Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Excuses ❯ Forgotten Excuses ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: Don't own Digimon. Saban, Toei and some other Japanese people do.
If I did, there would be subtitled Digimon DVD's. And anime would run like
honey, Funimation would explode and . . . ok I'll stop now.

Note: Someone asked for it, so here it is! As before, if you want another one
you have to ask for it. The length of this just depends on how long ya want it
to be. I'm a comment monger. The more I get, the more I want to write. ^_^

So anyways . . . DOWN WITH DAVIS BASHING! . . . AGAIN!


Home is where the heart is. That's what people say. You come home after a hard
day's work and there's your house, all comfy and waiting for you. Your parents
are there and there's dinner on the table. They ask you about your day and you
tell them about all the happy, exciting, meaningless things that ya did.

Then Myotismon comes and blows up the world because you were too relaxed.

Big bummer there.

Home is where the heart is . . . heh. If there's a heart at the Motomiya's,
it's beating underneath the floorboards.

Then again . . . We never did find that gerbil I lost a few years ago. There's
probably an undead Mr. Fluffy running around in the apartment somewhere.
Probably lives in Jun's room with all her other lies. It's getting pretty
smelly in there . . .

Sorry. I always get this way when I'm home. Especially when I'm home alone
with Mom. She's pretty good tonight. I think she's been sleeping all day. I
checked to make sure she was breathing when I got home . . . Of course she was
though, mom's tough.

I'd feel sorry for any evil digimon that met her in a dark alley.

I'm all alone in the house tonight, except for Chibimon. Jun's at some party or
off stalking Matt. It's funny. Matt was yelling at me about not talking bad
about my sister and then a few days later she starts stalking him. It's almost
justice . . . except for the fact that NO ONE deserves to be stalked by Jun.

Dad's at his second job. The medical bills can be pretty high. I don't see him
very much, unless he's yelling at me. But it's my fault. I'm always gone with
the digimon stuff. I can be pretty undependable. And my grades . . . well
they're bad. Before mom got sick, he helped me with my homework. Now he works
all day. I'm just . . . dense ya know? It can't be helped. I'm stupid and
I'll always be stupid. Wish he'd understand that. Maybe he wouldn't yell so

But I know he's tired and worried. And he's . . . scared. He doesn't have a
crest of courage like me. He doesn't know what to do. It's like building a
fort made out of pillows. I always loved to do that when I was little. Grandma
always had tons of pillows . . . One pillow goes down and the whole thing
collapses. You try to grab one of them and the other falls down because you
tried. Before he knew it, they were all falling down and there was nothing he
could do about it.

Maybe he shouldn't have built his fort with pillows eh?

My head feels weird without the goggles. Or without any for that matter. They
were Tai's though, not mine. I'm better off without them. I could go buy
another pair of my own . . . but why bother? Even if I buy a new pair, they'll
still be Tai's.

At least Chibimon, V-mon etc etc . . . is here with me. Why do they have to
have so many names anyways? Couldn't Digimon just pick a nickname and stop
confusing everybody? Maybe I could start calling him, little blue guy, really
little blue guy, big blue guy . . . I guess it's not important. Confusing yeah
. . . but he's still the same, no matter what form he's in. He'll always be my
buddy, no matter what. Digimon are like that, they say something and they mean
exactly what they say. Even the evil ones are like that. 'I shall destroy you.
I shall blow up the world. I am angry watch me growl, bla bla bla.' And hey,
they mean it.

They're honest even if it's honestly evil. I wish people were like that. If
they could just--


Ack! And now my own personal little blue thing was jumping up and down on my
chest. He must have jumped down from the bookshelf.

"Davish!" Why does he have a lisp anyways when he's chibmon? "You look really
sad and serioush." I slowly opened one eye and looked into his large worried
ones. He's worried about me. What to tell him? I could say one of my excuses,
but I'm tired and I've forgotten them. Maybe . . . maybe I can tell him the

"What's wrong Davish? You can tell me. I'm your friend!" His eyes got
impossibly bigger and puppy dog like. He could give somebody cavities like
that. He was so darn . . . cute. It should be illegal to be that cute.

"I--" No I shouldn't bother him. The little guy's got enough world saving
stuff to worry about then bothering him with my problems. No, I shouldn't. I'm
supposed to take care of him and--

"Puhleez? Don't pretend there's nuthin wrong this time."

He knew. How could he know?

"I guess I wasn't as good at it as I thought I was." I picked up Chibimon in my
hands gently and sat up in bed. He jumped from my arms and sat a few feet from
my knees, still looking up me with those big eyes. I looked down at the bed
spread and the little soccer balls printed on it. "Can you keep a secret?"

"Sure! All Digimon can keep secrets! Except for the evil ones . . . and the
dishonest ones . . . and the ones with big mouths . . . and the--"


"Hmm? . . . Oh sorry."

That's my digimon for ya, can't stay serious for more than two seconds. Can be
pretty cheesy sometimes too . . . but you can't help but like him. Guess he's
got something I don't.

"It's my mom . . . she's got cancer."

"What's cancer?"

Uh . . .

"It's a disease."

"Can't you get some medicine to make it better?"

"No you can't because . . ." How do I explain this to him? "No . . . see
cancer's you."


Oh no, now I've really confused him.

"It's your body turned against you. Like a friend you've known your whole life
betraying you."

"Oh." He squinting his eyes hard. Uh oh. I may have overloaded him. I knew I
shouldn't have told him. Stupid . . . Stupid . . . Stupid . . . I hate being
serious. I have to stop. It only makes things worse. I gotta be positive.

" . . . is she going to die?"

" . . ."


"No of course not she's . . . I . . . she won't . . . I-I." Stop crying! Stop!
I can't be weak like this! I can't! I gotta stay positive. Must stop thinking
. . . I'm too stupid to be thinking this much, anyways. She'll get better! Of
course, she will! She HAS to! She's tough, and if you don't give up you won't
lose! But maybe she doesn't have a choice . . . But she's gotta . . . Stop
tears! Stop! . . . please stop.

" . . . Davish? I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry." He ran over and
hugged me.

"I . . . d-don't know." Please stop . . . please stop . . . you can't let
everyone down. Too many people . . . depending on you. I've gotta get it
together I have to . . .


Huh? Oh it's my D-terminal. It's probably the guys. They must need--

"RING! RING! . . . Hello? Davis? Pick up! This is Jun! Take me off the
answering machine already! I'm--"


"--not coming home tonight. Gonna stay over at a friend's house. Hey goggle
brain! I gotta talk to ya pick up the--"

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

KNOCK! KNOCK! "Hello? Pizza delivery man is this--"

"--medicine for me on the way home from school tomorrow ok? I got cheerleading
practice. I know your not doing anything so--"

"Hello? Is anyone there? This is the Motomiya residence--"


"--isn't it?"

"--I know your there! I need to talk to you!"

"--Hello? I need the money for this pizza!"


"Davish! I think your friends are in trouble! They need you!"

They all need me . . .

" . . . Davis?"
