Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ HZ-7000 ❯ Part Four: Invasion ( Chapter 9 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“On the last exciting episode of “HZ-7000”
Being held in quarantine at the army's base; TK and Kari continuously question Davis' behavior and decisions.
TK's anger boils in rage as he blames the army for everything going wrong.
While a stressful argument between Kari and Davis causes Kari to go into labour. Now her baby may very well die of weakness.
Even still, with all the stress, and confusion going on, the Black-Belt Brothers are getting nearer and nearer towards the island.
What nasty surprises do they have in store for the island's inhabitance? Find out now on “HZ-7000”
(Part Four)
Those wicked men were now only a few short hours away from reaching the island and still remained undetected by all the army's surveillance systems.
The leader, back at the hideout was most please, “Years of planning, and struggling… finally, all will pay off.” he hissed.
Just then, another one of his colleges came to report about the rest of the brotherhood. “The men have all taken their positions and are ready to unleash the plot.” he informed.
The leader lay back in his chair and sinisterly twiddled his fingers. “Hmm, mm, mm…! It is time…”
Back at the base, all was quiet. Half of the entire fleet was out on patrol, while the rest, including Davis and his crew were off duty. All was quiet around the world, and to most of the soldiers and agents, quite boring.
At least it meant the world was safe… but not for long!
Everywhere else around the world…
Families were gathering together in parks. Children were walking to school. People were sitting at home reading fiction on their computers. All completely unaware that in…
Five. Four. Three. Two. One…
Mild-explosions went off in many corners of the globe. While nobody was killed, yet-- many people did get hurt, and fell into panic as men from the Black Belt Brotherhood stormed each country… they were just merciless.
They robbed banks. They burned down both orphan and seniors' homes, and whenever they felt bored, they just went and did what they felt like. A gunshot here… a burning-building there…
The island was just one big whining whirr as every red-alarm went off at once. General Daizo had never seen such chaos before. “Suffering Spaceships!” he cried, “Every country in the world is under attack.”
Lt. Nelson was already hard at work launching all ships. Every last available vehicle. “Attention all personal!” he cried into the intercom. “Code red emergency level-five. All available personal, immediate launch!”
“I repeat… Code Red, emergency level-five. All personal, immediate launch!”
Ships, and rockets, and subs; SWARMS of vehicles took off form the island at a rate to boggle the mind if anyone could've seen it. Davis, Professor Mecha, and Veemon were dashing down the hallways. “Move! Move! MOVE!” Davis yelled.
They ran past Patamon and Gatomon's room, where they were still held in quarantine, but the dashed up to just before the force-field. “Davis… Veemon…!” cried Patamon. “What's going on…?”
Davis and Mecha just kept running, but Veemon quickly said, “Can't talk…! The World'sh under attack!” then he was gone; dashed down the hall as a stampede of rushing soldiers came dashing past.
Even Nami had to leave. TK and Kari were outraged as they saw her slipping out of her coat and fitting on her heavy combat outfit; sort of like a foxy war soldier.
“You're just going to go off while our son is in there, and maybe even dying!” TK snarled.
Nami assured him that her medical team was still working. “I'm a soldier as well as a doctor!” she sneered. “And right now, it's one life against billions! I need to go!” and she grabbed a heavy-duty gun and dashed off.
“Hey, get back here!”
“TK… let her go!” Kari snapped. TK was really angry now. So angry, his eye was twitching, and it only did that when he was about to completely lose his mind.
Nonetheless, HZ-7000 took off, and bound for Japan as ordered. “Steering course 345 Zero-Pink!” Davis said. “Fire mega-thrusters, Veemon.”
“Right, Davish…!”
POW! The rockets fired, and the ship zoomed across the ocean. They were soon joined by a fleet of HZ-fighter jets, as escorts and back up.
Instructions were represented to all the personal. They're orders were to apprehend all the terrorists, not kill them unless necessary… and to help any or all civilians in danger.
Form his secret hideout; the leader of the Black-Belt Brothers had been monitoring everything. “At last… they are all out on patrol. The base is no longer as crowded.” He hissed. “Heh, heh, heh…! It is time to make my entrance.”
Far away in Japan, things were really taking turns for the worse. The terrorists had caused so much trouble. The place that had it the worst was Obadia. A little bird could look down from the skies and see flames and wreckage everywhere.
Still, the city was not completely unguarded as the Digi-Destined, and the Digimon-Veterans were there to help people in danger, but the honestly didn't know what do about the terrorists.
Even thought their Digimon could easily beat them up, Tai just couldn't bring himself to kill human-beings like that, even if they were terrorists plotting to hurt innocent people. Even they themselves were trapped in a fallen down building, the only safest place from outside. “Man… I wish TK and Kari were here…!” he cried.
“And I wish Davis was here too…” added Matt. “If ever we needed the dude's help more than ever…IT IS NOW!”
But still, all of them believed Davis to be dead, and even Izzy couldn't lock onto Kari and TK's D3-signals. “Wherever they are, something big is blocking their signals out.”
Tai and Matt were really worried by now, “You do think that…?” Tai asked.
“We don't think anything!” snapped Matt. “There's no way those goons out there have gotten them. I won't believe it.”
Sora, who was married to Matt, urged him to keep calm. “Right now we got other things to worry about.” she said. “We're still stuck in here…”
Biyomon fluttered by with a radio in her claws. “You guys may want to hear this…!” she cried.
The radio had reported that from all corners of the globe there were terrorists everywhere. “Eye-Witnesses conclude these men are members of the legendary gang known as the Black Belt Brothers.”
“The Black Belt Brothers…?” Izzy said in amazement. “Prodigious…! I always thought those guys were just a myth.”
Tentomon fluttered his wings in panic. “Izzy, I hate to break up your chain of thought but you realize that they ARE real, and the DO have us trapped and begging for our lives!”
Just then, Wargreymon, and Metal-Garurumon arrived on the scene and the de-digivolved back into Agumon and Gabbumon “Bad news…” cried Agumon, “There's just too many of them.”
Gabbumon nodded, “They've got more hostages than the Dark Masters ever could have rounded up in a year.” he added. “We just can't fight them all off.”
Izzy received a few emails from Joe and Mimi, who were trapped with Palemon, and Gomamon on the other side of the city. “Situation is growing worse… we need a miracle!”
Then things got way worse, “You in there…!” called a loud voice. “We got you surrounded. Come out with your hands up!” It was the terrorists, they were making certain that no one could try to hide and form a posse to stop them.
“Come out… or this woman will get a bullet through her head!”
Tai could see through a peep-hole, “Oh, no! Jun…!” he cried. His poor wife was out there, all tied up and gagged. Tai almost rushed out there in a heartbeat, but Matt, Agumon, and Gabbumon held him back…
“MMM…! Do be an idiot Tai!” Matt growled. “What makes you think they won't kill her anyways…?”
Tai stopped struggling, but he could feel his insides shredded. “Jun…!” he muttered under his breath.
Somewhere over the Ocean, HZ-7000 and its escort jet-squad were nearing Japan. When suddenly… something very large was blocking out the sun, and casting a huge shadow above them…
“Huh? What'sh going on?” cried Veemon.
“Professor…!” cried Davis.
Professor Mecha couldn't tell what is was, “My instruments are going haywire!” he snapped, “But I'd reckon there's some kind of giant craft above us.”
Then things got worse as the warning alarm sounded. “Davis…!” cried Nami, “I can see a fleet of enemy ships heading for us.”
Davis could see them too. The whole skies were loaded with a full fleet of twenty ships. Davis signaled to the jet-squad, “Prepare to engage enemy! I repeat-- Prepare to engage enemy-ships!”
The large vessel above them was actually the Black-Belt Brothers base of operations. A mighty airship the size of a small island. The leader was onboard instructing his men… “Shoot them down. Like dogs!”
Back at the base… Daizo and Lt. Nelson had been monitoring HZ-7000 the whole way, and had just intercepted the communications onboard the leader's ship. Daizo gasped, “That… that voice…!” he whimpered.
“Sir…?” cried Nelson. “What is it…?”
Daizo sensed something familiar about the Black-Belt leader. “Something-- Someone… I knew.”
The battle was on. Missiles, and machine-guns went off, and the enemy ships were starting to fall while the HZ-fleet hadn't been touched.
“Bring in the submarines!” growled the leader.
Veemon's radar suddenly detected something down below. “Davish…! LOOK OUT…!”
“WHOA…!” Davis and Veemon steered the ship out of the way just in time avoiding a set of missiles. “Something's shooting at us from the water…!”
“It must be a Mini-sub.” cried Daizo over the radio. “You've got to take them out team…!”
“Right…!” replied Davis. “Prepare to submerge.”
Nami and Mehca were ready as Veemon and Davis steered the ship downward, and they splashed into the water. “Prepare interceptor-missiles…!” Davis ordered. His crew responded and they fired…
While they dealt with the submarine down there, and the fleet of jets dealt with the aerial-attack…
Back at the base, the situation was growing bleak. Even if HZ-7000 was able to deal with that fleet, the rest of the world was still in danger, and their soldiers had already landed at their respective destinations and had begun assault on the terrorists and assisting civilians. He really hoped nothing else would go wrong…!
Suddenly, Lt. Nelson's Intruder-alert was going off. “Sir! Sensors indicate intruders on the island.”
“What…?” growled Diazo as he dashed to the window.
There down below was a gaggle of suicide-bombers from the Black-Belt Brotherhood. “Hey General Daizo…!” one of them called, “We've got something for you!”
Daizo could see all of them were armed with explosives which could only lead him to believe. “O---- M---!”
The bombers hit their switches and activate many powerful explosives on themselves, and other bombs place all around the base.
“DAIZO…!” screamed Nami.
“OH MY GOD…!” cried Mecha.
Davis and Veemon were speechless as their computers showed all the buildings, all the homes and everything on the island explode in a huge ball of fire, then it blacked out. “No…!” Davis cried softly. “He can't be gone.”
Suddenly… the ship was malfunctioning. Without the aid of the base, all the HZ vehicles were spinning out of control. “I don't think I can hold it…!” cried Davis. “We're losing control!”
On the giant ship, the leader was by himself with joy. Even though he had only a few ships remaining, “Their computers are down…!” he shouted, “ATTACK…!”
The few remaining ships managed to shot down the fleet of HZ-jets. Luckily the pilots ejected, but Davis and his own crew didn't have it good either. HZ-7000 had sprung out form the water just in time to get hit by one of the falling ships… BAM!
“WE'RE HIT…!” cried Veemon.
The whole ship began to shake and tumble out of control as it headed for a crash in the ocean. “Mayday…! MAYDAY…!” screamed Davis. “We've lost all control, we are going down!”
Nami and Mecha found no time to strap themselves tight, so they just found a spot secure place and held on tight. “One-hundred feet!” Davis cried. “Fifty… Forty… Thirty… Twenty… TEN… FIVE---!”
The ship hit the water, and skidded to a halt, but inside was a complete mess, and all the crew were knocked out cold by the impact.
The leader was most impressed. “Salvage their ships…!” he ordered his men, “If you find anyone alive, you know what to do with them.”
His men saluted and dashed off leaving the leader to sit in his big chair. “At last… my revenge is complete.” he hissed to himself. “Now that the HZ-army is out of action, and my terrorists still a-foot-- My empire shall grow, and I shall be invincible!”
“Hmm, mm, mm, ah, ah, ah, AHH… AH, AH, AH…!”
To Be Continued…