Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ For They Shall Be Filled ❯ Discovery: Pieces of the Past ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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For They Shall Be Filled

The future is only a reaction to the past.

By: Vain (Vainglorious696) 5/31/2001-1/26/2002


I do not own Digimon, Ichijouji Ken, the Digidestined, or the Digital World, nor am I making any money off of this. Kazunori, Sanghee, the Golden Triangle, the Revelationas Arch, all its OC's and original concepts all belong to me.

Please DO NOT use or "borrow" them without my written permission.

Special Thanks goes to Herongale and the Guardian for betaing and thank you's are extended to everyone who reviewed on FF.net, especially Athena, ShinniJekka, KA, Pan-chan, Crew of the Clow, Mink, and Soulfull Ishida.

Because of the FF.net situation, this story will be posted here gradually. The entire fic and its sequel can be found here: http://www.fanfiction.net/profile.php?userid=91738

Thank you and please read and review.

~ Vain


~But the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness.

There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

-Matthew 8: 12


Part Eight

Discovery: Pieces of the Past

The Odaiba Public Library was quiet on Thursday afternoons. With school just being let out ten minutes ago, only the occasional college student or adult could be seen roaming the isles of books in search of Napoleon or Gandhi. This was perfectly alright with Kari, of course. She had some serious work to do.

"Why are we here, Kari? I thought that you had cheerleading practice. Anyway, I wanted to catch a quick cat nap."

The microfilm projector threw odd shadows over the girls face as she flipped through the articles. "Keep it down, Gatomon. I don't want to get caught by the librarian; she might think you're a pet."

"A pet?" The feline digimon arched her back, offended. "A pet?!"

"Oh, don't get your fur ruffled."

"Hmph. Easy for you to say." Gatomon leapt up onto Kari's lap. She watched the newsreel articles flip past. "What are you looking for, anyway?"


"Ken? Why are you looking for newspaper articles about Ken?"

The Child of Light frowned but didn't look away from the screen. "I'm not. I'm looking to see if he has a brother. Someone named Osamu, actually."

"So why don't you just ask Ken if it's this important?"

"Because what I want to know is very private and Ken doesn't trust us. Even if he did, I doubt that he'd want to talk about it . . ."

"If Ken wouldn't want you to know, why are you looking for this kid?"

"Because," Kari sighed softly, "I need to know that I'm not going crazy."

Gatomon regarded her human worriedly. "I don't-"

"There! That was it!"

"What was?"

"This." Kari flipped back three articles until she reached one that displayed a large picture of a small boy with spiked hair and gold-rimmed glasses. She read the headline. "Young Tamachi Boy Registered as a Clinical Genius. Osamu Ichijouji, age six, was recently declared by the International Psychology Board as a genius with an IQ of 170 points, well above the average . . ."

"Kari," asked Gatomon, "That boy looks just like Ken. What does it mean?"

"I'm not sure, Gatomon." The child flipped ahead several articles, scanning for the words "Tamachi," "Ichijouji," and "genius." Several articles appeared and she scanned them all.

"Young Ichijouji Advanced Two Grades."

"Boy Genius Writes Winning Computer Program."

"Tamachi Elementary School for the Gifted Enrolls Young Genius."

"Ichijouji Takes the Elementary Cup for Tamachi."

The list went on and on.

"This doesn't make any sense, Kari," Gatomon protested as she read the last headlines. "I thought Ken was the genius. Who's this kid?"

Kari's eyed were glued to the screen. "This is . . . his brother."

"Then what happened to him? Why haven't we heard of him?"

In response Kari flipped forward several articles, stopping at a picture of a mangled car. The headline read: Tragic Car Accident Takes the Life of Young Genius and Driver, Injures Brother.

Kari's eyes widened and she read on.

Saturday afternoon at 2:00 a tragic car accident took the lives of driver Takahashi Okaida and young Osamu Ichijouji. Okaida was declared dead at the scene and the young man and his brother, Ken Ichijouji, were admitted to Tamachi Children's Hospital. The young genius sustained massive injuries to his cranium and a large amount of blood loss. The youngest Ichijouji suffered a sprained ankle, but was held overnight for psychological trauma.

The accident occurred on the corner of Tamachi Avenue and Main Street when Ken Ichijouji darted out into oncoming traffic. Osamu saw the boy run and followed him, knocking him out of the way of a vehicle. The vehicle, driven by Takahashi Okaida, struck the elder Ichijouji, knocking the driver into the windshield and sending the boy several feet in the air. Okaida, who was speeding in a school zone,

diedon impact due to hemorrhaging and trauma to the brain.

Osamu was rushed to Tamachi Children's with internal injuries and skull trauma. The young man died an hour after admission. Ken Ichijouji received a sprained ankle after his brother knocked him down, but was admitted for an overnight stay at the hospital for a psychological evaluation.

"It was terrible," reported one eyewitness. "I was talking to Mrs. Ichijouji about little Osamu and the two boys were talking. Suddenly Ken yelled and just ran out into the street. Osamu saw him go and ran after him. He knocked the boy out of the way of the car, but couldn't move in time. Ken saw the entire thing happen less than a meter from it all. After the impact there was just this . . . silence, and then Ken started screaming. He was still screaming when they took him away in the ambulance. It was all just terrible."

A private funeral service will take place next week at Tamachi Cemetery.

Kari leaned back heavily in her chair. "My god . . ."

"Kari, is this what you were looking for?"

"Yeah, but . . ." her voice drifted off.

"But what?" prompted her friend.

"What does this have to with my dream? Why did Osamu come to me?"

The digimon looked from her human to the screen and then back. I don't know what's going on, Kari, but I'm going to find out . . .
