Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ FACE OFF ❯ The Trasfer Student ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Vi waited patiently outside the classroom door. She knew that her teacher was inside telling the class about the new transfer student. Then the teacher would ask her to enter the classroom and she would have to go to the front and everyone would stare at her. Vi hated it when people stared blankly at her.
The classroom door opened and Vi's homeroom teacher walked out.
"Please come in now Vivianne" He said.
Vi walked behind him and stopped on the teaching platform and turned towards her new class. As she had thought, everyone was staring at her. Only one face stood out among all the others. It was the boy from earlier that morning.
"Class, this is Vivianne Rivera Parrish" Oizumi-sensei said.
Vi smiled brightly "Nice to meet you" she spoke as she politely bowed to her classmates.
"Parrish-san, if you could please take a seat behind Kamiya-kun, we will continue with homeroom." Oizumi-sensei said pointing toward the boy he had her gaze fixed on.
Vi made her way to her desk and seated herself behind the boy of her dreams.
As homeroom continued on, Vi watched as he poked, passed notes and talked to the blonde girl in front of him. The girl looked oddly familiar but Vi didn't know from where. It seemed as though Vi was going to have some competition.


The bell for lunch chimed and the students began to chatter as they moved their desks around for lunch.
"What do you mean you can't eat lunch with me?" Tai asked.
"My calligraphy teacher, Yokoyama-sensei, asked me to help set up the classroom during lunch. We are going to be working on longer calligraphy's so we will have to work on the floor" Kai replied gathering her things together.
"Sora and Takuya have a meeting. You have to set up a classroom. I'm getting ditched by all my friends!" Tai said with a playful hint of offence sounding in his voice.
"Aren't you just so pathetic? Would you like some cheese with your whine?" Kai smiled and patted Tai on the back
"Don't patronize me! Just leave already!" Tai laughed.
Kai waved and ran out of the classroom.
Tai sat down at his desk and started to get his lunch out of his bag. This was going to be a long lunch break all by himself. Maybe he might wander down to the 1-8 classroom and see Matt. As he took a sip from his Fanta, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around Tai saw the new girl seated in the desk behind him. She had short chin length hair that was such a dark brown that it almost looked black. Her eyes were brown as well but a much softer color than her hair. He skin was quite tanned, but it was spring so that was understandable. She was a fair bit shorter than everyone else in the class and almost looked like she would be a student attending Odiba Jr. High. She was kind of cute, in a little kid sort of way.
"Kamiya-kun, could I eat lunch with you?" She asked him politely.
Tai laughed "Yeah sure! All my friends ditched me today so I've got no one else to eat with Vivianne. And please. call me Tai"
"Thanks Tai. And you can call me Vi." Vi smiled.
Tai turned his desk around and continued to eat his lunch. Vi seemed to have some sort of class. She ate her food in a polite manner which made Tai want to do the same. There would be no talking with his mouth open this lunch hour.
"So Vi, where did you transfer from?" Tai said and then took a bite of the sausage in his lunch.
Vi smiled at him "I transferred from Teine."
Tai dropped his chopsticks in shock. One girl to transfer from Teine was unheard of but two? In the same year? This was just crazy.
Vi laughed "I know it's crazy but I'm not really sure why it happened. I just went along with it. Now I didn't go and get myself kicked out, it was a conscious decision on my and my families part" Vi said knowing full well the reputation that former Teine girls usually had.
"Wow. My friend, Kai, she's the one that sits in front of me. She used to go to Teine too! Maybe you know her!" Tai said smiling.
"Well she looks familiar but I don't think we've ever talked. We must have been in different classes all three years" Vi said eating some of her rice.
Just then Sora and Takuya showed up with Matt in tow.
"Our meeting was canceled." Takuya explained.
"And we brought a stray along" Sora laughed.
Matt just shrugged and they pulled three desks up to the two that Vi and Tai had already pushed together.
"This is Sora and Takuya" Tai said pointing to each in turn "they are our class representatives. This is my best friend Matt, he's in class 1-8"
"Nice to meet you. I'm Vi" Vi smiled.
"Vi just transferred here from Teine!" Tai said, eating more of his lunch.
Matt just about choked on his bun.
"Wow. girls are dropping out of Teine like files" Takuya commented.
"How do you like Odiba so far?" Sora asked.
"Oh I like it fine so far" Vi said. "I'm so glad that everyone here is so nice! I feel like I have friends already!"
"You've got four now! Once you meet Kai it'll be five! You'll love Kai I'm sure!" Tai said with enthusiasm as he shoved the last bit of rice in his mouth.
"Tai what are you doing after school? I'd like some help with class stuff that Takuya is making me do all alone!" Sora said throwing a dirty look at Takuya.
"Hey! I'm working on other things by myself! Throw me a bone!" Takuya said in his defense.
"I've got soccer practice and then I usually walk home with Kai. I can come over after that if you like" Tai said as he put his lunch away.
"Okay sounds good!" Sora said cheerfully.


Vi was fuming after lunch. This Kai girl really had it up on her. How was she supposed to compete with walking home after school with him everyday! This was going to be harder than she thought but Vi was up to the challenge. If Kai and Tai were in the soccer club together she would join a club too. Maybe she would be able to walk home with them as well. Vi would just join the basketball club.


Kai was waiting in the hallway for Tai. They were going to walk out to the soccer field together but she had to wait for him to change. It had been a long day of school and she was sorry that she had missed lunch with everyone. Apparently the new girl ate lunch with them and Sora, Takuya and Matt were all there. No matter though, she'd get her dose of Takuya and Tai at soccer practice.
"Hey Kai!" Tai said as he walked up to her.
"How much longer is Takuya going to be?" Kai asked. She was impatiently waiting to get out to the field.
"He'll only be a minute or so. Hey Vi says she's from Teine too! Do you know her?" Tai asked.
"I saw her around school. She was always so cute! Almost makes you want to pick her up and hug her! She'd be such a cute little sister!!! But we never were in any classes together. I didn't even know her name until today." Kai said.
Finally Takuya met them in the hallway.
"Okay can we go now?" Kai said. She was about ready to explode if she didn't get onto a soccer field soon.
"I told one of the other guys we'd wait for him." Takuya said, then noticing how impatient Kai had become.
Tai and Takuya became engaged in a great conversation as Kai got ready to scream. Finally she couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm walking to the field myself" she said and then walked off.
