Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ How Do I Tell Him? ❯ Sweet Freedom? ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Tada! Chapter 9!!! Expect some Sora bashing...I abhor Sora. =^_^=
Matt held onto Tai's hand possessively as they made their way back to the others. Cherona smiled and stood as they approached.

"You found him." She said.
"Sora's coming." Matt said, giving Tai a kiss on the cheek. "Help me tell her."

Tai nodded, and regretfully slipped his hand out of Matt's.

"Matt!" Sora called, jogging up and hugging him. "I see *you* found Tai."
"Yes...I did. Sora? Can we talk to you for a minute?"

Matt, Tai, and Sora walked to a little more private place.

"Where are they going?" Akira asked, walking up.
"I don't know." Cherona replied, "Go find the others. Tell them we found Tai."

Akira nodded and ran off again.
"Sora...I have something really important to tell you."
"Sora...I...I'm gay."
"And...I'm in love with Tai..." Matt finished, wrapping his arms around Tai.
"WHAT!!!! How could you do this to me!!?"
"Sora...quiet down, people are staring...!" Tai said.
"Shut up Tai!"
"Hey, you can't talk to him like that!" Matt snapped.
"I can't believe you did this to me! You're just taking the easy way out."
"E-excuse me?"
"You just don't want to commit to me so you make up some stupid excuse!"
"It's not an excuse Sora. I'm gay and I'm in love with Tai." Matt ground out, his face flushing with anger.
"I don't appreciate being dumped so far from home either!" Sora continued to rant.
"That's not my fault. You decided to come." Matt answered coolly.
"Grrr! You're such a jerk, Yamato Ishida!"
"I'M a jerk!? You're the jerk! All you ever did was criticize me or try to get in my pants!!"
"Matt..." Tai soothed, "It's ok...let's go. Sora can follow along or go home..."

Matt nodded briskly, and turned to walk away.

"Kiss him." He heard Sora say.
"What?" Matt asked, turning.
"If this isn't some lame ass excuse and you really love him you'll be able to kiss him in front of all these people."

Matt's face darkened, and he gently pulled Tai towards him.

"I don't care if you believe me or not. I don't have to prove anything to you."
"So you don't love him."
"I didn't say that!" Matt snarled.
"Then why won't you kiss him??"

Tai held onto Matt tightly. The blonde's whole body was shaking in anger.

"You want a kiss...I'll show you a kiss."

With that, Matt turned his head and kissed Tai passionately. Matt made sure that the kiss was a messy- open mouthed affair, so Sora could see him tangle his tongue with Tai's.

"There...I kissed him." Matt said, wiping Tai's mouth.
"Mmmmduhhh..." Tai blushed, completely blown away.

Matt giggled and nuzzled Tai's neck.

"You're so cute." He said fondly, giving Tai another (less "messy") kiss.
"Don't ever talk to me again." Sora growled, as she stalked off.
"No problem there!" Matt called to her retreating figure.
"Glad that's over." Tai smiled.
"*Where* have you two been?" Kaede demanded.
"Making out in the bathroom." Matt replied with a grin.
"What'd you do with Sora? Kill 'er?" Koji teased.
"Nah. I think she went home." Matt replied, shrugging.
"Well Lyla's 'people' should be here any minute now." Niru said, checking his watch.

Matt 'n' Tai nodded and sat down with the group.
"So...did you *really* make out in the bathroom?" Hiroshi asked.

Matt and Tai exchanged sly looks then looked at Hiroshi.

"You could say that..." Matt answered, wrapping one arm around Tai.
"You did more???"

Tai's blushed was Hiroshi's only answer.

"Oh my god! You screwed in the bathroom!" Hiroshi announced.
"They did??" Akira said, leaning over Hiroshi.
"No. We didn't." Tai said, blushing hotly.
"Sure, sure." Koji teased.
Matt rolled his eyes, "We didn't have sex in the bathroom."
"If you say so." Hiroshi grinned.

A tall blonde woman in a navy blue business suit and a shorter man in a chauffeur's uniform walked up to the group.

"Lunatic Calm I presume?" The woman said in fairly good Japanese.
"Yeah. I'm Kaede, the manager. This is Hiroshi, Akira, Koji, Niru, Matt, Tai, and Cherona. Feel free to use English. The boys need all the practice they can get."
The woman nodded, "I'm Mitsy Winters, and that's Geoffrey."
"Nice to meet you both." Kaede replied.
"Geoffrey and I will take you to a meeting with Mrs. Winchester, then to your hotel. You have two days to do whatever you wish while Mrs. Winchester sets the show up."
"All right. Boys! Let's go!" Kaede ordered.

The band each picked up their respective luggage, and followed Mrs. Winters and Geoffrey through the large airport.
"This place is huge." Tai said, switching to broken English.
"Yeah." Matt agreed.
"Cool! We get a limo!!!" Hiroshi exclaimed.
"We arranged for a baggage van to transport all your equipment. It will be waiting for you at Mrs. Winchester's."
"What service." Akira marveled in Japanese.
"Bags in the trunk." Geoffrey said.

Koji and Matt put everyone's luggage in the trunk, closed it, and joined the rest of the band in the limo.

"Nice...spacious...." Niru complimented.
"Would you like to stop for lunch now or after meeting with Mrs. Winchester?" Winters asked.
"After will be fine." Kaede replied.
"All right."

After a brief tour, the limo made it's way deep into town. It parked in front a tall white building with a huge fountain out front.

"Count on us to impress some millionaire's daughter." Hiroshi grinned.
"Yeah." Akira replied, laughing.
"This way please." Geoffrey said, opening the door.

The band was lead into the building and up a huge set of stairs to the elevators. They all piled into the elevator and rode it to the top floor.

"Inform Mrs. Winchester that her 2 o'clock is here." Winters said.

The secretary nodded, and called into Lyla's office. Only a few moments later the phone on the secretary's desk rang. She picked it up, nodded, and smiled at the band.

"Mrs. Winchester will see you now." She said, hanging up.

Mrs. Winters ushered the band into Lyla's huge stylish officer, and offered them seats.

"Nice to finally meet the band that my daughter was so smitten with." Lyla said, fixing her mop of brown curls.
"And it's nice to meet you." Kaede replied, smiling.
"I'm sure my associates have filled you in on most of the details. Here is your show schedule." Mrs. Winchester said, handing Kaede a paper.
"Thank-you." Kaede said.
"Your first show is in two days. 9PM sharp. The directions to the club are on the schedule."
"All right."
"I'm really very sorry we can't talk much longer. I have a very important meeting to attend in fifteen minutes. I'll get Geoffrey to take you to your hotel."
"Ok. Thank-you ma'am."
"Yes, and thank-you for coming all the way out here. Oh...which one of you is the lead singer? I need to speak to him privately for a moment."
"I am." Matt said, his English a tad shaky.

Lyla nodded, and motioned for him to walk to her desk as the band made it's way out.
"Yes ma'am?" Matt asked, approaching the desk.
"My daughter was quite smitten with you as well."
"Yes. I was hoping you'd, you know, take her out on a date?"
"A-a date??" Matt stuttered.
"Yes, a date. You don't have a girlfriend do you?"
"No. But I..."
"Great! Then you can take Kristi out! I'll pay for everything."

Matt inwardly groaned. He didn't want to go out on a date with some girl! He wanted to enjoy this trip with Tai...!!
End Chapter 9. Now what's Matt going to do? R&R and you'll find out.