Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Its Still Digimon To Me ❯ Its Still Digimon To Me ( One-Shot )

[ A - All Readers ]

What's the matter with the characters I like?

Don't you know that they're out of touch?

What's the matter with the goggles I got?

The gray color is a bit too much?

Don't you know that there's a new set of rules,

A new set of kids with Digimon and boys and girls?

Everyone's talking about the next season, but its still

Digimon to me.

What's the matter with the characters I bash?

That's what Kazu and Kenta are for.

What's the matter with the D3 I have?

Don't you know that's out of style?

What's a matter with the fics I write?

Taiora's been over for a while.

Everybody's talking about the next phase, big thing,

But its still Digimon to me.

What's the matter with bashing Matt?

Kenta's the no talent hack.

What's the matter with Wargreymon's power?

He doesn't have enough of it to back.

What's the matter with Tai?

Don't you know his hair is too high?

Don't you know that there's a new set of rules,

A new set of kids with Digimon and boys and girls?

Everybody's talking about the next phase, big thing,

But its still Digimon to me.