Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Diminished Light: Chosens' Quest ❯ Reviving Miracles ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Diminished Light: Chosens' Quest
Chapter 5
Reviving Miracles
Sailor Janus
“This can't happen,” Daisuke murmured staring fixedly at the battlefield as Ryverton wrestled with one of the creatures. His pulse rushed as his head filled with a spinning sensation. “Not like this…”
“Daisuke?” Hikari took a step towards her boyfriend in concern as he balled his hands into tight fists. Takeru and the others looked at the Chosen leader as well unsure of what to make of his peculiar behavior. Sweat streaked down Daisuke's face as he clenched his teeth. His body shook as though he were on the verge of exploding.
“I WON'T LET EVERYONE DIE!” A blue glow blazed around him as his eyes and crest shone with the same striking color.
The French girl gasped in shock as her companions drew back a few steps.
“What the hell is going on?” Takeru's eyes widen as he glanced in bewilderment at the others. Hikari's jaw dropped but she was unable to form any words as two silver short swords suddenly materialized in the Chosen of Miracles grasp.
Weapons in hand, Daisuke leapt into the battle striking down the Dralyan's enemies charging towards their fallen leader. He slid towards Ryverton crossing the two swords into an X, blocking an attempt to behead the captain. Quickly Daisuke threw in an attack of his own, running the creature through before moving off to save another soldier. Metal clashed against metal as he dueled off with one creature who had almost took the life of an injured knight.
“Get out of here!”
“But-” The knight clutched at a deep cut to his shoulder and sighed as he did as Daisuke had ordered.
Suddenly, as the Chosen moved to finish off his opponent, another moved into the fray to slice him in two at the waist. The teenaged boy nimbly launched himself in the air, did a back flip and brought one of the blades down on the creature's head as another slashed at his former opponent's stomach.
The other Chosen watched dumbfounded as Daisuke continued fighting the strange creatures.
“How did he do that? Look at him move! That's not Daisuke!” Takeru shook his head as though believing he was lost in a dream. He lifted his own tag containing his Crest of Hope and scowled in thought. “Will ours be able to do that? Mine's not glowing but neither is anyone else's…”
Jyou rubbed his chin and sighed. “This kind of reminds me of when we first became Chosen Children and were able to activate our digivices and crests whenever we were in danger.”
“But… we are no where near our digimon,” Catherine protested as Daisuke loped off one of the creature's heads. She whimpered and turned away as her skin took on a greenish pigment. “Did he become a digimon?”
Hikari looked at her crest as well. “I have to wonder if Jyou is on to something. It seems like Daisuke was upset that Dralytes were being killed by those things and that he hated the idea of being helpless…”
Takeru raised an eyebrow. “So he went Super Daisuke instead of evolving? I suppose that could make sense. I wonder if we can all do that.” He glanced back towards the battlefield and blinked dumbfounded at the sight of carnage but it appeared that all the creatures had been slain. “That was quick work.”
Ryverton limped towards where Daisuke stood panting. His eyes still held the same blue shade of his crest though the glow that had surrounded him had almost completely diminished. “I thought you said you did not have any weapons. That was quite a show. You really saved us back there.”
Daisuke nodded numbly then collapsed.
“Daisuke!” Hikari bolted towards him, dropped to her knees and lifted his head onto her lap. She chewed on her lip as she smoothed back his hair as the light faded.
“Did he… just faint?” Jyou scratched the back of his neck as he reflected back to the days of his youth as a Chosen Child. “Actually now that I think of it, it does make sense.”
Takeru frowned. “How? He just took all the bad guys out then passed out…” He neared his eyes as he clued into what Jyou had meant. “Don't tell me we're going to have to feed him a ton of food now.”
Ryverton chuckled. “He probably over-exerted himself. It was quite a fight and without him….well, I wouldn't be here talking to you right now.” He turned towards where his men were tending to the injured and healing themselves. “We should continue on once he awakens. I'll have to see if anyone has any alura.”
Catherine bit her lip. “But what if those things come back?”
“Your friend probably frightened off any that were still lingering. They'll have to regroup and increase their numbers before even attempting to battle us again.”
“What were those things?” Takeru inquired of the captain who had turned to survey how many men he still had standing.
“Gryls. They live in Swayl Woods but have lately been migrating to other parts including the Vylan Forest, where we currently are. We do not understand why that is, but the only thing we know is that they seem quite intent to kill whoever they come across.”
“Yay.” Jyou muttered dryly. “Any idea on how long until we reach the nearest town?”
Ryverton rubbed his chin in thought. “Depending on how long it takes for your friend to awaken, we should make it before nightfall.”
“Can we just carry him instead?”
“Jyou! He just saved all our butts.” Hikari glared at the bespectacled young man.
“It's not that I'm ungrateful but I'd hate to be caught here at night because usually that's when the really bad things come out.”
Takeru shifted from one foot to the other. “Jyou does have a point.”
Hikari sighed and shoved back a strand of hair from her face. She glanced up noticing that the sky was growing dimmer than before. “Fine. Just be careful with him because we don't even know what kind of state he'll be in once he awakens after all he had just gone through.”
One of the soldiers ran towards them with a leather bag in hand. “Captain! That may not be necessary. I still have one alura left. And I would be honored to allow the lad to use it. After all, he's the reason I still have my life.”
Ryverton nodded. “If that is your wish, Faryan.” He held out his gloved hand as the knight pulled out a tiny flask of red liquid. The captain accepted it and broke off the metallic tip then dropped down next to Daisuke's prone form. “Hikari, please tilt his head back.”
“Okay,” she whispered, gazing down at her boyfriend in concern as the Dralyan Captain opened the teen's mouth and administered the alura. “How long will it take to take affect?”
“Not too long. Should be any moment actually.”
Just then Daisuke gasped loudly as his eyes flew open and every muscle in his body became tense. He immediately sat up, nearly cracking his head into Hikari's jaw and began to hyperventilate as the others stared in a mix of horror and confusion.
Ken walked hesitantly down the wide corridors, eying the colorful banners and tapestries in shades of blue, and gold lying against the sand colored walls. Something about the place made him feel uneasy, and because he didn't know why worsened the feeling.
“This way please,” the young woman whom he guessed was a servant of some sort said sweetly as she led him to their destination.
Ken merely nodded in acknowledgment as he trailed after her, his nerves continued building. I don't like this. Where is Miyako and the others? Does M'lady know where they are? His head snapped up as they came to a halt in front of a pair of large ornately carved bejeweled doors.
“M'lady? I have our guest,” the young woman said politely as she knocked.
“Very well, bring him in, Dalzana,” A feminine voice replied from the other side.
The door opened as the servant stepped aside allowing Ken entrance. “Don't be shy. She won't do you any harm.”
The young man looked skeptically at Dalzana before entering and found his breath taken away. If the room he had been placed in was elaborate, this particular one was stunning. The sandy walls as well as the doors were decorated with shining gems that resembled sapphires and topaz. Silky fabrics engulfed the large windows where a couple of chairs and a small table sat nestled in a corner. Shimmering strips of fabric hung from the ceiling of the far side of the room cutting it in half giving a small peek at what seemed to be the largest bed that Ken had ever seen.
In front of the barrier stood a woman with her back towards him. A long golden gown hang slightly off her pale shoulders, covered with a sheer veil like material that hung from her sparkling jewel encrusted headdress. She turned slowly in an almost dramatic fashion, revealing a porcelain-like face. Her lips were painted a modest rose that formed a smile as her darkly lined silver eyes met Ken's blue ones. Sliver ringlets, framed the sides of her face as she unclasped her hands in front of her to reach one towards his as she stepped forward. “Welcome. I've been expecting you. I trust you rested well?”
Ken shifted awkwardly, unsure of what to expect. “Yes, thank, Ma'am. Um, I was previously traveling with some friends and we seemed to have gotten separated. Do you by any chance know where they might be?”
“I'm afraid not, but please join me. I'm sure you must be famished.” She took his hand as she brushed past leading them towards the small table.
“I-I'm not very hungry but thank you uh, M'lady.” Ken followed her reluctantly as a different servant appeared with a large tray and set it down on the table before departing.
“Please, call me Alzela.”
“Yes, of course. But I would really like to find my friends-”
“It is not wise to travel alone. The Mizewn will find you.”
Ken slowly sank into the chair as his brow furrowed in confusion. “The Mizewn? What or who is that?”
Alzela smiled as she grabbed what appeared to be a thin slice of bread with some sort of creamy tan substance smeared on top. She meekly bit into it and grabbed one of the two crystal goblets. “You have already seen it and it has already seen you. The question is now whether you will survive your next confrontation.”
Tani weakly lifted her head and groaned. Her whole body seemed to cry out in agony. Even her teeth hurt.
“Careful. You don't want to hurt yourself any worse than you did. You took a nasty fall,” a meek sounding voice cautioned by her side.
“I'm… okay.” The Chosen leader gritted her teeth as she pushed herself into a sitting position and opened her eyes. She paused a moment as she acknowledged who was talking to her and her jaw dropped at the sight of a tiny white head with a pair of blue wings. Pupumon? What are you doing here?”
“I don't really know,” the baby digimon shyly admitted. “All I know is this isn't the greatest place to end up.”
Tani flinched as a surge of pain flooded her head. She drew a breath and glanced around the sandy cave that they appeared to be sitting in the middle of. “Where's Koushiro? Have you seen him or any of the other Chosen?”
“He went with Puroromon to explore. They should be back any moment now but really you should rest.”
She frowned as she recalled the yellow bee-like digimon that the Pupumon evolve into. “Puroromon is here too? Are there any others?”
The small digimon appeared sad as he turned away. “I don't know. All I know is that I don't like this place and want to go home.”
“I understand,” she replied gently. “I know exactly how you feel. We actually came here to do just that. The Digital World is dying without all of you.”
“Gennai didn't tell us that,” a familiar voice said from the mouth of the cave.
Tani turned her head and smiled in relief at the sight of the red haired computer expert. “Koushiro! You made it back.”
“Yeah, but I don't know how long it'll take us to get out of here. This place is like a maze.” He shook his head with a sigh then looked up. “What made you come to the conclusion that the Digital World was dying without the digimon? Is that just an assumption?”
“No, it was something that I felt when I was trapped there and the feeling continued to increase as each day passed by.” Tani lowered her head and touched her heart. “Perhaps it's because I'm the Chosen of Harmony? I don't really know. All I know is that we don't have much time.”
“But how do we-” Suddenly Koushiro's and Tani's tags began to glow. The two Chosen exchanged glances and withdrew their D-Quads which were also glowing. The same warm light engulfed the digimon as the digivices were pointed at them. Without thinking Koushiro and Tani pressed one of the buttons and the digimon began to fade away.
“We're returning home!” The Pupumon cheered happily. “Thank you very much!”
“Yes, thank you! Please save the others and be careful!” Puroromon waved at the Chosen as he joined his companion's side.
“We will!” Tani smiled as the digimon as well as the glow disappeared. She turned to the red head and frowned. “I hope that was the right thing to do.”
He nodded as he examined his D-Quad carefully. “I suspect the coordinates have been preset to the Digital World so they are probably fine. If there were someway to set this thing to track them and the others then maybe we can find our way out of here.”
“Right. I just hope… the others will be… okay.” Tani shifted to stand up but a spinning sensation filled her head forcing her back down.
“Yeah, but the question is; are you okay?”
She pulled her legs to her chest and rested her forehead on top of them. “Right now… I don't know. I feel dizzy.”
“Maybe waiting here for a while until it passes won't be such a bad idea. Perhaps by then I will have the D-Quad figured out,” Koushiro suggested as he turned his attention back to the electronic device. “What do you think, Tani? Tani?” He lifted his gaze to discover her sprawled out on the ground. “TANI!”
“We've captured the girl,” one of the knights announced smugly to Michael and Sora's horror as they remained hidden a few feet away.
“Let go of me, you jerks! You should be recycled into soup cans!” Mimi's voice shouted in fury.
“Mi-” Sora began to shout as she moved to rush to her friend's rescue. Just then Michael slapped a hand over her mouth as he pulled her back down with the other, successfully pinning her down.
“Shh,” he whispered trying to maintain their seclusion as best he could. He closed his eyes, trying to pretend that his girlfriend hadn't just been caught knowing that if he were to meet the same fate that it'd do neither of them any good. He'd have to plot a rescue mission once they were gone. Just got to wait it out then-
“Hey! Let her go, you idiots!”
Shit! Taichi what the hell are you doing? Michael silently cursed again as he recognized the leader's angry voice knowing that the results may not end satisfactorily for them.
Taichi narrowed his brown eyes at the men who were dragging Mimi away against her will. He balled his hands into fists trying to appear as threatening as possible despite the fact that he lacked a weapon. “You heard me, dumbasses. It's not nice to manhandle a girl. Aren't knights supposed to be chivalrous or something?”
One of the knights snorted as he unsheathed his sword. “Apparently you wish to have the same fate as this witch.”
“I am not a witch, you bastards! I don't even have the digimon. They got away.” A self-satisfied smirk crossed her pink lips and her eyes glinted maliciously. “I made sure of it. You creeps will never find them.”
“SILENCE!” A gloved hand flew and struck Mimi's cheek as she cried out in surprise.
“Hey! Don't touch her again or I'm going to kick your ass!” Taichi growled as he bolted towards the man that had assaulted his friend only to stop short with a very deadly sword pointed in his face as two other soldiers grabbed him. He swore loudly as one grabbed him by the hair from behind, forcing his head back as they thrust the blade of a dagger against his throat, nicking it slightly.
“Just breathe, boy and it's your funeral.”
“Taichi!” Mimi froze in horror as a droplet of blood trickled down the leader's neck. Tears flooded her eyes as she closed them and drew a breath. “Leave him alone. It's me you want. I'll go along quietly just… please…. don't kill him.”
Michael clenched his jaw hard enough to break teeth as he fought against leaping into action himself. I have to stay here. I have to stay here. DAMNIT! They wouldn't be so smug without their swords, stupid jackasses!
“Now that's more like it. It would have been better to turn in those creatures but I suppose you two will just have to do instead,” the leader of the knights snorted before socking Taichi in the stomach. The Chosen lurched forward as his goggles flew off and landed a few feet ahead as their owner slumped to the ground.
“Taichi! I told you not to hurt him!” Mimi hissed angrily.
The knight chuckled coolly in her face. “No, you said not to kill him which we haven't. He's still alive, just in a bit of pain. He'll be fine…. For now.” He lifted her chin and sneered in her face. “We never agreed to your wishes, witch.”
“I hate you.”
He snickered and hit her upside the head with the hilt of his sword, knocking her out and stepped ahead of his men. “Let's move out. I'm sure someone will take interest in them one way or another.”
Michael and Sora waited in silence as the knights dragging their captured friends departed. After counting up to two hundred, Sora lifted her head and pressed her hands against her face as Michael rolled onto his back and began swearing repeatedly.
“Oh, my God… what are we going to do?” She ran her hands through her hair as she forced herself to breathe. Taichi…Mimi…. Wait. Where's Rosa?”
“Shit.” The American climbed to his feet then kicked a tree trunk in rage. “We are so screwed right now.”
“At least they didn't get their hands on the digimon.”
He shifted his gaze to her for a moment then turned away. “That we know of. Rosa is still missing which could mean that she's either hiding or those goons grabbed her too. Son of a bitch!”
“Michael, calm down. I know it's a bad situation-”
“Yeah, yeah. We just need to figure out what the hell to do now.” He threw his fists into the tree and kicked it several more times as he fought against screaming vehemently.
Sora shook her head then scooped up Taichi's fallen goggles and squeezed them in her hand wishing they could magically solves their problems and bring their friends back. Feeling powerless she dropped to her knees and began to cry.
Wallace narrowed his blue eyes at the dark cloaked figure as he stood defensively in front of the others.
“Easy, lad. I mean neither you nor your friends any harm. I may however be of some aid to your friend there,” the man replied as he pulled off his hood revealing an older man with graying hair that reached his shoulders. “Plus I don't believe you have too much choice being out here all alone.”
“He has a point, Wallace,” Iori replied softly and glanced down at Akina who seemed to be fighting to stay conscious. “Can you help her?”
“Please?” Ami asked as her eyes continued to tear up. “She's my sister and I don't know what I'd do without her.”
The man smiled serenely at her as he nodded. “I can't make any promises but I'll do all I can.”
“Are you sort of a doctor or something?” Shina lifted an eyebrow in speculation not fully trusting the stranger.
“Of some sort. Please come with me.” The man turned to walk ahead of the Chosen then paused and chuckled to himself. “Oh how rude of me. I didn't even give you my name. No wonder you are still wary of me. I am Jalvad.”
Iori nodded. “My name is Hida Iori.” He gestured towards the dark haired young woman in his arms. “Asukai Akina is the one that needs your aid. Her sisters are Asukai Skina and Ami and our leader is Wallace Bailey.”
Wallace turned with a bewildered look on his face. “Leader? But I-”
“You're best suited. Even Miyako and Ken agreed when you were all traveling together.”
“Right.” He cleared his throat and glanced at Jalvad. “Well, I suppose you are right in that we have no choice. Lead the way.”
“Very well then.” The strange man started off leaving the others to follow.
“Please, make yourselves at home,” Jalvad said as he held the door open to th small cottage for his guests. The interior was both rustic yet homey with hard wood furniture that had been carved into smooth patterns. A large woven rug was lain on the floor a few feet away from a fireplace where a large black pot sat heating its contents in the warm fire.
“You have a very nice place,” Ami murmured, her eye catching the sight of a small ornately carved box. “Did you make everything yourself?”
“Some and others were made by my nephew,” he replied as he cleared off the table. “Here, lay the girl on top. Is she still conscious?”
Iori frowned as he glanced down at Akina's partially closed eyes. “Barely. I think she's getting worse.” He carefully eased her onto the tabletop and took a step back, not wanting to be in the way.
“I see.” Jalvad lifted one of her eyelids then checked her pulse. “Her vital signs seem to be weakening.”
“Is she dying?” Ami stared at him as fresh tears began to well up in her eyes.
Shina grabbed her arm and pulled her away. “Leave them alone. You're not going to help at all if you keep pestering the man.”
“Quiet and sit.” She shoved her sister on the ground near the fire and plopped down next to her, drawing her knees to her chest. “You were complaining about the cold so there; a nice fire to defrost you.”
Wallace folded his arms and leaned against the wall behind them. “This is not exactly going anywhere near the way I thought it would.”
“You're not the only one.” Shina sighed heavily and buried her face into her knees. “I don't understand why a lot of shit happens to Akina though. It's enough to drive one insane just contemplating it.”
“I don't understand it either.”
“Then I hate to be the burden of bad news but there is something seriously wrong with her,” Iori said as he approached his companions with a solemn look on his face. “She's slowly icing over and there isn't anything that Jalvad can do about it. They call it the Ice Princess curse.”
Author's Notes: My apologies on this being so late. There has been a lot going on including being without the internet for awhile. One week was spent in helping my one of my best friends move plus I still have work. At least I'm finally getting back into the swing of things as far as writing goes. I have actually already started Chapter 6 on accident because the first part was running way too long so it got cut in half.
I will say things are really getting interesting now. Each group is dealing with something completely different which is the way I wanted it to go. Also, I am not going to single out any particular character as being all powerful or anything like that. Each one has their own attributes Daisuke's just came up first this time though….his reaction to everything is not going the way most would think. You'll see what I mean in Chapter 6.
I hope you enjoyed the newest chapter. Until then and thank you.