Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Fate of Hope ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )
Yeah another chapter is here, I'm trying to get as many as i can done before
Summer vacation starts. In the summer i don't have as much computer
access, but i'll try (Hopefully we'll get that new computer soon)
Fate of Hope
Chapter Eleven
Misty shivered as she woke up, there had been a fine rain during the
night and the two pokemon trainers had gotten quite soaked. Pikachu was
fine, the small electrical mouse had slept under Mistys bench, is truth she
had kept it dry.
Everything felt too hot to her, she rubbed her forehead with her hand
and to her surprise found that it was quite hot.
"Great," Misty grumbled, she then winced realizing that her throat was
quite sore. She coughed and groaned, turning to look to where Broak had
slept she saw that he was in the same predictament as herself.
"Misty, we really should of found a better place to spend the night,"
Broak said betwen coughs, she nodded in agreement.
"Pikachu?" pikachu asked in concern, the two pokemon trainers could
tell that pikachu was concerned about there health.
"Were fine pikachu, we'll just have to take it a little easy today," Misty
told the yellow pokemon with a weak smile, pikachu frowned at her when
she coughed again.
"Pi," pikachu told her not convinced, Misty sighed and got up.
'This can't be good' the red head thought, the world blurred around
her and she passed out.
"Pikachu" Pikachu called, the red haired human Misty had just passed
out and he knew she was very ill.
"Misty," Brock called and he ran over to where Misty lay, he placed a
hand on her forehead and felt the heat rising off of it.
"She has a terrible fevor, we have to get her medicle attention," Brock
said, Pikachu frowned feeling even more worried seeing the sweat rolling
down the spiky haired boys face.
"Pi," pikachu said worried, he didn't know what to do. He had to find
TK but these two humans needed human help soon, and he didn't think
humans would react well to him.
"I really don't feel so well," Brock moaned, then as Pikachu watched
Brock passed out beside Misty.
'This is just great' Pikachu thought with a sinking feeling, he quickly
hid when a group of humans ran over to find out what had happened.
"We have to get them to the hospital quick, someone call an
ambulance," one of the humans yelled, a young woman with ebony hair
nodded and pulled out a cell phone.
'I'll follow them to the hospital, as soon as I know there okay there I'll
go looking for TK' pikachu thought, since his two humans friends were out of
commision for while he would have to search alone.
Misty groaned as she slowly came to, opening her eyes she was
surprised to find herself in a white washed room.
A few seconds later she realized that she was in a hospital, she raised
her head slightly and looking around she was relieved to spot Brock asleep
in the next bed.
'Not the way I thought I would be spending today, I wonder how we
got here though' Misty thought, she sighed and weakly leaned back on her
'And where is Pikachu' she thought as her eyes began to slowly close
on her, soon she was fast alseep.
The pokemon in question was in fact only a mile away, after pikachu
had seen that Brock and Misty were safe in the hospital his search had
The search was going quite slow because people here might react
wrongly to a pokemon, he really didn't think he would find TK if he
accidently started a riot.
'Where is he, where in this strange city is he' Pikachu thought, he
sighed his small beady brown eyes looking around with worry. He so wanted
to see his warm trainer, he was so confused... why had TK left.
'Everything has changed since he started to remember to his past, why
couldn't he have never remembered and stayed as Ash' Pikachu thought
angerly, then everything would be as it should be.
"See you later Izzy," a voice suddenly called, and it was a very
familliar voice. Pikachu ran from his hiding place and stared, running down
the street was TK... and yet there seemed to be something different about
"Pika pi," pikachu said happily, he wanted to run to his friend right
away but knew that it was a bad idea. He had to make sure TK was alone
when he confronted him, hopefully those kidnappers wouldn't show up.
'TK be brave, I'll save you' Pikachu thought, he then scampered in the
direction TK had gone.
Tk hummed happily as he ran down the street, the destined meeting
had gone well today. The fight against Ken Ichijochi was at end, the digimon
emperor had been defeated... yet at a price.
At that thought he stopped smiling, a innocent had died today...
Wormmon Kens partner had sacrificed himself. It broke his heart whenever
something died, it had even hurt when they had to destroy the dark masters
and the evil digimon before and after that.
'Why does evil have to hurt me so much, why must people play with
the darkness... ' TK thought sadly, everytime the digidestined were needed
he would hurt again.
'But I have to hope that oneday it won't hurt so much, I am after all
the digidestined of hope' TK thought with a wry grin, he ran a hand through
his golden blond hair.
"Enough dark thoughts, I should head home... I still have to meet Kari
in a few hours to go to Matts concert," TK said cheering himself up, today
would also be his first unofficial date with Kari and if he was lucky it might
become a real date.
'Yup that would make my day, a date with Kari' Tk thought going into
daydream mode, he then continued on his way with a dreamy look on his
Pikachus long ears twitched in confusion, TK was acting strange... why
was TK acting this way. TK walked different from a few months ago and his
movements were different, this whole thing confused him.
'Pika pi, what has happened to you' Pikachu thought his heart beating
in fear, what had happened to the human he had known... his personality
seemed to have changed so much.
'Enough, I have to talk to TK now or everything I know about him
could vanish' Pikachu thought narrowing his brown eyes, with that he
braved himself and ran towards the blond human boy.
Tk was just about to enter his apartmment when the sound of a feet
got his attention, right away he knew it couldn't belong to anything human...
and it was very familliar.
Slowly he turned adjusting his backpack, inside it Patamon hid... he
had to be ready for anything. There standing a few feet away on his hunches
was pikachu, the yellow electric mouse pokemon looked exactly the same as
he remembered.
"Pika pi," pikachu wispeed happily, the next thing TK knew Pikachu
leapt into his arms crying.
"Oh Pikachu," TK said happily yet also a touch sadly, he hugged his
friend. He knew this could mean only one thing, Misty and Brock had come
after him.
'Pikachu I really wish you hadn't come, this can't be good' the blond
thought, he quickly entered his apartment and walked to the phone to call
"To tell the truth your little yellow friend is cute," Kari said, Tk rolled
his eyes. This cute pokemon could light up all of tokyo with his electrical
power, cute yes... but very dangerous.
"I know that Kari, but we have to find out how he got here.. and who
came with pikachu," TK said, he groaned silently as he looked at Patamon
and Pikachu.
Pikachu and Patamon were glaring at each other, Pikachu was seemed
to be also to be giving his partner the evil eye.
"Could you two stop that, its getting annoying," he told the two with a
glare, the two gave each other one last glare before turning there backs on
each other.
"First we find out who came with the pokemon, then we better find
them and explain what happened with you TK," Matt told them, TK nodded
knowing that this wasn't going his way.
"Just a question though, why is it that only Kari and you Matt showed
up?" he asked curious, Matt gave an embarrised to his younger brother.
"Well we all knew you were going to my concert tonight so everyone
decided to keep Davis busy and away from you, so everyone else didn't get
your message," Matt said with a snigger, TK rolled his eyes.
"What about your concert, it starts in fifteen minutes?" TK asked, he
sweatdropped when Matts eyes became a stormy blue sea.
"We had to cancel it because of a pipe leak, bummer right," Matt said,
Tk only shook his head at his brothers bad luck.
"Pikachu," he said looking at the pokemon, pikachu turned to look at
"Pika pi?" pikachu questioned, Tk gave him a small scratch behind the
"Pikachu, I want you to lead me to where Misty and Brock are," TK
said, Pikachu looked excited and gave a happy 'chu'.
"Lead the way," Kari said.
Well what do you think, I would love reviews (As long as it isn't about my
grammer). Since school is almost over for me I'll have more time to write,
the only problem is finding a computer with the right disk space so I can
upload the chapters from.
Ja Ne