Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Koji has a crush ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Me: Hi it's me the authoress. (fanfare) I'll be taking over for awhile since Sakuya is too busy talking to her boyfriend. (shoots a death glare at me) so I'll introduce the story. Now before we begin it's disclaimer time.
Disclaimer: I do not known Digimon or any of the characters I only own Sakuya. I repeat I ONLY OWN SAKUYA!
Now on to the story. As always read, review and enjoy. Now let's begin. ^^
Chapter 4
While Junpei and Tommy was getting chased Sakuya was trying to figure out how could she knock down the barrier separating the Rosemon village and the Biyomon village.
“How are you going to do this?” Nanamon said.
“That's a good question Nanamon.” Sakuya said as she started looking at the barrier and wondering `how could I do this?' She walked up to the barrier and studied it. The barrier was made of twigs, mud, and trees, and anything the Biyomon could find.
“Hmm. I know.” Sakuya said as she started to take some twigs down.
“AHH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” Nanamon screamed.
“I'm taking the barrier down that's what I'm doing.” Sakuya said as she started ripping vines off removing more stuff one by one.
“IF YOU DO THAT THE BIYOMON WILL GET ANGRY!” Nanamon screamed looking around scared.
“I know they will, but this is the only way to get this barrier down.” Sakuya said pulling more stuff down. Nanamon watched her and started to pull more stuff down. The rest of the village saw what they were doing and thought they were crazy.
They're crazy. The Biyomon will come and build it back again.”
“It's no use trying. They should stop.”
I think someone should help them out they are trying to do something instead of sitting down and letting the Biyomon rule us.” Rosemon said coming out of her chambers.
“(gasp) It's the elder.”
“Oh, my it's the elder.”
“Instead of talking about them why don't we help them out. At least we'll be doing something useful.” Rosemon said. Everyone in the village looked down in shame.
“Well the elder is right we should help instead of talking.” Palamon said.
“Let's help them.”
Sakuya turned around and saw the whole village come towards the barrier. Nanamon got scared and stop Sakuya didn't. She knew how scared the Rosemon village was of the Biyomon village and strongly disapprove of anyone trying to take the barrier down. She was ready to get yell at and to hear disapprovements, but it was strange she didn't hear anything.
She opened her eyes and saw the whole village helping her out. She stopped and look and couldn't believe her eyes. Everyone wanted to take the barrier down. Even little Nanamon help out. The elder saw the look of surprise on her face and told her. “You have encouraged us to face our fears and do what's right for our village. You have encouraged us to fight. Thank you.” Rosemon said bowing to her.
“You're welcome.” Sakuya said smiling bowing back. They worked and worked until the barrier was almost down, but the Biyomon started to notice this.
“Hey, look what's happening to our barrier. I thought we told those Palamon that there would be trouble if they took the barrier down.”
“Yeah, what do they think they're doing?”
“We've got to tell the elder.” So the Biyomon ran to go tell the elder Guardramon.
“Elder, Elder!”
“Yes, child.” Guardramon said.
“The Rosemon village is taking down our barrier again.” Biyomon said. Guardramon stood up “WHAT!”
“Come look outside.” Another Biyomon said. Guardramon ran and looked she could see Rosemon village.
“How dare they take OUR water that belongs to us.” Guardramon said angrily.
“They have no right to take it.”
“That's right!”
“But how are we going to stop them?”
“I have the perfect idea.” Guardramon said smiling wickedly.
After what seemed like hours they got the barrier down. They all cheered triumphantly.
“Yay! We did it! Look Sakuya the water's coming back!” Nanamon said happily bouncing up and down. Sakuya smiled she knew that it was someway to bring the water back.
“Thank you Sakuya. Without you I don't think we would have been motivated to do this.” Rosemon said smiling a smile that she hasn't done in a long time. Sakuya smiled.
“You're welcome.”
“HOW DARE YOU KNOCK OUR BARRIER DOWN!” A booming voice said. All the cheering Palamon stopped and gasped in horror. It was Guardramon.
Me: Hi so this is the end of chap 4. What will happen? Will Guardramon end it all? Will Sakuya save the day? Read the next chapter to find out. Oh yeah and I didn't forget about Kouji and the others they'll come later. He he he So as always review and I'll see you later bye^^