Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Icy Violets ❯ Time to move on? ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Icy Violets

Umm...I always describe Matt's eyes as cold or icy blue and Ken's eyes as violet, hence the title as well the fact that's my favorite flower, ice blue violets. Forget it, I've only seen the around where I live so maybe you've never seen one. But I swear they are the same color as Matt's eyes. *Sigh* Is it any wonder I love and/or worship this flower?

And once again I have to call Sele-chan a big liar. 'Oh, No Yamaken will not come back to haunt you, I promise' whatever. It actually replaced Jyouato as my second favorite couple, so there.

Anyway, there's Jyouato, Yamaken, Taishiro and Takesuke. Mainly because it's part of 'I wish I knew' that long Daisuke and T.K. story that refuses to end. Okay, that's it for now.

"Joe!" Matt said scowling at his boyfriend who was throwing stuff into a suitcase. Joe was going out of town for something; Matt wasn't in the mood to ask. "What's the point of us living together if you're never around? I spend more time at my mom's place then I do at home with you."

"Sorry?" Joe said frowning at Matt. "I'm sorry and you know I don't want to leave you Matt, but this is what I do. Remember I got offered a chance to go to collage in America but I didn't so I could stay with you? So now I have to go back in forth from America to here so I can take a few classes. And even now I only take the ones I absolutely have to so I don't have to leave all the time."

"So it's my fault you're never home? It's my fault I want the person I love close to me?" Matt asked about to lose his temper. "And I suppose it's my fault that there was a tornado in Hawaii too?"

"You could have moved with me." Joe pointed out. They did this every time Joe had to leave. It was nerve wracking and left him mad the whole time he was gone. "But you wanted to stay here with your family, friends, and your band. So I stayed for you. I thought I was doing the right thing by staying here with you."

"You were." Matt said, having to admit that he was being selfish. "But I hate being here alone."

Joe sighed and stopped his packing. He walked over to Matt and smiled at the blond weakly. "I know and I'm really really sorry. I would much rather be here with you."

Matt pouted but admitted defeat. "You'd better. I still want to know the point of us living together if we're never here at the same time. Where's the fun in that?" His ice blue eyes took on a sly glint. "Maybe you should show me?" Matt had the most seductive voice in the world as far as Joe, and a thousand fan-girls, were concerned.

"I'll miss my flight." Joe said calmly, something most people couldn't do when Matt was around. Matt would win this battle of course, since Joe had won the last one. It was only fair.

"Catch a later one." Matt said already undoing to buttons of Joe's shirt. "And I'm sure no one will mind if you're a few hour late. You're supposed to be all mine anyway." He placed a few kisses on Joe's chest then looked up waiting for a response.

Pure seduction. How could Joe resist something like that? He was only human after all.

Matt smirked triumphantly as Joe sighed and muttered something about him being a big distraction. It was nice to know he was appreciated. Joe's lips touched his own quickly as Matt allowed himself to be pushed towards then onto their bed.

"Love you."

Joe smiled. "I love you too."

"Mmm...quit that." Matt muttered a few hours later as Joe tried to wake him up. They had both been tired after what they had done and gone to sleep. Matt did not want to get up yet.

"Does this mean no good-bye kiss?" Joe whispered in Matt's ear. "I'm hurt."

Matt rolled over and looked up at Joe who had managed to get out of bed and get fully dressed without waking him up. Matt reached up and pulled Joe down for a long kiss then settled back onto their bed.

"See you in a week."

"Okay." Joe said straightening up. "I love you."

"I know." Matt said frowning slightly. He watched Joe leave the room without another word the sighed as the front door shut. It looked like he'd be spending the week at his mom's, his dad still wasn't happy about his choice in partners so there was no reason to go there and deal with all of that tension.

Matt stayed in bed for a while before making himself get up and take a shower. He was feeling...sticky. It was almost noon so he must have skipped school. Joe always left early in the morning and Matt was always late or absent for school on those days.

The warm spray of the water felt nice. Unlike the icy feeling in his stomach he got every time he fought with Joe. Fights that were becoming more and more frequent among them. The more classes Joe had or the more concerts Matt had, the less time they spent together and the more they fought.

Sometimes he doubted he should even be with Joe.

Shaking his head to send that thought away Matt grabbed a towel and walked back to his bedroom, drying his hair as he went.

They had been together the better part of four years. Lack of time wasn't going to break them up, Matt was sure of it. He wasn't going to let it.

Ken blinked in general surprise as Matt stopped him outside of the high school. He and Matt were friends, but they weren't very close. They didn't even talk that much and had never purposefully sought the other out. Then again T.K. had cursed in class so anything was possible.

"Have you seen T.K.?"

Ken nodded, a tiny smile playing on his lips. "He and Daisuke got kicked out of school earlier. I saw them walking away about two hours ago."

"Mom's going to love this." Matt said then looked around. Ken was watching the older boy curiously when Matt asked a surprising question. "Wanna go do something? I was going to make T.K. go to my rehearsal in an hour but he's probably in trouble and Joe's out of town, again, and Tai and Izzy won't want to be bothered." Matt sighed. "Their anniversary is tomorrow."

"That explains why they were acting so..."

"Sickening?" Matt guessed drawing a grin from Ken. "Yes it probably does."

"Hum...if you can sit through my soccer practice I'll sit through your rehearsal."

"I don't really like soccer..." Matt blinked. Was he about to turn down a perfectly good offer? "Okay."

Ken nodded and started to walk towards the field Matt falling into step next to him.

"So?" Matt asked Ken around six o'clock that night. "What'd you think?" Matt was hopping around uncharacteristically. He could be calm and collected all day, but once he was done practicing he was always a little keyed up. It was one of his little quirks. He had been like this the first time he and Joe had ever had sex. That had killed his extra energy pretty quick.

Damn he wished Joe were around. Ken was good company, but it really wasn't the same.

"My head hurts." Ken supplied, violet eyes sparkling with amusement. "It wasn't bad though. I was just sitting a little to close."

Ken frowned when he noticed Matt wasn't walking next to him anymore. Or rather wasn't hopping next to him, but it was the same thing. Matt had stopped moving all together and a frown had replaced his energetic expression. Had he said something wrong?

"You okay?"

"Yeah." Matt said smiling sadly. "But I miss Joe already. One of the downsides of being in love."

"I wouldn't know." Ken said shrugging a little. "But if you miss him so much why didn't you go or why didn't he stay? Isn't being together more important?"

"Um...well I always thought it was." Matt looked thoughtful "I guess I was wrong. I can't seem to make time for Joe and he can't make time for me so we're stuck with barely seeing each other and fighting when we do see each other." A smile graced his lips. "Make up sex is fun though. But you wouldn't know about that either would you?" Ken shook his head. "Why am I even telling you this then?"

"Because you need someone to talk to." Ken said logically. "And I'm willing to listen."


"So...you and Joe fight a lot?" Ken asked, wondering if he should just keep his mouth shut. He and Matt really weren't the best of friends, but if Matt wanted to talk he'd listen.

Matt looked hesitant for a moment and looked down, meeting Ken's questioning gaze. Finding nothing but wondering, worry, and kindness Matt nodded a little.

"Yes we do. We just don't get along like we used to. We're still in love and I know I want to be with Joe, but we just can't seem to make it work out. And we try." Matt said trying not to let on how sad he really was. "And we would never fight before, and we could always make time for each other. Joe would actually blow off class and homework so we could go out on a date or something. And it's not his fault. Or not only his fault." Matt added not wanting to lay the blame on Joe. "I would skip practice and I even missed the first hour of a concert because we had fallen asleep in the park."

"How very romantic." Ken quipped.

"I thought it was." Matt said, sending Ken a warning glance. "But there's none of that now. Fighting and sex...the worst possible relationship you can have. Sounds like my parents...and then it was just fighting and then they split up. And I don't want that to happen with me and Joe."

"You really love him?"

"More then anything." Matt confirmed. "And I fully intend to marry him one day. Assuming we can find the time of course." Matt looked down at the silver band around his ring finger. It was a promise that Joe had made to him before they moved in together. He had promised they'd be together forever.

And Matt was going to hold him to that.

"Matt, it'll be fine." Joe's calm voice said over the phone. Joe was in America again and Matt didn't think he had ever hated his boyfriend until now. A car had almost hit his brother and Joe had left. He wasn't here when Matt needed him most. So yeah, Matt was mad again and Joe knew it.

"I'll be home in two days at the most."

"Yeah." Matt said softly fighting back tears. He wasn't going to cry over the phone. He wouldn't let Joe here him crying like a baby. "See you soon then."

"I do love you Matt." Joe said, his voice barely audible. He wanted to be there. He really wanted to hold Matt close and tell him that everything would be fine but he was on the other side of the world.

"Yeah." Matt said before hanging up the phone. He knew Joe loved him. He knew it.

Then why did he feel like crying?

"Matt?" Ken knelt in front of his friend. Matt had slid down he wall to the floor without even knowing it. "Is something wrong...again?"

Over the course of a month Ken had become really close to Matt. They weren't best friends and Ken doubted they ever would be. Daisuke held the place of best friend in Ken's heart and that was the end of that. But Matt was a close second and Ken would readily listen to his problems. Daisuke didn't need Ken for that now that he had T.K.

"Joe left this morning." Matt said, tears starting to fall. "He knew I needed him here and he left anyway. I told him that I needed him and he just said that he was sorry and left."

"I'm sorry." Ken said sitting next to Matt and trying not to let his anger show. The more he started to like Matt the less he liked Joe.

"Don't say that." Matt said shaking his head. "I've heard that enough today."

Ken stayed silent for a moment then wrapped his arms around Matt. The blond was surprised but didn't refuse the comfort. If Joe wasn't around then Ken was the next best thing. A part of him was guilty at thinking that but it was true. Joe was his lover and best friend and Ken was his next closest friend.

'Looks like Tai's gone down another notch.'

Ken let his fingers run through Matt's hair as the older boy cried himself to sleep, which didn't take long. He knew for a fact that Matt hadn't slept in three days so he had to be exhausted by now. The act of crying had just pulled Matt over the edge and forced him to sleep.

He frowned not sure what he should do now. He should let go of Matt and get Tai to lay the blond down somewhere but...he didn't want to let go.

Ken sighed as a thought struck him. He didn't want this to happen again. But it was.

He had fallen for Matt...just like he had fallen for Daisuke.

That had ended in heartache for him, because Daisuke was in love with T.K. The redhead hadn't told anybody yet, but Ken could tell. By the way Daisuke was just watching T.K. in the hospital bed to the way he held T.K.'s hand when he thought no one was around

Even though this felt more...intense and it felt so right. Just sitting here with his arms around Matt. And he knew this was something he wanted to do for the rest of his life, which was funny because he was sixteen. He had no idea what he wanted to do with his life.

He just knew he wanted Matt there.

Just like he knew that Matt wanted to spend the rest of his life in Joe's arms.

This one had started in heartache.

"What am I going to do, Yamato?" Ken whispered. "Because I think I've fallen in love with you."

"Joe!" Matt screamed from somewhere in the apartment. He didn't need all of this anger and yelling right now.

T.K. and Daisuke had gotten out of the hospital so Matt was spending a lot of time over there to watch them while Mom was taking care of some things. She wouldn't tell anybody what she was up to and at the moment Matt didn't care. He was too angry to care and he was on the verge of punching Joe out.

"What?" Joe asked clearly exasperated as Matt came walking into the bathroom. They had spent the past three hours just yelling at each other. Neither could remember what had set them off, but for once, neither was going to back down. "What's wrong with you now?!"

Matt's stared at him and formally angry sapphire pools started to fill with tears. "Forget it."

Joe's anger faded immediately as Matt turned away from him and started back down the hall. "Wait. Matt come back." His response was the slamming of their door.

What had he done to make Matt cry?

A very confused Joe ran a hand through his hair then cursed. Every time he did that his hair got caught on the ring he wore, an exact duplicate to the one he had given Matt a few months ago. But...his hair was getting caught on anything this time.

Joe looked at his hand then realized why Matt was so upset. His ring was gone. He was such an ass. If it had been the other way around he would have strangled Matt. He knew how important the rings were, especially now that all they seemed to do was fight.

Where the hell was it?

"You okay?" Ken asked suddenly. Matt had offered to walk him to the subway since it was on his way home, but the blond hadn't spoken a word. Then again Matt hadn't said more the five sentences since this morning when he had come over to help T.K. and Daisuke study.

"Joe lost his ring." Matt said hollowly.

"Damn." Ken said quietly. Matt had told him how important those things were. It had seemed to him that the rings were Matt's last shred of hope as far as him and Joe went. And Joe had blown it. Ken couldn't believe how Joe had blown it. If he had a chance with Matt no way in hell he would ever mess it up. But he didn't have a chance and Matt was probably going to apologize for nothing.

"So what now?"

"I'm going to try to fix this. I'm going to talk to him and say I'm sorry I shouted at him for over three hours and that the rings weren't that import-"

"No!" Ken said, more forcefully then he had intended. Matt looked startled. Oh well, he had started now he might as well finish. "You shouldn't go to him. He fucked up because he lost the ring and he fucked up for not trying to fix what ever the hell was wrong with you two a long time ago." He and Matt were walking any more. They were just standing there staring at each other. "And the rings were important even I can figure that out!"


"I'm only saying this because I care, Yamato." Ken interrupted him again. "But think about it. There are times when you hate Joe and times when he has you crying. And I think that whatever needs fixing between you two is beyond repair. I don't think you can fix it."

Matt stayed silent for a long time. Ken was voicing all of his fears right now and it hurt to see he wasn't the only one who thought this way.

"No, Ken you don't understand." Matt said finally. "You may be a genius but you don't understand love. It's a lot more complicated then you think."

Ken's eyes darkened to an almost black color that should have tipped Matt off that Ken was about to do something that was going to change things. But it didn't. He was too bust trying to tell himself that Ken was wrong. Ken had to be wrong.

Then lips, warm and demanding, over his and Ken's hands on either side of his face holding him still. Matt knew that this was wrong, very wrong, but he didn't pull away. He did the opposite. He wrapped his arms around Ken and leaned into the kiss, actually going as far as to coax Ken's mouth open with his tongue.

His tongue tangled with Ken's then ran over his teeth. Ken seemed a little surprised at the invasion, which only made Matt want more. Ken moaned softly as Matt's hands went under his shirt and Matt's wet heat went further into his mouth.

Ken had never been kissed like this. He had only kissed a few people over the years and it had never gone this far before. And he didn't understand why Matt was doing this but he wasn't going to complain.

He liked it.

The kiss ended finally and Ken looked a little dazed. Matt chuckled softly and Ken blinked.

"Why did you do that?" Ken asked letting his hands drop and settle around Matt's waist.

"Because you kissed me." Matt said quietly. That had been...something that he couldn't described but it felt nice. It wasn't like kissing Joe.

Joe had experience and knew how to drive Matt crazy. Ken had seemed innocent when it came to that and had let Matt take control once the kiss had started. And Matt did like being in control. And he didn't get that much with Joe.

Ken was like fresh air. Innocent sweet and untouched, like Matt had just done something that no one else had done. And that had been nice too.

"Huh...so it I kiss you now would you do it again?"


Ken nodded and one of his hands went behind Matt's head pulling him down to close the small gap between them. This time was better then the last with Matt's tongue exploring every inch of Ken's mouth while hand's roamed Ken's chest searching for spots that got him a reaction. Matt ended the kiss again and nibbled on Ken's bottom lip before pulling away.

"Matt, I think I lo..." Ken trailed off his eyes going to some point above Matt's shoulder, much to Matt's dismay. He had wanted to here what Ken was going to say.

Ken's eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and something else, causing Matt to turn around.


The older boy just shook his head and turned to leave in the direction he had come from. Matt started to walk away but Ken's grip on him tightened. Matt looked down and was meet with pleading violet eyes, begging Matt not to leave him. Asking Matt not to go after Joe.

// "Joe, you can't leave! I need you here. Please? Don't go."

"I'm sorry Matt and it won't be long. Promise."

Cold blue eyes filled with tears that wouldn't be shed. And the pain of knowing that he had lost the one he loved. //

Matt took a deep breath the flashed Ken a tiny smile. "You up for a little walk?"

Ken returned the smile and nodded. Matt sighed and took Ken's hand then started walking. And they walked for a long time, stopping twice, once for dinner, one once to tell Ken's mom that he wouldn't be coming home tonight.

There was one more stop in the park. They sat side by side on a bench and looked at the sky. They didn't say anything to each other for a long time. But Ken's hand was still in Matt's, so not speaking was fine for the time being. Then Ken noticed something and leaned over, catching Matt's attention. Ken sat back up a small flower in hand.

"Reminds me of your eyes." Ken said by way of explanation. Matt snickered and took the flower from Ken. It was a violet, except unlike most violets it wasn't even close to the color of Ken's eyes. It was actually closer to the color of his eyes.

The next day Matt was sitting on the couch a thoughtful expression on his face. He had told T.K that he and Joe had broken up a few hours ago and T.K. had accepted that. He had been too busy putting ice on Daisuke's nose anyway.

A bunch of stupid boys had tried to beat up Daisuke so naturally he, Ken, and T.K. had jumped in. It had earned him a black eye; Ken had a small scratch above his eye that no one had really noticed except Matt, Daisuke a bloody nose and T.K.'s hand hurt.

It had also gotten Ken in a little trouble with his parents so he was staying here, at Mart's mom's apartment along with Matt, T.K. and Daisuke for the next few weeks, so he'd have lots of time to figure out if he really liked Ken or if it had just been the 'moment'.

He hoped it was Ken. And if it was he hoped it wouldn't end like him and Joe did.

With a tiny sigh Matt pulled the ring off of his finger and shoved it into his pocket. If this was over with him and Joe, and is was over, then he shouldn't be wearing the ring.

"Hey." Ken greeted a few covers in hand. He and Matt were sleeping in the living room, which was fine with them. There was no way they were going to stay in T.K.'s room with the blond and the redhead.

"Come here." Ken raised an eyebrow and Matt rolled his eyes. "Please."

Ken walked over to the couch then found himself in Matt's lap. Matt smiled faintly then kissed him quickly. He looked at Ken expectantly, waiting for a response.

"Matt, I think I'm in love with you." Ken's words were rushed and Matt could just barely make out what he was saying. But when he got it all he nodded and pulled Ken in for a much longer and deeper kiss then before. Ken wasn't sure what to make of that but why argue?

What are you looking for? That's it. The end, all done. Now it you'll excuse me I have to go back to I wish I Knew.

The end.