Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ I Will Wipe Away All of Your Tears ❯ Recovery ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Davis: Will you ever finish the story??

Amy_Lee: Hrrmm maybe if you'd stop bugging me I could get on with the typing!! >{

Davis: Fine then I will.

Marik: *pop's up out of nowhere* She will finish the story when she has time.

Davis: Who the hell are you?

Marik: Amy_Lee's boyfriend what's it to you?

Amy_Lee: Alright you 2 shoooosh so I can get on with the next chapter OK! Here it is.

T.K: Review please!!

Amy_Lee: *beets T.K over the head with a book* I said shoooooosh!


Chapter 6………………..Recovery


Madison woke up the next morning with a splitting headache and Davis sitting next to her bed watching her sleep peacefully. "Madison I-."


"Thank-you Davis" Madison cut him off, he didn't need to apologize. "Don't say sorry Davis you don't need to"…


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That afternoon Madison was let out of hospital, Davis took her home. Tai and Jun weren't home yet but they gave Davis a spare key to their apartment. When they got inside Madison felt dizzy so Davis picked her up and carried her to her room. Madison felt Davis's strong arms hold her tight, it was pure bliss… He gently laid her on down on her bed, he looked into her violent green eyes, and she looked into his gorgeous brown eyes. Did he really love her? What was this feeling he had inside him? Davis was confused; he looked away and stood up.


Tai Jun and Layla came home. "Hey Madison I gotta get goin, get some rest OK?" She looked up at him, her beautiful eyes penetrating his soul.


"Thank-you Davis, for everything." He left.


"See ya Davis!" Jun called. He said bye and walked out. He walked down the street completely confused with his feelings. He wanted to make out with Madison the moment she looked into his eyes before. Why didn't you kiss her you asshole?! He scolded himself. You obviously have feelings for her and she's in love with you. He had no feeling for Kari anymore. He remembered a few years ago Madison had told him she loved him…I'm so stupid. Why didn't I realize she was totally head over heels in love with me? He was beating himself up over this as he waked home.




Madison lay on her bed trying to sleep and figure out why Davis had looked at her so emotionally; he's never looked at her that way before. Her head ached so she stopped thinking and drifted off to sleep…

Amy_Lee: There we go finished another one!! ^.^

T.K: Reviews PLEASE!!!

Amy_Lee: Yes please review before I swat T.K with a book again. I'm trying to concentrate here!

Davis: Well then get on with it already!

Amy_Lee: -. -; Then shoooosh and let me get on with it!!!