Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Forever in Destiny ❯ Ch 3 The Aquilas ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I have one important thing to say before you start reading. The first part here is based upon this author's incredible twisted mind when it comes to writing. So, if anyone feels to flame me, then do so but know this. There exists no such thing as Aquilas, unless you really want to find the Galaxy Ishida, but like my Latin teacher would say, Angels, or Angelus, is a complete different thing from what this fic describes.
Chapter Three
The Aquila
Angels... there have been many descriptions. One of these are human like creatures with wings on their backs and a Gloria around their head. Exclude the Gloria, can you find yourself to the truth? What can angels be, for those who have seen one. May it be that the holy spirits rest in heaven, but angels upon earth, not sent by God. What where they?
Nemorisa, the Monster world and Monster City, the specific community for all weird and inhuman creatures. Only a few creatures have never made it to this world, for example the Sea Monsters of various lakes, e.g Nessie from the Scotland's Loch. Or the nightmare that constantly haunts your sleep. Of course, not everyone could be watched and sometimes there was no need. The Sea Creatures are really friendly as long as you don't upset them and the nightmares can be chased away, they are harmless.
For every creature there are certain rules, some that even stands for every creature. One says you should not interfere with the mortal humans. Another says, you should not show yourself in front of the mortal humans. Of course, the last one was so rarely followed the consequences for it had simmered into nothing. These days humans could see ghosts in their houses, the vampires never hid anymore, people thought of them as strange folks. The witches had never really gone into hiding, as you can see upon records from the Medieval centuries. Biggest mistake they ever did.
Of course some communities still kept to the laws, one being the very winged Aquilas. Now you may really wonder, what is this Aquila, for kind of creature?
I am not going to refer to all the history, just some short facts. For indeed, these creatures were creatures of peace as well as war. They fought for peace, thus they always ended up in some kind of problem. Indeed, the main rules all circled around the goal of peace between all the communities
The rulers of the Aquila was a council of eight females and the Head Man. The eight females were all unmarried or widows. No female Aquila was allowed into the council unless she was single. The idea came that the holy spirits would easier find themselves into a woman without distracted thoughts about a family then a female who concentrated upon the outer life instead of what the spirits tried to tell her.
Another thing to notice about the Aquilas, except for the fact that they lived on the tallest mountain found in this world, they also very easily fell in love, and if they fell in love they could not devote themselves to another unless the person died.
And why all this interesting fact, or boring fact? Well, our dear friends will get a very wonderful landing. Right in the middle of yet another mess. Two of the females stood guarding the western borders when unknown objects dropped from the sky. The two angel like creatures flew over, spears pointed at what they though was another enemy.
Kouichi was the only one who did not have to suffer the landing, and by seeing him the two Aquilas blinked stupidly. They did not remove the spears from the spot Kouji and Takuya had fallen, a pile of earth. They kept their eyes to the sky, looking at Kouichi.
Kouichi sighed. "Yeah, it's me! Happy to see me?" he asked.
The females blinked. One of them had auburn hair and blue eyes. She was dressed in a green dress and her wings were folded on her back. Smaller wings were on her feet to keep them aloft easier as well as they helped for speed.
The other had purple hair, purple eyes in the same color like her hair, a kind smile underneath the task she was set to do. But right now, that smile had been wiped out to a bewildered expression. Her wings where pearly white with a hint of pink in them. She wore a brown robe with a hood.
"Kouichi, is that really you?" she asked scratching the back of her head. Kouichi blinked.
"Miyako? I didn't know you started on the Guard duties already?"
The purple haired girl frowned. "Already, it's been fifty years since I got my task set."
"Really, time surely flies sooner then later."
The two females laughed. "Well, look at you then, what did happen to you?" Miyako stated. The ghost had floated down to them and now Miyako held her hand through his head.
"Could you stop that, it's not fun when someone jokes around death. After all, my death was not wanted, really. And look at me, a ghost and hardly able to do anything."
"Oh really?" Takuya said getting to his feet. The two Aquilas had finally removed their spears and now the vampire, and human, could get back up, no longer in need to lie as the pile they lay on.
Miyako, as the female Kouichi seemed familiar with, slowly approached them. Kouji simply ignored her but Takuya had to be staring at her as much as she stared upon him.
The other female suddenly got alert and directed her spear towards Takuya's throat. the brunette gulped having the pointy end at his throat. "Miyako, lets kill this one! he's human!" she said grinning. Takuya swallowed. This was surely not what he had expected.
Miyako's hand suddenly grabbed the spear from her friend. "Fool, you cannot kill him. Kouji and Kouichi must have brought him here for other things..."
"Well..." Kouichi started; not thinking straight. Kouji proceeded to put a hand on his mouth. Of all things they did not need was more turmoil then they already had.
"...not to mention, if they were actually trying to help this... thing, do you really think they would have brought him here now that Lady Izumi is about to go through the marriage ceremony, now that she has finally found a worthy husband. Think, of all reasons in the world. I think they are here to give the human as the wedding gift, are you not?"
Kouichi nodded slowly. But the ghost looked really pale at the mentioning of Lady Izumi. Takuya wondered why, but he had a feeling he would soon find out.
"Good, then follow us. And be welcomed to the spiritual mountain of the Aquilas!"
The two guards took the lead and led them to a city that seemed to be built on clouds. At a closer look Takuya noticed it was not really on the clouds, the rocks were simply shrouded with clouds making the sight extraordinary. Each of the buildings were connected to each other through bridges or ladders, but most of the Aquilas seemed to use their wings to fly to each location in question. The buildings were most white towers with blue painted roofs. It looked as if it came straight from some kind of a fairy tale and Takuya had to think a lot before he could manage to get all the details.
Kouji and Kouichi remained silent as they walked. Kouichi looked paler as they walked. The ghost often glanced over at his calm brother. Kouji didn't seem to be troubled that they had been captured. The Vampire seemed calm with everything and didn't even seem to notice how the Aquilas had their spears pointed at them.
Takuya felt a small knot irritation in his stomach and if they had been alone he would have said one thing or two. He felt really uncomfortable with all of the Aquila thing and wondered why they had fled here of all places? maybe Kouji and Kouichi wanted him dead? Really, they were over 200 years old and who knew what they really thought.
The Aquilas suddenly stopped and Takuya stumbled. Kouji grabbed him by the shoulder, making his trembling legs steady themselves. Miyako knocked on the pearly white door, which opened. A bright light hit their eyes and Takuya closed the. Kouichi didn't seem to mind, but Kouji did. Even if he was a Light Vampire he hated to be exposed in too much light. He liked the darkness more then he liked light.
With spears in their backs the Aquilas showed them inside. Takuya yelped feeling the pointy edge on his back and jumped in, almost falling over at the same time. The floor was made of white marble, with pillars standing in a circle in the very bright room. The sun shone through huge windows (without any glass)and the light reflected upon the gleaming polished walls. The ceiling was high, formed like a bowl over their heads and the sun shone through the glass down at them.
There were eleven chairs in the chamber. The Head Man sat on a big chair in the end of the chamber, with five female Aquilas to his left and Three other females to his right. All the Council Wise Ladies sat on gold chairs.
But to whom did the remaining two belong two? The remaining two chairs stood next to the Head Man. On one of them sat, what Takuya could guess, his wife. A pretty Aquila with gold hair and deep blue eyes. The other one was empty for the moment, but by judging on the voices from upstairs someone was one their way.
"She is late again!" the gold haired female said with a sigh.
The Head Man looked sour. Takuya looked towards the windows and saw that a group of Aquilas where right outside and they seemed to be arguing with someone he could not see.
"We cannot wait too long, this council must open whether or not Miss Izumi wants to join or not." one of the elders said.
"She is the Lady of the house and yet she acts like a girl. You are right, this doom must fall."
He looked at the three travelers. "Which one of you, are the human?" he asked pointing a staff at them. Takuya gulped. Kouichi and Kouji looked slightly humiliated having been taken for humans.
"Humans, do I look like a human to you, or your highness?" Kouichi asked.
The Head Man lifted one of his eye brows looking more carefully this time.
"Oh, so it is you again. The troublemakers that came here a few years ago, stole my daughters heart if I remember it. So, you have come to take your crime?"
Takuya chuckled. He really wondered if it would be that easy for anyone to punish either of the twins.
Kouichi looked sad. "Alas, let my crime not worry you, for my fate is set, I am merely just a ghost and surely you can say I have received my doom having to spend my days loathing in the air, entertaining my glum brother, haunting his chambers and stealing his food. Your highness, do please be considerate to a ghost in his sad predictions that he will never live again and only waits for the time when the doors to the dying world will let him rest."
The Head Man laughed. "It simply serves you right. It took me years to get Izumi from her lovesick thoughts. Nasty vampires, I presume your brother is still lucky."
"Alas, I cannot say that. My dear little brother has his problems and therefor suffers, well not as much as me, but almost as much."
Takuya looked over at Kouji, but couldn't see anything written on his face.
Kouichi finished his speech and floated down some centimeters to prove it. The Head man seemed to think about the story, which had saved the ghost and vampire for a certain death. But as he could see it, not the human.
"I see you have really been here before." Kouji said. Kouichi seemed to blush, seeing his face darkened slightly. "You were there as well, you know."
Takuya half listened as the two twins held their conversation in a whisper. But most of his attention seemed to be drawn to one of the open windows where a royal Aquila had appeared. She had blond, almost gold hair, blue, almost turquoise, eyes: She wore a violet dress with a red ribbon at the front. It had loads of embroidery and laces. She had her hair mostly loose, except for a purple tiara and some braids.
"Lady Izumi, finally you have arrived. Your father have been most worried that you wouldn't make it!" one of the elders said.
Lady Izumi sighed. She curtsied and sat down on her chair, her head in her hands and knees tight together. Her back was bent and her elbows rested on her lap. She looked incredibly bored by only the arrival. She didn't shoot the travelers one glance as the council continued.
The Head Man cleared his throat. "I can say the two of you are free from most charges you managed to receive last time, due to the respect of your brothers death. But this meeting wasn't made because of either you or your brother, we are here to discuss the fate of this horrid episode. This human!"
Takuya swallowed slowly, not sure what to say. Kouichi gently put his hand on his mouth and made a "keep quiet" sign that clearly made the brunette shut up and let the twins do his talk. Kouji cleared his throat.
"This human comes with us, and is not meant to be harmed at any cause." he said loud and clear. From her seat Lady Izumi seemed to wake up from her half slumber to really interest her for the matters before her. Only now she started to realize what was happening.
"That is a grave danger you are putting both your brother and yourself in. Do you know what this mountain do to humans?"
"I'd be surprised if you have written anything about it." Kouichi commented. Takuya looked from one twin to the other. His eyes fell on Kouji a while longer. The vampire was starting to get really tired of the whole council thing and you could see it by seeing small drops of blood trickling from his small cuts in his hands, where his nails had dug i to the pale skin. Takuya really felt like trying to calm the furious creature, but he really didn't know how. The vampire was arguing furiously with the Head Man, only making the two of them more and more angry on the other.
"I could rip the very throats of everyone on this mountain, and then you will surely be able to punish him for something he did not do." Kouji said.
"So you are saying you brought him to this world?" The Head Man asked.
"Yes... I mean NO! By all the Blood in this World, why would I do that. I know the penalties for doing so."
"Then did your brother do it?"
"Kouichi has nothing to do with this!" Kouji said clearly, his blood boiling with rage.
"Then who did it, stinking blood creature!" The Head Man roared. "And why are you defending him!"
Kouji did not answer, all though the question rang in his mind. It was a question he knew the answer of, but he was not ready to accept it yet.
"It seems, you are all guilty and tomorrow when the sun goes up, you three will be executed." the Headman finished. Takuya swallowed slowly, trembling all over. Kouji was panting and his eyes were ablaze. Kouichi opened his mouth.
"Make it two would you, I'm a ghost remember."
The Head Man snorted. "I am sure that the ghost community will be able to answer to that."
Kouichi paled even more. The ghost looked almost pleadingly at Lady Izumi, who sat glued to her seat staring at them. The girl blinked and got to her feet. The room went silence. The girl opened her mouth slowly, her eyes locked with Kouichi again and she said:
"I object, this isn't right for any creature to be treated this roughly."
The chamber went dead silence. It was an outright scandal to see the Head Man's daughter against the council. The Council all opened their mouths to speak, but Izumi interrupted them.
"Tomorrow, the three of them will be escorted out from our boundaries, and then we can all ignore this have ever happened."
Kouichi, Takuya and Kouji bowed, all three of them. It had been a relief... well... it started as a relief.
"Young Lady, sit down!" her father roared. His anger was building and everyone in the room could feel it.
"No father, I won't sit, I am not your puppy! Release them and stop treating me like I am a girl!"
The Head Man got to his feet as well, his hair standing on edge and his face burning red.
"You are my daughter and you are going to do what you are told! Sit down, and then we can arrange your wedding at once! I am tired of having such a teenage version of daughter after all these years I've waited for her to grow up."
The gold haired female by his side looked frightened and by judging the situation, Takuya guessed she wanted to say something but did not have the courage to do so.
"Then what if I'm not you daughter!" Izumi yelled throwing the royal tiara to the ground. "I've had enough years ago and guess what father. I will not regret this until the day you grow up! I am grown, I am more grown then you or this council."
The golden haired female looked pleadingly at her daughter, but no matter nothing would change what fate had in store.
The rest of it all happened in a blur. They were caught, chained and taken to the lower parts of the mountains, where they were chained to the hill. Takuya said some prayers seeing vulture like creature descend towards them. And somewhere, from somewhere, something more was approaching. It was huge, with red blazing wings and a ball of fire came from its mouth.
A dragon...
Ready for his meal.
End Notes Review replies are now found on the bio-page. Since changed the rules, I thought it would be the easiest. Sorry I am late updating, but there is a lot on my shoulders right now. School, Christmas and such you know. Lol Shitza
End Notes Review replies are now found on the bio-page. Since changed the rules, I thought it would be the easiest. Sorry I am late updating, but there is a lot on my shoulders right now. School, Christmas and such you know. Lol Shitza