Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ HZ-7000 ❯ Wings of Danger ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Army was as busy as ever, fighting more terrorists, and rescuing more people from disaster, while at the same time keeping their profiles low. The army answered to no government and the officers and agents had no identity; they didn't exist.
Things were so incredibly top secret that even taking a little picture of one of the crafts would get you in trouble.
One day, Davis and the crew of HZ-7000 were rescuing citizens in New-York after a terrible fire caused by terrorists in the area. Professor Mecha and Dr. Assagi helped all the citizens get the medical treatment they needed, while Davis and Ex-Veemon hunted down the terrorists.
Eventually the fires were put out, and he terrorists were thrown into custody. It was a good thing there were no crowds near the HZ-ship, but Davis and his crew still had to wear thick shades and pilot-helmets so no one would recognize them.
They also still had to wipe out the memories of the technology anyone may have witnessed during the mission. Still, the day was saved, and no one was watching. “All right Davis… we're clear to go.” said Mecha.
“Right…” Davis said. “Okay Veemon… take her up.”
Veemon nodded, and started the motors. The copter-blades started up, and the ship slowly began to take off, little did any of them realize that they were being watched by a nosy news-reporter and camera man, who were just around the corner waiting to take shots of them…
“At last…” the reporter sniggered from his truck. “The story that's gonna make me the big bucks. Star filming them, Johnny.”
“You got it, Nick…” answered the camera man as he started the recording.
As the ship was about to fly away, onboard, a small unit in the cockpit began to buzz and flash madly. “The Automatic-Camera-Detector!” cried Davis.
Veemon's jaw dropped, “Shomeone's outshide taking picturesh of the ship…!”
Suddenly, Davis could see the reporter and his camera-man. He flew the ship in closer and spoke over the loud-speaker, “I told you guys, no pictures!”
Nick, who also had a megaphone-speaker, gazed up at the ship and said, “Look here, pal… you've done a great job around here. Now let me do mine?”
“I said… no pictures!” replied Davis, “Please destroy them.”
“If you think I'd do that, you're crazy…” Nick boasted, and then he quickly started his truck up and drove away. Davis and the crew knew they couldn't let him escape. If their secrets were exposed then the HZ-Army would be revealed to the whole world… rendering it unable to remain functional.
Of course a simple truck had no chance against a giant super-copter with rocket thrusters. “Hey Nick…!” cried Johnny. “They're following us. Maybe we should give them the tape…”
Nick was completely against the idea. “This is the greatest story I've ever gotten and I'm not going to lose it now!” he practically shouted. Still, he was unable to shake off the ship, which was now flying directly beside the truck.
“We're in range now Davis…” said Mecha, “Let him have it.”
Davis nodded, and flipped a switch. POW! The ship fired a powerful ray of light that struck the camera, and almost knocked Johnny off the truck. “Hey…!” he cried.
“What's going on up there…?” added Nick.
As soon as the flash faded, the video-box on the camera was smoking. Davis explained, “I've electromagnetically wiped the videotape. The entire recording is blank. I'm sorry about this but we must keep ourselves secret from the world. So long…!”
And with that, the ship took off into the sky, and vanished out of sight; it even went invisible with its cloaking-device. Nick, however, stopped the truck, “He's just bluffing…” he cried with concern, “It's not possible.”
But much to Johnny's dismay to tell him, “He wasn't bluffing, and it IS possible.” He handed Nick the real of damaged, blank tape. “There goes your story, Nick.”
Nick could only fall to his knees in shame…
“Gee… that sure was a close one.” Nami said.
“It sure was…” added Mecha. “There are just men out there who would give their very souls to learn our secrets.”
“Oh come on, Professor.” Davis said, “We're out of the danger now and our secrets are safe. We may as well head for home.”
“Home…!” Veemon sighed. “Lead me to the warm plashe I call bed.”
The army really did its best to keep security-tight and thus far the base, the island, practically everything and everyone had remained undetected. Still, there were more things to be done when not on call…
…Such as, Lt. Nelson.
True being General-Dazio's right-hand assistant, he had an important job, but he ever hoped for promotion or even to be made a well controller of the base… he'd have to earn his wings. This meant he would have to learn to operate more advanced vehicles.
Today… Davis and his crew were helping him go through the first step. Flying an actually HZ-ship. Already they had flown around the world, a little ways under the ocean, and now were in the final steps of the first stage; flying through space with Nelson at the controls with Davis.
All through the driving, Nelson felt so nervous that he was having a hard time controlling things, and the ship was still wobbling. “Take it easy Lieutenant…” Davis said, “You've got to get us back on level.”
Poor Nelson wiped his brow, “I'm sorry Colonel Motomiya. I'll get it right in a minute.”
“A minute's too long Lieutenant. Get it fixed now!”
Lt. Nelson pulled on the controls, and carefully fired the rockets. Finally the ship was heading back for Earth, and base, but Nelson still had to make a touchdown before passing the first stage.
“Don't worry, Lieutenant, you'll do just fine.” Davis said. “Then you get to move onto the next stage; where you get to captain your own ship.”
Nelson agreed, but it was the final stage he was fretting over. “A complete solo flight through the air, water, and space all by myself…”
Davis sometimes wished he could lend a little of his courage to those who needed it, but the best he could do was guide Nelson along the way. “Base control from HZ-7000… approaching island, course 275 Zero-Green.”
“Roger than Davis…” said Daizo. “I'll expect you in one minute from now.”
“May take a little longer than that, Sir.” replied Davis, “We don't want to rush Lt. Nelson on his first touchdown.”
Daizo almost lost his cap when he leapt up from his seat, “What? Lt. Nelson…? He can't land a ship.”
“Well he's got to learn some time…”
Daizo decided to go along with it, but what practically everyone knew was he worried too much. “Sound the alarm! Crash tenders, standby!”
There was no need to go to such extremes, Lt. Nelson did manage to reach island. He had a little trouble landing the ship on the pad-track though. This ship was tilting again. “The starboard wings, Lt… raise the starboard wing!”
Nelson panicked as he jolted the controls, but at long last they were down, safely. “Gee… what a mess I made.” he groaned. “I'll never get my wings this way.”
The entire crew was ordered to the tower by Daizo. Nami took Nelson into the examining room where she did his set of medical-checks. “Is all this necessary Dr. Assagi?” Nelson asked, “It's kind of making my head ache.”
“I'm sorry, Lt.” Nami said, “But you know the regulations. You always must have a check-up before and after every test flight.”
In the control-room, Davis and Daizo agreed that Lt. Nelson ought to go straight onto the next step to earning his wings. “Well I guess it's for the best…” Daizo said. “Just don't let the Lt know about all this… he'll be getting a big head.”
He ordered that HZ-1000 be ready to take-off, right as Lt. Nelson came back. “Well Lt… guess you're going to fly a ship on your own now.”
“But, Sir…” cried Nelson. “Not an HZ-ship; I'd need a crew to help me.”
Davis's crew offered to go with him. Mecha would be his navigator. Veemon would be co-pilot, and Nami would be onboard to keep track of his medical-analysis. That calmed Nelson down a little, and soon he and the crew were aboard HZ-1000 and ready for blast-away.
“How does it feel being a backroom-boy, Davis…?” Daizo asked.
Davis chuckled. “It's just not for me General. I'm strictly and action-guy.”
The two men spent the whole day monitoring Lt. Nelson's progress. So far he managed to keep the ship in well order. Flying across the skies, under the oceans… he had a little trouble in space though, but everything was A-okay.
Right now he was on his way back to base, and this time, “Okay… stay calm.” He muttered, “Nice and slowly…” and he made a perfect landing. “I made it-- a perfect touchdown.”
The rest of the crew gave them their congrats to him, and Daizo interrupted with, “Okay… settle down Lt. you haven't won your wings yet. Now get some rest, all of you. You're all off duty until morning.”
That evening, while Daizo stayed on duty in the tower, and prepared things for Lt. Nelson's final test, he called up Davis on the personal phone. “How's the party going Davis…?”
“Just wonderful, General…Are you sure you sure you won't join us…?”
“Nah… I've had a lot of excitement in my days to last me forever. Besides, someone needs to watch over things.”
Davis and the others were all invited to Nami's beach-house on the edge of the island. Nami's home-style cooking, along with Davis's finest recipes for Ramen were just delicious.
“Gee, it was swell of you all to invite me over, Dr. Assagi.” said Nelson.
“Aww, it was nothing Lt.” said Nami. “After all you should relax. You have a very big day tomorrow.”
Nelson nodded. Tomorrow he'd fly a special capsule-rocket through the air, in the water, and an orbit around the moon. It was used to test out if he had the mental stabilities of being all by himself.
But he decided to just not to even think about it. “Good lad, Nelson.” said Mecha. “And don't you worry. We've thoroughly checked out the rocket, and nothing's out of place.”
Nelson was relieved to hear that, “I'd hate to think if something went wrong during my flight tomorrow.”
Sadly, even though enough checks were made on the rocket… from within the motors, the small atomic-reactor broke free from the wall… and it was highly flammable…!
The next morning, Lt. Nelson was safely onboard the rocket and ready for take-off. It sure was crowded inside, but still the best way to test his mental psychological brain waves.
“HZ-2500 to control…! All systems ready for take-off.”
“Roger. Lt…” said Daizo. “Stand by HZ-7000… Lt. Nelson's ready for take off.”
Davis and his crew would be flying alongside the rocket to escort Nelson safely through his test. They had just been given clearance to take off, and soon they were launched down the rails, and took off into the skies.
Then the final countdown for Lt. Nelson to take off was started, and soon his ship had blasted off and joined HZ-7000 in the air ready to begin his test…
Everyone, however, was unaware that the reactor, which no one had noticed broken free, was starting to heat up under the pressure of the motors.
Nami kept an eye on Nelson's medical-fix. “How's he doing, Nami…?” Davis asked over the radio.
“Well he seems to be okay…” Nami answered. “His temperature seems to be rising, but that's only because of the heat from the motors.”
HZ-2500 finished it's take off, and Lt. Nelson switched to manual control. “Gee… it sure feels lonesome in here.” he said. “Oh, don't worry about a thing Lt. you'll be perfectly fine” Davis assured him.
“Thanks Colonel…” replied Nelson. “Well, off we go on course, 312 Zero-White.”
“Roger that, Lt.” said Davis, “Cruising speed activated.”
The first course of the way around the Earth was flown along the air. The second course was under water, and then eventually as night began to fall… the two ships headed for an orbit around the Moon.
Strangely-however, the Lt started to feel hot and sweaty, but merely dismissed it as it being his nerves acting up… but actually the broken reactor had been resting against the hot rocket-motors the whole time and was starting to burst into flames…
Still, he kept his head, and successfully orbited the moon. “Orbit complete…” Nelson said, “Ready to head back to Earth, Colonel.”
“Well done, Lt…” Davis said, “General Daizo's going to be proud of you.”
As the two ships broke free from the lunar-gravity, Nami's medical checks showed that Nelson's body temperature was above normal, even for a nervous man. “Davis, I don't think is normal.” she said sounding worried…
Davis and Professor Mecha felt the same, as the onboard scanners showed HZ-2500 was heating up. “Lt. Nelson…” Davis asked. “Is anything wrong…?”
“No… I don't think so.” answered Nelson, “But boy… it sure is hot in here… and.” He sniffed the air, and he saw, “Smoke…? There's smoke in here…!”
“DAVIS…!” he cried, “I'M ON FIRE…! THE SHIP'S ON FIRE…!”
“Davish…” cried Veemon, “What are we going to do?”
Davis urged the scared Digimon to calm down, “Professor… what could've happened?”
The nearest Mecha could think of, “The reactor must've broken free…” he stated, “If it's been resting by the motors all this time, it must've burst into flames.”
Then things went from bad to worse, and Lt. Nelson was losing control, and gaining speed. Veemon and Davis pulled on the controls and chased after the ship. “Lt. Nelson… jettison fuel!” Davis warned him…
“Do…ear… Lt…”
Then the radio cut out. “Hello…? Hello!” cried Nelson. “Colonel Motomiya? Can you hear me…?” but he got no response. The fire was spreading badly, and he was starting to cough and wheeze. “I've… ack… got to… get out of here!”
Thinking and acting quickly, he donned on a spacesuit…
Both Davis and Nami lost contact with Nelson as well, so Davis donned on his own spacesuit. “I've just got to get over there and get him out.” He mentioned for the fifth time as he donned his helmet. “Be careful Davis…” cried Nami.
Veemon remained in the cockpit steering the ship as Davis leapt through the outer-hatch with his jetpack for control. HZ-2500 had finally stopped soaring and was just floating there…
“I'm going to try and get in closer…” Davis said into his radio, but he had gotten no closer than halfway when KAPOW… HZ-2500 exploded in a big ball of fire that almost sent Davis flying through space like a comet. “WHOA…!”
The force of the explosion even rocked 7000 as well; Nami, Veemon, and Mecha fell out of their seats.
“Davis…!” Nami shrieked as she got back up, “What happened? Are you alright…?”
Davis just remained in free float, gazing at the leftover dust and debris of the explosion. “Yeah… I'm okay, Nami…” he said softly. “But… Lt. Nelson… he couldn't have stood a chance.”
Davis went back to the ship, and 7000 began to steer back towards Earth. Nami was dabbing her eyes with a hankie, but trying her hardest not to sob. Poor Mecha was really upset, but not as upset as Davis was.
“Davish… you know it wasn't your fault.” Veemon said to him.
“I know…” Davis sighed, “It's just that I keep asking myself, was the Lt ready for such a big test…”
Nami sniffled softly, “We all knew he was…” she said still trying not to cry, “He earned his wings before… before he went. Oh… but it's just not fair, he was such a great guy.”
Professor Mecha nodded, “Yep… he sure was.” he spoke softly. “I guess someone better tell this to General Daizo.”
Davis decided to do it.
General Daizo spent a long time starring at the empty control console a head of his own; The one where Lt. Nelson used to sit…
“I tried to reach him Sir… but I just didn't make it.”
“I know Davis… that goes without saying.” Daizo said in a sad yet calm voice. “The Lieutenant was the best assistant I ever had.”
“He would've made a fine controller.” replied Davis. “I guess the HZ-Army has lost a mighty fine man.”
Daizo nodded, and then urged Davis and his crew to return to base. There would have to be an inquiry to the destruction of HZ-2500.
Lieutenant Nelson was still alive however. He had donned his spacesuit and escaped with his life, without a jet-pack however and was just drifting along through space. His oxygen meter was almost empty, “It's no use…” he thought to himself, “They'll never find me in time.”
“I might as well have stayed in the ship than throwing myself into space without a jet-pack. I guess I don't have long now, but I reckon I earned my wings. They were so nice people… I hope they all remember me.” Those were hi last thoughts before he passed out from a lack of air…
Meanwhile, as HZ-7000 neared Earth. “Hey, Davis…” Mecha called, “I'm picking up some kind of strange signal. I can't quite make it out but… it's there…”
Davis decided that even in this dark hour, duty came first. “We better check it out…” he said to Veemon. Veemon agreed and the they both began to steer the ship on course 265 Zero-Yellow.
They got closer, and closer, and finally Mecha stood up and nearly shouted, “Colonel…! It's-- It's a man!”
Davis and Veemon gazed at each other in shock. “What…??” they both cried out at once.
Nami rushed over to Mecha's desk to look at the screen. “Yeah… it is…! Could it be…?” she paused. “Yes! It's Lt. Nelson.”
Davis quickly dashed for the airlock, “Quick… get me a spare oxygen pack!” he shouted. Davis got on his helmet, and just before heading out, “Remember, Davis… give him oxygen at rate-five when you reach him.”
“Right Nami… here goes.”
Davis exited the ship and headed towards Nelson's motionless body as fast as his jet-pack would carry him. “Hang on, Lieutenant.”
Lt. Nelson was saved and brought back to base. He was now recovering the hospital-wing, all under Nami's care. General Daizo was there and had something for Lt. Nelson. “I guess this ought to put you right, Lt.” he said as he handed him—
“Oh… Sir… my pilot's wings!” cried Nelson as he took the medal.
Daizo was very proud with Nelson, “But like I said before, don't let this go to your head. A super- pilot like Davis here faces these such dangers every day of his life.”
But Lt. Nelson was so amazed by his new medal, for the first time, everyone didn't think he had heard a word that was just said.
“Pilot/Lt. Nelson… of the High-Tech Zoom Army.”