Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Krazy 4 U ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Krazy 4 U

A Digimon fanfiction

Written by Bexi

Disclaimer: Erm, I don't own Digimon … there!

Summary: Being part of a band can be hard work - with touring, gigs and fans! Fans can be a singer's dream or worst nightmare. Accepting fan mail and presents in the post is just a part of the job description and Matt decides to ignore it until he begins to receive anonymous phone calls and finds disturbing letters.

Rating: PG-13 -- whether it goes up all depends on how my brain works

Language: Frequent and may be quite strong also

Sex/nudity: Only slight references

Violence: Mild is all I can say at this particular moment

Genre: Angst/drama

Feedback: Feedback on fics is always a great thing to cherish, so I would love for you to say such things. I don't have a beta; so if there is a M-A-J-O-R problem with what you read, do speak forth.

Author's notes: Don't ask why I'm writing this and where the idea came from because you won't receive a plausible answer. I have no idea how long this fic will be, but for me it may just be long, but how long IS long? Don't ask me that question either, see above for reason why! What else can I say -- think, Bexi, think! Sorry, my brain is fresh out of things for me to say or do.

I think I may just have to leave you to read my fic and let you write (or type) down your opinions on what you think in a review.


The air was clean and a mixed variety of bright blues and dull greys. A crisp wind blew throughout the tops of the mighty trees where many birds had made their nests. The constant flutter of birds to and fro showed that spring was present and the birds were all ready in the process of mating. The sun fought its ways past the thick cluster of clouds and shone brightly, bathing the ground in its glorified rays. The ground was drying quickly with the magnificent sun and certain signs of rain weren't that noticeable.

Sunday had just passed as miserable as ever but Monday was proving to be a bright day. It was the perfect way to start off the spring half term. Easter was only around the corner and in another five weeks the children would break up for that and be able to enjoy two weeks of no school or homework and extra time for sleeping, watching television or going to the DigiWorld.


The house was clean inside all the rooms and the refrigerator had just recently being filled. All the food that was past its use-by date had been thrown out and replaced with food that was either fresh, frozen or inside a tin. The trashcan had been emptied and was no longer overflowing, and the floor had even been vacuumed and that freshly vacuumed smell still lingered in the air.

Two boys sat around the rectangular table that was littered with white and brown envelopes, some were even pink and lightly rose scented and with the letters SWAK (sealed with a kiss) underneath a bright pink shade of lips. Many of the envelopes had been opened and some were just lying there, unnoticed. The eldest boy had a large mass of brown hair and hazel eyes to match; a cheery and mischievous grin was plastered across his face. The other boy was a few years younger, a sweet face that held a pair of dazzling blue eyes and an equally mischievous face as the eldest. His golden locks were covered by a trademark white hat, which he had hardly ever been seen without. Many people who knew his family had told him that he was a spitting image of his older brother, which he took no insult from. He had always looked up to his brother since an early age, even if they no longer lived in the same house, he was just happy to be in the company of him.

Both boys, Taichi Kamiya and Takeru Takaishi, or T.K. as he was most commonly referred to, sniggered as they skimmed through the vast majority of letters. Tai picked up the letter that was written on pink paper and looked over towards T.K.

"Take a letter, T.K.," he said in a feeble attempt to imitate Yamato Ishida and watched T.K. grab a piece of lined paper and began to write in black ink.

"Dear So-and-so,

I am ever so pleased that you have taken an interest in me -- and my music. I always appreciate my fans more than anything, which is why I am replying to you in written handwriting, written by the hand of me. I always enjoy reading what people have to say about me -- occasionally about my music and band, but most about me.

If you like seeing or reading more on me you could become a member of my new fan club "All About Matt". Every month you will receive a gallery of photos of me (and my band), and a chance to win tickets to my gig where you will be able to go backstage and meet me (and my band). So sign up now and you will receive a ten percent discount on my latest record and if you are one of the first one hundred to sign up, you will receive a chibi bean toy of me (or my band).

If you can't wait until then you can always logon to the website.

Thanks again for being such a loyal fan. Here, have a sighed autograph!

Your idol,

Yamato (Matt) Ishida," he finished.

T.K. shook his head as he placed the letter on the table and sorted through some of the mail, the large grin still present on his face. Some of the things his brother received in the post was ridiculous -- it was a good thing all the fan mail was sent to another address -- all Matt had to do was read it. But sometimes there would be bags full, of course, they weren't all for Matt, they were mostly split between each band member, but still?

Tai looked up from the pink letter and smiled when he saw Matt walk into the room, a white towel draped over his shoulders. Water dripped from each strand of blond hair and dribbled down Matt's handsome face, tracing the corners of his sapphire eyes. Matt swiftly flicked off the light switch, complaining about it being light outside and there was no reason why the light should be on. The sudden dimness of the room accentuated the fair complexion of Matt's face.

"We're just helping you reply to some of your fans, weren't we, T.K.?" Tai asked with a grin.

"Sure, you wanna read?" the young blond replied to Matt, handing the letter over to him.

Matt arched a brow as he slowly walked over to the table. He took the letter off the sniggering boy and surveyed both of them before reading the letter under his breath. He attempted to keep a straight face during it but couldn't help but laugh lightly, shaking his head. "Your idol?" he pointed out and handed the letter back to his brother, who smiled proudly at his letter.

"So, what d'ya think?" Tai inquired as Matt sat down.

"I'll never let you do that again, that's for sure," he said.

"You never let us do it in the first place," T.K. smirked, leaning forward on his elbows.

Matt nodded and gathered a selection of opened letters, pushing them to one side. He wasn't certain himself what to make of the amount of fan mail his band received and pitied all the bands that were famous worldwide. They weren't that famous but they were well on their way in that direction. The band had a good record deal and they received a vast amount of publicity from the group they served as a warm-up act for, which was how they originally started their music career.

"I never gave you permission to open up any of my mail either," Matt retorted.

The DigiDestined with brunet hair smiled with glee when he held the pink letter and wafted it in Matt's face. He watched Matt scrunch up his face as he inhaled the strong perfume and laughed louder than before.

"How could anyone refuse such a scent?" he cooed as if he were speaking with a child.

"Quite easily," he complained, rubbing his nose and turning away. "Gimme that letter!" he ordered and reached for the letter only to have Tai snatch it away.

"I couldn't refuse, especially when it sounds something like this. Ahem, 'My Dearest Mattie…'"

Matt buried his head in his hands when he leaned against the cold table, muttering incoherently when T.K. prodded his arm. This was the main reason why he was never keen on reading fan mail. There was nothing worse than Davis's sister being his biggest fan, was there? Why was his mail here anyway? He's find some way of repaying his band for sending all the perfume scented letters home. He'd also find some way of getting even with his brother and closest friend.

"Don't tell me," Matt mumbled. "Jun?"

T.K. held out his hand and took the letter off Tai, reading phrases to his brother. "'Roses are Red. Violets are blue. I'll love you forever, Mattie. What we have is true.' Oh, and there's this poem she made out of your name, 'M is for manly. A is for alluring. T is for tasty. T is for tantalising. I is for irresistible. E is for erotic. What's that spell? MATTIE!' You need to find yourself new fans, bro, I don't know how you handle it."

"What are you talking about, T.K.?" Tai asked suddenly. "Matt's got it good compared to us. What's having to make do with crazed fans when you get to live the life of a rock star? I bet that in a year's time, Matt here will be drinking champagne from a pint glass and treating it as if it were nothing more than water."

"I'm so glad that you have high expectations of me," Matt smirked, playfully.

Tai rubbed his nose and smiled back. "I guess somebody has to," he said as he strained a sigh and ducked when a brown package was thrown towards him. He heard it fall to the ground with a soft thud and he stared at it before turning to his blond-haired friend, shaking a finger. "Tut, tut, Yamato," he began, "your fans go out of their way to send you precious gifts and you throw them away as if they were cheep garbage. You should be ashamed of yourself."

He fought with all his might to keep the stern expression on his face but lost it when he cracked and laughter filled the room.

"Whatever, man. I'm gonna make some lunch," Matt retorted and pushed himself up from the table, strolling towards the kitchen, a smile planted upon his face.

As soon as Matt walked to the kitchen, Tai was up like lightening and trailing him, his mouth hanging open when he licked his lips.

"Food? D'ya say food? I'm hungry, man," he whined and heard his stomach agree with a loud growling sound. "See, listen to it! It calls for food, not me … I have to comply.

"So, I was thinking more along the lines of burgers, chips, hotdogs with lots of sauce."

Matt ignored his friend as best he could, telling T.K. to turn the television on and put the sound on full. Anything to diminish the incessant whining.

To be continued…

Author's notes: That's the first part of this fic written -- well, I say first part; just a smidgen is what I really meant to say. I have no idea how far I will take the fic because I have many plot ideas inside of my head but it's just trying to find the perfect time to place them all inside. I warn you now, if you are looking for a Matt romance fic, then I suggest you press the back button because this fic will not -- I repeat: WILL NOT have any romance whatsoever. I'm not in the nice kind of mood to make others happy, which is why I have chosen to completely ruin Matt's life. If these characters were alive, they would have me hung, torn and quartered by now. For me, and this is just my way of writing any fic (fanfics or original fics), I first chose a character, preferably my favourite, completely destroy what chance of living a normal life they have and send them reeling into a bottomless pit of self-pity and depressing thoughts of suicide, alcohol and constant views of how the world would be if they never existed, and when all seems lost and life is shit, I come to the aid and slowly begin to build their life back piece by tiny piece until they can safely say they are happy and wish to remain living in what they classified as a hellhole only months earlier. That there was my analysis on writing a fic.

You may have noticed that during my I mentioned a website, and if you haven't then how come you're down here reading my author's notes instead of reading the fic? Either that or -- well I'm stumped on what to say. The website that I mentioned, which, for some rather strange reason didn't show on here, was simply a quick idea that came to mind and I have no idea whether it truly exists as a website itself … if it does then it is purely coincidental and I meant no harm.

I will now leave you so I can go back to living the miserable life I have, what with college and lecturers that are shit. I'm telling you all now and hopefully you will sympathise with me: I'm being taught how to teach young children by unqualified teachers who have hardly any experience in a childcare setting themselves, one was a midwife and the others?? I know that ONE has had experience, but my college really sucks sometimes … I'm doing my SECOND course there and they even managed to fuck up the first one … now the second!!?? I can't wait until I go to university in September; I've all ready been offered a place in three out of four universities I applied for.

I'm now gonna go because this stuff must be boring you to death.

See you all later and leave a review telling me what you think about the first part.
