Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ I Fall in the Rain ❯ When I Dream... ( Prologue )
Title. I Fall in the Rain
Part. prelude
Part title. When I Dream...
Authour. ~sushisama~ (sushivice@netscape.net)
Warnings. Nothing will get too explicit in this fic. If anything, it will just eventually be somewhat violent. Not sure. But, just as a fair warning, there is Kensuke/Daiken in the future for this story.
Disclaimer. Digimon and all related characters belong to Toei and Bandai.
Message board. I now have a message board you all can post reviews and comments to, and that I can post replies back to you. W00t! http://sushisama.hyperboards2.com/
Notes. Not sure where this fic came from. But it had to be written, so I wrote it. I'm already done with a good portion of it, but I'm only uploading it bit by bit to keep every one in suspense. Because I feel like it. Go me. Next part shall be up tomorrow. Read and review, even though there's little to review for. ^^;
/ / = thoughts [ ] = dreams ( ) = flashbacks
[His eyes were unfocused as he stared mindlessly into the puddles all around him. He was crouched down, his arms hugging himself as he leaned against the building. The rain that was falling heavily made his indigo hair cling to his face, the water from the sky hiding the tears coming from his blue eyes.
This dream was reoccurring, every night the same images. Emptiness, loneliness, betrayal… The beginnings were all different, but the end was always the same. It always ended in the rain, next to this building, him crying and fighting the urge to get up and go inside.
Inside, someone was waiting for him. Someone that would welcome him with open arms and wipe his tears away. But he didn't want to cry in front of that person, in front of anyone, for that matter. No one should see him so weak…
If he got up and went in, he would only be going into the arms of a friend. But… he wanted to be loved, to feel that comfort from being kissed and held. Not just feel the reassuring pat on the back that comes from friendship. But it would seem that that kind of attention was all he'd ever get…
He was so close to the auburn-haired boy, it wouldn't take much energy to get up and go to him, but what was the point? Once he left his companion's friendly arms, he would be alone again. Because no one wanted him, no one needed him. He was a failure, a shadow of Osamu. What worth did he have?
A light went out in the apartment above him, the one where the goggle boy's room would be. This meant the dream was ending. Now, his friend would go to bed, not even noticing the one outside of his window that still stayed in the rain. That's how it always was; he was left out to die on the inside, simply because he would not go to the arms he knew would make him feel better. In the end, he was the one that hurt himself the most.
Time to wake up.]