Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ finding your heart ❯ find your heart ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Finding your Heart

I've always known where my heart was it was in Sora's hand. I didn't think she felt the same way but I didn't really care, I loved her with all my heart and all my soul. I loved her slim body, her nice waist that reminded me of everything I dream of. I know that you can't hear me Sora, but there's nothing in this world as beautiful as you! I thought to myself while lying in my bed that dark night.

I got up that morning not having had an inch of sleep that night. I couldn't sleep. Sora was rolling in my head, kinda like that song by my Favourite artist KASEY CHAMBERS. She was so hot. It went like this - well everytime I wake up I got you rolling in head, you're eyes are looking at me but there seein' her instead. I think I should change it to seein' him instead. I put on the album softly so no one could hear but me. Why did it hurt some much when I was thinking about Sora? There's a pain in my heart like a ligtenin' bolt, I'm a little bit lonesome, it's all you're fault. Oh Sora my heart hurt's, you must be squeezing it in your hand. Hold my heart in the palm of your hand, don't listen to it breaking just listen to the band. Joe had Mimi, Izzy had Cass, Davis had Alexxy, Kari had TK, Ken had Yolei, and Cody had Katie. Me and lily were the only one alone. Of course lily had a broken heart to cause of Matt and Sora, and I was still in love with Sora. When I first meet Sora I feel head over heels, literally.

*****Flash Back******

`This is your new soccer partner' said my Mum `Her name's Sora' I suddenly looked up to see Sora the most beautiful girl in the world. Forgetting that I was kicking the soccer ball I fell over it.

*****End of Flash Back******

Why was it that matt always got the girl before me? I felt an icy tear running down my cheek. My Desk in my room was covered complete in pictures of Sora, and occasionally a few of the others. I got up and went to my mirror. I looked at the pictures here, again of Sora and me. These pictures weren't stuck down on to anything. I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut out Sora, and spread them out on my bed. She was so beautiful. Just then Kari came in to my room.

`What's with all those pics?' She asked

`Nothing.' I said, but she grabbed them from me and ran out of the room. `well I can't be bothered to get them and it's time to get changed.' I got out of my Pyjamas and placed them on the chair in my room. I got changed and decided to buy breakfast from school. I just could get that song out of my head. My eyes have cried a million tears from wishing you were here. I felt another icy tears coming out of my eye. I was going crazy. Later in roll call I was sitting in my chair and she walked in, I heard the song again. I'm having trouble breathing since you walked in. I suddenly lost my breath and I couldn't breathe. I must have passed out cause when I woke up I was in the Nurses office. Why was this happening to me? I don't understand. `I DON'T UNDERSTAND!' I screamed out loud. Joe was there with Mimi.

`What don't you understand' said Mimi

`I don't understand why I can't stop loving her and then every time I ever that song. The same things happen to me as it says in the song. I don't understand why I can't get her out of my head, Why do I keep crying when I think about her and Matt. I don't understand why when I think of her I only cry 1 tear, and why that tear feels like ice running down my skin and I feel like I'm about to freeze. I don't know why I can't sleep at night. I don't understand why I feel empty, alone even when all my friends are with me. I don't understand why my insides feel like Lava is being poured over them. What is this burning feeling? Why is she all I can think about?' I said as one icier tear came out.

`Tai! Do you love Sora?' asked Mimi

`I love her more than life it's self, but she loves Matt.' I felt numb the tear was freezing my face. If I'm not here in the morning, I'll cry a river of tears. I heard those songs again. Why is it that I keep hearing those songs?

`Tai, you know what I think?' she said, I shook my head, `I think that she loves you but she hasn't realised it yet. She still needs to find her heart. I think that you've got it but you need to let her find it.'

`Thanks Mimi, thanks Joe.' I said. I felt a bit better. But If I were you I would notice me, If I were you I would wait for me, If I were you I would easily hold me and say it's all gonna be ok. It didn't feel ok. I thought.

Sora's view over things

When I walked in to the class room this morning I sat down next Matt, and all of a sudden Tai's the back of the room looking at me with wide open eyes coughing it was like he could breathe when I walked in. it remind me of the song by Kasey Chambers, the best singer in the world of country at the moment it went like I'm having trouble breathing since you walked in.

Mimi walked up to me after her visit to see Tai with Joe. Aww they were kissing, it looked more passionate than any of Matt's Kisses. When they broke apart Mimi came towards me and *SLAP* `You're a fool Sora!' she said to me

`What was that for?' I asked

`You're blinder than a bat! You're the biggest fool in the world at the moment!' She yelled `You can't see the person you love the most right in front of your face! I've never had my heart broken but I know exactly how he feels!'

`I don't understand.' I said

`You know what I think that you don't even know where your heart really is.' She said to me and stormed off.

`My heart is? Oh I wonder how Tai's doing?' What?! Why did I think that I love Matt, don't I? Oh I'm so confused. I hope Tai's ok.

It was the end of the school day. I saw Kari waiting for Tai. She mumbled something like `Tai's gonna kill me for this but I'm doing this for him.' She looked at me `OH Hi! Just the person I was looking for!'

`Aren't you here to wait for Tai?' I asked

`No! Tai's not stupid he can walk home. I wanted to invite you over tonight.' She said

`I guess I could come why?' I answered looking suspiciously at Kari.

`I need to show you something. Is it ok?'

`Sure!' I said. I didn't know why I just said that, but something inside of me was saying say yes say yes. I had planned to go on a date with Matt that night, what was I going to tell him, That I had to go to a dinner party, which had been planned for months, and I was expected to be there. That's it. But why did I say yes? I wasn't sure. Did I want to see Tai? Oh I don't know.

Back to Tai

I hope that Mimi's right. I'd do anything to make her happy but this pain is incredible unbearable. I was walking home from school. When I arrived home Kari said, `we're going to have a special guest tonight. Put on something nice.' When I asked her who it was, she just smiled and said nothing. First thing I did was take a shower to wash this pain I had out, then I changed into a baby blue top with a yellow stripe across the top and a pair of angels wings on the back. On the Bottom it said There are angels but that's nothing compared to you! And to top it all of I wore a pair of black cargo pants and a pair of sneakers. Suddenly the doorbell rang. `I'll get!' Kari shouted.

`Hi!' I heard a familiar voice at the door. I looked away at this glass next to my bed. It had a lab on it the said tears for Sora. I felt another tear trickle down my face *plop* it fell in the half full glass of tears.

`Tai! Our guest is here.' Kari shouted. I close my eyes I think of runnin' water, I think of runnin' away, If I'm not here in the mornin' I'll cry a river of tears, but I'll learn to live in a new town, but my heart is stayin' here. I heard on of those songs again. I felt like running away at the moment. Wanted to run a million miles from here. I went outside and saw her there.

`Hi!' I said to her smiling. My insides weren't smiling though, they were surrounded by what felt like lava. Why was it happening to me? Kari put on an album, it was Kasey singing on it. I switched it straight to number 6 and I sat down and listened to it with out looking up at her.

`I need to show you something Sora.' She said pulling Sora away. And dingoes howl just to break the silence.

Kari's view on things so far

I knew Tai was gonna kill me for this, But I had to do it for him. He was the Best big brother in the world. He stood by me when I was sad and encouraged me to tell TK how I felt about him. I don't think I'd be here if it wasn't for Tai. I really cared about him. I didn't want him to be the way he was now. I knew that if he broke, I'd try and pick up the pieces, but I could put him back together kinda like that song `cause you got the car and I got the break, I had as much as I can take, and my heart can't handle anymore, and all the kings horses and all the kings men, couldn't put me back together again, so I went an' broke in pieces on the floor. I knew what Mimi felt about Sora, she thought that Sora was still trying to find her heart and that it was with Tai that where she'd find it. I heard yells from inside it sounded like Mimi. I don't know what was wrong. Then Sora came out. I asked her to come over that night, and she said yes.

Later when Tai got home, I told him that we'd have a guest over so get in to something nice. When Sora arrived a put on the Kasey album and left Tai to listen to it. I grabbed Sora's hand and rushed into Tai bedroom.

`WOW!' she said looking at Tai's room, it was actually quite tidy which was unusual, but ever since Matt and Sora had been together he tidy it all the time. I guess he had nothing better to do. I had put the pictures of Sora back in his room, but when I looked I found them in the bin. Oh I'd almost forgot that Sora was here.

`he's been spending a lot of time in here since, since….' I trailed out, because I saw this glass of water with a lab Tear for Sora on it. I put my finger in to the jar. I had had to take it out it was so cold. `Since' I continued, `you and Matt started dating. He cleans it up all the time, cause he says he's got nothing else to do. I know this sounds weird to you. I stand outside his room sometimes and I can hear him repeating the same words over again, his says, "I just don't understand." I think you should look behind you' I said. Sora turned around to see I desk covered in pictures of her. She looked at me but I said nothing.

Sora again

I looked at the desk in front of me. It was covered in pictures of, me? I stared back at Kari. Who moved out of the way to reveal I glass with a lab on it. I read the lab and suddenly I felt 1 tiny icy tear fall down into this glass. I was a fool. I looked it to the bin. I'd broken Tai's heart. Mimi had told me that I could see the one who loved me most right in front of me all this time. She said that I needed to look for my heart, but I thought that I knew where my heart was. I was wrong. It was with Tai. `I'm the biggest fool in the world.' I shouted. I heard that song My hands are tidier, my head is reelin', my eyes have cried a million tears from wishin' you were here.

`Tai can't sleep at night, because he's always thinking of you.' Kari yelled at me. `I want to help pick up the pieces, but I can't. Tai's the Best big Brother I could ever asked for. He means more to me than anything I know. You're right you are the biggest fool in the world. I can't ever believe you never saw him the same way he sees you. You are the reason he can't sleep. The reason he cries.' Hold my heart in the palm of your hand, don't listen breakin' just listen to the band. I could hear Tai singing. His voice was much better than it use to be, it went well with Kasey's voice.

I was crying and I just couldn't stop myself. I ran down the stairs, and just as I came right down he got up looked at me and said `don't cry, Sora. Don't cry' he whipped away my tears. I looked at him. Why had I been such a fool? Why hadn't I seen him before? I was so blind. I had just found my heart. It hadn't been with Matt it was with Tai. I swung my arms around him. He looked at me in shock. Then he lifted me up off the ground and swung me around the room.


The next day was my Birthday. I had invited everyone. I looked around at all my friends. When the cake came out. `Make a wish Tai!' Sora said to me.

`It already came true.' I said to her only.

`Ok! Tai, after you cut the cake if the knife come back all dirty. You've got to kiss the nearest girl.' Joe said winking at me. Just as I pulled out the knife, which was dirty, Joe pushed Sora into my lap. Well here goes.

`You better make it quick! Cause that's my girl' Matt said. What?! She still hadn't broken up with him? Oh, well! I kissed her quickly, but when I tried to pull away. I couldn't. Her arms were wrapped around me. It felt like ages before she let go.

`I love you, Tai' she whispered

`I love you too.' I said

Mimi was shouting `WOOHOO!' she winked at me, `I told you so Tai!' she whispered to me `Don't they look so cute together.' She asked everyone, almost everyone said yes.

`What was your wish Tai?' Sora asked me

`To be the one you love Sora.' I answered. She swung her arms around me again and kissed me. Her cherry lips were so sweet. Kari, Mimi, Izzy, Katie, Cody, Yolei, Ken, Davis, Alexxy, Cass, lily and Joe were all giving me the thumbs up. `Sora. You still have to tell Matt.' I said. She ran towards Matt.

`Matt!' she said, `I want to break up with you' he nodded and Sora was coming back to me.

`Don't I get a Kiss Goodbye?' he asked. So she kissed him one last time.

Many years later

`Sora.' Tai said kneeling down, `Will you marry me?'

`Yes!' Sora answered him.


Sora and Tai

Sora and Tai were engaged for 3 months before their wedding. Joe was to be the best man. Mimi said that if she didn't get paired up with Joe she wouldn't come. So Mimi was the maid of honour. Kari, Yolei, Katie, Lily and Cass were the bride's maids and as Tai watched Sora walk down that isle he knew that they were going to be together forever.

Mimi and Joe

During the ceremony at Tai and Sora's wedding Joe asked her to marry him. On bended knee and soon they too were married.

Lily and Matt

Just after Sora broke up with him. He decided to move on. Then He suddenly realised he had feelings for lily. After bout 10yrs of going out they were married.

TK and Kari

TK and Kari are still together. They have been engaged for 3yrs now. Still haven't decided when they want to get married.

Izzy and Cass

Remained faithful to each other for a very long time, and are still together as we speak. Just as are all the others.