Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Imperfect Night. ❯ Candles, Folders and Darkness. ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: Hiya! I'm back with a serious Impmon craze going on. I have to write somethin' about him! (Yes, it's based on a book I read once. Ever notice how all my fic.s are based from somethin'. *lol*) In this ficcy, Impmon has to baby-sit a sweet, little girl by the name of Keaira. Sounds nice, right? Well.. Too bad for Impmon, she's not what she seems. >:)

Fic is/contains: From Impmon's POV. Gets fantasy..ish toward the end. ;)

Disclaimers: Don't own digimon nor *sniffles* ..Impmon. I do own the lil' girl, Keaira, though. :D

Imperfect Night.
Candles, Folders and Darkness.

By: Cheshire Kitten.

I stepped onto the cold door step, letting my wet tail drag on the ground. My lavender, long hair was getting soaked and I shivered as the rain beat down on my cloths. My gijinka form was a bit of an improvement from my original digimon form. I would've been frozen by now had I been out here in my digimon form. My emerald eyes stayed fixed on the mansion before me. I took another step as wind played with my black, long sleeved shirt and pushed my hair into my eyes. Lightening ripped through the darkened night causing me to look upward, startled. Relaxing again, I glanced back at the old house, pushing my hair back out of my face.

~Not bad .. for a place that looks like a castle for Dr. Frankenstein.~ I thought to myself. ~What kind of people would possibly live here?!~

It was true. The storm made the mansion I stood before look like something out of a horror movie. A few windows were dimly lit with the color of fire. The house itself was a grayish color due to the dark and the tree's branches scratched against its wood. I glanced at the trees. They hung over the house and myself. They lined the path way that led me to the door steps. They reminded me of wicked creatures that had made themselves ready to pounce.. on me.. or the mansion.

Not liking that thought, I stepped up to the door. I searched for the door bell and saw the white button. I softly, pushed the door bell, glanced at my watch, then waited. I heard its tone ring through the house.

~..Only I would get stuck baby-sittin' a child on a night like this! ..Well, I suppose I'd better make the most of it..~

I glupped and waited for the door to open. I heard footsteps a second or two later and expected for a creepy looking demon to open the door as they came closer. ~Well.. Here goes nothin'.~

The door handle turned and I jumped. To my surprise, a kind looking woman answered the door. She had long, black hair and green eyes. She wore a velvet, dark dress with dark shoes.

"You must be our new baby-sitter." She said as she smiled sweetly, and I shivered, shaking the rain off me, then nodded.

"Well, don't stand there in the rain. Please, come in and meet our daughter."

I smiled, one of my fangs making itself visible over my bottom lip. "Domo arigatou gozaimasu."

Then, I kicked the dirt off my boots and stepped into the warm house. I expected it to be just as creepy inside but it was just as pleasant as the young lady who greeted me at the door. Lights lit up the hallway, which led toward the kitchen. There were several rooms before that. They were to the left and right. I glanced up at the lights above me just as a tall man came to stand beside the lady. He was in a black, almost fancy, shirt and black pants with black dress shoes.

~They must be goin' somewhere awfully important tonight--~

"Ah," He smiled very friendly like. "Is this our baby-sitter?"

I nodded. "Hai, Sir."

"You're perfect. First time we've ever asked a digimon to baby-sit for us on such short notice." He said as he handed the woman her purse.

I smirked. "It was no prob."

"That's great," The lady said as she put on her coat. "Honey, come meet your new baby-sitter."

I put a lock of hair behind my pointed ear as I turned my attention toward the kitchen. A large doorway stood opened to the right of me. It led to a living room that was dully designed. I found their taste in decoration somewhat ..boring. My thoughts were distracted as a young girl stepped into the doorway, then walked down the hallway and came to stand beside me.

She wore a white dress with bright-red ruffles all over its trimmings. Her hair was long, slightly curled and pure black. Her big, dark eyes stayed focused on me as the man fixed his clothing and prepared to leave. She clutched a small, stuffed-toy bat in her arms.

~Cute.. I guess..~

"Now, Keaira, this is Impmon. He's your new baby-sitter tonight."

The young girl nodded.

"Impmon," Her mother continued, pulling me out of my thoughts. "This is Keaira. Now, I left our cel phone number on the kitchen table incase anything goes wrong."

I nodded. "Right."

"And ..Keaira, I want your toys cleaned up before I get back. I don't wanna have to clean them up again."

Keaira blinked. "Yes, Mama."

I smiled. ~Very obedient girl. Maybe this'll be easier than I thought.~

Her mother turned to me. "There's all kinds of snacks in the kitchen, Impmon, feel free to make yourself right at home.. Perhaps, Keaira can make you some of her special juice." She gave her daughter a wink.

Keaira gave an excited squeak. "My magic juice! Yay! Sure, I'll give him some."

"Thank you." I said, trying my best to be nice.

"You're welcome, Impmon! You're sweet. I like you."

That struck me as odd. At least we were getting off to a good start. "Arigatou.." I whispered as I fought a blush.

"Oh.. and Impmon?"

My ears twitched upward. "Hai?"

"Make sure she's asleep by nine-thirty.. no later. I'm very strict about that."

"Yes, Mam.."

"It's eight now so you'll have time to play." She turned to her husband. "Lets go, dear."

Keaira ran up to her parents and gave them hugs and kisses as I stay right where I stood.

"Bye, Impmon. You take care of her. We should be home by midnight." Keaira's father said with a smile.

"I will do that." I said. "Don't worry about a thing."

Keaira came back to me as her father and mother walked out the door, saying their last good-byes.

"You two have fun. See you later on tonight." Keaira's mother called out a second before the door closed. Keaira and I stared at eachother until we heard her parent's car start up, then speed out of the driveway. All fell silent, 'cept for the storm raging outside. I placed my hands in the pockets of my black pants and looked at her again, not surprised to find her returning my stare.

"Okay.." I whispered over the pounding rain as a smile touch my lips. "It's just you and me."

She nodded, wearing a very serious expression.

I blinked when she didn't reply. "So.." I gave a small, almost tired sigh. "As far as I'm concerned.. for tonight at least.. I'm all yours. What would ya like to do first?"

Her eyes lit up. "Play dress-up!"

I smirked, then nodded. ~Cute. Dress-up, huh? Sounds innocent enough.~ "Alright. Dress- up it is, however, I am not wearing a dress. Or any make-up, got it?"

She grinned wider. "Got it, Impy."

"Dun't call me Impy."

"Kay, kay."

I chuckled and glanced 'round the house again. I jumped when I felt a small tug on my sleeve. "Impy.. It's this way.."

"What is--?" I raised an eye brow and stopped in the middle of my sentence. "Didn't I just tell ya not to call me that?"

She gave me her best sad puppy face along with a soft tug on my sleeve and I sighed, admitting to defeat. "Alright.. Ya can call me Impy.."

She grinned, the light returning to her eyes and she began to pulled me toward the living room. "What's this way?" I asked, reminding her of my question.

"The place where all the dress-up stuff is." She squeaked out.

"Oh." I whispered with a single nod.

She led me into the living room that had a large couch sittin' on the far side and a tv on the opposite side of the room. Several tables were set at each side of the couch. One had a lamp light which was on, leaving the living room dimly lit. The other table had candy wrappers on it.

~Probably what Keaira was eating before I got here.~ I noticed a tapestry hanging over the couch. It seemed very old and gothic looking. It had some dragons on it. If there was one thing I liked of the decorations so far, that would've been it. I began to study it. The detail and colors were magnificent. Looked like it must've been very hard to do. I began to work my way down it when there was another flash. I couldn't see the tapestry no more.

I realized a second later that the lights had gone out. ~Shit! Now what?!~

"Don't worry, Keaira. There's nothin' ta be afraid of.." I whispered as I felt her release my sleeve.

"I'm not afraid.." Her soft voice replied.

~Well, I'm glad one of us isn't..~ "Okay, Keaira.. Umm.. We're gonna need to.. find some type of.. light source."

"There's candles in the kitchen." I heard her set her stuffed bat down.

~Candles. Perfect!~ I felt her tiny hand place itself in mine and she began leading me through the darkness. My eyes finally began to adjust when we reached the hallway again, then she led me further down it. ~The kitchen. Great!~

"Just a little further.. Impy.."

"Okay.." I scanned the dark hallway until I could see the door, being careful of were I stepped.

"Right here.." Keaira said as she pulled me through the door. "There's candles in the cabinets." She whispered.

The darkness increased, causing me to slow my steps and Keaira held onto me tighter. I stepped over to the cabinets and felt around for their handles. The lightning flashing through the window proved to be helpful, allowing me some light. I opened up the cabinet that she led me to and searched the inside for the candles. It took a moment but I found them. They were surprisingly long. ~These would last awhile.. Now how would I light them? I could use my Night of Fire but I don't wanna frighten the girl--~

"Impy.. There's matches and stands for the candles in the basement.. But my mommy won't let me touch them so you'll have to do it." She said, innocently.

I smiled. "Okay, kid. Where's the basement?"

"You're going in there?"


"O..kay.. C'mon. This way.."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me through the darkness to the other side of the kitchen. I clutched the candle, tightly as she stopped and I heard a door creak open. "Down the steps and to the left. There's a dresser there and the matches are in the top drawer, Impy."

"Thank you." I said as I began to walk down the steps.

The lightening flashes guided my way every moment or so. I reached the bottom and turned to my left to find the dresser, just as she'd said. I opened the top drawer, wincing when my hand touch a spider's web. I pulled on the knobs and the dresser creaked open. I searched the inside, my hands running over all sorts of objects until it came to touch a tiny box. I pulled it out and opened the lid. The matches were inside.

~Great. Got 'em..~ I struck a match and put one of the candles up to it. It flared and the golden light filled the room, chasing the darkness away. It was much brighter than a normal candle, I was thankful for that. Then, I reached inside and found two stands. I placed my candle in one and another candle in the other, then I shut the cabinet and turned to leave when something caught the corner of my eye. I turned to face it. A empty, metal cage. My size with a combination lock on the door.

~A cage..? Why would they have a cage in their basement?~ My mind whirled with answers. Some simple and basic, others were non-logic and evil. Not liking those thoughts, I turned away only to now be facing a closet with the door swung open. I looked up and noticed papers and folders on the top shelf. My curiosity got the best of me. I set my candle down along with the matches and reached up to grab the folders.

I sat down on the dusty floor and began to read through them. There was lists and doodles, school work notes and even a pair of glasses was placed in one. Some of the dates were dated years ago and some of the writing was faded. What disturbed me most was the tiny blood-spots I seen on some of the papers. I didn't know how long I'd been looking through them when a thought of Keaira crossed my mind.

~Oh damn.. I forgot 'bout the girl!~ I growled under my breathe as I began to put the papers and folders back in order. I placed them back up in the closet and grabbed the matches, stands, other candles and my burning candle and made a dash for the door.

I ran up the steps only to come face to face with Dracula.

I shrieked and fell backwards, feeling lucky that I was on the lower part of the steps. My head hit the ground and whirled, making me feel dizzy. It was then that I noticed my candle had gone out. It rolled on the ground beside my head and I felt my hands still clutching the other objects for dear life.

"Impy!? Are you okay!? Did I scare ya?" I heard Keaira's voice call down to me from where the Dracula creature stood.

I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled out of total embarrassment. "Yes.. Yes, you did.." I picked up my candle and re-lit it while still seated on the floor.

"You found them!" Keaira said with an excited squeak.

"Yep." I said as I stood up and took myself along with the objects to the top of the stairs.

I shut the basement door and when to the task of lighting Keaira a candle. "Does your mother let you hold candles?"

She nodded. "As long as I have someone with me."

"Mmmkay." I said as I placed the matches on the counter top and the unused candles beside them. I turned to her and looked at her costume. She wore a long, black, fancy dress that was too big for her. Her face was pale white, making her blood-red lips stand out, badly. She completed the look with a pair of red, high-heeled shoes and a gold bead neckless.

I shook my head in disbelief. "Okay, kid. What's the deal with the costume?"

She grinned. "Playing dress up!"

"Oh.. Well, that's not really what I had in mind. Here.. Let's go to the bathroom and I'll help ya with your make up.. and maybe put on a nicer dress that you won't trip ov--"

"But Impy! This is my mommy's party dress. She always lets me wear it!"

I took her hand and began to lead her out of the kitchen. "Okay, okay. You can keep the dress.. Just please let me help with the make up so you don't look like Dracula.. You gave me a bad scare earlier and I dun't need another. 'Kay?"

"Okay, Impy."

~ * ~

She sat, quietly on the sink counter as I helped her with her make up, making her look more like a little girl rather than something from a horror movie. She gave a huge grin as I began to brush the ruby lipstick on her lips.

I gave a smirk. "What is it?"

She giggled and I stopped so she could talk through half-colored lips. "How can you put make up on me so well when you're a boy?"

I fought a blush and held back a chuckle as a smile reached my lips. "Well.. It's not like putting on make up's difficult, Keaira. It's quite easy. For a boy or girl.. That is, if the boy's smart enough to know what goes where.."

She laughed, then straightened her lips once more so I could finish. Once the make up was done and I'd persuaded her to put on a safer pair of shoes, we sat in the bathroom for a moment and thought up what to do next.

"Well.. We can go look at my playroom, Impy.."

I sniffed, my throat feeling dry. "Okay.. but is it alright if I get somethin' to drink first? Throat's feeling dry for some odd reason."

She gave me a concerned look and nodded. "Follow me. I'll make you some of my juice. That always helps when my throat hurts.."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Impy."

We made our way back to the kitchen and finally reach its door. I glanced into the darkness and stopped dead in my tracks, causing Keaira to bump into me from behind.

"Hey.. Impy! What's wrong?" She whispered as she came to stand beside me.

We stood and stared into the darkness as the two, glowing, green eyes within the dark returned our stare.

~Oh no! This ain't good. What ta do?! Gotta protect Keaira!~ I felt Keaira slide back behind me, peeking out from my side.

I cleared my throat. "Come out!" I demanded. "I'm not afraid of you!"


Was all it answered me with.

"Awww! A kitty!" Keaira practically boomed in my ear as she darted from behind me and into the kitchen. I walked behind her, then watched her drop to her knees and crawl toward the cat. "Here kitty, kitty." The cat slowly approached her with caution and wandering eyes. She gently, picked it up.

"Impy, come'mere and look at it..."

I stepped over to it and knelt down. It was only a kitten.. A soaked kitten. "It must've came in from outside." I suggested.

She nodded her agreement. "You must be thirsty, huh? And you're shivering. I'll get a towel and dry you off, kitty."

I smiled. "And I'll get the milk!"

"Great!" She said as she made a dash for the door.

~ * ~

It was no time at all before we had the milk sittin' on the floor in a bowl and Keaira was busy drying the tiny kitten off. It tried to squirm out of her grasp but was no match for Keaira. Then, she sat the kitten down and it began happily lapping up the milk we offered it.

"..Now for you."

I paused from watching the tiny creature. "Me?"

"Yes, you. Your potion juice. Remember?"

"My.. My.. potion.. juice?"

"Yup!" Keaira said as she jumped up and began to dash from cabinet to cabinet gathering stuff. I watched her, failing to see what she was getting for the juice. My ears caught the sound of something coming from another door near use by the cabinets. I assumed it was the back door that led to the back porch. My thoughts were distracted as Keaira leapt down in front of me with a huge glass of liquid and a satisfied grin on her face.

"Drink it."

I took the glass and looked into it. The liquid was bright red and grew darker as I looked down the crystal-clear glass. "Thanks." I said, pondering on what the drink could be made of. "What's in this, Keaira?"

"It's a secret.. Drink it."

"Are you sure it ain't gonna kill me?" I asked, half jokingly. ~What would it hurt to take a sip of some strange drink just to make a little kid happy? ..But why do I have a bad feelin' about this?~

She shook her head. "Nope! Drink it."

I brought the cup up to my lips and slowly took a sip.

~Not bad. Not bad at all..~

"It's very good, Keaira." I said, honestly. If anything, there was a ton of sugar in that glass. But.. I thought I'd tasted something else. A strange under taste. Somethin' I'd never tasted before. I ignored it as I took another sip.

"I'm happy you like it. Drink some more.."

I opened my mouth to speak when I felt the kitten jump into my lap, its body hitting the cup and causing some of the juice to spill out on my shirt. I glanced down and pulled the kitten off as it made ready to lay down on me. I set it by the bowl.

"Oh no!" Keaira cried out.

I set the glass down, grabbed the towel and went to drying off my shirt, which was now stained with red. It reminded me of blood on snow. "...Don't worry, Keaira. It's just a little bit.. It'll come out--"

"But you have to drink it all!" She continued in the same tone.

"Don't worry, Keaira! I'll drink it all. I promise!"

She began to calm. "You promise? All of it?"

I nodded. "Every drop. I promise."

"Okay.." She said, her voice became calm as she stroked the kitten and placed him in her lap.

My ears suddenly, twitched. "Keaira? Did you hear that?"

"I didn't hear anything."

"It sounded like scratching.. coming from that door." I looked over at it. "Where does that door lead?"

"The back porch."

She said without glancing at it. The scratching came again. "What was that?" I whispered.

"What was what?" She asked.

"The scratching.."

"I didn't hear it.."

~Damn.. I know what I heard!~ I heard it again. "Kea," I tried once more. "I know you heard it that time. It was louder."

"Impy," She sighed, sounding more irritated than anything else. "It was nothing to worry about. Probably just my animals. Nothing can hurt us. You want me to take you out on the porch to show you that there's nothing out there?"

"I'd feel much better."

"Okay.. Come on, Impy." She stood up and took my hand as I grabbed one of the candles. We walked across the floor to the door and she unlocked it. We stepped out onto the porch. It was screened in and had wires and such all over it. There was all kinds of boards nailed over the screen door as if to keep something from escaping. In the dark, I made out several cages. Some had cats and dogs in it. One even had a bunny.


"Yeah, they're my pets."

Thunder filled the sky and Keaira tugged on my shirt. "Let's go back inside.. It's cold out here, Impy."

I nodded and we went back into the warmth of the house. I shut the door and heard her footsteps trailing out of the kitchen. "Hey, Keaira? Where ya goin'?"

She glanced back as she slowed her steps. "It's almost nine o' clock. My fav. tv show comes on."

"Oh. Okay." I took the candles and followed her to the living room where she'd already made herself comfortable on the floor. She reached up to the tv and turned the knob. The tv screen flashed and slowly became colored as I sat down on the couch.

~How does the tv play when the powers out?~ I just shrugged it off, set the candles down on the nearby table and laid down on the couch.

She laid down on the floor and began to watch her show as I got comfortable. It was then that I realized how extremely tired I really was. ~Can't fall asleep, Impmon.. Ya haveta stay awake to watch the child.. Oh hell.. A little sleep won't kill anything. She knows how to wake someone up..~ I relaxed and couldn't fight to stay awake any longer.

My eyes closed, the noise from the tv faded and I fell into soft sleep.

A/N: Finish with ch. 1! Turning out quite interesting. :) Be back w/ next chapter soon and very sorry for any un-catched mispellings! Ja!