Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ For They Shall Be Filled ❯ The Fool Who Follows the Fool ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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For They Shall Be Filled

The future is only a reaction to the past.

By: Vain 5/31/2001-1/26/2002


I do not own Digimon, Ichijouji Ken, the Digidestined, or the Digital World, nor am I making any money off of this. Kazunori, Sanghee, the Golden Triangle, the Revelationas Arch, all its OC's and original concepts all belong to me.

Please DO NOT use or "borrow" them without my written permission.

Special Thanks goes to Herongale and the Guardian for betaing and thank you's are extended to everyone who reviewed on FF.net, especially Athena, ShinniJekka, KA, Pan-chan, Crew of the Clow, Mink, and Soulfull Ishida.

Because of the FF.net situation, this story will be posted here gradually. The entire fic and its sequel can be found here: http://www.fanfiction.net/profile.php?userid=91738

Thank you and please read and review.

~ Vain


~For by your words you will be justified,

and by your words you will be condemned.

-Matthew 12: 37


Chapter Fourteen

The Fool Who Follows the Fool


The younger Yagami looked away from Gennai in surprise. "Hey, look, everybody. It's TK! And he's got Ken!"

The other Digidestined turned away from Gennai to where the two children and their digimon were coming towards them through the village. TK was in the lead followed by a rather grouchy looking Ken. Patamon fluttered in his usual place over TK's head, sometimes widening his circle to include Ken. As for the boy genius, he was walking with his head down and his hair in his face. Wormmon slept gently cradled in his arms. Oddly enough, the violet-haired boy was without his ever-present Tamachi jacket and wore instead a black short-sleeved tee shirt. The stark contrast in colors made the gray lines of his pants appear less severe and enhanced the natural paleness of his skin. All in all, the effect produced was rather flattering. The slight scowl on his face, however, was not.

Kari left the others behind and half ran, half walked to meet the two boys. She came to a stop shortly in front of them and smiled at TK in greeting. Her friend gave her a smile and she then turned her attention to Ken. She smiled at him in spite of her internal wince at the sight of the dark smudges beneath his eyes. "Hey, Ken."

The other boy dipped his head in greeting. "Yagami."

Kari's brown eyes flicked to TK, silently pleading for privacy. He smiled his understanding and waved to his partner. "C'mon, Patamon."

Ken's brows contracted slightly as he watched TK walk away. The he turned back to Kari, a hidden fire flashing in his eyes. "You wanted to talk to me for a reason. What is it?"

Kari swallowed hard. Suddenly this didn't seem like such a good idea. "How are you doing?"

Ken narrowed his eyes. "The others are waiting, Yagami." He went past her and began to walk away.

"How have you been sleeping, Ken?"

He stopped, back stiffening.

"I said: how have you been sleeping?"

He lowered his head and turned slightly to face her. "What does it matter to you?"

"I've been dreaming, Ken."

He took a step towards her, suddenly angry. "And what of it?! I don't care, Yagami! You called me here for a reason and I seriously doubt that it was so you could be cryptic and play head games with me. Why? What's happening?"

"I've been dreaming about you, Ken. You and . . ." She trailed off and looked away, afraid.

He looked at her intently. When he spoke his voice was a whisper. "The Black Ocean."

Kari nodded miserably. "Yes. Am I in your dreams, Ken?"

"I . . . I don't know."

His admission made her look as though she was going to cry. "Why not?"

"I can't remember them." He pursed his lips pensively and scowled at the ground. Wormmon shifted and his blue eyes fluttered open.

The little virus twisted in his human's arms and stretched, opening his mandible wide as he yawned. He blinked sleepily. "Ken? What's going on?"

The boy genius smiled at his partner. "It's nothing, my friend." He knelt and released Wormmon gently to the ground. "Go wait with the others; we'll be along shortly."

The digimon eyed his partner for a moment before doing as he was told. Ken straightened and caught Kari's questioning look.

"He worries," the pale boy explained with a shrug.

"How did you know the dreams were of the Dark Ocean?" Kari asked in response.

"Because they're more than dreams, aren't they?"

The Child of Light looked away guiltily and Ken smirked in triumph.

"I don't know," Kari said softly. "I had hoped they weren't, but I think . . . Yes, they're real."

"Hmph. So, what am I doing in these dreams of yours?"

"I-Gennai's here, Ken. We're all in great danger."

"Gennai?" Ken blinked in confusion at the sudden change in subject. "Who's Gennai?" The boy then shook his head and glared at her coldly, frustrated by her evasion. "And what does that have to do with me?"

"You're in danger, too. These dreams-I think they're warnings. I-"

"Hey, Kari!" Davis's voice sliced through the air. "Will you two hurry it up? Gennai's running out of time!"

Ken looked at her and smiled unpleasantly. "They're calling for you, Child of the Light."

She glared at him, angry at the shields he put up around himself and angry with herself for not knowing the right things to say to him. She grabbed his wrist in a surprisingly firm grip. "C'mon," she ordered, dragging him forward. "There're some things you need to hear."


Cody frowned as Kari came forward, hauling Ken along behind her. The Tamachi born genius looked slightly amused, as though it was beyond conception that someone would manhandle him in such a fashion.

Figures, thought the Child of Reliability and Knowledge with a dark and troubled expression on his face.

Ken came to an abrupt halt as he looked at Gennai, his eyes narrowing in a fashion that the Digidestined recognized as dangerous due to prior experience. Kari was caught off guard by the sudden action and stumbled forward slightly, almost falling.

"Hello, Ken," Gennai said in a soft voice.

The pale boy glared at him hatefully. Gennai didn't appear to notice. "It's been a long time."

" . . . Not long enough!" Ken spat with venom in his voice.

The other children were shocked by the vehement hatred in the former tyrant's tone. Images of the Emperor flashed through their minds and their digimon rose to stand defensively before their children. Wormmon heaved a sigh that seemed to come from the ground and his antennae drooped. He puttered his way over to stand at his partner's feet.

"Ken," he begged urgently, "Please . . ."

The boy ignored him, never taking his eyes off of Gennai.

For his part, the traveler regarded Ken with similar intensity, but his eyes showed sadness instead of rage. He sighed heavily. "Fair enough. That's really no less than I deserve, I suppose, but now there are other things to worry about."

"Oh?" asked Ken haughtily, flicking indigo hair from his eyes. "And why should I trust you?"

"Because you don't really have much choice."

"There are always choices, old man. Or is it Gennai now? I hear that's what you call yourself these days."

"Still so angry Ken? I don't pretend to deserve your forgiveness or understanding, but at least listen to what I have to say."

"And what do you have to say that could interest me, oh Great and All Knowing Wise One?"

Gennai's head jerked up and for an instant the Digidestined thought he would strike the dark-haired boy. "Now you're just not being fair, Ken. Granted, errors were made-"

"Errors?" the boy exploded. "Errors?! You got him killed! You got them killed. That is NOT going to happen to me!"

"There are worse things than death, Little Boy Emperor, as you well know. You've meted out enough suffering to understand that!" snapped Gennai in reply, losing his temper at last. "You should know that better than anybody. Ryou taught you better. So did Osamu." Ken flinched visibly at the names, pain dancing across his porcelain features. "I knew that this wouldn't be easy on you, Ken. And maybe it shouldn't be."

The boy went so pale that Cody imagined he could almost see the genius's veins pulsing blue beneath his skin. "How dare you judge me! What gives you the right!? Who gave you the right to just come waltzing back into our lives?"

"You already know the answer to that question, Ken."

Abruptly, a loud quavering voice interrupted the arguing pair. "Stop it now!"

All eyes snapped to the ground to find a quivering Wormmon standing between Ken and Gennai. The small virus turned his brilliant eyes to Ken's darkened violet ones and the expression on his face was enough to break even the hardest of hearts. "It's not right, Ken-chan. To argue like this . . . It's not right."

Ken stiffened and his angry eyes were immediately replaced by an expressionless mask. Gennai flushed slightly and began to study the ground intently. Silence came crashing to the ground and the air seemed to thicken.

Davis broke the stillness with his usual tact. "Man, you two must really hate each other's guts!"

Yolei's eyes widened behind her thick glasses and Kari paled. TK blushed and began to rapidly shake his head in disbelief. Cody felt his cheeks flush what was undoubtedly a lovely dusky red as Davis looked from face to face in confusion. "What?" he demanded innocently. "What'd I do?"

Ken looked at him in surprise for a moment and blinked rapidly. His temper was already severely irritated and the last things on his mind were Crests and Traits. Without thinking, he immediately voiced the first thought that popped into his head. "You have got to be the simplest person that I have ever met in my life."

Davis flushed and instantly threw out his chest like a peacock, pride wounded. "Oh, yeah? Well, I beat you, didn't I? What does that say about you then, Ichijouji?"

For the third time that day, Ken stiffened in angry surprise and felt his temper begin to slip out of control. Fortunately, being a conqueror, absolute dictator, and famous genius had its advantages, and some of them were having an iron will and the ability to bend his emotions to serve that will. Therefore, instead of reaching for the whip that he still carried safely hidden in his bag, he simply gave Davis one of the infamous "Ichijouji Stares of Death" that he had mastered so long ago. The expression, while not actually doing anything, somehow managed to transmit exactly what he was thinking to Davis Motomiya's brain and this consisted of many colorful and rather horrific images of Davis's painful demise. The goggle-boy shied back like a startled horse and raised his hands defensively.

"Stop it, you two," snapped Kari, instantly recalling sanity to the gathering. "We are not here to fight. Haven't you had enough of fighting yet?" This last bit was directed at Ken.

The "Rocket" stared at her expressionlessly for a moment then turned his flat blue-purple eyes to Gennai who was regarding the entire situation with a sinking heart. If Ken was aware of the emotions running through the traveler, he gave no indications of it and instead, for the third time that day posed the question which no one had yet answered. "You're here for a reason, are you not?" He continued without waiting for Gennai's reply. "Well, then, what do you want?"

Gennai looked into Ken's intense eyes and frowned slightly. The Guardian Beasts are wrong! This is not the right way to go about this. This will not save the Children . . . This will not save the once Emperor. He sighed sadly and gently bit the tip of his tongue. It must be done, though. He had to do his duty regardless of his misgivings. Regardless of his feelings.

"Please," he began softly, "sit down, all of you."

"Davis," protested Veemon, "Will this take long? I'm hungry!"

"Pipe down," retorted Patamon from TK's hat.

"I think you better stay. This sounds like it'll be important," Davis said with a sigh of defeat.

"I think Davis is right," Kari offered a smile in condolence.

Wormmon turned his large blue eyes to her curiously. "Is this why you called Ken here?"

Amber colored eyes blinked. "What?"

The virus pulled himself up to stand of his six back legs, front four extended in explanation. "You called Ken-chan and I here, remember? Did you just want him to hear what Gennai had to say?"

"No; I wanted to talk about the Dark Ocean." The Child of Light turned to Gennai in confusion. "How did you know we'd be here, Gennai?"

"I've been watching you since you arrived in the Digital World at the behest of the Powers That Be. Did you say you were here to discuss the Dark Ocean?"

Ken's mouth twitched upwards to a smirk. "Yeah, it's a real hot conversation piece. What do you think, Gennai?" He made the name sound like a curse.

A small muscle in Gennai's cheek jumped, but he remained calm. "Sit down and maybe I'll tell you."

There was a whisper of movement as they all settled themselves. Veemon and Davis were already seated, as were Yolei, Cody, and their respective Digimon. Gennai settled himself comfortably on a wicker chair. Kari gently picked up Gatomon from the chair she'd been warming and held the digimon in her lap. TK sat on the table with Patamon happily seated on his head. Wormmon settled himself contentedly in Ken's lap as the dark-eyed boy sat in a chair as far from the others as possible without actually detaching himself from the group. While his features were totally blank, suspicion clouded his eyes and leaked out into his body language.

Gennai could tell that Ken had no intention of playing along with him on this. Perfect, the traveler thought in disgust. He waited until they were comfortable before beginning his tale. "Earlier today I met with the Guardians of the Digital World. They informed me that the inter-dimensional barriers were weakening and it will soon be possible for certain creatures to travel between worlds . . . and to remain away from their own."

Cody frowned in confusion. "What do you mean? Are you saying that our world is in danger?"

"Your world, the Digital World, all worlds. There are certain beings in who are attempting to take advantage of this situation. For the majority of them, their efforts will be in vain. However, there is one creature that can and will succeed if given the opportunity. He is your enemy now."

Ken tilted his head to the side, mind hard at work. Gennai's words stirred something buried deep within him . . . something familiar. "Who is he?"

"He has no true name and his form has not been seen in either of our worlds since the original Digidestined banished him to the world he has corrupted and now rules."

"You mean Tai and the others?" asked Davis.

"No," replied the traveler. "The group in which you two," here he nodded towards Kari and TK, "and your brothers traveled is a different group of Chosen Children, not the first. The first group of Children-the bearers of the original nine Crests-were the ones to banish him and seal him from the Digital World and your own. Now, though, time and the growing darkness in both worlds have helped him erode the bonds keeping him in place. He blames the two worlds for his punishment-and the Digidestined for his torment." Gennai stopped and closed his eyes briefly in pain. "The Dark One is mad. His mind has been twisted by his power and ambitions. And both have grown since his exile."

"This world," asked Kari in a hesitant voice, "the one to where he's trapped . . . What world is it?"

Gennai turned to her and was silent for a moment. "An accident. It is called the Dark World or the Dark Dimension, although originally it was neither. The plane where he now resides was originally a bridge that physically linked the Digital World and your own world . . . kind of like the center square of an intersection: it didn't really belong to either world. Because it was a place of power, this area was deemed best to isolate him and his followers there, nearly two hundred digimon and one human, and cut that part of the worlds away. This is why the only ways to access the Digital or Real Worlds are through a computer, Digivice, or to carry a part of the essence of Digital World within you."

A dark frown dashed across Ken's face before being swallowed once more by his typical mask. To carry a part of the Digital World within you . . .?

"The Internet and the lines of electronic communication remain between the two worlds, tethering the one to the other. The bridge itself now floats in the form of an island surrounded by water, just out of synch with the worlds. It is known to you, I believe, as the Dark Ocean."

Kari paled and TK bit his lower lip. Ken remained expressionless. "So what does any of this have to do with us?"

"You-all of you-must be protected. The Dark Undersea Master, as he is called by his servants, knows of you and recognizes you as his only real obstacles to his return to both worlds."

"And why precisely must we halt his return?"

Everyone's head snapped away from Gennai to stare at Ken in shock.

"Have you lost it?" demanded Yolei, too appalled to be angry. "This guy is bad news-"

"I am merely questioning the wisdom of leaping before we look," said Ken in a voice that would have been a hiss if he hadn't sounded so cold. "Or are you still tampering with things that you do not understand? If there is a battle coming, it will not be the same as fighting me." He turned his eyes to Kari. "It will not even be the same as fighting the Dark Masters. This . . . this could mean something else entirely."

Kari shivered as her dream came back in a vivid flash. "This could mean nothing or everything. It all depends on what Kenny-boy wants to do. Or what you and the other Digidestined allow him to do . . . Will you permit him to do what is necessary?"

Gennai interrupted the two before Yolei could come up with a retort that she considered Ken-worthy. "He wants to break you," the de-aged man said softly. "He wants to destroy you and bring you to him-to his darkness. It seems as though you are doing a pretty fair job of yourselves."

The children all hung their heads in shame. Except Ken Ichijouji, that is. "You never answered my question. Why should we fight your battle for you?"

This time Gennai refused to back down before that unforgiving gaze. "Because you are all the Digidestined. Because the Dark Undersea Master will destroy you no matter what you do. Because there is no one else who can."

TK shook himself out of his stupor. Ken had said leaping before "we" look . . . The blond turned to Gennai. "What about the Guardians?"

The older man shook his head. "They can't even help save themselves. They are locked away beyond both worlds and cannot intervene directly in the affair of any world save the one where they now reside."

Cody frowned. That just doesn't add up. "Why are they locked away?"

"I would tell you if I knew myself."

The small boy blinked, startled by the traveler's response.

Davis, who had been silent for far too long (at least for him), frowned as something rather disturbing occurred to him. He sounded strangely serious putting his concern for the team ahead of everything else. "What did you mean when you said he'd take us into his darkness or something?"

The small soccer player watched in wry amusement as Gennai looked startled that he had caught that bit if information and inwardly smiled to himself. So Gennai hadn't thought that he was paying attention, huh? A flicker caught his eye and Davis turned slightly to see Ken watching him, his eyes glittering with . . . approval? Respect? Davis wasn't sure, but he felt relieved that the former despot was no longer angry with him for putting his foot in his mouth. One way or the other, Ken, you'll see that we're right. You will join us and accept our friendship . . . and our forgiveness. No matter what.

Gennai's voice stirred him from his thoughts. "In his mind, you are much more valuable alive and fighting for him than you are dead." Well, amended the traveler silently, at least three of you are, anyway. "However, if he cannot turn you to darkness through some means or another, he will destroy you."

Davis did not like the sound of that at all. "But you can help us right?" he asked nervously. "I mean if this guy's so powerful, you'll help protect us from this darkness, right?"

Ken felt the edge of is lip twitch in an attempt to sneer and firmly schooled his features. He had already caused enough problems among the Digidestined today by not keeping a tight rein on his darker impulses; there was no need to go out of his way to inflict further damage.

Gennai remained oblivious to the genius's struggle with his "other side." His voice held a hint of a smile as he offered comfort to the leader of the new Digidestined Children. "Actually, yes. The Guardians sent me here to inform you that you are to receive the Blessing of the Light."

"You hear that, Kari?" Davis cut him off eagerly. "You get to bless me!"

Kari blushed, smiled thinly and shifted uncomfortably. She looked over to TK for help, but her best friend was watching Ken with a deep frown of concern on his face. The Child of Light wondered if he was paying any attention to Gennai at all.

Gennai chuckled faintly at Motomiya's enthusiasm. Ah, to be young and in love . . . "I'm afraid that it's not from Kari, though, Davis."

"Oh." For a moment the boy looked crestfallen. Then he brightened a bit as he thought of something that would offer him solace. "But it will still work, right?"

"Of course," the other said, still smiling.

"So what's the catch?" asked Ken, his smooth voice cut through the relaxed atmosphere like a knife.

Gennai's smile faded as he turned to face the living and very dangerous reminder of his failure as the boy's cold violet eyes tore through him. "Catch?"

A nasty smirk slid onto Ken's face. "Oh come now, Gennai," he chided, enjoying his former mentor's discomfort. "You and your precious Guardians never give anything away for free."

The older man sighed and prayed for the strength to survive the eternal and implacable wrath of Ken Ichijouji while simultaneously cursing both the boy's quick wits and his own stupidity. "You must be tested. Should you pass, you will be granted the Blessing. It will shield your souls from darkness and protect your digimon from being corrupted as well."

"And if we fail?"

" . . . Then you are not worthy."

Yolei looked from Gennai to Ken and then back to Gennai again. "What's on this test?"

The guardian of the Digidestined shook his head. "It was not given to me to know."

Silence descended once more over the Digidestined as they absorbed all that had just been said. Somewhere in town, they could hear digimon laughing and playing. The village digimon had given them a wide berth since Gennai's appearance. Even time itself, it seemed, held its breath as the Children each decided on his or her own course of action.

Davis stood abruptly. "So, when do we leave?"

Gennai looked from face to face, eyes resting briefly on Ken who sat apart from the others. "Is this what you all want? Understand what you're saying, children: you could die. There are worlds resting on your shoulders."

"Hey" said Davis with a slight frown, "don't you believe in us? We're the Digidestined; impossible is on the résumé!"

"I'm with you," declared Yolei, also standing. "After all, it is our destiny and everything, right?" She extended her hand. "All for one."

Davis smiled and put his hand on top of hers. "And one for all."

Cody's small hand joined the little stack. "Well, somebody's got to keep you two out of trouble."

Kari stood and placed her hand on theirs. "Just another day in paradise, right TK?"

The blond grinned at his best friend and placed his hand atop hers. "Right."

Suddenly five gazes shifted to Ken Ichijouji. The boy remained seated and regarded them all the way someone looks at insects that they're debating on squashing. TK watched the violet-eyed boy with apprehension and Davis felt a stab of fear. Kari felt both emotions, but they weren't because of Ken; rather, it was because of the figure she saw standing behind him and leaning down to whisper something in his left ear. It was Osamu Ichijouji.

Something disturbed the smooth expressionless mask of Ken's face, but slid away before it could be identified and settled into his depthless eyes. Finally the pale boy shrugged as though losing an argument with himself and stood. Behind him, Kari saw Osamu straighten wearing a small sad smile. Ken strode over to the waiting Digidestined and raised his arm. Then he hesitated. He turned and addressed Gennai wearing a slight frown. "Don't think that this is for you, old man. This is merely a means to my own ends."

Gennai nodded. He hadn't really expected anything less.

Ken's hand settled on TK's with a light and steady pressure. The Child of Hope looked at him with a gentle smile of welcome. Ken looked away, feeling suddenly confused by the warmth that smile sent through him. He didn't feel the slight flush in his cheeks. Kari watched the exchange in puzzlement for a moment and then offered Ken a smile of her own, although this one was filled with a self-satisfaction that the boy couldn't quite place.

"Welcome to the team, Ken," Davis declared wearing a patented Davis grin.

In spite of himself, Ken felt a small smile blossom on his own lips as Davis placed a weathered hand atop his. "Thank you."

The Children all stood there for a long moment basking in their combined strength and Ken took the opportunity to study his new "leader." Davis's eyes were chocolate brown and shone with life and confidence. He looked like he could take on the world at that moment. He looked like he could win. Ken had never been face with such innocence before-such naivety.

Gods, they were all going to die.

Then Ken's smile broadened to a full-blown smirk. A memory stirred within him. Sam had been watching Star Wars one day in the living room and Ken remembered something one of the characters had said: "Who's more foolish: the fool, or the fool who follows the fool?"

Ah, what the hell. . . This might even be fun . . . Besides, what have I got to lose; I'm already dead.
