Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Hauntingly loving ❯ Hauntingly loving ( One-Shot )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ok, here I go again! This time, with a sequel to "Beautiful…me!?" where Wizardmon attempts to digievolve. Meanwhile, guess who supports him during this tough trance! ^__^
Ok, same warnings: lemon. Extreme lemon, yaoi, love and a pink ending! So you have been warned!!! ^___^
Hauntingly loving
By Selene18
I lied quietly on my master's bed. Meanwhile, he took Myo outside
"Let him be, Myo"
" Let him be?" repeated the vampy-mon "Never! What do you see in that mon…?"
"Nothing… but he'll be an important member of this digiarmy. Remember what I told you some time ago! So you'd better not mess with him!"
"Allright…" Myotismon snarled "humph… what do you see in that mon…? that rag-doll!"
"He'll be a rag-doll just for a while. Don't make me remind to you that!"
Myotismon didn't say anything. He turned around and disappeared.
"Wizardmon?" Piedmon asked me.
"My Lord?"
"How are you feeling now? Now that you already tasted lovemaking experience?"
"Master left me without words…" I replied, lazily
"Good… but now, Lord Piedmon orders you that you need some sleep, so please go back to your room"
"Allright My Lord" I replied, dressing myself. Piedmon smiled when he finally saw me dressed and face-covered again
"Aah, you still remind me of myself when I was a champion!"
"Do I, My Lord?" I asked
"Yes, you do. So bye for now!"
"Good night"
I walked through empty corridors, with not a soul in sight. I was starting to feel tired again.
When I turned a corner, I saw a shadow. A huge shadow:
"Hello, rag-doll!"
"My Lord… what…?" but quickly, Myo silenced me with his gigantic hand. The other sought my crotch. I protested through Myo's grasp. He smiled smugly.
"Never thought you could get to be the favorite of Lord Piedmon, huh!?"
I moaned again. He unzipped my jumpsuit and put inside his gigantic hands. Tears began to well in my eyes.
"You, little rag-doll, you're more manipulator than I thought… now I'll give you a good lesson!"
He violently opened my room's door and threw me onto my bed. My hat flew away.
"Do with me the same rubbish you did with the master!"
"I'd never do anything! And less with you!"
"So bold… you got bolder since the first time I raped you!" He chuckled "I like you! I like bold mons!"
"Leave me alone!"
"I will not" he said, emphasizing every syllable "Not until you allow me to fuck you once more!"
Teardrops began to fall off my eyes "Why? Why you want me to do this again?"
He opened my legs and teased my hardening dick "I saw you. You weren't so scared under his touch, no? it was… fascinating to watch you…"
"You're…" I began to say, but immediately I shut. Myo positioned himself between my open legs and removed my jumpsuit completely.
"No, please…"
"Yes. Don't say no, or you'll be a liar!"
"No, no, no!" I said, my voice getting louder, and a giant hand silenced me again.
"I guess you need to remain silent" Myo said, taking out his red scarf and tying it around my mouth. Second step, he tied my hands onto my back.
"Aaah, you look a lot better. I like this view" he said, smiling at the sight of me tied, lying defenseless onto my own bed… this wasn't happening, oh God… I began to struggle desperately, and Myotismon "literally" fell onto me!
"Shut up, rag-doll! The fun is going to start just now"
I protested once again. No… no… this shit wasn't happening! No! that incident…memories of that fatal day returned to me, stronger than ever
"So" Myotismon smiled "How do you like it? Gentle or rough? Last time you begged me to be rough with you, no?"
I shook my head, in negative, and he grasped my chin
"Do what I say or you'll be digidust!"
There wasn't any choice for me… and Myotismon slammed me again and again against my bed. Hopefully, I didn't bleed this time… maybe I'm numb. I didn't feel pain when I was with Piedmon either.
I moaned through my ties when he penetrated me
"Yeah! That's what I want to hear!" he said, trusting harder
Please stop!! This is not my idea of rest!
"Feel my hot dick inside!"
He turned me onto my stomach and slammed me again. God, this wasn't happening… teardrops kept falling off my eyes. I wailed… in pleasure. In completely rapture
"Yeah! Hum… I bet Lord Piedmon's dick didn't feel as hot as mine, no??"
My mind fogged. And Myo made me sit over him. This was somehow painful, but I don't know if it were by his roughness or his dick size… never mind, bah…
Suddenly, hot fluids began to sprinkle from my cock's tip. Myo smiled… God, whenever I see that smile, I always get frightened. He removed the scarf off my mouth and made me swallow his giant dick. And my stitches protested. However, they didn't bleed. He kept his dick inside my mouth until he explode and his juices flew toward my throat. Only when that happened, Myotismon released me. And like before, I fell like stone onto my bed, but with new worries inside me.
"You felt wonderful… you always do"
I didn't say nothing. And Myo chuckled
"Get some sleep like Piedmon said, because tomorrow will be a hard day!"
In that moment, a suddenly glow invaded my body… what the heck was happening!? I don't want another thing to happen!!
The glow intensified and I could see how my body was changing… feeling that I was losing my weight… that my stitches were disappearing… I was…DIGIEVOLVING!!!!!
"What the fuck…!" Myotismon began to cover his eyes from the intense light.
The glow ceased and I could see my new form… oohh, but what I am now…??
I ran toward the mirror, and saw a ghostly face… I'm now a Phantomon!!.
Someone chuckled behind us. It was Lord Piedmon
"See Myo? Now he'll be very important from now on. See what I told you that day…"
Myotismon couldn't answer… I guess he was too surprised to speak. Piedmon addressed to me "I recommend you to remain as a Phantomon all the time you can, so you can get used to your new shape Wiz-chan… or should I say… Phanto-chan!"
"Thank you my lord" my voice sounded hauntingly sensual. I blushed just to hear myself.
"Maybe tomorrow will be your first mission, just to see your new potential"
"As you wish my Lord" I replied again.
"Good night Phantomon" Piedmon said, and he grabbed Myotismon by his arm "Let's go Myo"
I watched them leave my room, and for a moment, I thought that I owe one to Myotismon… yeah… that makes sense…he made me evolve into Phantomon, which I feel safer and more secure of myself…
With these thoughts, I fell asleep…
Next day, I met with another Phantomon… looks like he's top general of Myo's armies…
"Hiya!!! Wiz-chan! I'm glad you did evolve!! Now we're Phanto-pals!"
"Yeah, it was after a long fight… (The memory of that "fight" returned to my mind again) and here I am, showing off my new digievolution!"
"That's so cool! Lord Myotismon want us to be at six pm at his hall, to assign us our new mission"
"Cool!" I said
"Let's go for something to eat, Phantomon!"
"Allright" I said, with nothing to lose and a lot to win
We were in a bar inside the Digi-castle. My pal shook his giant beer glass "So, Phanto-chan, how do you feel with your new shape?"
"It's really cool. I love it!" I said, drinking my juice glass "And you? Haven't you tried to evolve into Piedmon yet?"
"No… guess I don't have much experience yet…"
"I see" I replied "Don't worry, I know you will!"
"All right… thanks anyway"
"You're welcome…"
At six o' clock we were at Myotismon's hall. He looked at us up and down "You'd better do this mission right or you'll have it…" and when he said "You'll have it" he looked deeply into my eyes, as if he were saying "Do it or I'll rape you again"
"All right Lord" replied my partner "When shall we leave?"
"You'll leave tomorrow at 9:00 am. Now get out"
"Of course, Sir"
We left Myo's hall…
"Ooh Wiz-chan! It couldn't be worse! Lord treats us worse everyday!"
"I know, don't tell that to me" I said, reminding how bad Myo treated me
"We'd better get out of this well…"
"I know"
For a extra short instant, we stared each other. The other lowered his head "Did he…?"
"What…?" I asked, immediately guessing what he would ask
"Did he ever… touched you…?"
"What…? Touch me…? Well… I don't know what you're…"
"No matter" replied the other, turning his back "Get some sleep now, Wiz"
"Ok. Good night"
I watched him float until he disappeared, and my mind repeated his question "Did he ever… touched you…?"
"You don't know how many times, Phantomon…" I thought, lowering my head, memories of the past teasing my serenity.
"Stay calm, Phantomon, stay calm…" I said to myself, closing my eyes in searching for that yearned serenity…
In that instant, my body began to glow again, and I returned to my champion form. I felt so exhausted!
I walked toward my room, but immediately I put my guard up when I turned the corner. No big shadow. No big bad mon awaiting for me… I sighed, relieved. Then I entered into my room and fell onto my bed. And I fell asleep too. My mind then began to float.
Didn't know how long passed. I just entered into a sleepy state, forgetting any notion of reality, which came back as fast as I felt some hands massaging my back, caressing my long hair… I couldn't turn myself to see who was there… I was somehow… still. But the hands kept massaging me… and I murmured, still sleepy "Who's there…" and a soft, mild voice answered "It's not Myo"
"Who?" I asked again
"Turn around" said the voice, grabbing me gently by one of my arms
What a big surprise I was going to have…
"Who are you?" I asked, and the gentle hands helped me to turn over
"Aah, Gatomon… what are you doing here?"
"I came to visit you since I couldn't see you yesterday due to my numerous errands for LadyDevimon"
"I understand…"
"Wizardmon… I heard that you evolved into Phantomon… and I'm so happy for that"
"Yeah… it was a tough goal, but I finally reached it…"
"I'm happy for you Wizz-chan" said Gatomon, with her cute eyes shinning with tears
"Aaw, don't cry Gatomon…" I stretched her a hand and caressed her soft fur.
"I know what's going on between you and Lord Myotismon…" she said, staring at me. My heart was about to explode…how on earth she could know that!?
"I watched you, that night when Myotismon grabbed you and took you into your room. I followed him silently and saw all…"
I turned pale… now Gatomon knows the truth!!! O_O
"Don't be alarmed… still I'm your friend…" she said, smiling sadly
"Gatomon… me…,"
"No" she said "You don't have to explain to me that. I know that we cannot be anything more than friends. I finally realized. But, in despite of that, I'll be always your friend"
I stared at her. Now my eyes were the watery ones
"I'm sorry… never meant to hurt you. In fact, I was afraid that you could abandon me if you were to know the truth"
"But now see the truth, like I do" she said, grabbing my hand and caressing it with her soft paws
"I'll show you my digievolution as soon as I recover"
"I'll be happy to see that" she replied, smiling "But for now, please sleep. You must be tired"
I closed my eyes as she restarted massaging me, and soon I fell asleep again.
It was almost 6:00 pm when we finished our errand, and Myotismon showed himself happy "Good job" he said "You have tomorrow as free day"
"Thank you Sir" we said, and we banished from Myo's hall
I addressed to my partner "Hey! You left me curious about what you said yesterday!"
"What did I say? I don't remember" he replied, frowning his ghostly face
"You asked me if Myotismon had ever touched me" I said, without hesitation
"Ooh, that. Umn… Wiz, can we talk in private?"
"Sure. Let's go to my room"
We walked without saying a word. When we arrived to the well-known corner, I felt uneasy. My partner sensed my fear
"Did he, don't you? Why you're so afraid of this corner?"
"Myotismon ambushed me here"
"Really? And did he…rape you?"
"Yes. It was the second time he raped me"
"Ooh, just like me"
"I'm sorry! But how come?"
"Lord Piedmon gave me something to deliver it to you. You weren't in your room that moment. And Myotismon passed himself off as you to frame me"
"Ooh, so that day… when I told you that if all were ok…?"
"Yes. I tried to hide all what happened, but when I see him, the memory comes to me again and again. Over and over…"
"We're tortured ghouls…"
"Never thought that being a Phantomon could be so hard!"
"But mine it's no new thing… Myo raped me since I was a Wizardmon!"
"No! O_O"
"Yes, I was in love with him some time ago. And I declared to him. That's when all began"
While telling my poor partner, I kept my night of lovemaking with Piedmon well-hidden. This is a thing I don't want anyone to know. Never know what could my partner think of me
"It's so cruel… he always takes advantage of weak ones…*sob*"
I put a hand over his shoulders "We have to stand tall. Someday we will take advantage of him. We have to be patient"
My friend sobbed his tears (tears in a ghost??? O_O) and lifted his sight.
We entered in to my room, and Phantomon looked at me with hesitation. I also stared at him. And he kissed me. I couldn't break the kiss since it was so… soft, so tender… so…hauntingly hot! I gasped against his mouth
"I always wanted to taste sex, but not the way Myo did" he said, smiling. I replied
"Well, me too. But never thought it could come from a Digimon of same specie! This is so strange…"
"humm…never mind…" he said, kissing me again "But if you don't want to, just let me know… it's much nicer when both parties are agreeable!"
"Let's go then. We have all night for us two anyway" I said, returning the kiss to him. I wanted to feel it from a cute Phantomon like him!
We laid onto my bed and stripped out of our robes… I was somehow amazed with my own body! My skin was soft, black and shinny…
"We are such a beautiful specie…"
Like some love-sick womons, we sighed and stared each other. He was running his hands playfully all over my body, stopping in my most sensitive areas. My partner smiled playfully, and I returned his smile
"This is getting better"
"Humm" he murmured, swallowing my whole shaft. I moaned softly. Never thought that lovemaking between Phantomons could be so nice… so good… so hot and tender.
Tonguing here and there… my hands grabbed desperately to my bed's sheets, my body writhe in pure arousal as I felt his warm mouth
"Oh! This is so nice!"
My friend lifted his sight "Pretty nice… I love it too"
"I wonder how will you taste like?"
"Well" said my partner, opening his legs wide "There's just one way to find it out!"
"Ohh" I said, crawling up to him until I positioned myself between his long and thin legs "I have to taste this"
"Hummm… so tasty… I love your dick!"
"I want more, pretty please!" he gasped, moaning, with his eyes closed
I lifted my sight and acquired a nasty gaze "Beg"
"Please!" he wailed "I can't resist it anymore!"
"Oh, no, that doesn't convince me" I said, with a grin
"Please!!" he shouted "I'm on fire!!"
I felt strange, someone begging me when I was the one who begged in the past. The mere thought made me smile. And I proceeded to please my partner. He smiled too, and moaned once again
"ummm…. That's better" he said, caressing my head (I must confess that I became addicted to be caressed on the head)
After 15 minutes of hot sucking, we took a coin. My partner said "If it's head, you fuck me. If it's tail, I'll fuck you"
"Go ahead" I said, smiling at the challenge
"Good luck for us two!" and he threw the coin up in the air. We watched it carefully, and it dropped. It was head. I won
"Allright" said my partner "I'll be yours then. Do whatever you want with me"
I fell onto him "turn over your stomach, dear" and he obeyed. God, it was really sexy just to see him in four legs, naked. I felt a rush of heat running through all my body. But you know what? I felt strange in the dominant role. Maybe because I got used to the passive role (You already know why >__<). I licked one finger and proceeded to put it inside his opening, causing him to shake
"Ah! More please!"
I forced another finger, and more gasps came from my friend's throat
"The real fun shall begin" I said, penetrating him, causing him to let go a shout.
"Ooh! This is better than Myo's rapes!"
I leaned onto his back "Don't let Myo hear you or maybe he'll come here to rape us two simultaneously!"
How many time passed? We don't know. It was all pleasure, not pain. So… this is like Piedmon and me Lovemaking night… this is the way we should taste sex, not the way Myo made us taste
"Aah! Harder!" shouted my partner
I pushed myself deeper, causing him to scream. I was feeling waves of heat all over my ghostly body. I wailed at the sensation
"aaahhh, don't stop!! I'm coming soon!!"
I felt how my juices were shot toward his hot passage, relieving me. We fell, exhausted.
But no one prepared us for what was going to come….
We lifted our sigh… and what was pleasure and quietness turned out to be uneasiness. Piedmon was in the door's threshold. He chuckled.
"What a beautiful performance. No one thought that sex between two Phantomons could be so exciting!"
"Lord Piedmon…, we…"
"Oh, no, no, no! I saw everything. What can I say? But now, who's Wizardmon here?"
"Me, sir" I said, raising myself from Phantomon's chest.
"My, it's hard to tell who is who. Wizardmon, so you were the fucker. I liked your performance"
I blushed, unable to smile. Piedmon kept talking
"I heard the screams while I was passing through this corridor. I decided that it would be kinda interesting to drop by and see what was happening. So here I am"
Neither me nor my partner could speak… we were pale, motionless, speechless…
"What's with the long faces?" said Piedmon, cackling "As far as I know, you two were successful in your mission. I didn't come here to scold you"
My partner mumbled, unable to look him at the eyes "Thank you sir"
"Oh, it's nothing" replied Piedmon, turning his back and leaving. I jumped "Master! You're not going to…?"
"Of course not! Who do you think I am? An old fag gossiper?"
"Sorry My Lord, didn't mean to…"
"Oh, please forget it. Have a good night you two"
"Thank you Lord Piedmon" we replied at unison. The door closed quietly. And we sighed, relieved
"God… now Master is aware of our things…"
"Don't worry. I don't think our Lord could grass us"
"Yeah, you may be right. He's the highest Digimon authority… to whom he could grass us anyway? His shadow?"
"Maybe yes, maybe no" I said, remembering my night with him "Let's trust our master. He's not like Myo"
"I hope so…" said my friend, hugging me
It was a quiet night and we didn't want to spoil it.