Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ File Not Recognized ❯ Chapter 1: Blue Devil ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The bar was unusually quiet for this time of night, even if it was a Sunday. This particular bar always had a steady stream of alcoholics intent on corrupting their binary coded livers, but as he looked around he saw only two other people; one of them was the bartender. In his opinion it was just...sad.

He poured some more Curaçao and Sambuca in his glass and dipped a finger in, setting it aflame. The blue flames danced about merrily. He ran his fingers through them, watching as they momentarily grew higher, then he picked it up, tipped his head back and carefully poured the drink through the stitching over his mouth. Someone pulled a chair up next to him, but not too close.

"What the hell are you doing drinking in here by yourself, Blue?"

"The question is," BlueMeramon replied as he promptly began pouring himself another drink, "why is everyone not in here drinking with me?" He prodded the liquid into a fountain of blue flame and turned to his companion.

"Didn't you get the memo? I thought you'd be at the beach with everyone else." Said ExVeemon.

"This is where you and I differ. I figure I'm important enough that if there's anything going on that requires my presence someone will eventually come find me and beg me to make an appearance." He reached for his glass but ExVeemon had swiped it and downed it before Blue had even registered it was gone.

"Do you have a cult following to go with that god complex?" ExVeemon dropped the hot glass back on the table. It bounced once and rolled feebly on its side. "Anyway, in this case you're right. We kinda need you for something." Blue raised an eyebrow.

"What is it?" He asked curiously.

"I'll show you when we get there. Come on."


"Making s'mores sure is easier when your best friend's a walking bonfire."

"Somehow I should feel degraded by this." Blue sat cross-legged in the middle of a circle of Digimon, each one of them pointing at him a stick with a ball of gooey white sugar at the end. Stars peeked out behind cloud cover every so often and the gentle waves of the ocean could be heard near by.

"Shut up, you're getting free food out of it." This elicted a few chuckles from the group. ExVeemon handed an uncooked s'more to Blue with a pair of tongs. The marshmallow began to bubble and brown the second he touched it.

"The only thing important in this world is booze, and lots of it."

"Here, here!" Shouted a Mushroomon in agreement.

"Tough shit. We got s'mores and you can take it or leave it." Countered ExVeemon. "Be right back, I gotta take a piss." He headed up the beach a bit to where the trees started to fill in.

"Why'd you drag me to a party that didn't have alcohol, you asshole!" Blue yelled after his friend in jest.

ExVeemon turned around and grabbed his crotch. "I've got your alcohol right here, baby! Just the way you like it!"

Time to set up the punchline. "And how's that?"

"Flaming, just like you, honey buns!" And with that he exited into the trees as the crowd around Blue erupted into taunting laughter.

All hail the reigning Kings. Or tonight, Blue thought, the reigning "Queens".


The rushing sound grew louder. Was he hungover? He couldn't remember ever being this trashed. It was nearly impossible to get buzzed the way he metabolized alcohol. So why the white noise?

"Blue! You awake?"

Aaand now he was hearing voices. Hopefully he could remember what he did to get like this so he could duplicate it.

"Blue! Get up you flaming asshole!"

I'm not the one who tried to get another dude to suck his dick, Blue said. Though in reality this dialogue did not leave his head.

"I mean it dude, you need to get up, NOW!"

Blue struggled to lift up his head and slowly opened his eyes, but no matter how much he tried he couldn't see anything more than intermitten clarity through a foggy haze.

"Whays ever'thing so cloudy?" Blue groaned.

"It's steam you moron. Get up already!"

"Steam..." The gears in his head started to grind as he put two and two together.

(The downside, ExVeemon thought, to your best friend being a flaming ball of gas, is that sometimes you have to do things at his pace, despite how much you'd like to drag him by his balls.)

The rushing sound, Blue finally deduced, was not in his head but rather it came from the waves rolling up the beach that he fell asleep at. And every time the water lapped at his face it erupted into steam, which would account for the foggy vision. He liked the hungover version better; this was just anti-climactic.

"Well fuck, I'm dumb." He concluded.

"Halle-fucking-lujiah! He figured it out. Now would you /please/ get up already."

Blue grunted as he picked himself off the ground. A glossy imprint on the sand was the only evidence he was there, like an absurd glass body outline from a crime scene.

"Chill out dude. What crawled up your dick and died?"

"There's a fight man, and we're missing it!"

"Who's fighting?" Blue asked, suddenly awake at the thought of a little early morning violence.

"Dunno, doesn't matter. It looks big. But if we don't leave now it won't matter because it'll be over. Everyone else is already there."

Blue didn't need any more convincing, he never missed a good fight. ExVeemon took off into the woods with Blue half a step behind him. Within minutes they reached a tree covered hill where a dozen Digimons lay flat on the ground, silently watching the ruckus below. ExVeemon and Blue followed suit. The hilly outcrop overlooked a tranquil little pond in a small clearing that at the moment was nothing resembling a peaceful sanctuary. The golden shafts of light that filtered through the trees and usually mottled the ground in an effervescent glow now shed light on the fierce thrashing of three individuals and some other onlookers. They were close enough to see the fight, but too far to hear what the individuals were screaming at each other.

"Looks like a lover's quarrel," ExVeemon whispered to his friend.

"How can you tell?"

"Well see that one in the center?"

"Yeah...that's a Gatomon, isn't it?"

"Yeah, and you see how she's not actually doing any fighting? She's trying to get between the two, trying to calm them down."

"Gotcha, I see what you mean now. She's definitely pleading with that one - what's the other small one?"

"Dunno, looks like a Gatomon type Digimon, just different. I was never good with my cat types. But that other dude is definitely a Grizzmon."

"He looks like one pissed off mother fucker."

"No kidding. Whoever is fighting him is one brave son of a bitch - OOH!" ExVeemon cried out in sympathy with the small unknown Digimon as the Grizzmon side-swiped him with a paw and sent him hurtling into the side of a tree. The Digimon crumpled to the ground but amazingly pulled himself back up seconds later.

"Kid's got determination." Blue commented.

What happened next was hardly comprehensible to the participants, much less the observers. With a thundering roar the Grizzmon reared up and charged at his opponent who seemed at odds with what to do. The Gatomon leaped into the warpath of the enraged bear, there was light, sound and explosive force that even the Grizzmon did not seem capable of. Either way, what actually happened in those few seconds was lost in the cloud of dirt and mist.

"Gatomon, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" It was the sound of someone who had lost everything that made their life worth living. A cry filled with such anguish that the world appeared to stop and listen.

"The fuck just happened!" ExVeemon coughed through the debris.

"Sounds like someone got their ass handed to them and then some." Blue choked out.

"No I mean, when the hell'd Grizzmon learn to explode?"

Several moments passed before the dust settled and the last thing anyone saw was the small Gatomon-like Digimon retreat deeper into the woods while the Grizzmon tried to shake himself out of the haze caused by his own concussive force. Gatomon however was not there, but based on the faces of the onlookers nearer the action, ExVeemon correctly deduced the sad outcome of the fight.

"The Gatomon..."

"Yeah, where is she anyway?" Blue asked, half to himself.

"...She's dead."


"Whatever you're doin' you're trying mighty hard there, little guy, aren' ya?" The grizzled old man who spoke hobbled his way over to the large red creature in his garden.

Guilmon opened his eyes slowly and turned towards the man, his tongue still sticking out of his mouth slightly. His heart pounded in his chest a little as he observed the old man. He wore an old beige flight jacket and faded jeans and he required the assistance of a cane to walk. His gray/white hair and beard looked a bit unkempt, but he seemed otherwise put together and his eyes were friendly if not just a touch lonely. Guilmon kept his ground, too afraid to move after being sighted by a human.

The old man came to a halt a foot away from the strange red creature, unafraid but unmistakably curious.

"Now what might you be, hmm? A dragon, mayhaps?" He stroked his beard with a gnarled, arthritic hand.

Did the human know he could talk? He slowly tucked his tongue back in his mouth and blinked once. He knew nothing about humans except from what he'd heard by word of mouth, and humans were not well known about in the Digital World, so what he knew could be written on the back of a postcard. Humans, he had heard, did not like things they could not explain. Guilmon may not have been the brightest crayon in the box but he knew that a large dog-sized dragon would fall under the 'things that could not be explained' category. However this human seemed genuinely unafraid and very friendly and so Guilmon, after much debate, spoke.

"Guilmon," he said quietly and raised a clawed hand to point to himself in the same slow fashion.

The old man opened his mouth just slightly, and only for a moment, before clearing his throat. "Now what was that again? I couldn' hear ya." He leaned forward just slightly.

"Guilmon." Guilmon repeated with a little more volume.

The dragon's voice was gentle for his almost-fierce appearance. "Guilmon did you say? That's an odd name. Course I don't expect dragons have names we humans don't find odd." He held his hand out to Guilmon. "I'm Mr. Glancy. It's a pleasure to meet ya."

Guilmon stared at the man in a mix of confusion and wonderment before finally taking his hand. The man shook it firmly but Guilmon remained silent.

"I'd be honored if you came inside and drank some iced tea with me. Not every day one gets visited by a dragon."

Guilmon opened his mouth, still unsure what to do or say, but finally replied with a small "okay" and followed the man inside.

Author's Note: I started a 100 theme challenge on Deviant Art a year back and decided to do the whole thing with a Digimon theme. But with every character I've drawn a piece of storyline would form in my head. It wasn't a cliche story of humans and Digimons partnering up to fight a common evil. It was just a story. A story that focused on the day in the life of Digimon, before either world and its inhabitants were aware of the other. It's something different from the norm and so I've scrapped my other story in lieu of this one. I just hope it turns out well.