Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Letters to No One ❯ Dear Yamato ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon, or any of the characters. I make no money from these publications.
Summary: "I write a thousand letters to you, and throw each one away." An angsty Yakari lemon.
Rating: NC-17 for angst, darkness and future graphic citrus depictions.

Letters to No One

By Strangelove

Oh, god, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry it had to end like this.
Here I am, collapsed on my bed with my laptop pulled up tight against me. I'm not wearing much-just one of Tai's old coats and my panties. Before, I wouldn't have been caught dead looking like I do right now. I was never quite as fashion obsessed as, say, Mimi, but I still wouldn't look like this.
That was before you. You turned my life upside down, and we both know it.
I remember the very first day I felt something for you. It seems I was such a little girl back then, though it was really only six months ago. It happened on a day not unlike any other-one of those nasty ones that is too cold to be fall but to warm to be winter. Everything was exceptionally ordinary that day-oh, for the innocent simplicities of the past!
Tai had brought you home after school, as he always did. Again, nothing unusual. You two had been best friends for ages, and were always messing around and breaking things at our house while you were supposed to be doing homework. I was laying luxuriously in front of the TV, watching Tenchi try to fight off a way-too-horny Ryoko on "Tenchi in Tokyo" as you two played catch with a jug of orange juice in the kitchen. As was customary, my homework had already been done for a good two hours. I used to be such a good girl.
Before you.
It was then that the orange juice slipped from Tai's hands to smash open on the floor. I heard you both yelp in surprise, but it turned out you were a little slower getting out of the way. Though Tai's stylish clothing had survived the incident unscathed, your pants and shirt were completely drenched in the orange liquid.
"Oh, god," Tai moaned. "I gotta run down to the store before Dad gets home to buy another one!"
"Well I'm not going anywhere," you snapped. "Look at me!" As he often did in times of mild crisis, Tai turned to me for help.
"Um, Kari, I'm gonna be gone for half an hour. Will you help Yamato find some of my clothes and clean up this mess?" I shrugged, standing up.
"Nothing better to do. But you owe me one, big bro."
"Like you'll ever need my help, Ms. Perfect."
"Oh, get out of my house, baka-brain! Yes, go, or I won't help!" Holding up his hands in a mock-defensive posture, Tai ducked guiltily out the door. With an enormous and slightly exasperated sigh, I turned to you.
"Come on." I motioned for you to follow me, and you did.
Tai's room was unlit at the moment, but I didn't bother to search for the light switch. I just kicked the curtains to the side, throwing some evening sunlight into the room, and threw open Tai's shirt drawer and closet. You were standing uncomfortably in the middle of the room, obviously trying to wipe some of the sticky substance off of your hands. I stared blankly at you for a second, and then sighed again.
"Let me go get you something for the orange juice," I told you, and walked into Tai's bathroom. Trying my best to ignore a certain something that appeared to be breathing on the floor, I grabbed a renegade bowl that had been in there for god only knows how long, filled it with warm water and carried it back into Tai's bedroom with a washcloth.
I almost dropped my sloshing load when I saw you. You were wearing nothing but your shirt, and sitting on Tai's bed. You seemed amused by the look of shock on my face.
"Oh, get over it, Kari. You have no idea how annoying it is to have a mass of sticky cloth wadded up against their skin." You laughed suddenly, and got that perverted look all men get when they have an…I'll say interesting thought. "Or maybe you do know…I know how women get down there when they spend to much time around dead-sexy me-" I snorted at you.
"Don't be a hentai, Yama! That's disgusting." You laughed at me again as I set the bowl beside you so you could wash.
"You're too damn virginal, Kari," you told me in an off-hand sort of way as you started to run the wet washcloth down your bare legs. "It pisses me off sometimes."
"I'd rather be virginal than be a slut like you."
"Gimme a break! Men can't be sluts!" you exclaimed.
"Yes they can. You're living proof!" You cracked up in spite of the fact that I was making fun of you, and stood to pull on a pair of Tai's boxers on. Assuming, I suppose, that you were now covered enough, you pulled off your typical green shirt as well and started to rinse your arms and chest. I gasped, and you placed your hands on your hips with a very put-out expression on your face. This look, however, did not carry over to your aquamarine gaze-your eyes were full of playful fire.
"Do something like that one more time, and I'll be forced to punish you," you menaced jokingly.
"As if you would!" You leapt for me, and I screamed shrilly. "Ahhh, no! That doesn't count! Ouch-what-are-you-doing!?" You had me straddled on Tai's bed with my back pressed firmly against the rumpled sheets. I squirmed, but to no avail-you were far stronger than I.
"You asked for it," you muttered, only inches from my face. My breath caught in my throat, and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. With a thrill of horror, I realized I was almost enjoying the feeling of domination you'd just cruelly forced on me. Fighting far more myself than you, and shoved at your firmly-anchored waist.
"Get off me! This is so unfair!" I cried. You chuckled, and silenced me roughly with a firm kiss. Your tongue forced its way coldly into my mouth. I knew very well that you had no idea the alien passion I was feeling for you at that moment; in your eyes, you were only administering a joking "punishment" to some little prude.
I was drowning in you. Terrified by the new feelings of erratic beating in my breast and burning warmth between my legs, I forced your mouth out of mine.
"Get off!" I cried again, denying myself completely. I knew very well that I never wanted you to let go of me.
But nothing was fated to be just yet, for at that moment Tai burst through the door with anger blazing loudly on his countenance.
"What the hell is going on?" he snarled more dangerously than I could have imagined was possible. Taking my cue, I got quickly out from under you and ran out the door.
I listened to you and Tai yell for over twenty minutes as I blankly stared at the dark TV screen. Finally, you charged out of the hallway and straight through the open front door-I'm not sure you even saw me. I just watched you go in silence, and then fell back onto the couch with closed eyes.
Tai didn't come out of his room for the rest of the night, and Dad was late getting home from work. For some strange reason, I was glad for both of these things-I needed time to think about what had transpired.
I wanted time to sit alone, thinking about you.