Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Happy Halloween Davis ❯ Trick or EAT ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Happy Halloween, Davis

A/N: IDONTOWN DIGIMONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN…………. Damn! Dozed off writing this STUPID disclaimer.

Gomamon: Oh, I know it's a couple months late. SO SCREW ME!!! opps. Said that wrong didn't I?

Zendiogimon: Yes.

G: How does it go again?

Z: So sue me.

G: I like my way better. Much more fun!!!

And now the story…

"This just in. A van wrecked about twenty minutes ago. The accident occurred on East Elm Street. The two in the vehicle were killed instantly on im---*" Tai turned off the radio. "That's enough depressing stuff. Matt and Kari are on their way now let's have fun."

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Davis walked down Chisiitshu Avenue. The October wind chilled Davis to the bone. He wished Kari was there so he could cuddle with her to keep warm. To his dismay no such luck was to be found. He was out trick or treating with his sister Jun.

Davis reached a familiar house.


A tall, white faced man answered the door.

"And what do we have here? DAVIS?!?" The man said startled.

"Matt?!? What are you doing here? Okay so I know you live here but aren't you supposed to be pickin' Kari up?" Davis asked.

"Yeah I was just about to leave. What the Hell are you supposed to be anyway Davis? You look like a dog that beheaded Meeko and glued her head to their ass."

"I'm CatDog."

"What the Hell's a… no, I probably don't want to hear this. Here's your candy."

Matt noticed Jun who was waving at him.

"Holy Shit! Davis tell your sister that I'm (cough) really sick and I can't talk."

"'Kay. Bye." Davis said confused.

Davis walked back

"So, did you get his number?" Jun asked placing her hands on her hips.


********************************************************* **********************************

Davis was now on Main Street. His bag was pretty full. Kari walked past him. She was wearing her usual outfit but she was shockingly white in complexion. Her Trick-or-Treat bag was dripping a red substance that looked suspiciously like blood.

"Hey Kari."

She walked right past him with out even looking at him.

"Kari? Hell-o?" He said catching up to her. He waved his hand in her face.

No reaction.

She walked into an alley way.

"Kari! It's not safe to enter alleys alone. KAAAARI!" He said running after her.

Kari stood blanketed in shadows. Her back towards Davis.

"Kari?" He said winded.

Kari turned around.

"Hello, Davis."

She spoke in a voice barely above a whisper. The voice came out raspy and cold. Like there was no emotion (A/N: If you've seen the TV movie Merlin her voice sounds like Queen Mab's). Her face was sickly green now. It looked half-rotted and she smelled of death.

"K-K-Kari?…" Davis asked frightened.

"We've been waiting for you Davis."


"Yes, we." A familiar voice said. Matt walked out of the shadows.

His face was sickly green as well. Some of the skin was peeling off. He looked to Davis and pointed.

"We want you to join us." Matt said in an eerie manner.


Kari cocked her head to the side.

"Join us Davis. Be one of the walking dead." Kari said chiming in.

"This is all some kinda sick joke, right?" Davis said.

Matt shook his head no. A piece of flesh fell from his face.


"You know what the walking dead eat Davis?" Kari said walking up to him slowly. Her steps were rigid.

Davis gulped hard. He could feel himself pee in his pants.


"Human flesh." She said.

"Oh that's nice…" Davis said nervously as Kari looked him over.

"Yes. He'll do nicely Yamato." She said looking to Matt who had a smug toothy grin. More skin fell from his face.

"Excellent. Davis? Want some candy?" Matt said laughing manically.

Davis screamed. He dropped his bag and ran as fast as he could to Tai's house.

Kari and Matt looked at the bag.

"Oooh. Candy. Tootsie Roll?" Matt asked handing Kari a nice big Tootsie Roll.

"Why, of course."

*************************************************************** ****************************

Davis Ran up the stairs to the Yagami house.

"TAI!!!" Davis yelled pounding on the door.

Tai went to the door and answered it.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing banging the door down like that Davis?" Tai said agitated.

"K-K-KARI AND MATT ARE FLESH-EATING ZOMBIES!!!!" Davis exclaimed with terror in his eyes.

Jou raised an eyebrow and then burst out laughing.


"No offence but Kari and Matt would never want you to be like them." Yolei said cruelly.

"But…" Davis started.

*************************************************************** ****************************


Davis looked up.

Tai went to answer the door.


Davis gasped as Tai opened the door.

There in the doorway stood Matt and Kari.

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They seemed normal enough, aside from their skull white skin.

"Hey, Tai we made it." Matt said walking in. He punched Tai in the shoulder and Tai returned the favor.

Kari smiled sincerely at TK and the others.

She gave Davis a smug look.

"Why Davis you look like you've seen a ghost." Kari said innocently.

"How'd you come in her uninvited… You're zombies, You're… dead." Davis stammered.

"We aren't vampires and I can't believe you fell for that shit." Matt said laughing.

"Whatcha mean?"

"Every Halloween we play pranks on someone. Once they make it through they have to pull the prank." Izzy said.

"Last year we had Jou dress in a GhostFace mask and robe and chase me around with a bloody dagger. They had me covered in 'blood'. We had Kari and at least three neighbors believing Jou had lost his mind and was trying to kill me." Tai said chuckling at the thought.

Davis just stood there.

"B-b-but it was so real…" Davis said staring at Matt and Kari in disbelief.

"I guess acting class really paid off. Huh Kari?" Matt said smiling.

"Yep." She said. Her eyes which usually radiated a certain glow were glassy.

Davis noticed a strange look to them.

Something that wasn't human.

To be continued.