Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon survivor 2 ❯ battle of the DD ( Chapter 3 )

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Last time on Digimon Survivor 2: Cody was voted off because of his attitude problem. Leo's got some gormét steaks for winning the reward challenge as a group. What will happen on today's episode of Digimon Survivor?


They're back for the game

To re-survive for this test

Back to see tribal council

Back to get immunity

BOOM! Back again!

Tempers may flare,

Stay Aware!


Tai- Goggles

Sora- Hat

TK- Telescope

Mimi- Lotion

Takato- Playing Cards

Ken- Shampoo


Rika- Hair Gel (Vanised- Day 3)

Cody- Kendo Stick (Voted off- Day 6)


Davis- Meditation Kit

Kari- Camera

Joe- Health Kit

Matt- Bible

Lee- Sketch Book

Zoe- Tarot Cards


Yolei- Hair Dye (Voted off- Day 3)

Day 7


Tai, Sora, TK, Mimi, Takato, Ken

Tai: "What had to be done, Must be done. He was a creep."

(Takato: "Tribal Council gives me the creeps! At least we got the short kid out. He was getting on our nerves! You know how much When People raise their voice at the tribe, or worse, Myself! I hope we have better luck this time. I fear my end is near.")

TK: "Yeah, Four Votes were enough to get that sucker off. From what I heard, Someone broke our allience. Oh well, A Day's a Day. Hey, tribe look, Geckomon! Man, I'm starving!"

Mimi: "I agree with you. I'm so hungry, I could eat Palmon! I'm kidding. I hate Geckomon anyway! They creep me out!"


Tai, Sora, TK, Mimi, Takato, Ken


Kari, Davis, Matt, Lee, Joe, Zoe

Matt: "For god so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, and whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, and have everlasting life."

(Davis: I'm glad Matt Brung his Bible. Some of us were unclean, following the way of the Devil. I'm Thankful of Matt and his Preachings.)

Day 8


Kari, Davis, Matt, Lee, Joe, Zoe

Joe: "Mail."

Davis: *reaading*

"To win this challenge

You need to stength

To find your prize beneath."

Zoe: "Strength challenge?"


Tai, Sora, TK, Mimi, Takato, Ken

Sora: "We have mail!"

Takato: *reaading*

"To win this challenge

You need to stength

To find your prize beneath."

`Reward challenge~

Author: "Welcome to the reward challenge. Today's prize is a KEG of a drink of your choice. Here, you must carry one of your tribe mates like the slaves of King Tut did back when he was pharoh. Make three laps around spiral mountain. Oh, you will be blind folded during this challenge. Get in Positions. Survivor's ready, GO!"

(The Leo Tribe Lifts Kari and the Patas Lift Mimi as they go around the Huge Spiral Mountain. The Pata's get the Lead as Joe Tripped over a tree root and fell. They regain position on the last lap, They caught up to the other tribe. Before you can Say 'Gatomon is the Princess of the digiworld' The Pata's won the prize)

Author: "Winner of a Keg of Mug root beer, Pata's!"

(The Pata tribe celebrates their victory)


Kari, Davis, Matt, Lee, Joe, Zoe

Lee: "A loss is a loss guys."

Zoe: "We need to form an allience just in case we visit tribal council tommorrow. Let's say we vote Joe off."

Lee: "I'm in!"

Day 9


Tai, Sora, TK, Mimi, Takato, Ken

Sora: "Mail!"

Mimi: *reading* "Three of you will run

While the other three will light

to avoid a vote,

You'll need to put up a fight"


Kari, Davis, Matt, Lee, Joe, Zoe

Joe: "mail!"

Zoe: *reading*

"Three of you will run

While the other three will light

to avoid a vote,

You'll need to put up a fight"

~Immunity challenge~

Author: "Leo's, give me the immunity egg back. (Kari hands it over) It's now for grabs again. Three will from a Prymid or stairs, while the other three lights the unlit Tribal Council torches. First tribe to ligt all six of theirs will win the immunity egg. GO!"

(Davis, Joe, and Lee form a prymid, as well as Tai, Mimi, and Sora. Zoe lights the first one, but wobbles trying to light the second one. Ken, on the other hand, stays balanced, and lights all six of the torches.)

Author: "Pata's wins immunity!"

(The camera shows the Leo tribe finish their challenge.)

Author: "Bring those to tribal concil now."

(The Leo tribe follows Author)

Author: "Welcome back to tribal council. Someone will be the forth person off the digiworld. Any comments before we start the voting?"

(Silene fulfills the Leo tribe)

Author: "lets start the voting. Kari vote on."

(Kari goes up and writes down Joe.)

Kari: "I thought We trusted you in the immunity challenge. We knew better than to pick you. I'm sorry."

(Kari leaves, Zoe walks up and Votes for Joe)

Zoe: "Joe- I thought you knew the Hipocratic (is that how you spell it?) Oath. Guess not.

(Rest of the tribe votes)

Author: "I'll go tally the votes. (retrives the canister) Four votes to kick off. Here we go. First Vote: Joe."

(Joe nods)

Author: "second vote: Dr. Joe"

(Joe simply nods)

Author: "Third vote: Doctor Joe"

(Joe gets his torch ready)

Author: "The fourth person out: Joe. The rest we do not need to read. Joe, the tribe has spoken. Time to go home. Leo tribe, you have survivred another Tribal Council. Have a safe three more days on the island."

Joe's Final words:

"Déja Vu happened again. I'm off to see another doctor to cleanse my allergies because of the hey fever and possible West Nile."


Joe-5 (Kari, Davis, Matt, Lee, Zoe)

Matt-1 (Joe)

More to come!

Disclaimer: Standard. I'm sorry for stealing Rena's. They will be Pata's from now on. Read and Review!