Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Ancient Dragon Spirts ❯ The Legend ( Prologue )
Authors Note: hey this may suck, but please read and review- I just wrote this and it will only get better- promise!!
The Legend of the Spirits
Light, Darkness, Life, Wind, Water, Fire, Earth, and Thunder are their names. They each guard a certain thing on the earth. Light and Darkness- they balance the worlds system of life and death/ light and dark. Life- keeps every species from dying out. Wind- protects the sky. Water- protects the oceans and water. Fire- protects the animals. Earth- covers the earth for protection. And Thunder has the most important job! He protects the humans for extinction.
Each of these spirits has a special form. But they may seem good, but to the meanest people, they reek havoc unto them.
There was a war long ago, to keep the human and dragoon race alive. There were these creature call Winglings who were the rulers of the earth during the dark ages.
All people had lost hope for a savior. They worked as slaves to these creatures of the evil darkness. But after wishing and hoping- the Spirits chose a child, by the name of Serenity, to keep their powers in tact, so that none of this would happen ever again. So the child- with the powers of the spirits destroyed the Winglings. The world was at peace once again. The child grew up and bore children. And the future came and past and they died.
Then, came another war, between the humans and Dragoons. The humans became greedy and the Dragoons didn't want this. So, after years of hiding from the greedy humans who wanted their life spirits, they left the planet that was home to all of them so long. And the spirits left the humans, to work on their own. Taking the powers away from the family of saviors.
The family then became hated and was the first to leave their settlement. But the spirits blessed them, for the family knew neither hatred nor greed, so they lived in peace, until the digimon were created. The digimon altered the world for the legends came true and messed up the balance of the worlds. For the worst!
The great great great great great great great great grandkids time to shine!
Hey- sorry if this is lame- hey it can only get better!! Right?? I'm not good a writing prologues- so better start writing the story!! Well- this was on short notice- so I'm sorry if this sucks and reviews would be greatly appreciated!!