Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Gate of Destiny ❯ Daemon's Uprising ( Chapter 9 )
A/N: The chapter after this is the last one, sadly… and there isn't much time left before my birthday, so I had better get going… Enjoy this one, even if it is a bit short (for this story, anyway)! The last chapter will be the longest and best! I'm happy that blackmage718 helped it hit the 50-review mark too! I'm so pleased! ^_^ Oh, and I would have gotten this up sooner, but my grandparents came over this weekend and I had a ton to do, OK? The chances of this getting finished before my birthday are almost zero, but I will finish it. My b-day's tomorrow (uploaded October 29), so a review would make a good present! :P Thanks!
Chapter 9
Daemon's Uprising
The next morning, Tai and the others were sitting impatiently on the steps of the school. They saw Tali lugging three heavy bags up to the school, and she looked exhausted from everything.
"Whoa, that's a heavy load," said Matt. He grabbed one of the suitcases. "Let me help you."
"Thanks," acknowledged the auburn-haired girl. She panted a while, setting her suitcases on the steps and sitting down hard.
"Why so many?" wondered Sora. "The teachers don't give too much homework, do they? Do the English schools have less homework or something?"
Tali looked as if she was going to cry. "Well… I can't tell anyone why…" she said. "But I must say that you are such good friends for being the only ones here since I moved." She began to break down and hug Tai, Matt, Izzy, Joe, Sora, and Mimi, one after the other. "I love you all!"
The digi-destined exchanged perplexed looks, then hugged her back.
Tali kept either looking at the clock, out the window, or at a sheet of paper, where she occasionally wrote something. Every time Tai leaned over to see what she was writing, she concealed everything and shot him a "What are you looking at?" glance. Her plans were all written out. At precisely three in the afternoon, when the bell rang, she would take her suitcases and backpack- minus her homework, because she wouldn't need it- and rush to the bank before it closed. Then she would politely ask the teller for all the money from her account, and she would use whatever there was on a one-way ticket back to England, making sure the plane would leave as soon as possible. Then, from the airport, she would call her aunt where she would hopefully answer and come for her… she would try to go as far away from the vampire as possible.
She looked at the clock. It was one in the afternoon. She had eaten lunch as far away from the digi-destined as possible so they wouldn't ask her any suspicious questions. Right now she was in science class and had only two classes to go before she left them forever.
"Ms. Nadir, could you please answer the question?" snapped Ms. Yamishiro, bringing her mind back to Earth.
"Huh?" asked the keeper of the Crest of Destiny. "Could you please repeat the question for me?"
"Thaleia, if you had been paying attention, you would have been able to answer me," reprimanded the teacher. "Now I want you to tell me, what is the process in which the moisture in clouds becomes rain or snow?"
"Condensation…" whispered Tali, looking at her hands. "And Ms… uh… Yamishiro, I have something to tell you. Though I have not been a student in your class very long, I think you are one of the greatest teachers alive."
Ms. Yamishiro looked taken aback for a moment. "The answer is correct. And thank you, Ms. Nadir, but that will not count as extra credit. Now, the temperature must be below freezing for the water to condense into snow or ice crystals, but hail is a different story…"
Tali stared out the window. The sky had been clear and sunny that morning, but the clouds had gathered. Now every inch of sky above Tokyo was blanketed by a layer of thick gray clouds. I hope it's good flying weather, she thought to herself.
"She is the one," said Daemon, in disguise as Myotismon. He was looking through a portal, provided by LadyDevimon. "I want you to capture the youngest and most powerful digi-destined. Tai and Matt will run off to save them, making Tali even more vulnerable to attack. She is nothing without the other digi-destined. Then, when we capture her, I will lead vampire boy to her and kill him. The world will be mine! LadyDevimon and Devimon, are you two prepared to capture them?"
Both of the devil digimon bowed to Daemon and slowly slipped out of the lair. They emerged to appear on the surface of the real world, with Tokyo in the distance and a nasty thunderstorm forming in the sky. They looked at each other, then simultaneously flew above the city.
"You take the boy with the bat pig," said LadyDevimon. "I'll take the prissy little snot with the traitor cat."
Devimon nodded to her, and he flew towards where he thought TK would be. LadyDevimon flew to the elementary school and waited for the keeper of light to come out. She saw Devimon there, and she nodded to him.
The bell rang at precisely three in the afternoon, and Kari and TK got out of their desks and went to the coatroom. They got their backpacks and went down the hall, talking.
"Kari?" asked the blonde boy.
"Yes?" asked the young girl.
"Do you get the strange feeling that something bad is going to happen to us?"
"Yes… I feel it. I feel the presence of evil in the air. I've been feeling it since I was a little girl."
"It's the homework," said a boisterous brown-haired boy, cutting between the two. "Homework is evil and everybody knows it. That's why I'm flunking all my classes.
"Go away, Davis," said Kari. As soon as the boy was out of earshot, she muttered, "Man I hate that Motomiya boy. Anyway I think a new evil is back, like one from our past. I think I saw someone who looked like Myotismon the other day."
They finally reached the two doors that led to the outside, and went through together, where they were suddenly grabbed around the mouth by cold hands. Kari saw that Devimon had grabbed TK, and LadyDevimon had her.
Devimon grinned malevolently. "Exactly where I want you!" he cackled. "The master wants you." He took off, with TK in his grasp. The demon lady followed his lead. Both of the humans were terrified of heights, yet the evil digimon actually kept them securely in their arms, because they wanted Daemon to take care of them personally.
"Let go of me!" shouted Kari, squirming.
"You shut up," hissed LadyDEvimon. The keeper of light was so afraid she actually did shut up. "Next time I'll let you fall to your death, so be quiet!"
Ten minutes after what felt like ten years, the devils crashed through the window of the convention center, making chunks of glass fly all over the place and scratch against the two human children. They both darkly chuckled as they heard them scream. TK and Kari were led through the halls into the very room where Myotismon had kept the other children captive.
"Hmmmm… this seems familiar," said the demon lady. "Oh yes, it is! I remember, it was about when our master held you captive in the very same center! And he's back…"
"I know he's back!" shouted TK. "I hope I never see him again! Now let us go!"
Devimon chuckled. "Oh, I could never do that," he declared. "Without your little digimon friends to help you, you are as good as dead!"
The second hand slowly made its way around the face of the clock, and Tali stared at it for fifteen minutes. Suddenly, the sound she had been waiting to hear rang through the rooms. The bell had rung, according to her plan. She ran out of the classroom towards her locker, unaware that she had dropped a certain sheet of paper on the floor.
She grabbed her backpack and her suitcases and ran outside, not watching out for anyone who got in her way. She knocked them over, quickly apologizing. Though she did not have a good sense of direction, she made it to the bank before it closed.
"Hello, sir," she said to the teller in her best Japanese. "My name is Thaleia Nadir, and I would like to withdraw whatever money I have."
"My, that's a lot," replied the man behind the counter. "Planning to go shopping with all that money?"
"I can't tell you why, but I need it very much."
Meanwhile, Tai and the other older digi-destined were walking back to their apartments, but not without waiting for TK and Kari near the subway station like they usually waited. It took longer than usual, and everyone grew from patient to dubious to impatient to angry.
"Come on, where the hell are they?" complained Matt. "it's not like TK to be late!"
"Just wait for them," said Sora. "I mean, maybe they had to stay after school for something."
"Fat chance," scoffed Matt. "TK promised it wasn't his week to clap erasers."
Rain started falling from the clouds, dotting the pavement. The digi-destined all shielded their heads with whatever books they pulled out of their backpacks, and ran to the nearest bus stop or structure that could shield them.
"MASTER!" Demidevimon flapped his wings as fast as possible as he rushed through the halls of the castle and reached his master's chambers. Myo was in the entrance hall, patiently waiting for his human partner to arrive.
"Not now," said the vampire, now pacing impatiently. "Tali has not come home, and she knows where we are. I know she was here yesterday and this morning, but I have not seen her yet."
"Maybe she wants to have some time to herself…" mused the imp. Suddenly his face grew worried as he suddenly remembered what Tali had told him that morning. "Uh… I remember something, master… and I don't think you're gonna like it either…"
"Is this about her?" asked Myotismon. "Where is she, Demidevimon?"
"She's on the plane back to her home country as we speak," the imp quickly replied, bracing himself for an impact to the head. Then, when he realized that his master wasn't doing anything, he decided to continue, slowing down while he was at it. "She came up to me this morning with a ton of heavy suitcases in her grasp, and I asked her what she was doing. She told me not to tell you that she was running away… uh oh." Demidevimon stopped, realizing his folly.
"WHAT?" Instead of being furious, like he had usually been whenever he interjected that expression, the vampire appeared to be worried. "Why is everyone leaving me even when they know I have changed my ways? Now she is alone out there… no one else…"
Demidevimon had never seen his master act this worried before. It frightened him even more than his bats. "What do you want me to do about it? Knock some sense into her? That can be arranged." He chuckled to himself, checking to see if he had any Demi Darts left.
"It is what I am going to do about it," said Myotismon. He walked quickly through the halls, Demidevimon asking impertinent and superfluous questions along the way as he flapped his wings in his face. "And I am going to go out there and find her myself, despite the dangers out there. I know there is the matter of Daemon, and I know I will do something about it."
"Myo?" asked Wizardmon, who had seen his former master walking to find the portal. "What are you doing this for?"
"I am going to find Tali, come hell or high water," replied the vampire. "If Daemon finds her, he will do something atrocious to her, possibly kill her. I cannot let this happen."
"But what if Daemon kills you?" asked Wizardmon.
"If it gets my digi-destined safely inside the walls of my castle, then that is what must happen." He picked up the nine cards, which had been collecting dust. He placed each of them in their respectable space, and the two doors that led to the portal slowly swiveled open until there was a space wide enough to drive a city bus through, with green light shining out of the portal. With a swish of his cape, Myotismon stepped through the doorway, and without a look backwards at his castle, he let the doors close shut behind him as he traveled to the real world.
The real world had been exactly the way it had been when he arrived. The clouds obliterated every last inch of sun, making the sky dark gray, nearly a pitch black. Huge gusts of wind blew at varied intervals and varied time, but every time they did, everything was blown away slightly. Tokyo was beginning to light up like candles in the distance, and the world seemed just right for the taking.
This time, however, it was Daemon's taking.
"I see him," said Daemon, looking through the viewing orb. He saw Myotismon looking around for a trace of Tali's auburn hair, and while he did he looked sorrowful. "And he's especially vulnerable. I don't see the ass kisser Demidevimon and that poor excuse for a henchman Wizardmon with him. I had better go pay him a little visit." He morphed into a perfect replica of Tali and chuckled in her voice. "Vampire boy is looking for Tali Nadir, but what he will get is a little ambush!" He- as Tali- floated up the stairs and flew through the sky, landing where he could be found.
"Tali! Are you there?" asked the voice of what sounded like a boy. There was the sound of footsteps, and then a blonde boy wearing a blue outfit peeked around the corner of the buildings in the alley where he thought the auburn-haired girl would be. He had been searching for twenty minutes in disguise as that boy, and he thought he had seen Tali when it was really another auburn-haired person. Then he saw her. "Tali, is that you?" He sighed a breath of relief. "It is you!"
Daemon was disgusted. He didn't expect Tali to have a boyfriend, or a boy looking out for her. Still, if the boy had connections to Myotismon in some way… "Sure, I look like her…" said the demon digimon.
"So you're not!" exclaimed the unidentified blonde boy. He saw the truth in the faux Tali's eyes. Instead of being wide and green, they were slanted and glowing yellow. "Daemon," he growled.
"It seems to me that you know me," said the fake Tali, in Daemon's deep voice. Then he morphed back from appearing to be an eleven-year old girl to his normal cloaked self.
"Damn right I know you. Now where is she?" The boy had spoken in a different voice that was also a deep voice but was very different from the demon's.
"My, your voice sounds familiar."
"Maybe you will recognize this face." The boy grew taller, then he changed back into his true form of Myotismon.
"Myotismon. It has been a long time, hasn't it. You still your same pathetic self, or have you actually been training just for this moment?"
"I know you have done something with Tali and the other digi-destined. Tell me where they are."
"Why should I tell you that?"
"Or will I just need to answer to that myself?"
"You can try," said Daemon, sounding prepared to fight. "I am prepared, with your attacks with me." The eye pendant on the chain around his neck glowed a bright crimson, and suddenly another black cloud flew through the sky and grew larger, seeming to emit several high-pitched squeaks as it did so. As the cloud neared the ground, the vampire could see the distinct shapes of everything in the cloud. Thousands of bat wings were flapping, and there were just as many pairs of glowing yellow eyes. Those bats used to be Myotismon's bats, and he could tell because they all had the letter "A" etched on their foreheads. They were now following Daemon.
"Remember these little winged rodents?" asked the demon, not hiding his adulation. "They're mine now, and there is nothing you can do about it! Come on, vampire boy, don't you want them back?" The thousands of bats perched on anything that protruded from the buildings or hovered around Daemon. "Your attack first."
I don't know if I want to fight, thought the vampire. Every time I do, things just get worse. Still, I want Daemon away from all the worlds, and I want him dead. So what if it's so I can dominate them later, at least everyone gets what they want for a short time. He stood there, facing the demon with clenched fists.
"Come on, just attack so you can lose and I can proceed on to killing the digi-destined," said Daemon. "Or are you afraid to attack me? You are a coward, which no villain can stand for. No hero can have cowardice either. I have already won, for all I see."
"I won't let you do this!" shouted Myotismon. He ran up to Daemon and formed an attack with what little energy he had. "CRIMSON LIGHTNING!" The whip of lightning was the size of a string, which did not glow too much. It was not very effective, and the worst it did was make Daemon laugh.
"Is that the best you can do?" asked the demon digimon. "GRISLY WING!"
Before the vampire could do anything more, thousands of bats flew out from under Daemon's cloak, enveloping him in a cloud of flapping wings and supersonic screeches, with many of them nipping at his flesh and tearing his clothes apart. It hurt so much, he wished he could die.
"Have you had enough?" inquired Daemon. All the bats flew behind him in a cloud, letting Myotismon fall to the ground below. His suit was tattered and torn, and already he was bleeding everywhere underneath. "It seems you have… not."
After moaning from the pain of the bats attacking, Myotismon decided to speak out against his adversary. "I will not let my own attacks get to my mind. I would rather die than let you do anything to this world!"
"So be it," said Daemon. "CRIMSON LIGHTNING!" The whip cracked in the air, and then it flew down and struck the vampire across his back, tearing apart any of the wounds that had just finished healing and making him cry out. "CRIMSON LIGHTNING!" A second and third whip added to everything. The demon heard nothing, and he knew that Myotismon just wouldn't let himself surrender to him. Finally he decided to just cease everything.
With a cry out, Myotismon fell to the ground. His suit was tattered and torn, he was beginning to bleed from the attack, and he showed pain in his heart. It showed in his blue eyes. His attacks had nearly killed him as well as killing others. With Daemon's strength, who knew what it would do to the digi-destined. He stayed still and fell into a deep sleep on the ground, abandoning all hope.
That was when the rain began to fall.
All of a sudden, Matt's and Tai's digivices began to beep like two overcharged cell phones. As a few people on the streets paused to look and see if their cell phones were on, the two of them looked at them and saw the yellow warning light flashing on and off.
"Oh my God, someone's in trouble!" Tai interjected. "You don't think it's Kari, do you?"
"What if TK and Kari are hurt or even dead?" wondered Matt. "We need to find them now!"
"Should we?" wondered Mimi.
"Of course," replied Joe. "It's getting cold, and they could get pneumonia or starve to death or something like that!"
Tai and Matt nodded to the rest of the group, and they ran through the rain as fast as possible, following the yellow and pink signals on the screen of their digivices. They ran for about ten minutes, feeling the rain grow into a heavy downpour. Mimi wanted to complain about her hair, but she decided to think twice about it. When the two leaders were worried about their siblings, it was not the time to complain about anything.
Finally, they reached the convention center, where the signal was the strongest. The keepers of courage and friendship waved their beeping digivices around, and it was clear that their brother and sister were both in there.
By that time, the rain was pouring its hardest, seemingly spilling water on the digi-destined by the poolful. They were soaked and freezing, but they still felt a bit of slight warmth from hope.
"Are you sure they're in here?" asked Sora.
"Positive," replied Izzy. "The digivice never lies. It is obvious that their coordinates are within this building and not any other place. The signal is the strongest when its direction is inclined towards the television station."
"Then what are we waiting for?" asked Tai. "Let's go!"
"Tai, I don't think it's such a good idea to…" Sora admonished, but the others had begun to dash into the station, where TK and Kari were being held captive. She sighed, then ran faster to catch up.
They followed the signal of the digivice as the signal grew stronger and beeped faster as well as louder. Of course, they knew this was very familiar, as they had experienced everything that very summer. Maybe the rumors were true, and Myotismon had returned to capture them, starting with TK and Kari, the most powerful of them all.
"And where do you think you're going?" a deep voice boomed as darkness enveloped the six older digi-destined, who all backed up and huddled together in fright. Suddenly the slightly familiar surroundings of the TV station were obliterated by darkness, and a white fog rolled in. They could also hear the faint beating of wings. "To rescue your youngest members? Well I have captured them, and you will never get them back!"
"We're not afraid of you!" shouted the keeper of courage. "Whoever you are," he added.
That was when they all realized that they didn't have their digimon with them, and because of that, they were doomed.
"You do not know who I am?" asked the voice. The fog reduced its thickness so a familiar shadow could be seen in its midst. "You ought to remember me. You tried to destroy me so many times, even lock me away in a pitiful Gate of Destiny. Not even a Gate of Destiny could prevent me from returning in my full glory!"
"It's Myotismon!" shouted Tai. "I knew he returned!"
The fog rolled away, and a cloud of bats flew towards the digi-destined. As the bats flew into the air, Daemon, in disguise as Myotismon, appeared before them.
"I have you all right where I want you," said the demon digimon. "And now… to eliminate you!"
"NO!" shouted Tai. He thrusted his digivice into the air, which began to beep and glow bright orange.
"We're not afraid of you!" shouted TK. "You have forgotten that we have the angels on our side!"
"The angels, huh?" asked Devimon. "We can beat your angels any day. We have power from Master Daemon, and so our powers are limitless!"
"Oh yeah?" Kari held her digivice in the air, and she felt as if Angemon and Angewomon were coming to defeat the devil digimon for a second time, and that she and TK would see their friends and siblings again.
At that very time, the digimon were peacefully resting in the digital world when suddenly they got a signal of urgency that was coming from their partners' digivices. They quickly opened their eyes and stood up, looking alert and energized. Eight columns of light shot down from the sky and lifted Agumon, Gabumon, Biyomon, Tentomon, Gomamon, Palmon, Patamon, and Gatomon into the sky, and they all found themselves in the real world.
"What just happened?" wondered Biyomon.
"I think we're really needed," replied Patamon. "I get that feeling as I'm about to digivolve."
Suddenly, as if they had an innate sense of knowing where their human partners were, the eight digimon ran to the TV station as fast as their legs could carry them. Patamon and Gatomon paused.
"Patamon, digivolve to… ANGEMON!"
"Gatomon, digivolve to… ANGEWOMON!"
The two angels took off into the sky, circled around the towers of the TV station, and saw their human partners in deep peril.
"I know something's up," said Wizardmon. "I think we should go to the real world. I mean, what if something's happened to both of them?"
"Wizzy, you amaze me," replied Demidevimon. "Last year you were complaining about Master Myotismon, and now you're worried about something happening to him?"
The wizard sighed. "Times change," was his reply. "And so do hearts. Even a virus can become like a data or vaccine simply because of a change of heart. Most vaccines remain good their entire lives, and same goes for viruses. Datas seem to be a little bit of both. However, there are some exceptions. There are evil vaccine types who became that way over the years, and there are good viruses, like Myotismon has become. Because I have not seen any instances of the virus having a change of heart except for him, I'd have to say that Myotismon is a mon unlike any other mon."
"I hope we get that digi-destined girl back," said the imp. "She's kind of pretty. I think we should find her ourselves, and let the master take care of Daemon. He's strong enough all right."
"OK," said Wizardmon. "Let's go."
He picked up the cards and placed them in each of the right places. The two doors opened, and the two digimon stepped through the portal. If that had not have happened, the events following everything at that time would have been drastically different.
To be concluded in the tenth chapter!