Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Koji has a crush ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Me: Hi it's me now we're on Chap 5. I can't believe this I never knew that this was going to be a chapter story I'm so happy. Now before we start it's disclaimer time. Oh yeah and if you're wondering Sakuya's still on the phone talking to her boyfriend. (dodges a flying shoe.) (laughing) Now it's disclaimer time.
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon or any of the characters I only own Sakuya. I repeat I ONLY OWN SAKUYA!!!
Now on with the story. And as usual read, review, and enjoy. Now let's begin! ^^
/ Blah/ thought's
“” talking
Chapter 5
All the Palamon stopped cheering and was now trembling in fear. Guardramon and a few Biyomon were across the river looking at their now destroyed barrier.
“HOW DARE YOU KNOCK IT DOWN!” Guardramon yelled again making them all cower in fear. Nanamon ran up to sit on her head Sakuya glared at them.
/So this is the Biyomon that put up the barrier separating their villages and stopped the water. / Sakuya thought angrily.
“You know that this is our water not yours.” One of the Biyomon said.
“And who are you to decide that!” Sakuya said angrily.
“And who are you human.” Guardramon said almost spitting out the word human.
“I'm Sakuya and I thought that the river and the lake was to be shared by everyone.” Sakuya said.
“Oh is that so well these Palamon here stole the tourists so now we're returning the favor by stealing the water.” Guardramon said.
“But Guardramon you know that tourists loved us equally.” Rosemon said.
“Yeah right, everyone knows that the tourist liked you more.” Guardramon said angrily.
“That's not true and you know it.” Rosemon said.
“Shut up!” Guardramon said shooting a blast (A/N: I forgot Guardramon's attacks. ^^ sorry) and hitting Rosemon.
“Elder!” All the Palamon screamed catching her. Nanamon got off Sakuya's head and ran towards Guardramon.
“Young one wait!” It's mother said.
“WAIT NANAMON!” Sakuya yelled chasing after it.
“That was mean the elder did nothing to you you meanie!” Nanamon said angrily tears in it's eyes. Guardramon looked at it coming towards him.
“Young fool.” He said coldly as he shot another blast this time aimed at Nanamon.
“YOUNG ONE!” Rosemon yelled.
“MY BABY!” Nanamon's mom yelled.
“NANAMON!” Sakuya yelled then her d-tector shined.
Now it's time.” Ophanimon said as Sakuya spirit evolve.
When Sakuya was done she had sky blue boots that looked like shoes. Sky blue shorts, spaghetti strapped tank top that showed off her bellybutton, behind her was a mermaid tail, sky blue hair that touch her mermaid tail, sky blue earrings, sky blue eye shadow, a blue mask covering her mouth like a ninja, gloves with the fingers cut out of them going up to her elbows, and two long fins on her head.
“KASUMIMON!” She yelled. She rushed forward and grabbed Nanamon before the blast could hit it.
“WHAT!” Guardramon said angrily. Nanamon closed it's eyes thinking it was going to be hit. It open it eyes and found itself in Kasumimon arms. Kasumimon took Nanamon back to it's mother. She smiled while she gave it back to it's mother “There you are safe now.” as Nanamon and everyone else in the village stare in awe. While this was happening Kouji saved Tomoki and Takuya from the stinking Digimon and Kouji became the second one to get his spirit.
“Who are you?” Guardramon said.
/I guess it's true humans can turn into Digimon. / Rosemon thought looking in awe.
Kasumimon looked at him.
“I'm Kasumimon the person that'll save you and stop you from your evil streak.”
And that's the end of Chapter 5 so how do you like Kasumimon. Isn't she cool I hope you guys like her and this chapter as I enjoyed writing it. As always read, review, and enjoy and me and Sakuya will see you in Chapter 6. Bye ^^