Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Hybrid of the Digital Dragon ❯ Too Close for Failure? ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: pyro_kiler 
Introduction & Chapter One
The tamers still go on living with there live and search of the gate leading them back to there friends. Being hassled everywhere about the dangerous battle with the D-Reaper causing them fame across Japan. Rika, Henry, Kayzu, Kenta, Suze, and Jerry all avoid the press and try to adjust to being ganged up by school mates asking about their digimon. Takato would just ignore every question and comment just for the fact that he was searching for the gate that linked the digital world to there's in order to see Gulimon again………
Takato was seen walking through the park where he and Gulimon spend most of their time together. Unaware of four pairs of eyes on him Rika, Henry, Kayzu, and Kenta worried about him since the only thing he cared most about now was Gulimon and the other digimon. "He's been kind of low enthusiastic ever since they went back." "Well Kayzu, he's been worried about them but knows he can't do anything about the situation, which pretty much sucks." "Kenta, can you be anymore supportive in this case? Goggle head is broken down because of this crap ." Henry and Kayzu looked at Rika with curious eyes. "Gees Rika, when did you become so caring for other people?" Rika knew where this was going and said, "I've grown up a little. Try it! I could hit you in the jaw a few times and see how much you grow." Henry stepped back and Kayzu went into defensive incase some punches were flying his way. All the tamers observed Takato's behavior and social patterns after the D-Reaper was destroyed. Takato kept searching for that gate, he barley paid any attention to his teachers and at home he'd been active only helping his dad in the bakery.
"Hey dad, where's mom?" "She went to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner Takato. Just wait a little longer." Takato looked at the clock and just went outside for a walk. He walked pasted Gulimon's old shed in the park, past the rail roads where he found Gulimon, and then without notice he ran into Rika who seemed to be walking home. "Whoa, Rika. Didn't see you there." "Hi Takato, still upset over Gulimon?" "Yeah, but I guess you and the other tamers can see that every time you guys follow me around." Rika look embarrassed on how he knew she and the other tamers were following him. "How did you know I- I mean we were following you?" Takato eyes sharpened with the moon light glistering behind him which made he appearance remind Rika was Renamon. "I could hear you guys arguing about my behavior and hiding behind the bushes doesn't helped in day light." Rika couldn't believe Takato's observation skills. He seems just like Gulimon but a human. "Takato, what's with you all the time?" Takato had a smile developing but when ask about his problem, he slowly moved back into depression.
"I'll tell you while walking you back to your house." Rika didn't hate the idea but Takato acting like he needs to protect a girl at night made her furious. "Hold on goggle head, I don't need you for protection. I'd could lay you out flat on you own ass." "Yeah.. I know, but my mom would kill me when I got home and let her know that I let a girl walk by her self and didn't offer my self for her safety." Rika kind of laughed but still wondering why he wanted to walk her home. "Okay goggle head, let's walk." Takato and Rika walking together to her house was the last thing she ever suspect Takato wanted to do. ;Why is he acting weird and scared about the other digimon?; Rika questioned Takato's behavior but thought about the old goggle head back. Rika all of a sudden shook her head rapidly. ;What am I saying? Takato shouldn’t' be moping but cheerful knowing he'll see Gulimon again;
Takato looked at Rika and knew what she was thinking at this every moment. "Hey Rika, I'm not moping around about Gulimon but other reasons, I'm still the same goggle head everyone loves, but I'm afraid about my self after it's all over." Rika was confused on Takato just admitting what he was fearing and yet happy at the same time. "Takato two things. What are you worried about if not Gulimon and what the hell are you talking about, "after it's all over?" Takato didn't mean for that to slip out but he figured around Rika, he couldn't lie to her. "I think I've found a way back to the digital world to see the digimon again, or bring back here." By that statement, Rika through her arms around Takato and huge him so tight you could hear bones crack. "ARE YOU SERIOUS TAKATO?!" Takato trying to breathe, shook his head slightly yes to answer. Rika realized what she had done and let go.
"Sorry Takato, but are you sure you've found a gate?" Takato looked into Rika's eyes and could tell she missed Renamon a lot more. Without hesitation, he shook his head yes but no smile on his face was placed like Rika. She notice this and asked another question. "What's wrong? Is there a digimon we have to fight to get them back from-" Takato cut Rika off with his finger on her lips. "I have one thing to confront for the gate to open. After that, the gate will open don't worry." "Takato, please tell me what it is your talking about." Takato looked at Rika and seeing disappointment in his actions. "I've tried opening the gate and my D-Arc almost exploded." Takato showed his d-arc to Rika and it looked like it tried to self-destruction. "How the hell did this happen? Was the gate too big for you googlehead?" Takato knew she was trying real hard to know the truth she wanted to hear.
"The gate needs more than the code breaker like we used to enter the D-reaper. It requires more energy from the Tamer for accessing the gate." Rika thought about what he met but then realized what he tried to do. "Takato, did you try to open the gate on your own?" With no argument, he said yes. "Takato, we'd always opened the gate together will no discussing. Why would you try to kill yourself?" "Because I know-" Takato wasn't going to finish because he had reach Rika house and her grandmother was waiting for her. "You'll see what I'm talking about. Tell Henry and the others about this. I'll see you guys tomorrow after school. I've got a lot of work to catch up on." Takato ran back towards his house. ;Takaot what's happing to you?; Rika's grandmother noticed her little granddaughter was worried for the first time, about a boy. "Well Rika, you've sure gone alone way about Takato, from fighting with him to caring about him." "Whatever grandma!" Rika blushed little and ran inside to hide it from her grandma.
"I'm home mom, I'll be in my room ready for dinner later." Rika didn't notice that her mother wasn't home yet. Her grandmother stepped in her room to informed her that her mother was being held back at the studio for the new line of Paris Cloth lining coming out. Rika didn't much pay attention to her grandma and wondered on what Takato was planning to do. Next morning the Tamers, (minus Takato..) were waiting on Rika and what she had to say that couldn't wait over the phone. Henry was the last one there running with Terriermon on his back. "Okay Rika. What's this important information you have about Takaot at breaking news?" Then Kayzu stepped up for an insult but Jerry stop him in pursuit of what was bothering Takato. "Takato told me last night that he found the gate that leads back to the digital world." All the tamers were shocked and surprised that Takato didn't tell them all yet.
"You say that Takato found a gate, Rika?" Rika looked at Henry with an disappointing look just as he found understanding. "Yeah. He told me last night that he tried to open it but didn't tell me how he would do it again." "He used his D-Arc of course, Digimon Queen." Kenta with a smirk like he knew what she was saying. "He told me that it didn't work and almost destroyed his D-Arc. It looked like he tried to microwave it." All of them were shocked that they couldn't helped but knew Takato wasn't acting right. Rika finished the story and the rest of the tamers came up with a plan to figure out how to open it but it had to be kept away from Takato. "Maybe if my dad and the others can get back together, we maybe able to crack the code on it." "Yeah, but we need the location and the person who found it, don't we?" "You have a point so one of us asked Takato were it is and we copy it on one of our D-arcs so Takato won't do any stupid." "Okay so who's the one of us to do it?" Silence remained after that question. They all then pointed to both Jerry and Rika. So out of those two it came down to Rika. "Why me?" Henry spoke with the relieve that he didn't have to talk to him. "You're the last one who talk to him, so he'll take it easier." Rika just sat there with only few words in her head. ;What the hell am I going to say to him? Hope he isn't mad at me;..
End Chapter One.
hope you liked it because I ain't done yet.
Anime/Manga: Digimon Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Comedy / Adventure | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 11.07.2004 | Updated On: 01.25.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1 | Visits: 573 | Status: Completed

Introduction & Chapter One
The tamers still go on living with there live and search of the gate leading them back to there friends. Being hassled everywhere about the dangerous battle with the D-Reaper causing them fame across Japan. Rika, Henry, Kayzu, Kenta, Suze, and Jerry all avoid the press and try to adjust to being ganged up by school mates asking about their digimon. Takato would just ignore every question and comment just for the fact that he was searching for the gate that linked the digital world to there's in order to see Gulimon again………
Takato was seen walking through the park where he and Gulimon spend most of their time together. Unaware of four pairs of eyes on him Rika, Henry, Kayzu, and Kenta worried about him since the only thing he cared most about now was Gulimon and the other digimon. "He's been kind of low enthusiastic ever since they went back." "Well Kayzu, he's been worried about them but knows he can't do anything about the situation, which pretty much sucks." "Kenta, can you be anymore supportive in this case? Goggle head is broken down because of this crap ." Henry and Kayzu looked at Rika with curious eyes. "Gees Rika, when did you become so caring for other people?" Rika knew where this was going and said, "I've grown up a little. Try it! I could hit you in the jaw a few times and see how much you grow." Henry stepped back and Kayzu went into defensive incase some punches were flying his way. All the tamers observed Takato's behavior and social patterns after the D-Reaper was destroyed. Takato kept searching for that gate, he barley paid any attention to his teachers and at home he'd been active only helping his dad in the bakery.
"Hey dad, where's mom?" "She went to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner Takato. Just wait a little longer." Takato looked at the clock and just went outside for a walk. He walked pasted Gulimon's old shed in the park, past the rail roads where he found Gulimon, and then without notice he ran into Rika who seemed to be walking home. "Whoa, Rika. Didn't see you there." "Hi Takato, still upset over Gulimon?" "Yeah, but I guess you and the other tamers can see that every time you guys follow me around." Rika look embarrassed on how he knew she and the other tamers were following him. "How did you know I- I mean we were following you?" Takato eyes sharpened with the moon light glistering behind him which made he appearance remind Rika was Renamon. "I could hear you guys arguing about my behavior and hiding behind the bushes doesn't helped in day light." Rika couldn't believe Takato's observation skills. He seems just like Gulimon but a human. "Takato, what's with you all the time?" Takato had a smile developing but when ask about his problem, he slowly moved back into depression.
"I'll tell you while walking you back to your house." Rika didn't hate the idea but Takato acting like he needs to protect a girl at night made her furious. "Hold on goggle head, I don't need you for protection. I'd could lay you out flat on you own ass." "Yeah.. I know, but my mom would kill me when I got home and let her know that I let a girl walk by her self and didn't offer my self for her safety." Rika kind of laughed but still wondering why he wanted to walk her home. "Okay goggle head, let's walk." Takato and Rika walking together to her house was the last thing she ever suspect Takato wanted to do. ;Why is he acting weird and scared about the other digimon?; Rika questioned Takato's behavior but thought about the old goggle head back. Rika all of a sudden shook her head rapidly. ;What am I saying? Takato shouldn’t' be moping but cheerful knowing he'll see Gulimon again;
Takato looked at Rika and knew what she was thinking at this every moment. "Hey Rika, I'm not moping around about Gulimon but other reasons, I'm still the same goggle head everyone loves, but I'm afraid about my self after it's all over." Rika was confused on Takato just admitting what he was fearing and yet happy at the same time. "Takato two things. What are you worried about if not Gulimon and what the hell are you talking about, "after it's all over?" Takato didn't mean for that to slip out but he figured around Rika, he couldn't lie to her. "I think I've found a way back to the digital world to see the digimon again, or bring back here." By that statement, Rika through her arms around Takato and huge him so tight you could hear bones crack. "ARE YOU SERIOUS TAKATO?!" Takato trying to breathe, shook his head slightly yes to answer. Rika realized what she had done and let go.
"Sorry Takato, but are you sure you've found a gate?" Takato looked into Rika's eyes and could tell she missed Renamon a lot more. Without hesitation, he shook his head yes but no smile on his face was placed like Rika. She notice this and asked another question. "What's wrong? Is there a digimon we have to fight to get them back from-" Takato cut Rika off with his finger on her lips. "I have one thing to confront for the gate to open. After that, the gate will open don't worry." "Takato, please tell me what it is your talking about." Takato looked at Rika and seeing disappointment in his actions. "I've tried opening the gate and my D-Arc almost exploded." Takato showed his d-arc to Rika and it looked like it tried to self-destruction. "How the hell did this happen? Was the gate too big for you googlehead?" Takato knew she was trying real hard to know the truth she wanted to hear.
"The gate needs more than the code breaker like we used to enter the D-reaper. It requires more energy from the Tamer for accessing the gate." Rika thought about what he met but then realized what he tried to do. "Takato, did you try to open the gate on your own?" With no argument, he said yes. "Takato, we'd always opened the gate together will no discussing. Why would you try to kill yourself?" "Because I know-" Takato wasn't going to finish because he had reach Rika house and her grandmother was waiting for her. "You'll see what I'm talking about. Tell Henry and the others about this. I'll see you guys tomorrow after school. I've got a lot of work to catch up on." Takato ran back towards his house. ;Takaot what's happing to you?; Rika's grandmother noticed her little granddaughter was worried for the first time, about a boy. "Well Rika, you've sure gone alone way about Takato, from fighting with him to caring about him." "Whatever grandma!" Rika blushed little and ran inside to hide it from her grandma.
"I'm home mom, I'll be in my room ready for dinner later." Rika didn't notice that her mother wasn't home yet. Her grandmother stepped in her room to informed her that her mother was being held back at the studio for the new line of Paris Cloth lining coming out. Rika didn't much pay attention to her grandma and wondered on what Takato was planning to do. Next morning the Tamers, (minus Takato..) were waiting on Rika and what she had to say that couldn't wait over the phone. Henry was the last one there running with Terriermon on his back. "Okay Rika. What's this important information you have about Takaot at breaking news?" Then Kayzu stepped up for an insult but Jerry stop him in pursuit of what was bothering Takato. "Takato told me last night that he found the gate that leads back to the digital world." All the tamers were shocked and surprised that Takato didn't tell them all yet.
"You say that Takato found a gate, Rika?" Rika looked at Henry with an disappointing look just as he found understanding. "Yeah. He told me last night that he tried to open it but didn't tell me how he would do it again." "He used his D-Arc of course, Digimon Queen." Kenta with a smirk like he knew what she was saying. "He told me that it didn't work and almost destroyed his D-Arc. It looked like he tried to microwave it." All of them were shocked that they couldn't helped but knew Takato wasn't acting right. Rika finished the story and the rest of the tamers came up with a plan to figure out how to open it but it had to be kept away from Takato. "Maybe if my dad and the others can get back together, we maybe able to crack the code on it." "Yeah, but we need the location and the person who found it, don't we?" "You have a point so one of us asked Takato were it is and we copy it on one of our D-arcs so Takato won't do any stupid." "Okay so who's the one of us to do it?" Silence remained after that question. They all then pointed to both Jerry and Rika. So out of those two it came down to Rika. "Why me?" Henry spoke with the relieve that he didn't have to talk to him. "You're the last one who talk to him, so he'll take it easier." Rika just sat there with only few words in her head. ;What the hell am I going to say to him? Hope he isn't mad at me;..
End Chapter One.
hope you liked it because I ain't done yet.
Anime/Manga: Digimon Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Comedy / Adventure | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 11.07.2004 | Updated On: 01.25.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1 | Visits: 573 | Status: Completed