Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ I Will Love You Forever ❯ Please Don't... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

SA (me): Yippe!!! Another story!!!

Daisuke: And how many other stories are waiting for you to finish?

SA: AGH! Well... I can't help it... I like doing different things at once...

Daisuke: Uh-huh...

SA: Aww... I'll get to them in time... I wouldn't think of leaving a story hanging. It's just I like multi-tasking.

Daisuke: Hmm... nice Rei piccy...

SA: ACK!!! Stay off my pics!!! There off limits!!!

Daisuke: Hey... what's this firewall folder...?

SA: NOOO!!!!! Don't open that!!! Quick start the story!

A/N: This one's a little different... k, I'm not going to spoil it... read and enjoy... I hope. Oh and just one more thing... this is set in winter. K?

"Huh?" I stood there unbelieving what I was hearing. It had to be a dream, a sick twisted dream that I'd wake up from in a cold sweat... I looked into her eyes, those hazel eyes. And stared at them disbelieving, she was surely joking, right? Oh God in heaven, please let her be joking. Her eyes were glazed with tears threatening to spill.

"I'm sorry Daisuke... but... but it's over." And she spun on her heel and ran... I wanted to run... I should have run... but I stood there watching my violet haired goddess run. What's more painful she was running from me... I must have stood there looking like an idiot after her body. I swear I could see tears falling onto the pavement. Why? Why did she do that? I didn't want what we have to end... so why? I never even thought of another girl... so why?

And in one swift movement I fell to my knees, on the cold pavement... and let the tears fall from my eyes. My Miya-chan she just... left me...


"Hikari-chan? Where should we go next?" Takeru, keeper of Hope, asked his girlfriend.

"Mmm... Let's just walk through the park ok?" Hikari Yagami suggested to her blonde haired boyfriend.

He nodded wrapping an arm around her to keep warm... "Sure is cold huh?" He shivered a bit but not from the cold as she leaned into him purring an acknowledgment, he smiled as the material from her cap tickled under his chin.

Takeru sighed.. a small cloud of smoke emitting from his mouth. Just coming back from an extremely good movie, they decided to just walk aimlessly around not wanting to end there evening so quickly. After awhile they could here someone sobbing, well not just any someone... more like Daisuke Motomiya someone. His face was downcast and his hands hung limply from his sides... and he was on the floor in a kneeling position.

Takeru immediately flew to his friends side, followed alongside with Hikari... putting a hand on his shoulder they felt him stiffen up... and his head shot straight up... his eyes gleamed with tears... and then it crashed down again, his sobs becoming more louder.

"Daisuke.." Takeru calmly stated... "Daisuke what happened?"

"She... she..." Daisuke tried to get it out... but the sobs wracked his body.

"Who Daisuke? What happened?" Hikari asked in genuine concern.

"Miya-chan... she dumped me." Daisuke said fighting back another wave of crying.


Taichi fell back onto his comfortable bed, he pulled the blankets over him smiling. 'Ah! It's nice and warm in here, I don't want to ever leave.'

Taking a peek at his desk, which was by his bed, he fixed his eyes on a picture of him and Sora leaning on each others shoulder sitting on a bench. He smiled as he remembered that a certain someone *coughHikaricough* snuck out of the bushes and stole a picture of the 'cute' couple, as she puts it.

Leaning his head back into his pillow he allowed himself to dream of his Angel of Love. Remembering another couple who shared the crests of him and his love.

"I wonder if they'd like to come with us to see that movie 'The Animal'?" Tai stated talking to himself... then he heard the door slam. Groaning he got up to open the door to his room, greeted by a frown from his little sister.

"Oh, Hey!" She sat down on the couch staring upwards... "Uhh... rough date?"

Hikari looked at him strangely and shook her head sadly, her stare returning to the ceiling. She let out a heavy sigh, and closed her eyes rubbing her temples.

"So what's wrong?" Tai asked taking a seat on the lounge chair... his sister looked at him with tired eyes.

"I... it's just something that happened to Daisuke." Tai lifted his eyebrow in surprise... what did his friend and successor have to do with her stressing out... he continued to look at her.

Hikari could feel her brothers eyes on her, she hated it when he did that. "What?" she asked slightly irritated. He always did it when he wanted something or wanted something from her.

"What happened?" Came Tai's cool reply. 'Should have seen that one coming', Hikari thought mentally... "Well... he's having problems right now." The stare continued... it was working on her nerves.


"And what?"

Tai rolled his eyes, "And what does that have to do with you coming home all worked up?"

Hikari bit her bottom lip nervously, sighing in defeat she told Tai what Daisuke had told her. As the last sentence left her mouth Tai's jaw was already open. "What? Why?"

Hikari sighed again, "He couldn't say... just that she broke up with him for some reason."

Tai got up his hand on his chin, pacing around the room. "But it makes no sense... their worse than me and Sora, heck their worse then you and Takeru!" He exclaimed remembering the way Miyako and Daisuke would always act when together... for them to break up... it was just... wrong, in Tai's mind. It was like defying the entire universe.

Hikari watched as her brother seemed to be swallowing the situation, it was true... it wasn't like them to break up... she could remember the nights that Miyako would call to talk... and whenever they'd talk about there boyfriends, Miyako would squeal in delight about her 'Dai-kun' as she called him. Hikari even stole a peek at the love letters that they'd sent each other. She never knew Daisuke could be so... poetic.

Both siblings were deep in thought... and as strange as it sounded both made a resolution in their minds.



"We have got to get them back together, they belong together!" Tai exclaimed holding a fist in front of him, punctuating his sentence. His little sister nodded her head with as much enthusiasm as her older brother.


Daisuke was lying in bed his pillow catching what few tears he had left... "What did I do wrong... Miya-chan? I never cheated on you... I would never cheat on you! But why did you..." he broke off as another wave of sadness threatened to take over, but he held his ground. Looking at a picture on his desk, he gave a sad smile and rolled over trying to let sleep work it's magic on him. As images of him and his love, now lost love, played in his head calming him.


Miyako Inoue was sobbing into her pillow uncontrollably, her body shaking with every sob that came. After awhile she calmed down, her eyes red and puffy... she got up going to her closet. Pulling out the hat he had bought her when they went to America (remember the movie? that's the one) and a shirt he had given her that was once his. Pulling the shirt close to her chest she breathed in deeply...

"Dai..." A small whisper escaped her lips... his scent was still on the shirt. The large white t-shirt with the crest of miracles on the back. She fought another wave of crying... taking a look at the picture on her drawer. It was a picture of her and her lover... Daisuke was sitting, smiling and winking with a 'v' pose and Miyako had her arms around his neck from behind. Both had bright smiles... and it caused Miyako to smile, though it was a sad one.

She went to her bed and lied down clutching the shirt close to her heart.

"Dai... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. But it might be better for you this way."

And she drifted to sleep as she dreamt of the good times with her and her love.

<to be continued?>

A/N: Should I receive at least 10 reviews, then I will continue... and I mean it!

Daisuke: AGHH!!! You can't end it there!!!

SA: What!? It's the perfect setup for the next chapter... if there is one.

Daisuke: IF?! No if! There will be!!!

SA: HAH! You gonna make me gogglehead?

Daisuke: *pops his knuckles* C'mere!