Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ HZ-7000 ❯ Dangerous Cargo ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The crews and officers of the HZ-army did many good deeds all over the world, but sometimes they would have to do drastic things to keep the world safer; like actually destroy things.
Far out in the Atlantic, there a lonely, uninhabited island that was seemingly falling apart sending many boulders a float into the ocean, where they would cause massive damage to any boats that hit them, until they sank.
At the time however, the crew of HZ-7000 were exploring the island as part of their new mission. “I don't understand it…” Nami asked. “How did this island get to be in such a mess?”
Mecha explained that the island of glucose was once a sugar-cane lot. Miners would come from all over the world to dig up the plants, harvest them and even mine for more sugar in the ground. “Now the island's so rigged with mine-shafts, the whole place is crumpling like a cookie.”
As they were speaking, mountains caved in, the ground gave away, and water from the sea started to burst up through cracks near the shore.
Davis nodded, “Well, Professor, what's your verdict?”
Professor Mecha looked over his notes, and there was no other action. “This island will have to be destroyed.” he stated, “And fast too before it just falls apart and sends lots of boulders out into the sea.”
Veemon shuddered, “Ooh… I don't want to be around when that happensh.”
With all that settled, the crew decided to head back to base and deliver their report to General Daizo. However, what none of them had noticed, was as they departed in HZ-7000...
Two Ukrainian terrorists, who were hiding on the island, had been spying on the crew ever since their arrival. “I never thought that when we came to this island we would run into the accursed Davis Motomiya.” One of them growled.
The other one nodded and said, “A-thousand curses on him and his crew for capturing our soviet-leader. We would have been a higher rated country people were it not for him.”
The two men were part of the only remaining terrorists that Davis didn't capture back in Ukraine. With their leader in prison for assault on America, their whole country had fallen into disarray… at least their kind had.
They had been pondering over many different ways to get back ad Davis and the entire HZ-Army to avenge it all. “We will have another chance soon.” said the first terrorist. “You heard the Colonel; they plan to return to destroy the island.”
The other terrorist caught on, “Yes…! The island will not be the only thing to be destroyed.” The two men laughed maniacally.
Meanwhile, in the Pacific…
All was quiet at the base. That was mainly because most of the ships were out on patrol or other missions. General Daizo was busier than ever contacting one of them many thousands of units the army had on patrol.
“Base from HZ-6400…”
“HZ-3750 calling headquarters…”
“This is HZ-1900 requesting permission to land…”
Daizo and Lt. Nelson never had even a millisecond to rest as they needed to instruct every bit of traffic there was. “Oh… all this is making my headache.” cried Daizo.
“Sir…?” asked Nelson, “HZ-7000 is just coming in. The request landing instructions…”
“CAN'T YOU SEE I'M BUSY NOW, LT...?” Daizo sneered, but he quickly apologized. “Oh, I'm sorry, Lt… It's just that I've never had so much traffic to guide down in all my years.”
Then things went from bad, to worse…
POW! Daizo's control console burst into flames. “Lt. quickly… put out those flames!”
“Yes, Sir…!”
HZ-7000 was approaching the island, but they still had no clearance to land. Then they saw why. “I don't think I've ever sheen sho many shipsh before.” cried Veemon.
“Must be something wrong in the tower…” Davis said. “Well we've got enough fuel, let's wait it off a bit.”
It took a while for all the ships to get down, but eventually all was quiet again. Except for when Davis and his crew reported to the tower. Daizo was still in a bad mood as his console was completely damaged. This he would no longer be able to control the traffic of the army's vehicles as easily, or contact them either.
The console was very badly damaged, and needed to be replaced too. So Daizo did the only smart thing and order every component from different companies around the world, and none of them knew what they were making. “It is only when they all arrive here that the puzzle comes to together. Thus, no security-leaks will happen.”
That was a relief to hear, after that. Daizo and Davis took the General into the video-lounge to show him the film they shot of Glucose-island, and Daizo didn't like it one bit. All those rockslides, mountains falling over, and boulders being cast out over the water…
“Right, I've seen enough…” said Daizo. “I agree with you gentlemen. That island will have to be destroyed. The question is how do we do it? I don't suppose missiles would work…”
Professor Mecha shook his head, “No, I'm afraid not, General. With the island in its present condition, missiles and ordinary bombs would only break it up.”
Davis nodded, “The Island's pretty close to the U.S border line. If those boulders got anywhere near there the shipping-boats would be in real danger. Not to mention it would take months or even years to clear them away.”
“Well… I guess there's no other option.” said Daizo. “It will have to be complete disintegration. You can use… RDX.”
Professor Mecha almost lost his glasses, “What? R… D… X…? Why… that's the most powerful type of explosive in the world.”
“Exactly… which is why it will be useful in incinerating the island...” replied Daizo. “And from what you tell me there's no time to lose.”
By mid afternoon, HZ-7000 was refueled and placed on the launching ramp. Also, the large component of equipment for the RDX-bomb was being loaded onto the ship. Poor Mecha was really starting to lose his nerves…
He really hated being near dangerous explosives so powerful. “Oh, gee… I don't like this one bit Veemon.”
Veemon chuckled softly, “Whatsh the matter Proffeshor… You're not shcared are you?” But really, Mecha's nerves were that obvious.
As Davis was grabbing some gear form his quarters on the other side of the island. That same feeling began to rush through his mind again; feeling lonely and missing his old home in Japan. Missing his family, and the places he used to go.
And while h never wanted to admit it, but he was starting to miss Kari. For the life of him, he had no idea why. She may had been the girl he once loved, but she was also the very he left Japan…
Which ended up in the plane crashing and him getting involve din the army.
Still… he knew this was for the better. As it was, there was no Davis Motomiya… thanks to his records being erased from history, and the fact that everyone back at home, thought he was dead…
Davis Motomiya is believed to be dead…
And he must let the world think that he IS dead, until he can find a way to conquer the emptiness that dwells within him, and reclaim a normal life that he desires.
His thoughts were interrupted when Nami's face appeared on the video-phone. “Davis… come on, we're ready to leave.”
“Oh, Sorry Nami… I'm coming.” he answered.
Even after the ship took off, things had not quite improved. With the equipment still in the nav-bay where Mecha was, the poor man was more nervous than ever. He knocked his pencil off the desk…
“Hey! Hey… what's that?” he whimpered. “Oh! Now, pull yourself together Mecha. This is no time to go all to pieces.”
In the cockpit, Veemon was humming happily as he steered his little helm, but then he noticed Davis was miles away in thought. It didn't take a brain surgeon to realize that he was thinking about Japan. Veemon sometimes wished there was something he could do for Davis… but then again, he sometimes felt homesick too.
Still… this was their lives now. “You going to be okay, Davish…?” he asked.
Davis snapped out of his trance, “Mmm… yeah, yeah… I guess so.” He put on the auto-pilot, and headed for the lounge for some coffee.
Davis walked into the nav-bay, and Mecha yelped and leapt up out of his seat. “Eh… ugh…! Not so loud Davis.” he cried as he motioned at the bomb-equipment. “Take it easy professor. It won't go off until it's put together and activated.”
“Well… maybe-- But dog-gone, why did they have to put it in here?”
“So you can look after it, of course.” replied Davis. HE only took a few more steps into the room. “Eh, DAVIS…!” cried Mecha “Don't move!”
Davis was confused, “What is your problem, Professor…?”
“Davis… you're wearing a ray-gun! The capsule in it… it could explode.”
“Only if I take it out! Honestly Professor, I wish you'd take it easy.”
By evening they were arriving at their destination; Glucose-Island, and the poor place looked as bad as ever. By now, the mountains were ready to topple over like trees, and the whole island looked as if it was going to sink into the water and send dangerous boulders out into the sea.
“It certainly is a sorry sight…” said Nami. “but it's a good thing that island is uninhabited. No humans. No Animals… and the plant life is all dead too.”
“It can stay that way too…” Davis said. “That island's as good as gone.”
It was time to get to work, and the crew figured that the best place to put the explosives was in the center of the island. The best accessible way was through a cave-entrance under the water.
As HZ landed on the waves and submerged, the two Ukrainian terrorists were on the shoreline watching the action.”Perfect. They have returned.” One of the two men hissed.
“Finally, we have them all right where we want them.” sniggered the other one. “Finally we will be rid of the wretched Colonel Davis Motomiya and his crew forever!”
The two men scuttled off, and prepared to put their plan into action.
While under the waves, HZ-7000. The crew prepared to depart, leaving the ship anchored near the island's coral-reef. Veemon even went along to try and help out with some of the lifting. The crew donned on special diving suits, and slowly but surely carried all the equipment into the caverns.
In two hours time, the bomb was all set up and ready to go. Professor Mecha was more nervous than ever, “Oh, I hope this baby doesn't blow to early…”
“Relax Professor…!” Davis said. “The timer was set for thirty minutes, so it won't go off until then.” Davis reached up and ready to press the button, “Get ready everyone…!”
CLICK…! The timer started at 1800 seconds, which was how long thirty minutes was. “Alright… lets get out here.” and the crew began to dash along the caves and back to the exit.
Poor Mecha was running fast for a middle-aged man. He certain was desperate to get to safety…
Little did anyone realize that outside, on the surface, the two terrorists were ready to put their plan into action. “Now?”
The two men began to roll a huge heavy boulder down a hill-slope, sending it down over a cliff, and into the water with a huge splash, bringing more rocks down with it.
“What'sh going on…!” cried Veemon.
“EVERYONE, LOOK OUT…!” Nami screamed.
Everyone dashes away from the pool which lead to the exit of the cave as rocks and boulders came crashing down from above completely barricading the hole. The crew opened their eyes once the rumbling had ceased.
The lanterns they had were all lit up again. “Is everyone okay…?” Davis asked. The crew all struggled to their feet. “I'm okay Davis…” Nami answered.
“Yeah, we are too.” Mecha answered for himself and Veemon. The problem was the entrance was barred shut, and from the surveys that were made, it was the only way out. They were trapped!
Outside, the two terrorists, pleased with having completed their revenge, boarded in their chopper and left the island. They had other plans to tend to now…
The crew all tried their hardest to shift the rocks out of the way and clear the opening, but the rocks were jammed in fact too tight. Even Their ray guns didn't work. Fifteen minutes passed just like that and only fifteen were left.
“This is insane…!” Davis growled. “Just sitting here, and waiting to die.”
Nami was starting to feel scared, “Oh Davis… isn't there anything we can do to shut the bomb down?”
“Not a thing…” Davis answered. “Once it's activated, we can't do a thing.”
Somehow there had to be a way to shift the rockslide. Veemon suddenly came up with an idea. “Davish, maybe if I Digivolve, I can blow the rocks away with my power…”
Everyone's' eyes lit up, “Maybe, but I guess it's worth a try.” Davis said. Then he got out his D3 and activated the Digivolution… “GO…!”
“VEEMON… Digivolve too; EX VEEMON…!”
Ex-Veemon stomped his foot down, “All right folks, stand back.” he cautioned the others. The rest of the crew stepped back, and Ex-Veemon gave it all he had, “VEE-LASER…!”
KAPOW! The powerful shot had collided with the rocks, but had not shifted them as much. Ex-Veemon tried again, and only knocked off a chunk of the rocks. “”Mmm! This isn't working…!” he cried. “At this rate it'll take me hours to break through all this.”
“Too bad… we haven't have that long…” said Professor Mecha.
The bomb way over at the center of the island was getting ready to explode, and when it did, the entire island would be blown off the face of the Earth, and all of them with it, in five more minutes. Then suddenly, Mecha noticed, “Hey Davis… you're still wearing your ray-gun.”
Davis sighed, “Now Professor… don't start with this again.”
“But-- But the capsule in it is highly explosive.”
“Only… when… it's taken… out of the gun!” but Davis began to catch on, “Oh, of course. If I remove the capsule, and it explodes, maybe it can blow the rocks away enough and Ex-Veemon can blow them all the off.”
“Be careful Davis…” Nami warned him, “Those atomic-capsules could explode as soon as you touch them.”
“In our situation, we've got nothing to lose.”
Davis quickly got out his gun, and opened the slot in the handle where the capsule was stored. He quickly removed it and placed it directly in the cracks of the rock. The capsule however didn't explode right away, and just sat there.
“Davis… there's only three minutes left.” said Mecha.
“Come on! Come on, Explode!” Davis muttered at the capsule.
Finally, the capsule EXPLODED and did indeed blow a lot of the rocks away, that EX-Veemon could use his “VEE-LASER…!” and clear the rest of the way. “All right…” Ex-Veemon cried, “Let's get out of here!”
the crew was barley able to get back into water, swim to HZ-7000, and get clear in time as the clock reached zero…
The island went up a huge flame, and all the rocks sank down to the bottom of the sea where they would do no harm. “There she goes…” Nami said.
“Yep…” added Davis, “The island of Glucose… is now just a memory.”
After the team had returned to base, General Daizo was pleased to see them all safe, and he wanted to show them his new transmitter. “The newest model, a D-400 X-mark.” He praised. “Just think of how clear my messages will be now.”
The crew offered him their congrats, but as they headed out of the tower, now off duty. “Shay… you get the feeling that rockshlide was no accident?” Veemon wondered.
Davis and the others were all wondering the same thing but not one of them had the slightest idea of what it was all connected to. “Still we're safe for now, and that's all that matters.” Davis said.
As fro Daizo, he was testing out his new transmitter. “This isn't HZ-Headquarters calling. Does anyone have anything to report…?”
No responses.
Daizo tried again and again to reach someone, but there was no one to actually talk to. “Oh… just my luck. I get a new transmitter… and no one has anything to say.”
Author's notes:
Now that you all have a good idea of what HZ does…
I think now's a good time to flash forward to Davis going back to Japan, but it's really going be a sorry thing.