Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ EVIL DEAD: DIGITAL DEADITES ❯ Party crasher ( Chapter 3 )
"I'll get it." Mikino said. She opened the door and saw Ash with Rika.
"Hi, my names Ashley J. Williams. People call me Ash." Ash said.
"As in…" Mikino said.
"NO! Not the girly boy, not the kid with the rat." Ash said. "God, one show where the character has the same name as you can ruin a man. Anyway, I'm new to the area and I ran into Rika and her friends on the way back to my hotel. I thought I'd do the gentleman thing and escort everyone home."
"That's very nice. Thank you." Mikino said. "Rika, it's almost time, you should get ready for the party."
"Ugh. Mom, I don't want to go to your stupid party." Rika said.
"Rika, you will go to the party with me. It means a lot to me." Mikino said.
"Or your popularity." Rika said.
"RIKA! GO TO YOUR ROOM AND BE READY FOR THE PARTY!" Mikino said. Rika left angrily and Ash gave Mikino a look.
"What?" Mikino asked.
"Lady, I knew someone who wanted to be just like you." Ash said. "Had two things going against her though."
"Not as cute and no talent?" Mikino said.
"No. Had a heart and didn't spend ten minutes a day throwing up dinner." Ash said.
"HOW DARE YOU!" Mikino said.
"Simple you primitive, I see the way you're treating your kid. Dictators are nicer than you." Ash said. "Dollars to doughnuts says that you're having her come a long just for the publicity."
"GET OUT!" Mikino said.
"Ok, ok. But I'm only leaving before your face makes me go blind." Ash said as he left.
"The nerve of…" Mikino said, then she saw her mom.
"What is it?" Mikino asked.
"As blunt as he was, he was right. You're not doing any of this for her, you're doing it to be more popular." Her mom said. "I wonder if you even love Rika."
"SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Mikino said as she started to cry. "I DO LOVE HER! THIS IS FOR HER OWN GOOD! SO SHE CAN…"
"Grow up to be just like you?" Her mom said.
"But… but…" Mikino started to protest.
"Listen to her Mikino. She doesn't want your life." Her mom said just before leaving Mikino to her thoughts.
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"Thanks for letting me use your phone Mr. Wong." Ash said.
"It's not a problem. If the Digimon are being effected by this Book of the Dead somehow, I'll be glad to help." Mr. Wong said.
"So, how do you know about Digimon?" Ash asked.
"I helped to create them." Mr. Wong said.
"Whoa! Hold on four eyes." Ash said. "You're telling me you created these little pac-man wannabes?" Ash asked.
"Well, yes, but…"
"Thanks for the second trip to hell pal." Ash said. "Remind me to hit you when this is all over."
Hearing that in Henry's room was Henry and Takato.
"Boy, he gets real mad very easily, huh?" Takato said.
"Yeah, but from what he told us, he has a very good reason." Henry said.
"This party that Rika invited you too, it wouldn't happen to be a dance would it?" Takato asked.
"NO! It's just a party. Sure, they'll be dancing, but I'm just going as a friend." Henry said.
"A friend with a crush." Terriormon said.
"TERRIORMON!" Henry said.
"I KNEW IT!" Takato said.
"Who are you going to listen to? Me, or a talking rabbit with no tact?" Henry said.
"You have a point." Takato said.
"HEY!" Terriormon said. Ash then came into the room.
"Well, I have some good news and some bad news." Ash said. "The bad news was that we were right. A professor scanned the book and the scanner read the book."
"And the good?" Takato asked.
"He's going to mail me the passages via UPS. They should be here within one to two weeks." Ash said.
"Okay then. Now, guys, if you may." Henry said.
"What's the rush kid?" Ash asked.
"I have a party to get ready for." Henry said.
"Ohhhhh. Trying to score with a certain red head, huh?" Ash said.
"HEY!" Henry said.
"My advice kid: Do not take her to an isolated cabin in the woods that was owned by a professor." Ash said.
"Uh, ok." Henry said.
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At the party, Henry was dressed to kill. He was in a black buttoned shirt with a necktie. He wore matching black pants, and he had the shoes to match.
"Hey, kid. You look dressed for ether to kill or a funeral." Ash said as he saw Henry. Ash was dressed in a blue buttoned shirt with brown khakis.
"What are you doing here Ash?" Henry asked.
"Well, one, I volunteered to help." Ash said. "Another is to keep my eye on you guys in case another DigiDeadite appears."
"Nice name." Henry said.
"Thanks." Ash said. Just then, Rika and Mikino entered the room. Rika was in a red party dress. It was a red strapless low cut gown, with white gloves. Rika still wore her hair as a ponytail. Her mom gave her that much leeway.
"Wow!" Henry said as he saw Rika.
"What are you waiting for Mr. Love?" Ash said. "Go talk to her." Ash said as he pushed Henry into Rika's direction.
"WHAT?! WAIT!" However, Henry's words fell on deaf ears as Henry ran right into Rika.
"Um… uh… hi." Henry said nervously.
"Um… hey Henry." Rika said, feeling just as nervous.
"Well, I'll leave you two love birds alone." Mikino said.
"MOM!" Rika said. But Mikino already left.
"Um… you look nice." Henry said. 'Beautiful even.' Henry thought. 'God, please dance with me!'
"You look nice too." Rika said. 'What's wrong with me?' Rika thought. 'He's just a friend. Even though, he does look hansom.' Rika thought.
"I was wondering…" Henry said.
"I was thinking…" Rika said.
"Would you like to dance?" They both said in unison.
"What? Um… uh… sure." Henry said.
"Ok." Rika said.
"Well, well, well, nice to see that you took time out of your binging to come." Ash said.
"Not here, not now." Mikino said. "I've been doing a lot of thinking when you left."
"Hope you didn't hurt yourself." Ash said.
"Anyway," Mikino said keeping her temper in check, "I've been thinking that maybe I am doing this for my own good instead of Rika's."
"Well, it looks like primitives can learn." Ash said. Just then, a fog rolled in. "Oh no! Not again!" Ash said.
"A fog in-doors?" Mikino said.
"Stay here, I'm going to get something." Ash said as he left right away. 'Good thing I have my trusty studabaker, boomstick, and chainsaw with me.' Ash thought as he ran to the studabaker to get those things.
"What's going on?! RIKA? WHERE ARE YOU?!" Mikino said.
"I'M RIGHT HERE MOM!" Rika shouted, just then, they heard what sounded like a bad Elvis impersonator.
"Now, you cool cats and kittens, here's a number I call 'I'll Swallow Your Soul.'" The voice said, as it appeared to be…
"Entamon: A Virus type Digimon. He may sound like a bad Elvis impersonator, but his Dark Network will put an end to anyone's tune." Henry said as he read the data from his D-Power. He then got a better look. "OH NO! HE'S A DIGIDEADITE!"
"You got that right Tamer boy. DARK NETWORK CONCERT CRUSH!" Entamon said as he delivered a black ball towards Henry and Rika, who both dodged it.
"RIKA!" Mikino said as she ran towards the two.
"I'm fine mom. GET OUT OF HERE!" Rika said.
"Not for long!" Entamon said. He was about to attack…
…if it wasn't for a sidekick by Renamon.
"WHAT ARE YOU?!" Mikino asked.
"A friend of your daughters! GET OUT OF HERE!" Renamon said.
"Not so fast foxy lady. I'm going to make you into a fur coat." Entamon said. However, they heard a…
…and they looked and saw Ash.
"I hate Elvis impersonators." Ash said.