Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digital Reflection ❯ Chapter 6: Evolution of Data ( Chapter 6 )
Digital Reflection
By Wolf O'Donnell
Author's Note: Digimon is copyrighted by Bandai and Toei Animation. All other characters are probably copyrighted by me. I am copyrighted by Nintendo, but that has nothing to do with the story. This fanfic is set within a completely different dimension from any of the TV shows or comics and features a lot of death, so if you're squeamish about that sort of thing, leave now. Visit my website at http://strwlf.cjb.net. 'Nuff said. Read fic now please. (P.S this story is a bit slow to start, the Digimon might not appear until at least three chapters into the story).
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Chapter 6: Evolution of Data
In retrospect it was rather silly of him. Takeru dodged another ball of fire, and dived for cover behind some drums of oil. He should have been looking where he was going, instead of concentrating fully on whether Fumiko was all right or not. Now he was fighting against a DigiAnthrope. 'Is the world full of them now?' he wondered.
"Come on out, coward!" shouted the WerePyrodramon that stood on the other side of the barrels. "If you don't, I'll be forced to blow you to pieces!" The scaly DigiAnthrope looked around him with human, sky-blue eyes. "I'm warning you!" he cried. "This is no way for a grown man to fight!" With a sigh, he lunged out and knocked the metallic drums over.
Lightning quick, Takeru fired the gun, but missed as the WerePyrodramon performed a back-flip. He re-aimed and was about to fire when a scaly arm knocked the gun out of his grasp. Backing off, Takeru looked at the creature in fear. Red and black scales covered the body of the WerePyrodramon. The thing looked like a wingless Western-style dragon. If only he knew how to transform, then he would be able to fight against him.
"Who are you?" he asked.
"The name's Captain Reisz," replied the DigiAnthrope, as his right scaly hand burst into flames. 'Try this Fire Bouquet on for size!' He threw the ball of fire at Takeru, watching as it broke off into smaller balls of flames that curved towards his opponent.
Takeru was suddenly engulfed in the searing heat and pain of the flames.
Reisz gasped and backed off. He had suspected that the intruder was a DigiAnthrope, but he had never expected the boy's Digimon form to be so large. Craning his head upwards, he finally saw the long, dragon-like face on the Seadramon's face. Though out of water, the Seadramon looked quite at home sitting on the land like a snake.
"That's more like it," commented Reisz. "You should face your fears and fight them head on." He crossed his arms and then spread them out, a wall of flames hurtling towards his opponent.
Out of instinct more than anything else, Takeru inhaled sharply. 'Ice Blast!' A powerful gust of cold air flew from his mouth and smashed into the wall of flames, neutralising them. He then lashed out at Reisz with his long tail, flicking the smaller Digimon off of his feet. 'This is going to be easy' he thought to himself, as he slithered over towards his opponent and wrapped his long body around Reisz and began to squeeze like a snake.
Light. The darkness that filled the room disappeared. Kai stepped into the light and towards the large metallic object that lay in the large and mainly deserted warehouse. Brushing dandruff of the shoulder pads of his stolen, black UN uniform, he walked over towards the large object with Paul.
"What do you think it is?" he asked the blonde-haired ex-UN soldier.
"Looks like a component for a rocket," replied Paul, as he ran a gloved hand over the metallic exterior. He spotted a symbol painted on to the side. "EVA Aeronautics." From the dark recesses of his mind, he retrieved the necessary information. EVA Aeronautics was situated in Farnborough, not too far away from where they were. "It looks too large to be for a missile though. I wonder where it's going."
"Pecunia, I'd suppose," suggested Kai, not thinking of the other two options. "Say, Cody, you..." he began, as he turned round, but trailed off when he found that he and Paul were the only ones there. "Cody?" He looked all around him, walking away from the large rocket booster. "Cody, where'd you go?"
Paul turned round with a frown on his face.
"Fumiko and Takeru aren't here either," he stated. How could they have been so blind to the obvious? "We'd better go back and look for them."
"You're not going anywhere," said a voice in the middle of the quietness.
The entire warehouse was suddenly flooded with light, an intense and bright light that nearly blinded them both.
"What do you two think you're doing here?" asked a soldier, as he marched in, armed with a rifle.
"We were sent here by Lieutenant Hoffman," replied Paul quickly. "She wanted us to check up on the rocket booster."
One of the soldiers frowned.
"Really?" she exclaimed. There was a pause, as she looked at him more intently. "Wait a minute! You're not UN soldiers." She aimed her rifle directly at him. "Who are you?"
"What do you mean we're not UN soldiers?" asked Kai. "How the Hell can you say such a thing?" It was then that he noticed a slight difference in their uniforms. 'We forgot to remove the old EVA emblems from these things!' he realised in horror. 'My mistake. My fault.' He couldn't believe he had been so careless. 'This is my mess, so I'd better clear it up' he thought to himself, as he began the first steps of transformation.
The other soldier swore, as he backed away from the transforming DigiAnthrope.
"Man, how many of these damn things are out here?" he exclaimed.
"Never mind, let's get rid of them," retorted his female partner, as she aimed at Kai and opened fire.
The Garurumon leapt out of the way, inhaling sharply. A Howling Blaster made her gun icy cold, which would have made her drop it, had she not been wearing gloves like every other soldier in the world. Realising his mistake, he threw his shoulder into her, pushing her down to the ground.
Paul roared loudly. In his Leomon form, he rushed the female soldier's partner and grabbed his gun, snapping it in half with his bare hands. He then smiled toothily at the UN soldier, whom ran away. Turning round he watched as Kai grappled with the rifle in the remaining soldier's hands. He was about to go and help, when he heard the multiple clicking of rifles. Not daring to turn round, he used his keen sense of leonine smell. Human. Correction. Humans, armed with rifles, and likely with the rifles aimed at him.
"Hold it there, freak," said a stern voice, that likely belonged to one of the many soldiers behind Paul.
'A Fist of the Beast King attack would do the trick' he realised, as he thought about his options. How many were there though? If there were over ten, the trick was not likely to work. 'It's worth a try.' He sighed, charging up the attack in his hands, as he stood there with his back to them. Whirling round quickly, he saw them pulling the trigger. Simultaneously leaping into the air, he launched his energy attack down at the soldiers.
The lion-head-shaped mass of energy flew through the air and smashed into the ground in front of the soldiers. Some were flown back by the force, and those that weren't, were knocked over by flailing limbs. Bullets flew into the air, all missing Paul by miles.
Kai yelped in pain. The UN soldier stood up, as he turned his head to look at her. She had her rifle aimed at him. 'Not good' he realised, as his mind began going over what would happen over and over again. 'Stop that! Think of a way out of this!' he told himself mentally.
"Let's get out of here!" he barked to Paul, before leaping over the female soldier and on to the large rocket booster.
The soldier cursed her luck and turned round to face the leonine WereDigimon.
"Gone!" she exclaimed in disbelief. She whirled round quickly. She had now lost both DigiAnthropes. "I've failed Lt. Hoffman."
Bridgette lashed her claws at the WereKyubimon, only for the DigiAnthrope to dodge her attack. 'She's just as agile as I am' she mused, as she thought through her options. 'Agility is no way to defeat her. How else can I get through?' She watched as the fox Digimon spread her tails out again. Readying herself, she waited until the WereKyubimon launched her attack. With cat-like grace, she leapt over the multiple balls of blue fire and lashed out.
With a sharp yelp of pain, Fumiko leapt back, clutching at her furry cheek. 'She's just as agile as I am' she realised, as she thought through her options. 'Well, we'll just have to try using power.'
"You're pretty fast, but let's see you dodge this!" she cried. "Dragon Wheel!" She leapt through the air and a wheel of fire flew through the air towards Bridgette.
'Time out to test out to test the D-Power!' she realised. A smile spread across her face. She knew that every DigiAnthrope had a special D-Power and she was going to use hers.
"D-Power Activate!" she commanded. "Double Time!"
Before Fumiko knew what was going on, Bridgette had rushed her and slashed her claws against her furry cheek several times. She fell back to the ground with a heavy thud, that nearly jarred every bone in her body.
"Stay away from her!" shouted a loud voice.
"Cody?" exclaimed Fumiko, upon recognising the American accent in that voice. She watched as a large blue Digimon with white-grey wings leapt in between her and Bridgette. Her vulpine ears picked up the conversation between the two.
"It doesn't matter who I am," replied Cody bravely, as he stood there in his Digimon form, an Exveemon. He whirled round, his tail smacking into Bridgette and knocking the feline WereDigimon out of the way. Bending down, he scooped Fumiko up into his arms and took flight. "Come on, let's get out of here."
"What about Shibumi?" she asked him.
"He's not here anymore," he replied with a stern expression on his face. He looked at her and allowed a smile to form on his face. "Let's get you out of here and into a change of clothes."
Takeru cried out in pain, letting go of Reisz. He looked at his opponent with a frown on his face. Reisz had grown wings and become an entirely new Digimon. This was a pressing matter.
"Fist of the Beast King!"
Reisz turned round and leapt. Just in time. Had he been any later, and he would have been hit by the full force of a Leomon's most powerful attack.
"What is this?" he snarled angrily. "Where are you all coming from?" He couldn't believe his luck. "Never mind. I'm going to destroy you all, for His Excellency!" He inhaled sharply and breathed out, a jet of flames flying from his dragon-like mouth.
Both Kai and Takeru met the attack with their icy attacks combined, neutralising the fire in an instant.
"You're a soldier, aren't you?" asked Paul. "Well, if you are a true soldier, you'd know when to quit."
With a sigh, Reisz shook his head.
"Being a soldier isn't about quitting," he retorted. "Being a soldier is about fighting for a cause, even if it means fighting to the death!" He flung out his right, scaly hand and the air in front of him exploded.
The explosion caught Takeru's scaly skin, throwing him across the base. He landed with a heavy thud that nearly knocked Kai off of his feet. Moving weakly, Takeru felt limp and then reverted back to his human form.
Kai ran towads the new Ultimate level DigiAnthrope. He had no idea how he knew it was an Ultimate level Digimon, he just did. He leapt at Reisz and was thrown back by another set of explosions that tore through the air. He crashed into Paul and then landed in a furry heap next to the barely conscious Takeru.
"Perhaps you three should quit while you're still ahead," suggested Reisz, as he advanced towards them.
He sighed. Looking out of the window, he saw nothing but clouds beneath him. Marshal Kaplan had no idea what was going on below him in Aldershot. He had no idea of what was going on at Moscow with Dr. Yamaki and Col. Takenawa. Mind too preoccupied with the thoughts of what he would say when he got at Pecunia, he wouldn't even realise what was going on if he was there. 'Wars should be fought with people not machines' he thought carefully to himself, as he looked down at the clouds.
It was cold out there, just like it was cold within his own heart. 'These Mercuries must not be built or we will enter an era when wars will truly be horrific' he thought to himself. He would do everything in his power to stop the Pecunia Conglomerate from creating these- what he considered to be- metallic monstrosities. 'At least the DigiAnthropes have souls, unlike these Mercuries of Oikawa's. DigiAnthropes have morales that can prevent them from committing atrocities, while Mercuries have none.'
Kaplan shuddered at the possibilities that these Mercuries could conceive. 'We must not remove the horror from war, because by doing that, we also remove its beauty.' He was determined to remove the threat that Pecunia proposed to the UN at any cost, but first he knew that he had to try by diplomatic means.
"No point in fighting a war, without at least extending the olive branch first," he said out loud. Kaplan saw a break in the clouds and smiled. "No. There must not be blood shed so early on in the game, not when our DigiAnthropes are so young and inexperienced. Fight well and make your decisions wisely, young DigiAnthropes, for you will need to grow stronger and wiser."
Turning his head to face the front of the plane, he closed his eyes and leaned back into the chair, allowing a content smile to spread across his face. 'Grow stronger and wiser, youngs ones... stronger and wiser.'
To be continued...