a reason. (A/N: If I said it, this would will be rated R -_-PS. I don't write what happens at camp at night. That too will make this R rated -_-) The reward was home movies from the family and their respected digimon. The winner got a phone call home. Unfortunately, there were two winners and they had to share the prize. Those Two were Davis and Kari. Here's the FINAL episode of Survivor.~~
(A/N: Felt like changing the theme. Hey, it's the final four! wouldn't YOU change the theme of survivor when the final four comes?)
Davis: Soccer ball
Matt: Guitar
Kari: Digital Camera
Takato: Playing Cards
Day 25
Matt, Davis, Takato, Kari
(The tribe's flag is swaying in the breeze)
Takato: Who Wrote my name on that slip?!!?
Kari: Calm down dude.
Davis: Don't do anything that you will regret for the rest of your life and won't forget it.
Matt: Uhhh... What He said.
Kari: Be happy guys! So far we have outlasted, outlived, and outplayed our former tribemates. We should be happy that we made it this far!
Takato: She's right. I forgot who wrote my name down anyway. We have one more food challenge left.
*looks around the camp*
(A/N: He JUST noticed something that is abnormal)
Matt: Hey, where did our food go?
Davis: I'm wondering the same thing.
(ND enters)
ND: You're probably wondering where your food is. Some digimon took it while you were sleeping. You will have to earn more yourself. This time, if you win you will win a brand new car. Yes, you heard me right, A BRAND NEW CAR! All you have to do is eat various things on the whell. First one to three points wins. There is brains of a bakemon, numbsludge, mushrooms, apples, chocolate, berries and some water. You turn down an item, you lose a point. When the winner gets a car, the others may check it out then, go back to the camp where the food will be. Oh, if there's a tie, they will have to eat a centipede or a millipede. Begin the challenge. Who will be first?
Davis: I'll go.
(He spins the wheel and it lands on the brains)
Davis: No problem.
(He eats the brains with no problem)
Others: EEEW!
ND: Matt, your up.
(Matt spins the wheel and it lands on the numb sluge.)
Matt: I'm not eating that!
ND: Takato, your next.
(He spins the whell and it lands on the mushrooms.)
Takato: Anything for food.
(He eats them by swollng them whole)
ND: Kari, your next.
(She spins the whell, it lands on the Apple.)
ND: You got off lucky. Davis, spin the whell!
(He spins the whell, it lands on the numb sludge.)
Davis: *Sweatdrop* (A/N ()-_-) I'll eat it.
(He eats it, but has his nose plugged)
ND: Matt, if you turn this one down, you must sit out.
(Matt spins the whell, it lands on the berries.)
Matt: Yummy!
(He eats the berries)
ND: That makes the score Davis with two, Matt with one, Takato with one. Kari with one. Kari's up.
(Kari spins the whell, it lands on the chocolate)
Matt: You lucky -censored-.
ND: There's only one item left. Davis, drink this water, you will have the car.
(Davis actully drinks the water, even though its from the waterfall)
ND: Congradulations Davis. Mind to take a peek?
Davis: Sure.
(The Tribe follows)
---Open Space---
ND: There's your car.
(A/N: It's a 2002 Benz.)
Kari: Wow. Let's check the interior.
(The tribe checks out the car, they return to the camp, eating their food)
DAY 26
Matt, Davis, Takato, Kari
Takato: MAIL CALL!
Matt: *reading*
"Need to stay on the island?
you will try this sport which they call 'fake'. Good luck."
Davis: He doesn't mean..!
Kari: Yes. Wrestling.
---Immunity Challenge----
ND: Matt, give me the egg. This challenge will determine who will hold immunity. This time it is for one day. Wrestling anyone? You should know how to win. Win by pinfall, (A/N: 1, 2, 3) submission, (A/N: tap, tap, tap) or by countout. Matt and Davis are up.
(They both get in ring, the Bell rings)
(They both tie up, Davis does A DDT, then Pins Matt)
ND: 1, 2, (Matt Kicks out) 2!
(Matt begins to wear away on Davis, he goes on top rope, but Davis Catches him and executes a sidewalk slam, then pins again)
ND: 1, 2, (Matt Kicks out) 2!
(Davis hen pulls a Stone Cold Stunner on Matt)
ND: 1, 2, 3!
(Bell Rings)
ND: Davis moves on. Next match is between Takato and Kari.
(They Get in ring, the bell Rings, Kari gets Takato in a Figure four submission, but Takato reaches the ropes.)
ND: Let go! He got to the ropes!
(Kari begins to pound on Takato, but he reverses, Kari pushes him to the canvas, pinning him)
ND: 1, 2, (Takato Kicks out) 2!
(Kari gets Takato in the Walls Of Jerico, and he taps, the bell rings)
ND: Winner: Kari! Final Round: Davis Vs. Kari. Begin.
(The bell rings, They tie up, Davis gets the upper hand by smacking her in the face)
Matt: Ouch. That got to hurt!
(A/N: Back to the match -_-)
(Davis has Kari in an ankle lock, Kari got as close as she could to the ropes, but she couldn't take the pain and taps out, the Bell rings)
ND: Davis has immunity.
Day 27
Matt, Davis, Kari, Takato
Davis: Well, it's time.
Kari: Let's go.
---Tribal council----
ND: Welcome to tribal council one out of three. Let's bring out the Jury.
(Tai, TK, Rika and Mimi enters)
ND: As always, you cannot address the Jury, They cannot address you. Ok, Let's skip the Lecture. Davis, go on and Vote.
(Davis goes and put his vote in the jug, following by Kari. She shows a slip showing Matt.)
Kari: Matt- Sorry. I can't stand you. As a well-known saying goes, "I can't stand another blond." You need to Go.
(Takato votes, then Matt)
ND: I'll tally the votes. First vote...Matt Second vote..Matt. Alright, thats good enough. Matt, bring me your tourch. Matt, the tribe has spoken.
(ND snuffs out Matt's tourch)
ND: It's time for you to leave. Remember to come back to judge.
(to the remaining members of D-3)
ND: Two more Councils. The next one will decide the final member of the jury. Only one vote ths time. Good luck.
Matt: 3 (Davis, Kari, Takato)
Takato: 1 (Matt)
Day 28
Davis: Soccer ball
Kari: Digital Camera
Takato: Playing Cards
Takato: ANOTHER vote.
(Davis: I think Takato Is asking for a boot off this island. He always complains about a vote or something else. I'm telling you, He's going off this island.)
DAY 29
Kari: I think Takato needs to cool down a bit. Let's take him to the waterfall.
Davis: Let's.
:water fall:
Takato: This fells better. Thanks guys.
Davis: you're welcome.
(Kari: I think Takato is asking for a kick in the can. He bugs us too much. Oh man. He is worse than my brother! He needs to be kicked out. He is such a Jackass.)
Davis, Kari, Takato
Takato: Our last mail call for now.
Davis *reading*
"Walking past your memory will remember your old tribemates. Carry it with you when you do the immunity challenge."
Takato: ANOTHER poem.
---SCENE: Field with tourches-----
(They pass by Ken's tourch)
(V.O.) I had a great time on the island. Wish it could last longer.
(They Pass by Joe's tourch next)
(V.O.) Digimon Survivor is a rough show and time to go though.
(They pass by Lee's tourch)
(V.O.) I had fun here. A blast even!
(Tribe walks by Sora's tourch)
(V.O.) I know why I was voted off. Begging didn't help.
(They pass by Rika's tourch)
(V.O.) I'll always carry the memories of the game.
(they pass by Tai's tourch)
(V.O.) I wish I could say I had a great time on the island.
(They pass by TK's tourch)
(V.O.) I had a swell time on the island, along the visitors.
(They walk Past Mimi's tourch)
(V.O.) Great time on this island was fun! I wish I could do it again!
(They walk by the last tourch, which is Matt's)
(V.O.) I wish I could have lasted longer on the island.
----Immunity challenge----
ND: Davis, give back the egg. This is your last immunity challenge. Here you see the immunity egg on a post. Keep a hold of it as long as you can. But there's a catch. You have to stay on logs as well. You fall off, you lose. But, I will tempt you with treats to make you give up. Every thirty minutes, you must move one spot up. A trip results in a fall, which resorts a give up or an out. Get on your positions. SURVIVOR'S READY!! GO!!!
(After two hours, takato loses his grip and falls)
ND: Takato, after two hours, you are out.
(ND offers a free membership in a dance club)
Davis: It's next door to our school. I don't want it.
Kari: Same here.
(After six hours, Davis gives up)
ND: Kari wins.
Davis, Kari, Takato
Takato: Well, here's our last one.
Kari: Every one got their tourches?
Davis: Yep!
----Tribal council-------
ND: Only Kari can vote. Your two votes will cancel out each other. Kari, go vote.
(Kari votes and takes the jug)
ND: The next member of the Jury.. Takato. Bring me your tourch. Takato, Kari has spoken.
(ND snuffs out Takato's tourch)
ND: It's time for you to leave. Have a safe trip home.
(to Davis and Kari)
ND: well, you survived the game. See you tommorrow.
DAY 31
Davis, Kari
Davis: Let's keep the flag.
Kari: Sure. It will remind us of the game.
Davis: Hmm, lets take our fishing rods too. I'll go get some wood for the fire. You might want to look for food.
Kari: Gotcha.
(After fifteen minutes)
Davis: Hope you got some food. I'm a little hungry.
Kari: LITTLE? I had to clean the trees out for us to eat.
(Davis starts the fire the old way, by using the sun and his goggles.)
(Davis: This is our last day on the island. We bette enjoy it while we can. Who knows who will win this game anyway? I'm felling gulity for voiting innocent people left.)
Davis: You didn't?
Kari: Yeah, I did.
(They eat their last dinner)
Kari: I guess we can take apart some of the shelter.
Davis: Fine with me.
(They tear apart the shelter, throwing some in the fire, letting it grow, leaving room for a bed)
Davis: How do you fell about this Kari?
Kari: A little Nervous.
(ND enters)
ND: I see you are enjoying yourselfs. I come with a gift.
(Gives them the digiegg and the old idol)
ND: Show them how you survived the game.
Davis: We will.
(ND Leaves)
Kari: Davis, will you come with me?
Davis: Sure.
(They enter the shelter and gets some sleep before the big judgement)
Kari: Let's go.
----Tribal Council-----
ND: Welcome to your last Tribal council. Let's bring in the Jury.
(Rika, TK, Tai, Matt, Takato and Mimi enters)
ND: Fell free to state your case. Kari, stand up first.
(She stands)
Kari: I want you to vote however you please.
(She sits)
ND: Down to the point. Davis, stand up and state your case.
(He stands)
Davis: I want you to vote with your heart or however you please.
ND: Jury, please ask any questions you wish.
(Mimi stands)
Mimi: Will you forgive me of my actions?
Davis, Kari (unison): Yes.
(She sits, Rika stands)
Rika: Kari, what would you do if you won the prize?
Kari: Help the poor a little.
(She sits, Tai stands)
Tai: Same question Davis.
Davis: Give it to the Christian Childrens Fund.
ND: No other Questions? Go ahead and vote. This time you want too see your name on that slip. It takes four votes to win. If there's a tie, Yolei will vote however she pleases.
(Takato votes, then Mimi votes, showing a slip with Kari's name on it.)
Mimi: Kari- I hope you win sister. That speech touched me.
(Tai votes, then Rika showing the slup with Davis' Name on it.)
Rika: Davis- You showed me the right things to do during this game. Good luck.
(TK votes, then Matt)
ND: I'll Get the jug. But we'll wait to see these on the reunion episode. Which will be LIVE.
Authors Note: Well, theres your final two. Who will win? Find out soon. REUNION COMING SOON! I don't own digimon or the Christian Childrens Fund.
PS. I changed my mind. I'm sticking with Ndogg.
(A/N: Felt like changing the theme. Hey, it's the final four! wouldn't YOU change the theme of survivor when the final four comes?)
Davis: Soccer ball
Matt: Guitar
Kari: Digital Camera
Takato: Playing Cards
Day 25
Matt, Davis, Takato, Kari
(The tribe's flag is swaying in the breeze)
Takato: Who Wrote my name on that slip?!!?
Kari: Calm down dude.
Davis: Don't do anything that you will regret for the rest of your life and won't forget it.
Matt: Uhhh... What He said.
Kari: Be happy guys! So far we have outlasted, outlived, and outplayed our former tribemates. We should be happy that we made it this far!
Takato: She's right. I forgot who wrote my name down anyway. We have one more food challenge left.
*looks around the camp*
(A/N: He JUST noticed something that is abnormal)
Matt: Hey, where did our food go?
Davis: I'm wondering the same thing.
(ND enters)
ND: You're probably wondering where your food is. Some digimon took it while you were sleeping. You will have to earn more yourself. This time, if you win you will win a brand new car. Yes, you heard me right, A BRAND NEW CAR! All you have to do is eat various things on the whell. First one to three points wins. There is brains of a bakemon, numbsludge, mushrooms, apples, chocolate, berries and some water. You turn down an item, you lose a point. When the winner gets a car, the others may check it out then, go back to the camp where the food will be. Oh, if there's a tie, they will have to eat a centipede or a millipede. Begin the challenge. Who will be first?
Davis: I'll go.
(He spins the wheel and it lands on the brains)
Davis: No problem.
(He eats the brains with no problem)
Others: EEEW!
ND: Matt, your up.
(Matt spins the wheel and it lands on the numb sluge.)
Matt: I'm not eating that!
ND: Takato, your next.
(He spins the whell and it lands on the mushrooms.)
Takato: Anything for food.
(He eats them by swollng them whole)
ND: Kari, your next.
(She spins the whell, it lands on the Apple.)
ND: You got off lucky. Davis, spin the whell!
(He spins the whell, it lands on the numb sludge.)
Davis: *Sweatdrop* (A/N ()-_-) I'll eat it.
(He eats it, but has his nose plugged)
ND: Matt, if you turn this one down, you must sit out.
(Matt spins the whell, it lands on the berries.)
Matt: Yummy!
(He eats the berries)
ND: That makes the score Davis with two, Matt with one, Takato with one. Kari with one. Kari's up.
(Kari spins the whell, it lands on the chocolate)
Matt: You lucky -censored-.
ND: There's only one item left. Davis, drink this water, you will have the car.
(Davis actully drinks the water, even though its from the waterfall)
ND: Congradulations Davis. Mind to take a peek?
Davis: Sure.
(The Tribe follows)
---Open Space---
ND: There's your car.
(A/N: It's a 2002 Benz.)
Kari: Wow. Let's check the interior.
(The tribe checks out the car, they return to the camp, eating their food)
DAY 26
Matt, Davis, Takato, Kari
Takato: MAIL CALL!
Matt: *reading*
"Need to stay on the island?
you will try this sport which they call 'fake'. Good luck."
Davis: He doesn't mean..!
Kari: Yes. Wrestling.
---Immunity Challenge----
ND: Matt, give me the egg. This challenge will determine who will hold immunity. This time it is for one day. Wrestling anyone? You should know how to win. Win by pinfall, (A/N: 1, 2, 3) submission, (A/N: tap, tap, tap) or by countout. Matt and Davis are up.
(They both get in ring, the Bell rings)
(They both tie up, Davis does A DDT, then Pins Matt)
ND: 1, 2, (Matt Kicks out) 2!
(Matt begins to wear away on Davis, he goes on top rope, but Davis Catches him and executes a sidewalk slam, then pins again)
ND: 1, 2, (Matt Kicks out) 2!
(Davis hen pulls a Stone Cold Stunner on Matt)
ND: 1, 2, 3!
(Bell Rings)
ND: Davis moves on. Next match is between Takato and Kari.
(They Get in ring, the bell Rings, Kari gets Takato in a Figure four submission, but Takato reaches the ropes.)
ND: Let go! He got to the ropes!
(Kari begins to pound on Takato, but he reverses, Kari pushes him to the canvas, pinning him)
ND: 1, 2, (Takato Kicks out) 2!
(Kari gets Takato in the Walls Of Jerico, and he taps, the bell rings)
ND: Winner: Kari! Final Round: Davis Vs. Kari. Begin.
(The bell rings, They tie up, Davis gets the upper hand by smacking her in the face)
Matt: Ouch. That got to hurt!
(A/N: Back to the match -_-)
(Davis has Kari in an ankle lock, Kari got as close as she could to the ropes, but she couldn't take the pain and taps out, the Bell rings)
ND: Davis has immunity.
Day 27
Matt, Davis, Kari, Takato
Davis: Well, it's time.
Kari: Let's go.
---Tribal council----
ND: Welcome to tribal council one out of three. Let's bring out the Jury.
(Tai, TK, Rika and Mimi enters)
ND: As always, you cannot address the Jury, They cannot address you. Ok, Let's skip the Lecture. Davis, go on and Vote.
(Davis goes and put his vote in the jug, following by Kari. She shows a slip showing Matt.)
Kari: Matt- Sorry. I can't stand you. As a well-known saying goes, "I can't stand another blond." You need to Go.
(Takato votes, then Matt)
ND: I'll tally the votes. First vote...Matt Second vote..Matt. Alright, thats good enough. Matt, bring me your tourch. Matt, the tribe has spoken.
(ND snuffs out Matt's tourch)
ND: It's time for you to leave. Remember to come back to judge.
(to the remaining members of D-3)
ND: Two more Councils. The next one will decide the final member of the jury. Only one vote ths time. Good luck.
Matt: 3 (Davis, Kari, Takato)
Takato: 1 (Matt)
Day 28
Davis: Soccer ball
Kari: Digital Camera
Takato: Playing Cards
Takato: ANOTHER vote.
(Davis: I think Takato Is asking for a boot off this island. He always complains about a vote or something else. I'm telling you, He's going off this island.)
DAY 29
Kari: I think Takato needs to cool down a bit. Let's take him to the waterfall.
Davis: Let's.
:water fall:
Takato: This fells better. Thanks guys.
Davis: you're welcome.
(Kari: I think Takato is asking for a kick in the can. He bugs us too much. Oh man. He is worse than my brother! He needs to be kicked out. He is such a Jackass.)
Davis, Kari, Takato
Takato: Our last mail call for now.
Davis *reading*
"Walking past your memory will remember your old tribemates. Carry it with you when you do the immunity challenge."
Takato: ANOTHER poem.
---SCENE: Field with tourches-----
(They pass by Ken's tourch)
(V.O.) I had a great time on the island. Wish it could last longer.
(They Pass by Joe's tourch next)
(V.O.) Digimon Survivor is a rough show and time to go though.
(They pass by Lee's tourch)
(V.O.) I had fun here. A blast even!
(Tribe walks by Sora's tourch)
(V.O.) I know why I was voted off. Begging didn't help.
(They pass by Rika's tourch)
(V.O.) I'll always carry the memories of the game.
(they pass by Tai's tourch)
(V.O.) I wish I could say I had a great time on the island.
(They pass by TK's tourch)
(V.O.) I had a swell time on the island, along the visitors.
(They walk Past Mimi's tourch)
(V.O.) Great time on this island was fun! I wish I could do it again!
(They walk by the last tourch, which is Matt's)
(V.O.) I wish I could have lasted longer on the island.
----Immunity challenge----
ND: Davis, give back the egg. This is your last immunity challenge. Here you see the immunity egg on a post. Keep a hold of it as long as you can. But there's a catch. You have to stay on logs as well. You fall off, you lose. But, I will tempt you with treats to make you give up. Every thirty minutes, you must move one spot up. A trip results in a fall, which resorts a give up or an out. Get on your positions. SURVIVOR'S READY!! GO!!!
(After two hours, takato loses his grip and falls)
ND: Takato, after two hours, you are out.
(ND offers a free membership in a dance club)
Davis: It's next door to our school. I don't want it.
Kari: Same here.
(After six hours, Davis gives up)
ND: Kari wins.
Davis, Kari, Takato
Takato: Well, here's our last one.
Kari: Every one got their tourches?
Davis: Yep!
----Tribal council-------
ND: Only Kari can vote. Your two votes will cancel out each other. Kari, go vote.
(Kari votes and takes the jug)
ND: The next member of the Jury.. Takato. Bring me your tourch. Takato, Kari has spoken.
(ND snuffs out Takato's tourch)
ND: It's time for you to leave. Have a safe trip home.
(to Davis and Kari)
ND: well, you survived the game. See you tommorrow.
DAY 31
Davis, Kari
Davis: Let's keep the flag.
Kari: Sure. It will remind us of the game.
Davis: Hmm, lets take our fishing rods too. I'll go get some wood for the fire. You might want to look for food.
Kari: Gotcha.
(After fifteen minutes)
Davis: Hope you got some food. I'm a little hungry.
Kari: LITTLE? I had to clean the trees out for us to eat.
(Davis starts the fire the old way, by using the sun and his goggles.)
(Davis: This is our last day on the island. We bette enjoy it while we can. Who knows who will win this game anyway? I'm felling gulity for voiting innocent people left.)
Davis: You didn't?
Kari: Yeah, I did.
(They eat their last dinner)
Kari: I guess we can take apart some of the shelter.
Davis: Fine with me.
(They tear apart the shelter, throwing some in the fire, letting it grow, leaving room for a bed)
Davis: How do you fell about this Kari?
Kari: A little Nervous.
(ND enters)
ND: I see you are enjoying yourselfs. I come with a gift.
(Gives them the digiegg and the old idol)
ND: Show them how you survived the game.
Davis: We will.
(ND Leaves)
Kari: Davis, will you come with me?
Davis: Sure.
(They enter the shelter and gets some sleep before the big judgement)
Kari: Let's go.
----Tribal Council-----
ND: Welcome to your last Tribal council. Let's bring in the Jury.
(Rika, TK, Tai, Matt, Takato and Mimi enters)
ND: Fell free to state your case. Kari, stand up first.
(She stands)
Kari: I want you to vote however you please.
(She sits)
ND: Down to the point. Davis, stand up and state your case.
(He stands)
Davis: I want you to vote with your heart or however you please.
ND: Jury, please ask any questions you wish.
(Mimi stands)
Mimi: Will you forgive me of my actions?
Davis, Kari (unison): Yes.
(She sits, Rika stands)
Rika: Kari, what would you do if you won the prize?
Kari: Help the poor a little.
(She sits, Tai stands)
Tai: Same question Davis.
Davis: Give it to the Christian Childrens Fund.
ND: No other Questions? Go ahead and vote. This time you want too see your name on that slip. It takes four votes to win. If there's a tie, Yolei will vote however she pleases.
(Takato votes, then Mimi votes, showing a slip with Kari's name on it.)
Mimi: Kari- I hope you win sister. That speech touched me.
(Tai votes, then Rika showing the slup with Davis' Name on it.)
Rika: Davis- You showed me the right things to do during this game. Good luck.
(TK votes, then Matt)
ND: I'll Get the jug. But we'll wait to see these on the reunion episode. Which will be LIVE.
Authors Note: Well, theres your final two. Who will win? Find out soon. REUNION COMING SOON! I don't own digimon or the Christian Childrens Fund.
PS. I changed my mind. I'm sticking with Ndogg.