Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Insomnia ❯ Brotherly Love ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Finally" TK mumbled as he left the class. He was careful to stay near a wall incase he got too dizzy. Which in this case was all the time. In fact, he could hardly walk straight. By the time he got outside and met Kari, if he moved to much the world would start to spin.
"TK, I called Matt, he's coming to pick you up"
TK heard Kari say something , but he barely heard it. All his efforts were put forward for staying conscious, not having an intelligent conversation.
"Tk?" Kari looked at TK, blanked faced and slightly swaying, as if on a a boat. "TK?"
That's when Matt came up.
"Woah TK what happened to you?" TK barely looked up in response. he wanted to say something, but he just too tired, his body couldn't waste the energy. He meagerly flopped his hand up to say hi.
"C'mon TK, I think its time you went home." Tk didn't budge. He wanted to move, to go forward. But it was useless. He could barely think, than to move his leg. He new he had to move someplace, but he had no energy left. Things weren't making sense, words, images, and everything was starting to spin...
"TK!" He heard a person scream, he wanted to help her, but black spots were blotting out the image, and he just couldn't think. He hardly noticed the ground was rushing up at him.
Matt turned around to see TK not following him, and hear Kari yell his name. He paled and fell right to the ground.
"TK!" "TK!" Matt was shaking the lifeless body.
"Kari call an ambulance" "Takeru Tk!"
TK woke up. Man did he have a headache. The last thing he remembered was he got so hot he was sweating, and his vision was spinning, his stomach still felt like ice now, and he only remembered Kari yelling for someone. He remembered he wanted to help Kari and that person she was yelling for...
Then it hit him. She yelled his name. None of this was a dream. He was going to follow Matt and...
TK opened his eyes. The room was dimmed, and he could make out 2 silhouettes in the back round. As his vision started to return, he realized it was Matt and Tai. Tai seemed to be reading something while Matt was just sitting there. TK rolled over to get a better view.
Tai heard TK roll over in the bed. He had laid unconscious the last 3 days...
"Hey TK," Tai whispered gently,"don't worry, it's ok." TK tried to respond, but it seemed he couldn't speak. His mouth was so dry, and he was so thirsty
"Here TK, I bet you're thirsty, have some of this." He spoke quietly, and handed him a cup with cold water. TK gulped it down thankfully, feeling his parched throat given water.
"Hey,...what's with Matt?" TK asked quietly,
"I came over to give him a break. He hadn't slept the last 2 days, and I thought he needed the rest before he gets like you." TK tried to get this all in, but he was still groggy.
"You've been out cold for 3 days, little squirt." TK hated being called squirt. He was 16 and still Matt and Tai called him squirt or baby brother. TK grinned, though barely since he was strangely still tired.
Tai gently messed up TK' hair. He always did think of him, as the little brother he never had. Of course by the way things were going with him and Kari he may have a brother real soon.
Matt woke up, to find TK and Tai quietly talking. Matt jumped up.
"Hey TK! OH TK! You're alight!" And gave a tight hug. All the air in Tk was squeezed out. all of Tk's breath.
"Matt..Matt!" he wheezed out.
"Hey Matt why don't you let your little brother catch his breath."
Matt let go off TK.
"Sorry squirt!" Tk gasped in his breath.
"Wow what a grip." TK mumbled while rubbing his shoulders. He noticed Matt with his old unruly hair. Matt must have been really worried, because now a days he spends almost as much time as Mimi does on her hair.
"So what happened TK? Kari called me to the school to pick you up, and then you collapsed. She said you haven't been sleeping, what's goin' on?"
TK didn't want to answer that question. He didn't want anyone to know he couldn't sleep because of a bad dream. Especially Tai and Matt. Matt is so over protective. And Tai would be too, the Kamiyas were his second family. And everyone would think he was just weak. So he replied,
"Ah....i just couldn't sleep."
Matt thought TK was lying. He usually had a look of not so innocence in his eyes. But Matt realized it just could be he's just tired. But he still had the feeling TK wasn't telling the whole story.
TK saw that Matt and Tai didn't fall for it.
"So...is this a..ahem..guy problem?" Tai said reluctantly.
TK blushed like crazy.
"Oh" The two blushed. It was really quiet. You could have heard a poromon it was so quiet.
"So I guess I should get dressed..." TK got up from the bed, and felt a little dizzy, and immediately began to sway. His knees felt so weak, he could hardly stand. He started to lean forward..
"Woah" Tai and Matt rushed forward to catch TK.
"Thanks guys" TK said as they dragged him up. On the way back to the bed, he turned around at hearing giggling.
"Wow! really cute butt Tk" Kari was giggling. TK rushed back to the bed and pulled up sheets, blushing. Tai was just at disbelief that his sister saw that, and Matt was staring at TK, because his friend's sister just saw his little brother's bottom.
The guys snapped out of their trances..
"Oh ah..Hi Kari." said TK. Kari sat on the bed.
"Hi yourself, I was so worried about you! What happened?" Kari swung her legs up on the bed, and cuddled close to TK. TK started to stammer. Kari giggled. She loved that about TK. Still sweet and innocent as ever.
"I ah...ah..kinda..yeah..couldn't sleep..ahh..because of ah...a nightmare..ahh yeah."
All 3 were partially taken aback. No ordinary nightmare would keep a person awake for 3 days..or run them down to the near of their lives. Matt came closer protectively.
"Hey why don't you tell us all about it." TK wasn't so hot on the idea of telling them the dream. He knew it would probably make Matt paranoid about protecting TK.
"It's ok TK, you can tell us." Kari was so close to him, he was starting to get warm and sweaty. He could feel her cool hands slip behind his neck, playing with his golden hair. Instinctively his shoulders drew up and tensed up, and he shivered.It felt kinda good though. But that didn't help TK.
"Well ah...I kinda started out with having a kinda..ah.. dread towards sleeping. One night I finally fell asleep, and..." He shuddered.
Kari felt him shudder, She drew closer to him, to encourage him on.
Matt saw him shudder too, and felt worried for TK. What kind of nightmare could cause that?
"I..I remember it got darker, and something was grasping my wrists." The image seemed so vivid."And when I would try to struggle free, it just held me tighter and tighter, until my wrists felt was if they were going to be crushed."
Tai was really concerned. That doesn't sound like any normal nightmare. And TK was getting way too pale.
"And then...a..a mist got closer, and closer...until I could see eyes...
it was like a little cute dog...but..but something in it's eyes told me it wasn't innocent.."
TK paused, gathering his wits on how he could describe this to his friends.
"And..it..well...could understand..my thoughts..as if physic. And it was a digimon. he claimed to be Poodelmon."
Tai would have found that funny if it wasn't for the look on TK's place.
"He..he..attacked me." Kari gasped at this, she loved all digimon, but it's hard to forgive anyone if they attack her boyfriend.
Matt wanted to move forward to protect TK But refrained, knowing his little brother was not so little.
"There was an attack.." TK said in a faraway voice," it was called hound's bite.., and I could feel the skin being torn away on my arm.."
Matt once again restrained the urge to comfort him. What ever could have brought on a dream like this? Why hadn't he noticed something was wrong?
"Then he talked about our crests, and Kari being Queen.."
"You sure got that right." Tai trying to lighten the mood. Kari smiled. Tai liked calling her his Queen. He called Sora his princess.
"And something about a King... Then I heard a voice, it took me a while, its was mom's. Then I woke up."
Tk was looking around at his close companions, looking for the reaction of his story. They were pretty much speechless.
part II ....
Tk was recovering, he left the hospital he next day, spent two days at home relaxing. Everyone was kinda shock hear TK went to school the 4th day, especially his brother.
"Yeah Kari told me, he was at school today."
"He was supposed to stay and relax a week!"
"Yeah Matt, calm down, I know that too. At least he's not in gym."
"Yeah you're right, so how has he been?"
"Kari said he was tired and a little pale, but at least he was paying attention in class...." Matt heard someone talking " Uh..Matt I gotta go Mom wants the phone."
"Ok bye Tai"
"Bye Matt."
"Wow am I tired." stated TK. He just finished his homework, an the homework of the days he missed. He skipped diner to do them. He didn't even consider taking the effort of changing attire to go to bed. he just flopped down and got comfortable. Mom had to stay late tonight. But he was still surprised she hadn't gotten home. He made supper a little later, thinking she would be home. He soon realized that she meant late
Just then while he was starting to fall asleep the buzzer went. Who would want to talk to him at this hour? He sighed. Just ignore it. Then the phone rang. TK left that too. He heard the message.
"Hey TK? TK? are you there? Anyways I was just calling to talk to ya, you're probably asleep, I'll try tomorrow..."
TK got up and answered it.
"Hey Matt."
"Hey TK, why didn't you answer the door?"
"Huh? That was you?"
"Yeah and I'm still waiting, I called on my cell phone."
"Oh sorry" TK hung up and went to the door.
"Hey TK. Can I come in?
"Where's Mom?"
"Tonight she needed to work late."
"Oh." Matt was surprised she let TK go to school, yet be alone.
"So whatcha doin' TK?
"Not much. Just finished my homework."
"Just now?"
"Yeah I had to do 5 days worth of homework. The 3 days unconscious, and the stack of weekend homework." Matt sat down on the couch. Tk did the same.
"I thought you were supposed to rest up at least a week?"
"Na Matt, I'm ok. besides I don't need to lose these good grades." TK did have a good point, thought Matt. His brother had exceptional grades, or most A's and maybe one B.
"Still TK, don't you think you should take it easy?"
"Yeah, I wont be in gym for a while. I'm taking it easy."
"Good, that would really wear you out."
"Na, I could have but the gym teacher didn't want me running and I had to promise Mom not to."
"Oh." Matt took a good look at TK and doubted it. TK was worn to the bone. He was as paler than the nice white couch, with really dark half circles under his eyes. In fact, Matt noticed, they were starting to droop. He looked at TK. He also lost a lot of weight.
" So what did you have for supper?"
" I made the usual for mom, it's in the refrigerator, you can have mine, I wasn't hungry, working on the homework ."
"I'll whip something up for you." TK wasn't getting it. Matt was trying to get the message across he would make something for him. He must be way too tired. But yet again, TK was that kind of person, keeps giving.
Matt must be hungry. He probably doesn't eat right anyways with Dad. I mine as well make him something while I'm here. TK was getting up to make Matt a dinner. But before he got all the way up, Matt put his hand on TK's shoulder, and pulled him back down.
"No I meant do you want me to make something for you, you just sit back and relax." TK was glad, but didn't want to have Matt go through all the trouble.
"It's ok Matt. I can make it for myself." As Matt was digging through the fridge, he replied,
"Yeah then you can fall asleep while it's cooking and burn the house down."
"I'm not that tired." Tk said in a defiant voice.
"Oh yeah I'm sorry TK, you would stay awake through making it, but I think you would fall asleep in it. And you don't need food all over your face." Matt flashed him a grin.
TK smiled back. He closed his eyes just for a second....
TK shivered it was cold. When he opened his eyes, he was definitely not home. Everything was black, and had an eerie coldness to it. He backed up a bit, and bumped in to something big. Then those same cold hands were placed tightly on his shoulders, and another pair clasped his hands together behind him.
"Whatever took you so long my dear?" that voice, so eerie, so familiar, TK shivered, but not because of the cold, but because of the creature in from of him.
"Yes it is me. I don't know why you waited so long to visit, I knew you were coming soon anyways." TK just stared in horror.
"Oh, you don't recognize me? Well, I admit, I have changed a bit. It's a fun little story, do you want to hear it?"
TK just stared. The creature clapped his hands, and two more cold hands forcefully grabbed his hair, pulling it and pushing it, causing TK to nod.
"Yes? Oh how I love and audience! Well you see, the form you recognize a bit don't you?"
Once again TK was forced to nod.
"Good! Well see this, I was a meager, poor digimon, weak data. Then I stumbled on a ring. Very similar to your friend, Gatomon. And I put it on, and I became much more powerful. But I realized, I wanted more. But I'm not as stupid as the humans or other digimon trying to rule the digital world. You digi-destined eventually snuffed them out. They knew you existed. Myotismon was one of the more wisest, realizing that the only way to power was to destroy the digi-destined."
TK's eyes widened at the mention of Myotismon.
" And you know what? Even though he was bright, He still didn't get the whole picture. Devimon had a better idea what to do. He just doodled to long, and you took care of him. See, he realized there was no threat from the others, only from you. He easily defeated all the digimon. All he had to do was to destroy you and your digimon partner, before it digivolved. But he waited. And didn't give enough time to plan. Myotismon planned everything out, and that's why he was able to torture you digi-destined so long."
TK was stunned at what he was hearing.
"I learned from history, so as not for it to repeat, so that you and your Queen will be defeated."
"And yes, I had a plan for Kari. Many years ago. Without her, I would suspect you would blame yourself, making you weaker. But you meddled in my plans. You were able to follow her, to take her back."
TK remembered that fateful day, when Kari disappeared.
"But I am not stupid. I realized I needed to get you. Soon, very soon, I will have you, and Kari will follow. In your weakened state, you are in no condition to defend you and your Queen."
"But how..."
"TK, I called Matt, he's coming to pick you up"
TK heard Kari say something , but he barely heard it. All his efforts were put forward for staying conscious, not having an intelligent conversation.
"Tk?" Kari looked at TK, blanked faced and slightly swaying, as if on a a boat. "TK?"
That's when Matt came up.
"Woah TK what happened to you?" TK barely looked up in response. he wanted to say something, but he just too tired, his body couldn't waste the energy. He meagerly flopped his hand up to say hi.
"C'mon TK, I think its time you went home." Tk didn't budge. He wanted to move, to go forward. But it was useless. He could barely think, than to move his leg. He new he had to move someplace, but he had no energy left. Things weren't making sense, words, images, and everything was starting to spin...
"TK!" He heard a person scream, he wanted to help her, but black spots were blotting out the image, and he just couldn't think. He hardly noticed the ground was rushing up at him.
Matt turned around to see TK not following him, and hear Kari yell his name. He paled and fell right to the ground.
"TK!" "TK!" Matt was shaking the lifeless body.
"Kari call an ambulance" "Takeru Tk!"
TK woke up. Man did he have a headache. The last thing he remembered was he got so hot he was sweating, and his vision was spinning, his stomach still felt like ice now, and he only remembered Kari yelling for someone. He remembered he wanted to help Kari and that person she was yelling for...
Then it hit him. She yelled his name. None of this was a dream. He was going to follow Matt and...
TK opened his eyes. The room was dimmed, and he could make out 2 silhouettes in the back round. As his vision started to return, he realized it was Matt and Tai. Tai seemed to be reading something while Matt was just sitting there. TK rolled over to get a better view.
Tai heard TK roll over in the bed. He had laid unconscious the last 3 days...
"Hey TK," Tai whispered gently,"don't worry, it's ok." TK tried to respond, but it seemed he couldn't speak. His mouth was so dry, and he was so thirsty
"Here TK, I bet you're thirsty, have some of this." He spoke quietly, and handed him a cup with cold water. TK gulped it down thankfully, feeling his parched throat given water.
"Hey,...what's with Matt?" TK asked quietly,
"I came over to give him a break. He hadn't slept the last 2 days, and I thought he needed the rest before he gets like you." TK tried to get this all in, but he was still groggy.
"You've been out cold for 3 days, little squirt." TK hated being called squirt. He was 16 and still Matt and Tai called him squirt or baby brother. TK grinned, though barely since he was strangely still tired.
Tai gently messed up TK' hair. He always did think of him, as the little brother he never had. Of course by the way things were going with him and Kari he may have a brother real soon.
Matt woke up, to find TK and Tai quietly talking. Matt jumped up.
"Hey TK! OH TK! You're alight!" And gave a tight hug. All the air in Tk was squeezed out. all of Tk's breath.
"Matt..Matt!" he wheezed out.
"Hey Matt why don't you let your little brother catch his breath."
Matt let go off TK.
"Sorry squirt!" Tk gasped in his breath.
"Wow what a grip." TK mumbled while rubbing his shoulders. He noticed Matt with his old unruly hair. Matt must have been really worried, because now a days he spends almost as much time as Mimi does on her hair.
"So what happened TK? Kari called me to the school to pick you up, and then you collapsed. She said you haven't been sleeping, what's goin' on?"
TK didn't want to answer that question. He didn't want anyone to know he couldn't sleep because of a bad dream. Especially Tai and Matt. Matt is so over protective. And Tai would be too, the Kamiyas were his second family. And everyone would think he was just weak. So he replied,
"Ah....i just couldn't sleep."
Matt thought TK was lying. He usually had a look of not so innocence in his eyes. But Matt realized it just could be he's just tired. But he still had the feeling TK wasn't telling the whole story.
TK saw that Matt and Tai didn't fall for it.
"So...is this a..ahem..guy problem?" Tai said reluctantly.
TK blushed like crazy.
"Oh" The two blushed. It was really quiet. You could have heard a poromon it was so quiet.
"So I guess I should get dressed..." TK got up from the bed, and felt a little dizzy, and immediately began to sway. His knees felt so weak, he could hardly stand. He started to lean forward..
"Woah" Tai and Matt rushed forward to catch TK.
"Thanks guys" TK said as they dragged him up. On the way back to the bed, he turned around at hearing giggling.
"Wow! really cute butt Tk" Kari was giggling. TK rushed back to the bed and pulled up sheets, blushing. Tai was just at disbelief that his sister saw that, and Matt was staring at TK, because his friend's sister just saw his little brother's bottom.
The guys snapped out of their trances..
"Oh ah..Hi Kari." said TK. Kari sat on the bed.
"Hi yourself, I was so worried about you! What happened?" Kari swung her legs up on the bed, and cuddled close to TK. TK started to stammer. Kari giggled. She loved that about TK. Still sweet and innocent as ever.
"I ah...ah..kinda..yeah..couldn't sleep..ahh..because of ah...a nightmare..ahh yeah."
All 3 were partially taken aback. No ordinary nightmare would keep a person awake for 3 days..or run them down to the near of their lives. Matt came closer protectively.
"Hey why don't you tell us all about it." TK wasn't so hot on the idea of telling them the dream. He knew it would probably make Matt paranoid about protecting TK.
"It's ok TK, you can tell us." Kari was so close to him, he was starting to get warm and sweaty. He could feel her cool hands slip behind his neck, playing with his golden hair. Instinctively his shoulders drew up and tensed up, and he shivered.It felt kinda good though. But that didn't help TK.
"Well ah...I kinda started out with having a kinda..ah.. dread towards sleeping. One night I finally fell asleep, and..." He shuddered.
Kari felt him shudder, She drew closer to him, to encourage him on.
Matt saw him shudder too, and felt worried for TK. What kind of nightmare could cause that?
"I..I remember it got darker, and something was grasping my wrists." The image seemed so vivid."And when I would try to struggle free, it just held me tighter and tighter, until my wrists felt was if they were going to be crushed."
Tai was really concerned. That doesn't sound like any normal nightmare. And TK was getting way too pale.
"And then...a..a mist got closer, and closer...until I could see eyes...
it was like a little cute dog...but..but something in it's eyes told me it wasn't innocent.."
TK paused, gathering his wits on how he could describe this to his friends.
"And..it..well...could understand..my thoughts..as if physic. And it was a digimon. he claimed to be Poodelmon."
Tai would have found that funny if it wasn't for the look on TK's place.
"He..he..attacked me." Kari gasped at this, she loved all digimon, but it's hard to forgive anyone if they attack her boyfriend.
Matt wanted to move forward to protect TK But refrained, knowing his little brother was not so little.
"There was an attack.." TK said in a faraway voice," it was called hound's bite.., and I could feel the skin being torn away on my arm.."
Matt once again restrained the urge to comfort him. What ever could have brought on a dream like this? Why hadn't he noticed something was wrong?
"Then he talked about our crests, and Kari being Queen.."
"You sure got that right." Tai trying to lighten the mood. Kari smiled. Tai liked calling her his Queen. He called Sora his princess.
"And something about a King... Then I heard a voice, it took me a while, its was mom's. Then I woke up."
Tk was looking around at his close companions, looking for the reaction of his story. They were pretty much speechless.
part II ....
Tk was recovering, he left the hospital he next day, spent two days at home relaxing. Everyone was kinda shock hear TK went to school the 4th day, especially his brother.
"Yeah Kari told me, he was at school today."
"He was supposed to stay and relax a week!"
"Yeah Matt, calm down, I know that too. At least he's not in gym."
"Yeah you're right, so how has he been?"
"Kari said he was tired and a little pale, but at least he was paying attention in class...." Matt heard someone talking " Uh..Matt I gotta go Mom wants the phone."
"Ok bye Tai"
"Bye Matt."
"Wow am I tired." stated TK. He just finished his homework, an the homework of the days he missed. He skipped diner to do them. He didn't even consider taking the effort of changing attire to go to bed. he just flopped down and got comfortable. Mom had to stay late tonight. But he was still surprised she hadn't gotten home. He made supper a little later, thinking she would be home. He soon realized that she meant late
Just then while he was starting to fall asleep the buzzer went. Who would want to talk to him at this hour? He sighed. Just ignore it. Then the phone rang. TK left that too. He heard the message.
"Hey TK? TK? are you there? Anyways I was just calling to talk to ya, you're probably asleep, I'll try tomorrow..."
TK got up and answered it.
"Hey Matt."
"Hey TK, why didn't you answer the door?"
"Huh? That was you?"
"Yeah and I'm still waiting, I called on my cell phone."
"Oh sorry" TK hung up and went to the door.
"Hey TK. Can I come in?
"Where's Mom?"
"Tonight she needed to work late."
"Oh." Matt was surprised she let TK go to school, yet be alone.
"So whatcha doin' TK?
"Not much. Just finished my homework."
"Just now?"
"Yeah I had to do 5 days worth of homework. The 3 days unconscious, and the stack of weekend homework." Matt sat down on the couch. Tk did the same.
"I thought you were supposed to rest up at least a week?"
"Na Matt, I'm ok. besides I don't need to lose these good grades." TK did have a good point, thought Matt. His brother had exceptional grades, or most A's and maybe one B.
"Still TK, don't you think you should take it easy?"
"Yeah, I wont be in gym for a while. I'm taking it easy."
"Good, that would really wear you out."
"Na, I could have but the gym teacher didn't want me running and I had to promise Mom not to."
"Oh." Matt took a good look at TK and doubted it. TK was worn to the bone. He was as paler than the nice white couch, with really dark half circles under his eyes. In fact, Matt noticed, they were starting to droop. He looked at TK. He also lost a lot of weight.
" So what did you have for supper?"
" I made the usual for mom, it's in the refrigerator, you can have mine, I wasn't hungry, working on the homework ."
"I'll whip something up for you." TK wasn't getting it. Matt was trying to get the message across he would make something for him. He must be way too tired. But yet again, TK was that kind of person, keeps giving.
Matt must be hungry. He probably doesn't eat right anyways with Dad. I mine as well make him something while I'm here. TK was getting up to make Matt a dinner. But before he got all the way up, Matt put his hand on TK's shoulder, and pulled him back down.
"No I meant do you want me to make something for you, you just sit back and relax." TK was glad, but didn't want to have Matt go through all the trouble.
"It's ok Matt. I can make it for myself." As Matt was digging through the fridge, he replied,
"Yeah then you can fall asleep while it's cooking and burn the house down."
"I'm not that tired." Tk said in a defiant voice.
"Oh yeah I'm sorry TK, you would stay awake through making it, but I think you would fall asleep in it. And you don't need food all over your face." Matt flashed him a grin.
TK smiled back. He closed his eyes just for a second....
TK shivered it was cold. When he opened his eyes, he was definitely not home. Everything was black, and had an eerie coldness to it. He backed up a bit, and bumped in to something big. Then those same cold hands were placed tightly on his shoulders, and another pair clasped his hands together behind him.
"Whatever took you so long my dear?" that voice, so eerie, so familiar, TK shivered, but not because of the cold, but because of the creature in from of him.
"Yes it is me. I don't know why you waited so long to visit, I knew you were coming soon anyways." TK just stared in horror.
"Oh, you don't recognize me? Well, I admit, I have changed a bit. It's a fun little story, do you want to hear it?"
TK just stared. The creature clapped his hands, and two more cold hands forcefully grabbed his hair, pulling it and pushing it, causing TK to nod.
"Yes? Oh how I love and audience! Well you see, the form you recognize a bit don't you?"
Once again TK was forced to nod.
"Good! Well see this, I was a meager, poor digimon, weak data. Then I stumbled on a ring. Very similar to your friend, Gatomon. And I put it on, and I became much more powerful. But I realized, I wanted more. But I'm not as stupid as the humans or other digimon trying to rule the digital world. You digi-destined eventually snuffed them out. They knew you existed. Myotismon was one of the more wisest, realizing that the only way to power was to destroy the digi-destined."
TK's eyes widened at the mention of Myotismon.
" And you know what? Even though he was bright, He still didn't get the whole picture. Devimon had a better idea what to do. He just doodled to long, and you took care of him. See, he realized there was no threat from the others, only from you. He easily defeated all the digimon. All he had to do was to destroy you and your digimon partner, before it digivolved. But he waited. And didn't give enough time to plan. Myotismon planned everything out, and that's why he was able to torture you digi-destined so long."
TK was stunned at what he was hearing.
"I learned from history, so as not for it to repeat, so that you and your Queen will be defeated."
"And yes, I had a plan for Kari. Many years ago. Without her, I would suspect you would blame yourself, making you weaker. But you meddled in my plans. You were able to follow her, to take her back."
TK remembered that fateful day, when Kari disappeared.
"But I am not stupid. I realized I needed to get you. Soon, very soon, I will have you, and Kari will follow. In your weakened state, you are in no condition to defend you and your Queen."
"But how..."