Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Ice Cream, Potato Chips, and the Demutated Digimon ❯ The Super Deformed Digimon ( One-Shot )

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The Digimess

One day,the Digimon characters think,if they had gotten to make a Digimon,

what woud it be? (TB means thought bubble)

Sora woke up in her bed.Everyone else was already awake.Tai was yelling at

Matt cause' Matt ate all the krunchy chips.She opened the curtains,but instead

of the dramatic sunlight effect,she got drenched in rain.She had forgotten to close

the window last night.

Biyomon was watching and said,"perfect way to start your day,huh?",but then

was drowned out by the sound of Tai laughing because Mimi spilt her drink on Matt,

who then got his head stuck in the krunchy chips bag.Everyone was laughing

except for Matt.

Afterwards, they were all outside going to get ice-cream.All of a sudden,Tentamon

noticed,"Wait a minute!".Pulling down some kind of chart he said cassualy,

I just noticed that there are two reasons we shouldn't be out here.

1:We just had Breakfast.

2:It is soaking wet.

They all looked up at the sky,noticed that Tentamon was right,and dashed back

to the house,and started wringing their clothes."Oh great, Tai."said Matt.He made

a dopey expression and said"Look,I'm Tai,and I suggest going to get ice cream


After 30 seconds of being quiet,Palimon got up and yelled,"Hasn't anyone

realized Matt still has the bag on his head!?!"Everyone paused,chuckled,

and the the room started to vibrate with laughter.Matt then yelled,"YOU'RE

ALL WRONG!GOMAMON HAS IT ON HIS HEAD!!!!" Then everyone changed

their laughter to Gomamon's direction.

But then,Izzy brought up an interesting subject....

But before he could say it,everyone started laughing again.This was because

TK drew eyes and a mouth on the bag."He looks like some kind of crazy Digimon!"

Izzy said,"That is what I'm trying to get at!"He glanced out of the corner of his eye

at the Digimons."What if we had gotten to make a Digimon so intteligent..."

"So powerful"

" funny"



"so wild..."

Joe never made any comment.

"That it could well uhhhhh........."

"Do stuff!" inturrupted TK and Tai at the same time.

"Eh....Yeah."said Izzy slowly.

"But we are already good enough!"interupted Agumon."And we can do stuff"said

Patamon."Yeah, but....we could still just think up some Mega Digimon"said Tai

"With ten arms!"said T.K."Or 3 heads!"said Matt."Or something that's not DEMUTATED!"

said Mimi.

"Wait a minute!" said Tai."What's up with this TB thing?We can think.We do

have brains!"All of a sudden a X-ray went over Tai's head, revealing a


"Well,let's think", saidTentamon."If that's possible for Tai!"said Matt."Ahem"

said Tentamon.They all thought together.........

"Well,for one,it needs to be fashionable."said Mimi as she thought of her own clothes.

"That's all you ever think about."said Tai.He made a goofy expression and

said"Fashion,fashionfashionfashionfashion..."this continued till' Mimi got tired

of it and slapped him,then Tai slapped her,then they started punching each

other until............

Tai fell fainted on the ground.Agumon ran to get some water,got some water,

then splashed it on Tai."Pblbulu!"muttered Tai."Haven't we seen a little too

much water in the story?"

"Well,what ever it is,it has to be strong,VERY strong"said Matt."Yeah,but not some

drooling,slobbering,cannible beast"said Joe."I thought you weren't in this,Joe"said Sora.

"Oh yeah..."said Joe.Augumon and Tai popped up and said"it could be a dragon"

"Or a werewolf"said Matt,"Or a pheonix"said Sora"Or a spider"said Joe"Or maybe

just a little leaf that won't bite off or heads!"said Mimi."Aww,Mimi,that's the fun in it!"

joked Tai.By now it was clearly obvious that Mimi didn't like Tai's ideas.

"My name is Joe,in case the reader hasn't noticed,I'm in this story too!"whined Joe.

"Yeah,but no one cares about you."said Mimi flatly."Who are you,anyway?"

Everyone looked puzzled,shrugged,and dropped the conversation.

"It has to have a duck!"said TK."Why on Earth does it need a duck?"asked

Sora."Because if it runs into any bad Digimon it has to have a duck."said TK

matter-of-factly."But why?"asked Sora."Because if it runs into a bad Digimon

it can hit them over the head with it!"said TK,happily smiling."Oh,all right"said

Sora in a low,dragged-out tone.

"OK."said Tai."At the very least it should have sharp teeth.""NO!!!"whined

Mimi.Tai,who was plain flat-out tired of arguing punched Mimi squarely in

the nose,who then whimpered a few seconds and fell down.Palimon was not

happy about this."Poison Ivy!"yelled Palimon.Tai barely dodged it.After that

Agumon and Palimon wrestled eachother to the floor until Izzy called out,

"Stop that!"Joe did too,but no one noticed/cared.

Agumon and Palimon stopped.Agumon had needles stuck all over him and

Palimon had scratches all over her face.Mimi looked at Palimon,looked away

and took her to the bathroom.However,Tai was already inside so they had to wait.

Hours past,arguing about what it should be like."It should be a bird type"said Sora."No, it

should be a wolf" said Matt."Why don't we just sorta'....mix everything together?"

said Izzy."OK!",said everyone."Wait!I heard 7 people.Who is the 7th?"asked Sora.

"Hmmm....Jim?No...Josh?No.....I'm stumped!"said Tai.

"Ohhhhh....I knew this wouldn't work!!!"said Tentamon.They had a wolf

with a flower growing out of it's head that could breath fire.It had wings and

big eyes like a bug.It could laugh real hard and was brave.At least braver than...

what was his name again?Everyone shrugged.

"Oh well.The sun's out!" said Tai."Let's go!"Everyone went exept for.......

whatshisname."I think I'll just stay here and laugh at Gomamon" said the mysterious

person.Gomamon still had the bag on his head.

The End?

"Wait a minute!"yelled Joe."How come you kept forgetting my name?"

"Yeah,and what's up with this walnut-brain thing?"yelled Tai angrily.

"Oh well!" said the director.Then he got the mess beat out of him.

The REAL End!

Thanks to Fox Kids for introducing us to Digimon.This Fanfic was written by Caleb

Hughes and Joshua Hughes.This is our 1st fanfic and we really hope you liked
