Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Double o' seven (007) ❯ debreifing ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Double o' seven


®by Kazumi Tachikawa

A.K.A. kaZ™


To all the people who read my fic here in media miner ARIGATO! Gomen if I update very VERY slow, see I actually finished chapter 3 and chapter 2 a long LONG time ago but when I was checking out my files, chapter 2 was empty! GAH! So now I'm rewriting. Forgive me if some of the events don't match chapter 3, I really cant remember chapter 2 that well, and I MIGHT add another idea to this chapter so please bear with me - kaZ™


A hot pink chevrolette camaro convertible parked in front of the hospital doors. All the people especially the security guards were looking at the rude car. The guard was about to approach the car when a lady with pink hair and dark pink streaks on it stepped out. Wearing white capri's,a pink button down sleeveless collard halter top, Pink hi-heeled slip on's. She lowered her pink tinted shades and looked at the security guard, she winked at him and handed her the car keys "could you watch her for a sec. I just have to pick up a friend"

She placed her shades on her head and walked inside the hospital, ignoring the raised eyebrows of some women and bugged out looks of men at her. She entered the elevator, pressed the number 4 button and tapped her foot impatiently with her arms crossed. The doors finally opened "finally"

"425…426…aha! 427!" she opened the door and saw Tai packing his clothes in a dark blue sports bag.

"hey Mimi!"

"here" Mimi tossed Tai a brown paper bag "a little you finally got well present"

Tai opened the bag and squeeled "YES Maltesers!"

"so any news from the commander?"

"oh yea he said that we immediately go to headquarters, we have a mission"

"well so much for our vacation, so have you signed your release forms yet?"

"yup, everything's set, lets go" Tai said slinging his sports bag onto his shoulder

Mimi and Tai left the hospital still with the people looking at them. Tai who was used to it when he was with Mimi disregarded the looks people gave them and just smiled. They arrived at the entrance with the guard still stunned. Mimi got her keys from the guard and winked "thanks!" she hopped on started the engine and zoomed out of the hospital with a trail of dust behind them.

"I don't get it" Tai said

"don't get what?" Mimi asked

"well for starters you always attract attention when you want to , but on missions, your hardly noticed"

"well my best friend, you should know, you've known me for like 21 years I think" Mimi said making a sharp turn

"that's true, well anyways, got any ideas on the mission the chief wants us to do?" Tai asked stuffing his mouth with Maltesers

"not a clue" Mimi said making another sharp turn. She entered a basement parking lot. She parked her car and got out, they entered an elevator, Tai pressed the emergency button twice then pressed the 7th floor button. A card slot came out and Tai inserted a credit card like card with the number 007 engraved at the bottom and had the crest of courage printed on it.

Mimi took out her credit card like card just like Tai's except had the crest of sincerity printed on it. She slid the card on the card slot then took it out, Tai did the same and the lights turned violet and a door opened behind them, they entered a second elevator and pressed the 5 and 4 button, the elevator moved and the door opened. They entered a narrow passage way and the doors automatically opened.

"ahh, welcome special agents Sincerity and Courage or should I say agent 102 and agent 101" a man said behind the L-shaped table . The chair turned around revealing commander Joe Kido.

Tai and Mimi saluted

"please take a seat" he said

"so what's our mission commander" Tai asked plopping himself down the sofa

"yeah, what's the oh so important mission that halted our vacation?" Mimi asked as she rummaged through the refrigerator behind the mini kitchen-bar.

"I think it would be better if you look at these files" Joe said pressing a button. The center piece table opened and a thick folder came out. Tai got it and started scanning through the pages.

In the mini kitchen-bar, the bar opened and a similar thick folder emerged. Mimi took it and placed the 2 pepsi cans she got on the table. "Tai catch" she said tossing Tai a pepsi

"hmmm, Dark Rings, interesting" Mimi said aloud reading the file.

"as you can see, they're a very tough group, not to mention ruthless. The police, FBI even the CIA has given up now they turn to us, the Chinese government, American Government, British Royal Family…shall I continue?" Joe asked

"no… I don't need any more explanations as to how ruthless this group really is, do you know who the leader is and where they can be found Commander?" Mimi asked

"no, the only information we have is that the Dark Rings used to be a Mafia group that's all"

"what's our mission protocol?" Tai asked getting serious

"your mission, stop the Dark Rings and capture the members, if necessary you have the authority to kill, all expenses as usual shall be paid by the company" Joe said

"do we need to change our names, for this mission?" Mimi asked

"no, not necessarily but if you believe you need to, then do so"

"is that all?" Tai asked

"actually no, in this mission you are to work with agent 103 other wise known as special agent Knowledge" Joe said smirking. The bookshelf behind him turned around and out came Izzy wearing a gray over coat, gray pants, white button down shirt, and a gray tie

"nice to see you both again" Izzy said

Mimi just smiled along with Tai

"you are all dismissed" Joe said. Izzy, Mimi, Tai saluted and walked stiffly towards the door. When they reached the elevator, Mimi quickly hugged Izzy "nice to have you back Iz!"

"yeah! And what's with all the gray?" Tai asked "is that the latest fashion in Germany?"

"well nice to see you too Tai, and no this isn't the latest fashion in Germany, actually it was a sudden decision that I take on this mission"

"so you'll be staying here?" Mimi asked

"well from what I know is that I'll be stay for the mission being with you guys, I just don't know if Ill be ordered to return to Germany and finish my mission there"

"aw, well lets make the most of it!" Mimi said "so how's your life in Germany Iz?"

"one word…boring" Izzy said "I mean I hang out with old scientists who only talk about their experiments! And besides, life is not as fun and enjoying with out the both of you"

"I hope you mean that as a complement Izzy!" Mimi said

"yeah!" Tai followed in. The elevator doors opened and they moved to the other elevator, and the door there also opened.

"what's the matter" Izzy asked looking at Mimi's worried face

"well, I only have my camaro, so how will we fit? Its only a two seater"

"oh don't worry about that, I have my car" Izzy said

"really!" Tai chirped in "where is it?"

"beside your car Mimi" Izzy said

Mimi and Tai saw the brand new SL 45 Mercedes Benz which was gray and silver

"nice" Tai said examining the car. He quickly got his bag from Mimi's car " I'll ride with you Izzy if you don't mind"

"HEY! What's wrong with my car?"

"no offense Meems, but its…" Tai trailed off

"pink" Izzy continued

"What's wrong with pink?" she asked annoyed

"its rather embarrassing to ride in it, especially if you're a guy" Izzy reasoned

"ugh, whatever! Just convoy with me to my house then we'll plan the details there" Mimi said rather annoyed. She revved up the engine and sped away not even waiting for Izzy and Tai.

~ Los Angeles~

the Red Widow had just arrived in her penthouse apartment in L.A. her syndicate/ gang members were currently unpacking or resting in their apartments in the floors below. D.M. was comfortably sleeping at the Red Widows couch, face front, not minding that he was in the Red Widow's apartment and that his apartment was just across her's.

the Red Widow a.k.a Sora Tackenochi just came out of the bathroom wearing a white bathrobe and was drying her hair. She smiled as she saw her right hand man sound asleep, obviously tired. The door bell rang, interrupting Sora. She walked towards the door and saw a letter on the floor, obviously it was slipped under the door. She looked at the plain white envelope 'hmm no return address' she thought, she looked at the seal of the envelope and smirked

She opened it and took out a plain white card, she opened it and saw nothing was written on it. She got her remote and pressed a button, the curtains automatically closed, she pressed another button and the lights closed. She opened a lamp that emitted a yellow light, she pressed the other button behind it and the light became purple and the message could now be seen.

A watermark of a seal of a dragon was printed on the back ground and the message read

' For the Red Widow, D.M. and company an invitation to the annual meeting of the order of the dragon

- xxx -

Sora shut the lamp and pressed the same buttons on her remote, the lights turned on again and the curtains reopened, she returned the invitation inside the envelope and woke up Daisuke

"Wake up Davis, we have to leave" Sora said shaking Daisuke

"ugh, 5 more minutes" he said groggily and fell back to sleep. Sora sighed and sat at the chair facing Daisuke

"we have to go back to Hong Kong and attend the annual meeting now go down and tell the rest of the men to pack up" she said as she entered her room

Davis groggily stood up and rubbed his eyes "do we have to, we just arrived and I'm still tired"

"sorry Daisuke, but its mandatory, besides, even though I also don't want to attend the meeting, we cant do anything about it" said Sora from the other side of the door. She came out wearing a red long sleeved halter top, black leather hip hugger pants with a sliver chain as a belt and black leather boots.

"I'll call the airport and book us a ticket while you gather everyone up" she said, placing her shades on

Davis scratched his head in frustration and grumbled all the way as he left the apartment

~ China ~

A boy with dark brown hair was meditating under the waterfall, with the waterfall's water directly hitting his back his sword was beside him and he picked it up. In one swift move he slashed the waterfall in half standing up. He bowed and returned the sword in its case.

An old man who was watching said "its time Iori"

The boy called Iori acknowledged the old man "Finally I may avenge the death of my parents grandfather and completely destroy the order of the dragon"

"indeed my child, but I wish for you to work with the same people as your father had once done"

"but grandfather I can take them all alone!" he protested

"don't be stubborn Iori!" his grandfather scolded "that is the same attitude that brought forth the death of your father, I thought you were ready but I guess you're not" his grandfather was about to walk away when

"wait…alright I will work with them" he said

"very well, but remember Iori, it is better to fight alongside someone than fight alone, do not fight because hatred and vengeance has filled your heart, fight because it is what is right, fight because your heart tells you to do so and always cooperate, your heart must always be in its place, if you fight alongside others but your heart is not with them, it is worthless" his grandfather lectured

"I understand grandfather" he said bowing "thank you for all the things you have done for me"

"take care always my child"

~ Italy ~

"Boss this just came in" a man said wearing a hat, a stripped black business suite, he was holding a plain white envelope with a red seal.

His 'Boss' who was currently sitting on a corporate chair that was turned around extended his hand but was still turned around. He got the letter and opened it, carefully he examined it "leave" he commanded

"y-yes boss" the man said in fear and he scurried out the room. A girl with violet hair casually entered the room in question "what's going on Ken?" she asked

"could you call Yamato in here honey" Ken asked sweetly

"alright, but you'd better tell me what this is about okay" Miyako said anxiously, curiosity filled her mind

A few moments later Miyako came in with Yamato, the curtains closed, the room dark with only a single purple light on coming from the lamp

"could you close the door" Ken requested, and Yamato who came in last closed it

"what's all the commotion about?" he asked raising his eyebrows

"we're going to Hong Kong" Ken announced

"why?" Yamato asked

"here take a look at this" he said and Miyako and Yamato approached the invitation and read its contents

'For the Dark Rings, we bid you welcome for we the order of the dragon invite you to our annual meeting. If you truly deserve to be a part of the order of the dragon you'd know how to find us


"well its looks like we've been invited to join them" Miyako said

"so are we?" Yamato asked

"that depends" Ken said with a smirk

"depends on what?" Miyako asked

"you'll see" Ken said leaving the room

Miyako and Yamato just looked at each other in question

~ back in London, Mimi's house ~

"so where should we start?" asked Mimi sipping from her drink

"well since the Dark Rings used to be a Mafia group…where do you think Mafia groups usually start?" Izzy asked intuitively

"I'm stumped" Tai said giving up "I need food to think"

Just then Dikston came in with a tray of cookies "why don't you try Italy?" he said placing the tray of cookies in front of Tai whose mouth was drooling

"hmm well then" Mimi said standing up and reaching for her phone "yes, I'd like you to book us 3 1st class tickets to Rome, Italy under Taichi Yagami, Koushiro Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa"

"well then I believe we're going to Italy" Izzy said slowly laying down the recliner


okay chapter 3 will be coming up next week I PROMISE but you guys better review! Or I might postpone it!
