Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ For They Shall Be Filled ❯ A Grand Joke--Ha! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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For They Shall Be Filled

The future is only a reaction to the past.

By: Vain (Vainglorious696) 5/31/2001-1/26/2002


I do not own Digimon, Ichijouji Ken, the Digidestined, or the Digital World, nor am I making any money off of this. Kazunori, Sanghee, the Golden Triangle, the Revelationas Arch, all its OC's and original concepts all belong to me.

Please DO NOT use or "borrow" them without my written permission.

Special Thanks goes to Herongale and the Guardian for betaing and thank you's are extended to everyone who reviewed on FF.net, especially Athena, ShinniJekka, KA, Pan-chan, Crew of the Clow, Mink, and Soulfull Ishida.

Because of the FF.net situation, this story will be posted here gradually. The entire fic and its sequel can be found here: http://www.fanfiction.net/profile.php?userid=91738

Thank you and please read and review.

~ Vain


~Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

-Matthew 5: 48


Chapter Four

A Grand Joke-Ha!

Math Can Camp-- Four Days Later:

"I don't understand, Ken-san. How did you get that answer?"

Ken looked impassively at the girl he was tutoring for a moment. Half of him wanted to tell the young lady the answer and the other half was wishing that he had had the presence of mind to bring his whip. Currently the latter half was winning. He slowly closed his eyes and opened them again. Maybe if he were lucky the entire camp would vanish by the time they were fully open and he would no longer be forced to endure these people.

He wasn't lucky.

There is a hell and I am there.

He looked at the girl in front of him and released a long, slow sigh. "Now, I will explain this one last time, Miyoko, so listen. There are 360 degrees in a circle. These degrees can be measured in minutes and seconds. There are 60 minutes in a circle. There are 60 seconds in a minute. Thus, there are 360 seconds in a circle. Therefore one degree equals . . . ?"

He waited. She stared. He sighed. She stared. He closed his eyes in pain.

Oh, God, why did I leave my whip in my cabin? he asked himself.

His conscience answered for him. Because if you had it, you would have strangled her with it by now.

He told his conscience to shut up and mind its own business.

"One second!!"

He opened his eyes to see the girl beaming in joy. Simpleton.

"Very good." He smiled, knowing that it would brighten her paltry existence. "Now how many degrees are there in one minute?"

He waited. She stared. He waited longer. She stared. He suppressed an urge to pick up the math book and bludgeon her to death with it. She stared.

Why me?

"That's enough for tonight, class. A light evening snack will be in the main hall in fifteen minutes."

He exhaled in relief.

As the class shuffled around getting their things, Ken offered Miyoko another smile. "Keep working; you're starting to get the hang of it!" She glowed at the praise. Sometimes he was so smooth that he even made himself nauseous.

He slipped out of the room as soon as he could. Teaching trigonometry to idiots, he thought. How degrading.

He walked back to his cabin, staring at the stars as he went. In the Digital World, there were billions upon billions of stars, more than even his fantastic mind could calculate. But here there weren't even half that many, rural and unpopulated as this place was supposed to be. It was all such a joke. Some sick twisted joke of which he got the terrible feeling he was the punch line. And there were few things Ken Ichijouji hated more than being laughed at.

Ah, well. I suppose it's better than therapy.

That had of course been the ultimatum he received last week. Go to therapy and get your head together or go to Math Camp and help those "less fortunate" than yourself. He thought his parents were going to pop a vein when he (after seemingly careful deliberation, of course) chose camp. That's what you get when you try to play mind games with a genius.

They had really hoped that he would choose therapy because they knew that their son was not exactly . . . tolerant of those less gifted than himself. He had thought he was so smart, playing their little games and getting away from his overprotective mother at the same time, but now he was wondering which one of them had actually won.

Away from Wormmon and the distractions of school, soccer, and destroying control spires and evil digimon, the Emperor side of his personality was becoming much more aggressive, to the point of where he actually had to stop himself from hurting other people. Way to help out, Mother. They would probably figure out some way to make him go to therapy, anyway.

Not for the first time he felt a bitter stab of envy towards Sam. Dying had to be so much easier than life. Even when his brother was dead and gone, Ken still had to play catch up. Yeah, his life definitely had to be a joke. If he were someone else he'd be laughing his ass off right about now.

Now that's a healthy thought. He snorted, choking back dark laughter. Maybe I should see a shrink . . .

He bit back another laugh as he pictured the first session. "Yeah, doc, you see, after Osamu, my brother, died a few years back, I got this funny e-mail saying that I had to live both his life and mine. So I devoted all my time to school, which was okay because no one likes me anyway because I hear voices in my head, and tried to become a genius so that my parents could use me to get publicity because that would make them love me. Anyway, after I killed Sam--did I mention that? Well, one day I wished he would disappear and : BAM! He did--so it's my fault. Anyway, back to what I was saying, after I killed Sam, took over his identity, and became famous, the voices in my head started telling me to do things and I decided that I had to conquer the Digital World. Don't ask me why; it just seemed like a good idea at the time. You say you've never heard of the Digital World? That's not surprising. It's a secret world inside computers were a bunch of intelligent, highly advanced, talking monsters live. Well, I decide to take it over 'cause I'm so smart, but these other kids, called the Digidestined, wanted to stop me because they're the good guys and I was obviously evil. In between maiming, torturing, destroying, and corrupting thousand of innocent creature, I threw a couple of rounds with the Digidestined and some added in a little unparalleled destruction, just for variety of course. But in the end, the damned do-gooders vaporized my caterpillar and blew up the Frankenstein monster I built. That kinda drove me over the edge, but I went into a vegetative state and went looking for my heart while I was comatose. I didn't find it, but my caterpillar came back and forgave me for being Hitler, plus the Digidestined aren't trying to kill me anymore. Other than the occasional urge to beat the hell out of people for no other reason than that they're breathing my air and arguments with the voices in my head, things are going great! What do you think?"

Oh, yeah; he should definitely see that shrink. He chuckled softly in the darkness and opened the door to his cabin, smirking. The other people in the cabin looked up when he entered but looked away just as quickly. They never spoke to him, they just tried to do what most sensible people did when Ken Ichijouji entered a room: not make eye contact and avoid all sudden movements. He smiled darkly. They were all fools, the whole lot of them. No matter, though.

Abruptly the smile vanished. Ken mentally cursed himself. Contempt-- that was the Emperor's way of thinking. He was not the Emperor. At least, not anymore. He was just Ken now, and Ken had to be Kind. Ken had to be Gentle. Ken could not take pleasure in the discomfort of others. Ken had to be Compassionate. Damn Ken.

He swung himself up onto the top bunk and lay back, looking at the ceiling. Mine is not to reason why . . . " 'Ours is but to do or die,' " he finished the quote aloud.

He closed his eyes and thought of Wormmon. I hope you're well, my friend. I hope Davisis taking good care of you and treating right. He hasn't e-mailed me at all . . . The pride of Tamachi sighed, suddenly melancholy as he felt a keen pang of loneliness in his crowded cabin. I'll see you tomorrow in primary Village Wormmon. Then I'll have the answers to my questions . . . And so will everybody else. . .
