Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ HZ-7000 ❯ Part two: Truth revealed ( Chapter 7 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“On the last episode of HZ-7000”
Davis and Veemon had returned to Obadiah Japan, for the first time in almost ten years, to attend the funeral of a fellow officer.
While in town, Davis feels saddened to learn about all the things that have change ever since he left, only to be seen by Kari and Gatomon. However, Davis and Veemon, through a lie, denied who they were in an attempt to ward them off…
Kari and Gatomon refuse to believe that, and now attempt to reconcile with the two boys today on “HZ-7000”
(Part Two)
Kari and Gatomon started by taking the boys out for a pizza. They remembered how much Davis and Veemon liked Pizza, and Kari needed her nourishment for the baby.
When Davis found out that Kari was divorced from TK, yet pregnant with his child, it only made him want to keep up his little fib all the more. “It's all right Davis, you don't have to look so down.” she said.
Davis looked up and asked, “Why do you keep calling me that?”
Kari raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Because… it's who you are…” she replied. “You lived in this town for twenty-three years, and you helped us fight off evil Digimon. It was you who helped us save the world from Maylo-Myotismon, and who tight everyone to focus on their dreams and goals.”
Davis and Veemon sipped their drinks. “Shorry, but we don't ever remember doing anything that exshiting before.” he said. “In fact, we've done nothing but drift from plashe to plash our whole livesh.”
Gatomon looked up, “But that can't be true.” she said. “We've known each other for years.”
Kari nodded, and explained to Davis about their childhood. How he once idolized her older brother Tai, and how he met her and actually crushed on her. Kari thought he was funny, and she valued him as a good friend. Sometimes, she would even tease him a little by flirting with TK just to make him jealous…
“Why would you be friends with someone who likes you just so you could tease him?” Davis asked her. Kari was speechless. The man had a point, real friends don't tease real friends… and yet she deliberately did that several times over.
She was filled with shame, but she had still not managed to convince this guy that he really was Davis; she was however starting to think maybe this guy really was Davis… and he was just lying to her, but couldn't prove it.
The Pizza was finally served, half of it was plain cheese, suited for Kari's diet, and the other half had Pepperoni and anchovies, just as Davis used liked it. As tempted as Davis and Veemon were by their favorite toppings, they still had to keep their act going…
“Uh… We don't like anchoviesh.” Veemon said, and he and Davis began to pick them all off. Kari and Gatomon were shocked. “But, you always liked anchovies.” Gatomon said, “You used to scarf down them all before any of us got a slice of it.”
The boys still acted as if they didn't know what the girls were talking about.
After they had finished eating, the boys tried to leave, but Kari and Gatomon were still not finished with them. So the boys stayed a while longer. Kari and Gatomon through maybe they could try taking the boys to places they once knew… ones that were still around.
Gatomon took Veemon to an old playground where both of them used to play with their friends while the teens were away in school, but Veemon was so good with his act, he still convince Gatomon that he didn't remember any of it…
Same thing with Davis; even when Kari brought them to their old school, where they spent grades seven through eight. She even showed him the goggles Tai had given him once. She had held onto them all along.
Deep inside, Davis felt wonderful to see his old goggles again, but on the surface he kept up his act. “Cute…” he said with a sour expression. “Look, I really have to get going.”
Kari had tried everything, but it was no good. “But Davis…?”
“Stop CALLING me that…!”
Kari almost winced, “But it's who you are?”
“Look… what do you want from me?”
Kari was growing frustrated, “Look… I'm sorry you're going through this, but I just want you to quit lying to Me.” she snapped. “I just want the old Davis back.”
Davis realized he was busted now. Kari always could tell when someone was lying, but still being instant not to be a part of her life anymore, “Things are never going to be that way for us Kari. Never again!” he said to her.
Veemon dashed in with Gatomon, and obviously his cover had been blown too. “Both of you, jusht go away and leave ush alone!”
He hopped up on Davis' shoulder, but Kari made one last attempt to try and reconcile. “Here… take this…” she said as she handed Davis a D3 he had left behind years ago. “It's so we can E-mail each other back and forth, or in case you need someone to talk to.”
Davis slowly reached out for it, but right at the last inch, he recoiled. “I don't need it.”
Kari felt heart-struck, “But…?”
“We're outta' here…”
Davis stopped in their tracks, and both he and Veemon looked really sad. “Things Change Kari…” Davis said, “The guy you want me to be is just a memory.”
Gatomon little eyes had that sad cat-look. “Veemon…?”
Veemon shook his head, “I'm shorry, Gatomon…” he said as he donned his special shades, “But it'sh better thish way.” Davis then donned on his shades, and then ZAPPED the girls with the memory-ray. Then, believing they were now out of the girls minds forever, the boys dashed away…
Kari and Gatomon rubbed their eyes after being blinded by the light. “What was that…?” Kari asked.
“I don't know…” cried Gatomon, “But I think I've seen it somewhere before. In a movie where these two men in black wiped peoples memories using a flash-ray.”
Kari couldn't believe that Davis just tried to zap her memory. She gazed out the window and saw the boys dashing away down the street. “Come on, Gatomon. We're going to follow them…!”
Gatomon protested that the boys obviously didn't want anything to do with them, “and you should really get home and take care of yourself and the baby.” But Kari grabbed her by the arm and they were off… “WHOA…!”
Kari and Gatomon followed the boys everywhere, and made sure to keep well out of sight, but little did Kari realize that she was being followed…
TK, her Ex-Husband was driving along the road in his car. He was clearing his mind from a hard day at signing autographs from his latest novel… as he was now a novelist writing books.
He also wished Kari hadn't divorced all those years ago, especially since afterwards it was found out that she was pregnant. Still, they remained close, TK was allowed to visit anytime, and he promised to still be there for Kari.
As he turned the corner, “Hey Patamon… look!”
Patamon opened his sleepy little eyes, “Oh, uhn…? What's going on…?”
TK motioned for Patamon to gaze out the window, and Patamon's eye's bulged fully awake. “Is that Kari and Gatomon…? What are they doing?”
TK didn't know but he wanted to find out. So he hung a U-turn and followed his ex-wife all through town, and to the disused airfield in the outskirts. “What it she doing way out here…?” TK wondered.
Then suddenly… POW! “WHOA…!” his tire went flat, but it was no accident. As TK's car skidded to a stop, many men dressed in black ninja-like suits leapt out from the rocks and decaying ruins of the air field and began to shoot off their guns.
Kari and Gatomon winced and looked behind them. “TK…!” Kari squealed when she noticed what was going on. TK and Patamon were being attacked by an army of strange men dressed in black and wielding guns…
Even Patamon and Gatomon had no chance against such weapons in their current forms. Then before long, more men leapt out, in small road-vehicles and surrounded Kari and Gatomon.
These men spoke in Japanese accents and languages. Kari and Gatomon, defenseless as they were, could only cry out for “HELP….!” Of course, being in a disused airfield, you'd think that no one would be around to hear them…
The wind started to stir up, and the black-men all heard something. “What is that…?” one of them cried out. Then, he got his answer… as a giant copter, the size of a nay-sub WHOOSED past them, and fired warning shots from its machine guns that frightened the men to fall into panic.
TK, Kari, and their Digimon were most amazed, yet confused. Then suddenly, an Ex-Veemon came swooping down from the skies, scooping up Kari and Gatomon in one of his arms, and then going towards TK's, roofless car, and grab him and Patamon.
Before either of them could say a thing, they were being flown up towards the ship where it was safer. The men in black were furious and opened fire with their guns, but the ship was far too big and strong… and ZOOMED away over the ocean.
One of the men in black waved his fist in the air. “I will see you again… HZ-7000!” he roared.
Meanwhile… Kari, TK, and their Digimon, who had passed out a while back began to awaken in a strange sick-bay. “Ugh… what happened?” TK asked. “Kari… Patamon… Gatomon…! Wake up.”
The others all awoke and found themselves just like TK, strapped down in strange beds, and the last thing they remembered was being attacked by those strange men, and then brought aboard some ship by an Ex-Veemon.
Gatamon fussed and fidgeted, but she couldn't break free from her straps. The others weren't able to get free either. “What are we doing here…?” Patamon asked.
“Shh… listen…” Kari said. Everyone listened carefully and heard footsteps. Two large doors at the end of the room opened wide and, “Huh…?” TK gasped. A woman in a white coat, who looked just like Kari in every detail, entered the room. TK gazed back and forth at the two women. “Kari…? Kari…?”
Just then, two more men, and a Veemon entered the room. All four of the invalids gasped. “Davis…!” cried TK.
“Veemon…?” cried Patamon
Davis and Veemon nodded. “Welcome aboard HZ-7000.” Davis said.
Davis introduced his crew, “This is Professor Marco Mecha, from America…”
“Heh, heh… hiya there folks.”
“And medical officer, Nami Assagi.”
Nami raised her hand in greeting, but was more than amazed to find she was tending to a pregnant woman whose resemblance, and voice, identical to her own was just uncanny. “I always wanted a twin…” she joked.
Kari and Gatomon were, however, disappointed that the now knew Davis and Veemon were trying to deceive them back that the school. “How could you guys do that?” Kari snapped.
“Yeah… and what are you two doing here anyways…?” added Gatomon.
Davis and Veemon couldn't tell them much, as their secrets were still top-secure. Even if they weren't, “We don't have to explain to you anything.” Davis grunted at them.
Professor Mecha put a hand on his shoulder, “Hey, now, now… take it easy, Colonel. No need to blow your top.”
“Colonel…?” TK exclaimed as he noted the uniform Davis was wearing and all the pins and medal he had attached to it. “Davis, what is all this?”
Veemon hopped over to TK's bed, “Look…! It'sh a long story, and it'sh complicated.” he sneered, “And even sho, you may be invalidsh, but you're alsho our prishonersh.”
“What…? Prisoners…?” asked Gatomon, but before she could ask, the four crew members moved far to the corner to speak in private. “I tried everything…” Davis said. “But the memory ray doesn't work on them.”
This did present a dilemma. With the memory-ray ineffective, and the four of those people, though rescued from danger, now exposed to the army's secrets, they could not be released and would have to remain on-board as hostages until it could be decided what was to be done with them.
They even reported this to General Diazo, and it was agreed for them to return to base with their hostages aboard. “Why do I have a feeling I am going to regret this…?” Davis muttered.
Suddenly, Kari felt her stomach lurch. “Ow…!” Nami dashed over to her bed. “Easy now…” she said, “You've just a stressful attack; the baby could be kicking harder.”
TK felt outraged that he was strapped in bed and couldn't get up to left his ex-wife, so were Patamon and Gatomon. Still, with Nami around there wasn't much to fear, at least not there…
But Kari was starting to become frightened as she didn't know what was in store for her and the others, wherever it was they were going.
After a while, Nami went into her lab to make out her report. Professor Mecha went back to the nav-bay, and Veemon went back to the cockpit, but Davis stayed behind in the sickbay to make sure the other behaved themselves.
Davis just stood at the window, starring outside into the pre-dusk skies as the ship soared over the ocean. “Davis… look you can't do this to us.” TK said, “This is kidnapping.”
Davis just snuffed and didn't even turn around. He was really angry, and confused. The people he had hoped he would never see again were now aboard his ship, and would soon learn about the army and everything with it.
TK, Gatomon, and Patamon tried again and again to get Davis to start talking, and finally he was annoyed enough, “Look… what do you guys want?” he sneered and then turned to look shamefully out the window again. “Haven't you guys caused me enough trouble for one lifetime…?”
All four of the invalids were confused, but then Kari decided to try a less rational approach. “Look, Davis… you don't have to answer.” She said softly, “But I just don't get it…! All this time you've been alive…? Then you come back to Japan and try to lie just to keep us out of your life. What happened…?”
Davis sighed, and decided he wouldn't be revealing any secrets if he told them the main story. “Okay… I'll tell you…”
He referred back to that day almost ten years ago, when he was giving up on romance because of Kari and TK's relationship and the shame he felt over losing any chances he had to be with her…
Kari and TK wouldn't stop setting Davis up on blind dates and send him into therapy. Davis got mad and decided to leave on that plane, to get away for a while and have some time to himself… or at least until he could figure out what to do with his shattering life.
Then an uncharted hurricane out at sea struck the jet and sent it crashing down. The lives of the crew and passenger were take, and supposedly Davis and Veemon too, but they were really the only survivors.
They washed up on an uncharted island that was the location of the High-Tech Zoom Army. A secret organization that fought terrorists, performed rescues, and helped protect the world from danger. They answered to no government and worked completely to their own ways…
All the soldiers, agents, and members had no identity, no record; they did not exist. Davis and Veemon, after being exposed to their secrets on the base itself, were forced to be recruited, and have long since served in the army.
Davis preferred to keep the matter of him being alive a secret as he fear in going home would cause him to be saddened again by Kari and TK's relationship, or them getting nosey and disturbing him again. Not to mention, even though he was happy without romance, he still wished he could've had his chance with Kari, but did not enjoy being near her and yet unable to court her…
Davis Motomiya is believed to be dead…
And he must let the world think that he IS dead until he can find a way to conquer the emptiness that dwells within him and reclaim a normal life that supports his needs and desires.
Kari and TK thought that was more sick than sad. “You pretended to be dead just because you never wanted to see us again…?” TK snarled. “Davis, are you crazy…?”
“Yeah… I guess I am.” Davis said. “And now look what's happened…! You guys have been exposed to our secrets. You know that I'm alive, and for some reason I can't seem to be able to wipe your memories with the zapper-ray. So… you guys will just have to stay with us until we can figure out what to do with you.”
Gatomon and Patamon would've argued, but Kari shook her head motioning them not too. Whatever was going to happen to them, they would know soon enough…
Meanwhile… in a secret lair.
Those men dressed in black who tried to jump Kari and TK at the airfield, they were being tortured by their boss for letting HZ-7000 escape. “Our one chance to put the HZ-army out of action, and you let it slip by…?”
The other men were whimpering like little dogs. “But Master…! I just remembered…” cried one of the men. “I stuck a tracker-bug in the HZ-ship.”
The computer screen was flicked on, and it showed a small red blinking dot, which was HZ-7000, flying over the pacific. One that even HZ's computers couldn't detect…
Whoever these men were… they were up to something really big.
To Be Continued…