Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digital Smoothy ❯ Seperation and Re-Distrabution ( Chapter 1 )
A/N: Hello, everyone, this is Dragonmaster TC, with another Digimon Fanfic. I will warn you now, I'll try my best to keep the people in character, but at points they may seem OOC. Another thing, I'm not 100% sure about the ages, I did age them all, but I'm not sure if the spread is right. In fact, I'll give you the ages right now. Joe will be about 25, Izzy will be 23, Tai, Matt, Sora, and Mimi, are 22. Ryo and Henry are 19. Davis, TK, Kari, Takato, Rika, Kazu, Kenta and Jeri are 18. Cody and Suzie are 16. Mako and Ai are 14. Please don't flame me if I got the ages wrong or if my writing is not all that great, I'm still new to writing fanfics, so give me a break, please. Oh, now the disclaimer, I don't own any of the characters, or events used in this fic. They are the property of Bandai and Toei. Well, I'm off, please enjoy!
Chapter 1: Separation and Re-Distribution
***(the Digidestined's Digital World)
It has been several years since MaloMyotismon fell at the hands of the Digidestined. And things had become pretty peaceful and calm....
......At least in the Digital World. In the real world, Tk and Davis received some pretty shocking news. It turns out that.... Well, I'll let them explain, right now, all of the guys had gathered in the Digital World, to help TK and Davis out.
Ken: Well, for one thing, it will stop you two from fighting anymore.
TK: But we had already stopped fighting, we buried the hatchet a couple of months ago.
Davis: Yeah, if you guys would pay attention, Tk and me haven't been at each others throats in weeks *to himself* (but I guess you guys don't pay enough attention to details like that.)
Cody: But we did pay attention Davis, at least I did.
Davis: (What! Can Cody read my thoughts or something?)
Cody: But your story does sound a little iffy, Why would Kari do that?
TK: I don't know, I really don't know.
Joe: Wait, could you repeat exactly what happened, I'm a little lost.
Davis: Ok, but I'll let TK tell it, he saw what happened.
Tk: Ok... it all happened about two hours ago....
I was heading over to Kari's to see if she wanted to go see a movie or something. On my way there, I ran into Davis. We talked about some things, and then I told him about my movie plans, he asked if he could come along, and I said sure, so we both walked over to the apartment. Davis decided to wait down stairs and I went up to Kari's place. When I got there, I noticed that the door was open a bit. Getting worried, I entered. I knew I should have shouted out, but I didn't. When I got to the living room, I saw Kari.... and another guy I recognized from school, they were on the couch..... Making out *his and Davis' face blanch* I was then I shouted out, scaring Kari and the guy. Then there was this big argument between Kari and myself, when I asked her why, she said "she just kinda decided on Kohiro"..... can you believe it, just kinda deciding on him, with out telling me or Davis. And the Whole time, the guy was just sitting there, with the biggest smirk on his face. After that, I just headed to the door and ran down the stairs, right past Davis. After he caught up with me and heard the story, he was about ready to pound the guys' face in, but it was then that you guys called us about coming to the Digital World.
***(end Flashback)***
Tai: Kari.... when I tell mom, you'll be in so much....
TK: No, please don't.....
Davis: Yeah..... she was in the wrong for not telling us.....but her life is her life.... as much as I hate to admit.... I mean, I wanted to lose to TK, not some Jock.
Matt: Well, like you said, what is done is done, there is little you can do to change her mind, but you two know that if you need to, we're all here for you two, Sora, Mimi, and Yolie included.
TK&Davis: Thanks you guys... now, why did we come here in the first place?
Izzy: I got a report from Gennai that some Digimon have been causing some disturbance around here. So he wanted us to check on it.
Davis: Ok, lets go, maybe a little action will help me feel better.
Veemon: Alright!!!! That's the Davish I know, lets go!
Patamon: TK... are you sure you're up to it?
TK: .....Yeah, I'm ready, thanks for the concern Patamon.
Patamon: No problem TK, now lets go kick some bad Digital Butt!!!
***(now to the Tamer's/03 real world)***
Takato Matsuki was busy getting a fresh batch of bread out of the oven, when he heard the door to the bakery open and then the bell on the counter ring. "Just a minute, I'll be right there." Takato yelled as he set the tray to cool. He had told his parents that they needed a little down time, so he said that they should go to a movie, and since he was 18, he would run the bakery. Once he finished, he rushed out to help out his customers. "Hi and welcome to the Matsuki bakery what can I get for....you.... hey guys....um, what's up?"
Yep, you probably guessed it, but all the other tamers had just walked into the bakery. Henry, Suzie, Kazu, Kenta, Jeri, Ryo, Mako and Ai, and lastly, (but not leastly) , Rika. Takato was also quick to notice that all the digimon were with them, including Guilmon *As an explanation, about four months passed after the D-reaper incident and all the Digimon were sent back to the Digital world. Takato discovered a portal back to the Digital world, after telling everyone about this. All the tamers decided to go back and rescue their friends, after a few days, a battle or two, and meeting an Elecmon who re-activated Jeri's D-Ark and became known as the Rookie form of Leomon (don't ask how it happened, just smile and nod). The tamers and their digimon were back in the real world. And thanks to a special program from Yamaki, they have stayed for almost eight years now, and see no need to head back .*
Takato: Um, what's happening? Was there some sort of party that I wasn't told about?
Rika: No, Goggle head, there is no party that you were not told about.
Takato: Ok, Ok, sorry for the joke *to himself* (Now I understand how Terriermon, feels, these guys can't take a joke, bad as his are).
Terriermon: Hey, my jokes aren't all that bad, right guys? *suddenly, the wall and floor look very interesting to the others* Thanks a lot you guys.
Henry: Momentai Terriermon.
Terriermon: Hey, that's my line.
Henry: What ever, actually Takato, Yamaki sent us to get you, it seems that he needs us for something, something about creating another barrier to stop other wild ones from emerging, he says that it won't effect our Digimon, but it will stop others from bio-emerging.
Suzie: Great, that means no more getting up at three in the morning to battle, right Lopmon? *don't forget, she's 16 now, no more baby talk*
Lopmon: But Suzie, you're usually still up till four before you actually go to sleep.
Suzie: Lopmon, you weren't supposed to let Henry know about that!
Lopmon: *covering her mouth* Oh, no! Did I just say that out loud *bows her head* I'm sorry Suzie.
Terriermon: Aww, don't worry Lopmon, Henry usually doesn't go to sleep at all....until he's in school.
Henry: Terriermon!!!
Terriermon: Well it's true, you stay up all night looking at those half nude girls online.
Henry: *really angry* Terriermon!!! *notices Rika, Jeri, Ai, and Suzie are looking evilly at him* It's not true, I swear.
Terriermon: *noticing that his joke has got Henry in deep trouble* Um, Henry's telling the truth.... um, I'm the one doing that! *notices that Lopmon is glaring at him* Um.... sorry?
Lopmon: TERRIERMON, HENTAI NO BAKA!! *Smacks him over the head*
Terriermon: *rubbing the bump on his head he just received* There's just no way for this dog-bunny to win, is there?
Impmon: *grinning* Hey never knew you had it in you bunny boy! *notices all the girls Digimon and human, are glaring at him* What? Was it something I said?
Takato: *sweatdropping* Um, ok, let me write a note to my folks to let them know where I am, and I'll close up. *to Guilmon, and the other digimon* And no taking samples of the bread, if you want some, get someone to buy it for you. *walks away, then comes back with a large tray of fresh bread* just kidding, there's enough bread there of everyone *the Digimon, minus Renamon, give a loud cheer, Renamon quietly smirks, she would never tell, but she's almost as big of a fan of Matsuki bread as Guilmon*
Soon after, the whole group trudged off toward the new Hypnos building. After showing a special ID card given to them by Yamaki, and heading up a flight a stairs, they reached a familiar looking dome, with Riley in her raised chair, monitoring the Digital plane.
Riley: Hey guys, welcome, Mr. Yamaki is waiting for you in that room. *points to a door*
Takato: Thanks Ms. Riley, Oh, here *places a bag on a table* I brought some fresh bagels, no day old ones in the bunch.
Riley: Thanks Takato, now hurry up, Yamaki is waiting, and you know how much he hates to wait.
Takato: Sure thing, Ok, guys lets go!
Upon entering the room, The Tamers see Yamaki standing near a large spinning ring, in the middle of the ring was a red, watery looking substance.*Think of one of the Chaos Gates from .hack fame, again I don't own, nor am I part of, project .hack* As the Tamers stared, Yamaki turned to them.
Yamaki: Ahh... I'm glad you guys got here finally, it took you long enough.
Takato: Sorry Mr. Yamaki, I had to close up shop (wow, as cheerful as before)
Yamaki: Ok, just as long as you're here, that's all that matters. Ok, listen up as Wong probably told you guys, this is a special firewall, it will prevent any other wild ones from Bio-emerging, and it won't have an effect on the digimon all ready here, especially with that program Shibumi and I implanted in you. Now I called you here because to seal it, we need some data from your digimon, we won't actually as you to give up any data, just use the data from your attacks. In groups of four I'll need you to step up and fire one attack into the barrier, got it? Ok.... the first up are.... Guilmon, Terriermon, Marineangemon, ....and that purple Digimon.
Impmon: Hey, I got a name you know, it's Impmon!
Yamaki: Ok, what ever, you four are up first.
***(Back to the season 2 universe)***
Davis: Alright!!! taking care of those guys really did help out my mood!
Veemon: I told you, beating up stuff is a great stress releaser.
Tai: *to Agumon* You did great today buddy, no one can accuse you of being rusty.
Agumon: *hitting his chest with his claw* Nope, I'm in as good of a shape as I've ever been in.
Gabumon: Hey, TK, are you feeling better?
TK: Yeah, thanks Gabumon, you too Patamon, you were great out there.
Patamon: *blushing lightly* Thanks TK!
Wormmon: Did I do good Ken?
Ken: Of Course you did Wormmon *Yawn* but all this excitement has worn me out, lets find a Digi-port and go home.
Soon, the group came toward a TV, finally thinking it was time for a little R&R The younger four stepped up to open the portal.
**(season three)**
Takato: Ok, Guilmon, lets do it!
Guilmon: Ok, Takatomon
Terriermon: Henry, are you ready?
Henry: Hey, I'm supposed to be asking you that!
Terriermon: Momentai
Kenta: Are you up for this Marineangemon?
Marineangemon: pi pi pipipipi pi (I'm ready Kenta)
Kenta: Ok, buddy, lets do this!
Mako: Come on Impmon!
Ai: Yeah, lets do this
Impmon: *quickly smirks* No problem
**(season 2)**
Davis: Ok, guys, lets go home.... Digi!!!
Terriermon: BUNNY BLAST!!
Ken: OP..
Marineangemon: Pipipipi poof (Kahuna Wave)
Cody: .....EN!!!
Impmon: BADA BOOM!!!
Suddenly, there was a great explosion that came from both the Digi-port and the Barrier and a large Vacuum force activated, soon the others could only watch as Davis, TK, Ken, and Cody, along with their Digimon, were sucked into the unnatural force. While on the other side, Takato, Henry, Kenta, Mako, Ai, and their Digimon, were sucked into the barrier, leaving nothing. Of them, each group was then blinded by a flash of light, and were knocked back by some sort of force.
**( Davis' group)**
Davis: Oh!.... my head...... what happened?..... and why does the ground feel so soft and silky?
???: It feels soft..... BECAUSE YOU'RE LAYING ON TOP OF ME!!!!
When Davis could finally make out what his eyes were seeing, he finally realized that, yes he was indeed on top of someone. It was a redhead, with very vibrant Violet eyes, he also noticed that a vein was popping from her head. This was then that he noticed that his left hand was at her chest, at this realization, his brain shut down.
Davis: Um, um, um, um...... Sorry?
Ouch, ok so now this will be interesting, Davis has already made quite a impression on everybody's favorite Red headed Tamer, but the question is, why did it happen, find out next time.