Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Just Friends? ❯ Yagami Taichi ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Toei and some other people own Digimon and I am not those 'other people'.

Well, greetings!!! I forgot to mention, but… you know after the title there is that little passage, and then another space and some dialogue/story stuff? Well, that little passage is looking back on the past, kind-of.

Well, enjoy! Please review afterwards!



*=elapsed time/scene change

italics=stressed words/thoughts


Just Friends?: Chapter Two-Yagami Taichi

This all happened when I was sixteen. It was tenth grade, fourth year of secondary school and those green uniforms. (1)

It was the first group project of the year, and it was for history. Our group had consisted of Takenouchi Sora, Ishida Yamato, and Yagami Taichi.

Yagami Taichi was a nice guy. No girl would mind a kiss from him. He was a soccer jock, and he did have a handsome airiness. He was a loose, nice, and fun guy, yet he was still careful and a bit conventional.

I learned later he had a younger sister. Yagami Hikari. Those two were quite close siblings, and I found out that she and Yamato's younger brother, Takeru, were best friends. Just like their older brothers!

I always thought of Taichi as a great friend. I was closer to him than any other boy I knew at that time-perhaps because I confronted him so many times? Or was it because we always ended up sitting together for many classes and was paired up with him, always, for projects? I don't know… (2)

It was socials class.

"Okay, so the groups are…" The teacher fumbled for a sheet of paper. "Yamato, Taichi, Sora, and Keiko…"

That's all I needed to hear. Sitting next to me was Taichi for socials.

"That's great!" I murmured to him, grinning widely. I was generally happy. I was in a group with kids that I knew in a loose and casual way. I wouldn't have to be uptight.

"Why? You have a crush on Yamato?" Taichi teased.

I raised an eyebrow, questioningly, although he had hit the truth. "What do you mean? Are you implying that I should have a crush on Yamato, and gaze at him longingly?" I asked.

"N-no!" Taichi exclaimed.

"Besides," I went on. "I don't have a crush on anybody."

I put my hand out for a high-five. He slapped my hand, grinning.

"And you may get together with your group!" the teacher said.

Yamato and Sora headed toward us-Taichi and me.

I blinked a couple of times before I realised I had no clue to what our subject was. Normally, I was on top of things, but...I could make an exception, right?

"Wait, what's our project supposed to be about?" I asked.

"I thought you listened in class," chided Yamato shaking his head.

"Um… well, we're supposed to write about a country… And we're supposed to decide right now which country we want to do our project on," Sora replied.

"How about… Canada? They have an interesting background-French and English. Or Austria? The movie "The Sound of Music" took place in Austria… Or Norway? They're known for their very peaceful background," I suggested, thinking of all the countries I could.

We decided on Canada, and told the teacher our country.

"When will we research for it?" I asked suddenly.
"This weekend, meet at my house, four PM," Taichi said.

Sora and Yamato nodded, but I didn't. I didn't even know where his house was!

"And exactly where would that be?" I questioned, twitching.

"Heighten View Terrace…" Taichi answered, smiling.



It was Sunday, and I had to walk to his place! Why? Because my mom and dad couldn't give me a ride. And that really stank. I quickly walked to Taichi's home… or, er, apartment.

Knocking on the door, I waited patiently. And the door opened.

"Hi! I'm Hikari! Who are you?" a girl asked.

A boy joined her. "And I'm Takaishi Takeru. Nice to meet you...Hikari, didn't you say your brother was going to have the people for his school project come over? And Sora and Yamato...and...Keiko are coming over?"

"I'm Keiko... Nice to meet you guys. Where are Sora and Yamato and Taichi?" I questioned.

"They'll be here soon," said Hikari. "I think Sora mentioned you in a story-you're the girl who collided into our brothers!"

I went red. "Uh, yah...sorry."

"And Sora said that it was a silly scene. We still tease our brothers about it!" Takeru remarked, giving a sharp lopsided grin. His blue eyes danced with amusement.

Taichi appeared. "You two aren't creating havoc, right? Hi, Keiko… you're…" He paused, looking up at a clock. "You're three minutes early…" he said.

"Hope you don't mind. I had to walk and I didn't rightly know how long it would take," I told him.

I caught myself observing his handsome details of a strong jaw and handsome coloured-eyes, but turned my gaze towards a window. It was going to rain soon, or it looked like it. It was all cloudy and a dark grey covered the sky, the sun completely hidden.

"It's going to rain," I said sadly. I could still remember it...my past, my brother.

"How do you know?" Taichi asked, turning to the window.

"I just have a feeling that it is…" I replied simply. I couldn't tell him about my past...the day my brother had died in a car crash on the rainiest day I had ever seen.

Soon, there was knocking at the door. It was Yamato and Sora.

"Hey, sorry we're late!" Yamato said.

"No problem… Let's get going on our project," Taichi instructed.

"Can we help?" Takeru asked, giving a cheerful and bright smile despite the greyness and colour-lacking day.

"Yeah, you two could help by keeping quiet," Yamato said, rolling his eyes.

"Very funny!" Hikari exclaimed. "We're not that loud!"

"Uh, let's just get started… before the storm gets worse," I began. "Besides, we didn't come here to procrastinate, ne…?"

"I'm very, very good at procrastinating," Taichi remarked rather dryly.

"Well, that won't help, Tai. Make yourself useful and start up the computer," Sora directed him.

We immediately started on our project, with little talking. Somehow, there was a tense conversing air. Just somehow…

I heard a distant thunder about an hour later, and suddenly, all the electric stuff went out.

"What the heck?" Yamato said. "The power went out?" he cried.

And I leave you there, folks! Please review! What will they do in their little power outage?

~Kara Kasai


(1) - I believe that Odaiba Secondary starts at seventh grade because in 01, Hikari and Takeru are in second grade. Three years later is 02-Miyako is one year older in sixth grade and Koushirou is in seventh grade at the secondary school.

(2) - This is where I was talking about. That's basically the passage looking upon the past. ^.^