Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Koji has a crush ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi guess who's back. I hope you enjoyed my RK and Pokemon fic and thanks for the reviews. Now it's time for a (drums roll please) a Digimon fic. Yay ^^ Sorry if the story disappeared for awhile I got banned and I'm sorry for breaking a rule it will never happen again. So from here on in my muse Sakuya will help me write the story. Here we go as always read and enjoy and thanks for the people who read the story and the reviews before and if you don't like it or OC stories don't read this.
One more thing I don't own Digimon the only thing I own is Sakuya.
Koji has a crush!
The day on which they left for the digital world Koji met the girl which he would have the biggest crush on. Him, Izumi, Takuya, and J.P. were in class. Rumor was that a new student was coming and who is it?
“I wonder who the new student is.” Takuya said
“Yeah it makes you wonder who it will be. Maybe the new student will be a cute boy or a girl the guys will go gaga over.” Izumi said.
“I hope the person is nice.” J.P said.
“I hope they come soon. I'm tired of waiting.” Koji said.
“Class I would like you to meet your new student.” Their teacher Mrs. Sagashi said.
A pretty girl walked in with long black hair that stops beyond her shoulders. It was in a headband. She had purple eyes and wore blue earrings with green and yellow bracelets. She had a blue pendant that she wore around her neck. She wore a purple skirt with a blue shirt.
“Hello” she said as she bowed “My name is Sakuya, how are you?”
“Wow.” Koji said.
“She sure is cute.” Koji thought.
“Oh my god! That's my cousin from Italy.” Izumi said. “Hey Sakuya!” Izumi said smiling.
“IZUMI!!!” Sakuya said smiling.
“I see you girls know each other so take the seat next to Izumi's.” Mrs. Sagashi said.
“Thanks!” Sakuya said as she rushed over to hug Izumi.
“SAKUYA!” They said happily hugging each other.
“Wow, I didn't know you moved here!?” Izumi said.
“Yep we missed you in Italy, so we decided to move.” Sakuya said smiling.
“I'm so glad you're here!” Izumi said happily. “Let me introduce you to the guys.” Izumi said leading her there.
“Meet Takuya.”
“Hi! How you doing buddy. I'm Takuya nice to meet you.”
“Meet J.P.”
“Hi I'm J.P. nice to meet you.”
“You'll meet Tomoki later now meet Koji. Koji don't hide under a book!” Izumi said.
“Yeah a book that's upside down.” Takuya said.
“Hi.” Koji said under the book.
“Hi stranger.” Sakuya said smiling.
“Hi” Koji squeaked. He cleared his throat and said `hi' in his normal voice “I'm Koji. Nice to meet you.” He said looking away.
“Could I see you face please.” Sakuya said smiling softly. Koji turned his face his eyes meeting hers.
Wow! She REALLY is cute.” Koji thought.
“Wow! His eyes are really lovely. He sure is CUTE! He's the CUTEST boy I've met since I moved here.” Sakuya thought.
They looked at each other for awhile “Oh Hi my name is Sakuya. Nice to meet you.” Sakuya said smiling.
“Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Koji.” Koji said smiling.
“Hey Izumi I think they like each other.” Takuya said.
“I think you're right Takuya. I mean Koji is actually blushing!” Izumi said.
Why do you have to blush NOW!” Koji thought.
“Hey Mrs. Sagashi doesn't Sakuya need a guide around the school?” Takuya asked.
“That's right. Thank you Takuya. Koji will you be Sakuya's guide.” Mrs.Sagashi said.
“Um…Um…um…well.” Koji hesitated.
“Sure Koji will be honored to do it.” Takuya said smirking.
“Why thank you Koji.” Mrs. Sagashi said smiling. “That's nice of you to do.”
“Sure you're welcome.” Koji said. “Gee thanks Takuya.” Koji said blushing furiously and sarcastically.
“Why you're welcome Koji.” Takuya said smiling.
“You'll like it here in Japan Sakuya.” Izumi said.
“Look it's the Italian. I don't know why you guys hang out with her.” The mean group of girls who pick on Izumi said.
“Look why don't you guys go away.” Takuya said.
“Hey are you the new girl?” one of the girls said.
“Yes I am my name is Sakuya. I'm Izumi's cousin.” Sakuya said.
“I would NEVER be her cousin.”
“Yeah.” Various statements from the girls.
“Well I'm Ikumi find me if you want to hang out with the right crowd.” She said walking away with her snobby crowd.
“Nice welcoming committee.” Sakuya said.
“I can't stand those girls. They call me `the Italian' like I'm an alien or something.” Izumi said angrily.
“Aw forget about them Izumi.” Takuya said.
“Yeah they're not worth your time.” J.P. said.
“Yeah.” Koji said.
“Forget about them tell me about Japan and how life is here.” Sakuya said.
“Well,” Takuya began “Japan is…”
“Class time to start settle down now.” Mrs. Sagashi said.
“Op! I'll tell you later. After Koji gives you your tour.” Takuya said smiling.
“Gee thanks for reminding me.” An embarrassed Koji said blushing.
After class Takuya and the gang told her about Japan.
“Hop you like good food and food in vending machines because there are a lot of them here.” J.P. said.
“I've always wanted to wear to wear a kimono.” Sakuya said.
“Sure we've got kimono shops too!” Takuya said. “Video game shops, toy shops, a shop for everything like birthdays, anniversaries.” Izumi said.
“Speaking of anniversaries my parents' is today.” Koji said.
“Yeah, my little brother's birthday is today.” Takuya said.
“Are you guys still unpacking?” Izumi said.
“Yep, Yuri and Mimi are at home with mom. Dad left to go looking for a job.” Sakuya said.
“Cool, I'll help you after school.” Izumi said.
“Great, thanks.” Sakuya said.
“So when is Koji going to give you your tour?” J.P. said.
“Hey! Yeah Koji.” Takuya said. Izumi was laughing.
“Um okay. You ready Sakuya.” Koji said blushing.
“Sure I'm ready when you're ready.” Sakuya said smiling.
“Oh Koji.” Takuya teased.
“Come on let's go.” Koji said.
“Okay.” Sakuya said. Koji and Sakuya went back into the school so Koji could show her around. Koji has never been this nervous about showing someone around. He has never been this nervous EVER!!!
Why am I so nervous! I've never been this nervous. I can't stop looking at her. She sure is cute. Why do I keep saying that? Could I have a …crush? I've never had a crush. Sure I've heard girls talk and say I'm cute, but I've never felt the same way about them. I think I do have a crush. I, Koji Minamoto actually have a crush. Wow I've always wonder how it felt.” Koji thought.
“Well okay this is the English room with Mr. Tao.” Koji said starting the tour.
He showed Sakuya everything, the bathroom, all the English rooms, the Math rooms, the homerooms for each grade, the lunchroom, the auditorium, the library, the Music room, the Science room everything.
“There and that's the gym the last place to see on our little tour of the school. Thank you for coming.” Koji said. Sakuya laughed.
“Great, now I know where everything that in includes living here.” Sakuya said as they were walking down the stairs to go back outside to join the others.
“I'm sure you will. It's easy.” Koji said.
“I hope…ahh!” she tripped down one of the stairs and Koji caught her.
“Gotcha are you okay?” Koji said she was in his arms.
“Yeah I'm okay.” She turned her head up “Thanks.” She blushed
“Your welcome.” He blushed. They realized they were still in that position they broke away and went down the rest of the stairs blushing.
“So how did the tour go?” Izumi asked as they came back.
“Good he showed me everything.” Sakuya said.
And saved me from falling down the stairs.” Sakuya thought smiling about being in his arms.
“So did you show her everything?” Takuya said.
“Yep I sure did.” Koji said.
“Koji?” Sakuya asked.
“Yes.” Koji said.
She got near him and Koji started to back up and blush his heart started to race.
“You know I'm new in Japan why don't you show me around here too.” Sakuya said smiling with her eyes half-closed.
“Um, well…I don't know. heh heh. I have to get something for my parents' anniversary.”
“Oh, please Koji I know you know Japan better than anyone.” Sakuya said smiling and blinking her eyes anime style.
“Well, how about Takuya?”
“I got to go to my little brother's birthday party.” Takuya said.
“I got to stay after school for awhile.” J.P. said.
“I got to help Sakuya get unpacked and settled.”
“See, everybody is busy and I ready need someone to show me around.” She said smiling started to giggle and rub her cheek against his. Which made Koji blush even redder he “Um…well…sure I'll show you around Japan. Heh, Heh, Heh.”
“Thank you.” She said smiling.
“You're welcome.” Koji said holding on to his chest breathing hard blushing as red as he can go.
“Hey Koji are you okay?” Junpei said.
“I don't think so. Did you see how she rubbed her cheek on his? Ooo! Koji!” Takuya said laughing and teasing him.
“Leave me ALONE!” Koji said blushing and embarrassed, but he couldn't help and think about how soft her cheek was against his.
“Koji, Koji, Koji!” Takuya yelled.
“Huh?” Koji was daydreaming as everybody else was going inside.
“Come on recess is over time to go back to class buddy.” Takuya said running in with the rest.
“Coming!” Koji said. He started to running then he stop put his hand on his cheek smiled, blushed and said “Sakuya” then ran in with the others.
Me: Okay this is the end of chapter one. This originally was going to be one shot but I turned it into a chapter story. My first chapter story yay ^^ tell me how you like it so far. Now my muse Sakuya will take over.
Sakuya: Thank you. So I hoped you like it now as always read and review. I will take over the story as of now so review it. (smiles) and if I get 2-3 reviews it will continue. See ya ^^