Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Him ❯ Him ( One-Shot )
Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon Tamers even though I wish I owned Toei Animation because I would own all cool animes (hehe LOL)
By Angel_chan
He's always there just for me
He never hides his feelings
For ME
That's what he feels for me
I know he loves me
It doesn't bother me one bit
I have feelings for him too
Is it hate love or maybe heartbreak?
I'm afraid that if I learn to love him
And come close to him
He would just leave me for someone else
Rushing off to save someone ELSE
Leaving me in the darkness
But I could risk it
Just to be in his arms
Then again he's always there
Always there to save me
Always there to hold me
When he's there I don't want to be alone anymore
His Sunshine Smile
It warms me up
I don't want to be cold anymore
It melts my heart
To be stronger
To fight on
To live
To survive
I need him to live, survive and to fight
Aishteru, Ryo-chan
And may our Fighting Soul live on forever
So how was that for a Ryuki or Ryoki (have your pick) poem?
Please read and review