Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Lighting Heart ❯ Part 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Promise me, Batugurlmon. You probably feel the same way as I do for Dawn's safety. Nothing should happen to her, right? Well, I'm asking you to keep her away so that Ken doesn't get a hold of her." Matt asked, giving her his concerned look. Batugurlmon stared hard at the ground. She didn't want to lie to her, but if Matt has a really good reason to this, then she guessed that it would be for Dawn's good.
"All right...I'll do it." She sighed.
"Thank you Batugurlmon. You have no idea how much this means to me." Matt smiled and then turned to the rest of the group.
"C'mon! We don't have time! The Digimon Emperor is moving fast and he's not holding back anything." Agumon said. The whole gang ran behind Agumon as they approached an empty wasteland, where there were dinosaur Digimon everywhere.
"Hey! Those are Darktarrnmon! Their bites are really nasty and they have a powerful attack called Dark Strike! You don't want to get caught in that." Kari explained. Suddenly, Gabumon came up from behind them.
"Gabumon." Matt said.
"Sorry I'm late. I came here as fast as I could."
"Better to be here then to not be here at all." T.K said.
"Are you guys ready to armor digivolve?" Izzy asked the new digidestined.
"Ready whenever you give us the signal." Davis replied.
"All right...Get ready on my mark..." Izzy began as he put his hand in the air.
"I'm sorry, Dawn. Tai, Kari and the others aren't here." Mrs. Kamiya explained to the door when Dawn had asked about if Tai were there. "The two left the house very early this morning. They didn't say why, only that there was some important 'business' that they needed to take care of, whatever that meant."
"Did they mention anything about T.K and Matt?" Dawn asked.
"No, I'm afraid not." Mrs. Kamiya replied.
"Oh...Well, thanks, Mrs. Kamiya. I really appreciate it." Dawn said and and walked away from the apartment. Weird, She thought. If Tai and Kari aren't there, probably, it's the same way for the others...and there's only one place as to where they could go. I'm going to go to the shool's computer room...
"Nova Blast!!" Greymon shouted, shooting about a huge fireball.
"Dark Strike!" Darktarrnmon encountered. Its attack went right threw Greymon's Nova Blast and then hit him.
"Your attacks are useless!" The Digimon Emperor grinned. "Not so big without your little FRIEND!"
"We don't need Dawn to take you out!" Sora said angrily.
"Oh really? Let's just see about that!"
Dawn walked the streets of Tokyo, searching for the school. It must be around here somewhere, she thought. God, I wish I could remember exactly what route Matt and I took. She looked down at her locket and opened it up to find their picture. Oh, Matt...I need some guidance...help me...Dawn thought. She closed her eyes and concentrated hard. She thought of where the school was and then it suddenly, she knew where to go, because the route appeared in her mind, and that's where she headed. She eventually got into the school and went inside.
"Matt? Tai? Sora? Izzy? Where is everyone?" Dawn called out until she got to the computer room. She went by the computer with the gates to the Digital World, and saw it was open. There was also a note at the bottom of the screen. 'Joe & Mimi, if you are reading this message, that means that we are in great trouble. Please come to the DigiWorld as soon as you guys can to bring reinforcements. Izzy.' Dawn looked at it in surprise. Why didn't they tell me, she thought.
"They need me. Joe and Mimi probably won't make it on time. I'll email Izzy and tell him I'm on my way..." She said as she typed fast and used her Digivice to go through the gate. Suddenly, Izzy felt a buzz on his Digivice. He then had a shocked look on his face.
"Tai! Matt!" He shouted. The two moved out of the way and moved to see the troubled Izzy. "What's wrong, Izzy?"
"Take a look at this..." He said. "Dawns' planning on coming to the DigiWorld. She must have found my message that was left for Joe and Mimi. By now, Dawn is probably on her way here now to help out."
"No. We can't let her get involved. Someone has to get her back the real world otherwise she's going to get hurt." Matt said.
"I'll go..." Tai said.
"You can't. Everyone needs you here...."
"Well, someone has to go!" Tai said. Suddenly the Darktarrnmon snatched at them violently with their big hands. The three began squirming about, but it was useless, for it seemed that the Darktarrnmon were too strong. During that time, Dawn had just arrived and she began calling out for Batugurlmon, and eventually, the little Digimon came to her aid.
"Dawn!" She exclaimed.
"Batugurlmon, where are the others? I haven't seen them and I just found an e-mail from Izzy. Is everything all right?" Dawn asked.
"The others are fine. It was really just a false alarm...no big deal, let's get you back to the real world now...." Batugurlmon replied as she pushed Dawn back to the portal, but she refused the pushing.
"Wait a second, Batugurlmon...You're lying to me. Tell me what's going on?" Dawn demanded.
"Absolutely nothing. You know how Davis likes to play tricks...He put the message under Izzy's name. Isn't that funny? Now let's get you back and-"
"No. Now I know you're lying, Batugurlmon. Tell me what's going on. I'm worried for Matt and the others." Dawn said.
"Batugurlmon, I'm asking you. This could be a big problem, and I think they'll be needing me. Please tell me where they are."
"I'll right. I'll take you there...but don't say I said anything to you about where they were to Matt."
"Matt told you to not tell me??"
"...We'll talk about this later between you, me, and Matt when this is over with. Right now it's time to Digivolve, Batugurlmon!"
"Right!" Batugurlmon agreed as Dawn took out her Digivice. "Batugurlmon digivolve to......Vampressmon!!!" Meanwhile, All the Digidestined were all tied up with their worn-out Digimon, and The Digimon Emperor, smiling as evil as ever.
"Well, it looks like I caught you..." The Emperor said. "This was easier than I thought. You weaklings don't stand a chance against me. But you're the perfect bait for that ancient Digidestined to come here. The sooner, the quicker I get my powers...."
"Dawns' not going to surrender to some loser like you, KEN!" Davis shouted.
"Don't ever call me KEN!! It's the Digimon Emperor!"
"I don't care what is! You won't last a second with Dawn because she is going to plow you down with her awesome powers!"
"Excuse me if I'm not shivering with fear."
"HE----Y!" Everyone turned to see that Dawn was with Vampressmon as they approached them. Matt shook his head in fear. "Hey, you! The freak with the clothes that need the fashion police! Give me back my friends right now!" Dawn said angrily.
"That's impossible...As you can see, since I gathered them all up, the Darktarrnmon are now hungry and they are their apetizers."
"Don't cross me, Ken...It doesn't look pretty when I'm angry. Let them go right now and I will spare you the extra pain."
"Ohh...I'm scared....but I am willing to make a trade with you. Give up your powers to me and I will set your friends free, sparing their lives."
"Don't do it, Dawn!!" Tai shouted.
"Just take him out with one blow!" Matt said.
"Right!" Dawn agreed and then turned to her Digimon. "Vampressmon; We attack together."
"You got it!"
"DEADLY SCREAMS!!" The two attacks blew up the area once it hit the Digimon Emperor, but when the smoke cleared, he still stood there.
"Such a foolish girl. Try that again, and you're friends will be food. What will you do, Dawn? Either your powers, or your fellow Digidestined, it's your call." He grinned. Dawn was surprised. She didn't know what to do and then looked up at Matt, who looked very mad at the Emperor. He then turned to her and gave her the look to not give up.
"Not your powers, Dawn." Matt said. "You can never give them up."
"Your powers belong in your hands and your hands only." Tai added.
"You cannot surrender it, not even for us...." Kari said. Dawn looked at all of them and felt some tears coming.
"What's your choice? Times' running out! Are you going to abandon them?" The Emperor said as he laughed, but then stopped immediately when he heard her say, "...Never." Everyone looked at her, surprised at her decision. Vampressmon looked at her in concern.
"What are you talking about, Dawn?" She asked.
"...I'm sorry." Dawn began. "I can't turn my back on them. Without my friends, it's just not the same...I give up."
"Dawn! Fight him!" T.K said.
"I can't. I know I can beat him....and then....you'll get hurt....and I couldn't bare that..." Dawn replied, feeling more tears falling down her cheeks. How it hurt Matt that he couldn't wipe away those tears for Dawn, and say it was all right. He wish she never said yes and gave in...He wished this whole thing never happened. She's risking her life for us....Matt thought over and over.
"All right then. Time for my feeding on power..." The Emperor said. He stuck out his hand to her and suddenly, Dawn began to glow red. The Digital Emperor took huge amounts of her magic at a time. Dawn screamed out in pain, feeling it getting worse and worse. Her locket that she was wearing began to start blinking a white color, which meant that Dawns' energy was almost down to its' last. Dawn's clothes vanished with ribbons surrounding her body instead. Matt cried out for her, but it was too late. She was drained out of everything. Dawn's eyes had darkened and looked like that there was no life in her, but the the thing she did was breathe, but hardly.
"This power is incredible! Just think of the damage I can cause now!!" The Digimon Emperor said with excitement and then turned to his prisoners. He let the ropes vanish from them, and they all fell to the ground. Matt got up quickly, along with Tai following, and ran over to Dawn. He picked her up slowly and held her close. Matt was at the point where he was ticked and turned back to the emperor.
"You...you bastard!!! You're gonna pay!!!" He shouted.
"Someones' a little bit touchy...Oh, I almost forgot..." he replied as he used his magic and within no time, Dawn had vanished from Matt's arms and went into the Digimon Emperor's arms, as he carried her. Matt stood up.
"Give her back!!" He said, but he didn't listen and floated away and disappeared. Matt ran after him, but he wasn't able to get to him. "GIVE-HER-BACK!!!!" He dropped to his knees and shook his head. He wanted to shout at the top of his lungs her name, but he knew it just wouldn't do any good.
The Digital Emperor arrived back into the real world, with Dawn in his arms. He looked at her and smiled evily. Now to get her to Corneo, he thought. It seems pathetic to think that this girl has ultimate powers and is the Digidestin's SAVIOR. Hah! I've seen much better....Still....this amazing power that I have makes me invincible.....I wonder why she gave herself up so easily? She just surrendered...was it really because she didn't want her friends to get hurt? Fool.....
"What do we do now?" Yolei asked. "We don't know where exactly Ken is going and while he has Dawn, we are completely screwed."
"It's not over yet guys. Now I'm certain that Ken and Don Corneo are working together! Let's return to the real world now!" Matt said.
"But, why?" Davis asked, but Matt snapped at him quickly by saying, "Davis, I don't have time for you to ask stupid questions. Dawn is going to die if we don't do something! You wanna stay here and sit on your ass, go ahead. I know he's probably going to Diamond records to see Corneo and that's where I'm goin'!" Matt said and walked off.
"Here she is," Ken said as he placed her down on Corneo's couch. He stood up from his desk and smiled.
"Good work, Mr. Itchijouji. Did you get your power that I promised you?" He replied.
"Yes...and I'm very satisfied with it. I should thank you for letting me know about this girl."
"Oh? Why is that?"
"Not only for the power that I've recieved, I found out that she is their weakness......now, I'm able to destroy them."
"I'm glad to see that you are satisfied, Mr. Itchijouji. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a ceremony to prepare for in honor of this little girl....Good day, Mr. Itchijouji." He said and walked away. Corneo sat back at his desk and pondered. Now, I can have my revenge, he thought. I promised Koaru that I would destroy everything he held dear in his heart. You took Ifalna away from me, and after I took away both of your lives, I shall eventually take away your daughter's. I can't kill her right now...I have to let the whole world see her death. Police won't be able to stop me. Once Dawn is destroyed, I will come into complete power and will be able to rule the world....Mr. Itchijouji, enjoy your last moments of ruling the Digital World, for I will eventually take over that too....Anyone who stands in my way will be obliterated.
"Matt! Tai! Sora!" Mimi shouted as she ran towards them with Joe right behind her. "I just got the message. Is everything okay now?"
"The Digimon Emperor has Dawn and he's probably taking her to Diamond Records." Davis replied.
"What-?!" Joe and Mimi exclaimed at the same time.
"This is a serious situation!" Batugurlmon said. "And it's all my fault I let Dawn get captured..."
"It's no ones' fault for what happened to Dawn!" Biyomon said. "There was nothing we could do! But now we're gonna do something....and end this!"
"Right. Our Digimon should be able to take them all out! This'll be easy!" Tai said.
"Keep your guards up. Anything could happen. Even though this may be easy, you must be careful. This may be one of the hardest battles yet we're probably going to be facing. With them having Dawn, this is going to make it difficult and it'll only work against us as a disadvantage." Matt explained.
"Whatever happens, if we go into battle and might face Dawn, we have to go full force on her....even if she is our friend." Izzy said. Matt looked over at him and felt overwhelmed. "I can't fight Dawn..." He said. "You guys are going to have to do this one without me fighting. I'll be there to help Dawn..."
"We need you, Matt." Joe said. "You're one of the strongest people here. Now is not the time to back down. I understand perfectly where you're coming from, from not wanting to hurt Dawn because you care for her, but you would do her a great deal if you helped stopped her. She's very powerful, and if she goes into control of Corneo, we then have to try out hardest to break her free from him. That's what she would want you to do! You can't back away from this. If you do care for her, then help out! You understand, don't you?? She would do the same exact for you if she knew that you were in trouble!"
"Joe's right...." Yolei replied. Matt looked down onto the floor and then glanced back up.
"All right! Let's go to Diamond Records and free Dawn!" Matt said and they all ran to the building as fast as their legs could carry them. They ran to the reocrod company, they found a rather large crowd in front of it. They were all yelling and screaming in anger.
"What's going on over here?" Tai asked as he looked around at the large crowd.
"I wonder what they're doing," T.K said. When they caught a good glimpse of the stage in front, they were in shock to find that Dawn was tied down, looking unconscious, and Corneo there as well.
"This ANCIENT is no savior! She'll take your children away from you! She'll devour your souls and keep them for herself....to never be set free! Now, people of Tokyo, do you want this beast to stay in this city? Or do you want her to burn in hell where she belongs?" Don Corneo asked. The roar of the crowd was loud in anger saying yes a million times.
"Stop it!" Matt shouted as he weaved his way through the crowd. "Leave her alone!!" He got up on the stage and turned to the crowd. Dawn managed to look up at him and said, "Matt..." softly.
"Listen to me! People of Tokyo! Dawn is innocent! She only fights for the good of people! She never fights against them unless they were evil or something! I've known her since I was a child and I think you're getting the wrong impression of her from the wrong guy!"
"What do you know, kid?!" One shouted.
"She probably has mind-control over him!"
"No one is controling me but myself! Look, Dawn may be an ancient, yes....but has any of you, that know her, actually SEEN her do any kidnapping or soul-taking? Words of advice for you people; don't take advice from a sleezbag like Corneo here. If someone that's gonna be damned to hell, he's your man. He's the one that slaved Dawn to the music business. He's the one that killed her parents....He gave Dawn the worse three years of her life, working for him as a slave...no friends....not one single thing. She had to work for Corneo otherwise he was going to make her life miserable...He was going to try to kill her closest friends....Corneo BLACKMALED her!!"
"That's right! He did!" Izzy yelled coming up on stage! The people in the crowd looked at each other, now feeling confused. Don felt like he was losing to the crowd to the kids' persuasion. He didn't want Dawn to live through this....She deserved every minute of suffering...especially what her father put her through. First Koaru, and now it's Dawn's turn to feel pain, he thought.
"But how do we know that Dawn is good?" He asked, finally coming up with a plan. "You've all heard about how to determine the good and the bad ancients apart by their angelic wings. This will proof the final test as to what she is!" Dawn looked up at the crowd and shook her head. Don't do it, Matt thought.
"You can't make her!" Kari said as she came up with Tai, Sora, Davis, and the others. "Dawn, don't do it! Don't show them your wings!"
"Please don't, Dawn! You know how much pain it gives you!" Mimi shouted.
"What the hell are all these kids coming up here for?! Restrain them!" Don said angrily. Guards came by and grabbed them all, holding them and keeping them away from Dawn, trying to keep away from making contact. Don looked at Dawn and grinned.
"Come on, Dawn..." He began. "Are you afraid to show your wings?" Dawn didn't answer.
"I won't do what you want me to do, Corneo..." She grunted.
"You're just a little bit shy, that's all. Here, let me help you open them up....they must be all cramped up inside..." Corneo said as he pushed a button on a machine. The thunder surged through the whole contraption, finally getting down towards Dawn. She tried to squirm out of the pole she was tied down to, but it was too late. It zapped her and she screamed up in the most agony she's ever been in. Her back felt like sharp knives were coming out from the inside, but it was her wings that were coming out with a lot of force. Dawn tried resisting, but the wings came out and everyone gasped and screamed in horror....
They were black...A pure black. Dawn put her head down and felt like she was going to cry from all that pain and that she failed to keep a promise to her own father. I'm sorry, father, she thought. I meant to keep them in. I didn't mean for this to happen...
"Ha, ha, ha! You see!? She really IS a demon!" Corneo roared in laughter.
"You jerk!" Yolei snapped. "How could you do something like that to her?!" Matt managed to get out of one of the guard's grip and ran over to Dawn to hug her tight. Dawn cried softly against his chest while he stroke her hair, trying to assure her that everything would be all right. Everyone was surprised to see the two like this, even Corneo.
"What are you doing, kid?!! Get away from that beast!" One said.
"Stop calling her that!" Matt said to the crowd. "Look at Dawn's face for one second! She is terrified out of her mind and all you can do is make her feel like she is an outsider, when she has lived here most of her life! Why are you hating her? Are you going to kill something you fear everytime you come across it?! Every little detail?! Come on, people! She's only sixteen!"
"The only reson why you're sticking up for her, boy, is because you like her!" Someone shouted. Matt looked at the crowd.
"No...that's not right..." He began and Dawn glanced up at him. "I do like her, but...I'm in love her..." People chatted amongst themselves and Matt continued. "Yeah, you all heard me! I've been in love with her for God knows how long and I thank Him for bringing her to me. She was my only friend when I was little because no one liked me and I didn't like them. Dawn has tried really hard for years and years to keep me out of trouble....She did a good job of it! I don't know if any of you remember this, but Dawn was one of the kids that saved this city from Myotismon! She fought for good! She's no terrorist..."
"She's the best friend you could ever wish for...Just ask people who know her..." Sora said.
"Dawns' done more for me than anyone..." Izzy added.
"She could be anyones' friend if you just give her a chance..." T.K said. Dawn was released from her chair and she slowly and weakly stood up. Matt tried to help her up, but Dawn refused the assistance.
"Tokyo," She said weakly. "I am not evil.... My wings are black...So what? Does it mean that all ancients with black wings are bad? My father, Kaoru, was a black-winged angel. My mother was white. SHE changed him and he turned out to be a good man. Just like normal humans, ancients can change too! I...not a day in my life, have tried to hurt anyone in any way...I cherish life....every moment of it. You may think that I'm just saying this to persuade you, but that's not what I'm trying to do. What I'm trying to do is remind you of not judging a book by its' cover! Have you all forgotten?! I only ask you to not judge me for what I am and for who I am. Please.... Give me a chance...."
"Don't listen to her! She's just trying to brain-wash you!" Corneo scowled
"I'm not trying to pull any tricks on you! If you want to talk about someone tricking you, talk to MR. Corneo. He tricked you all in believing that all ancients are bad. Well, they're not!"
"Shut up!!!" He said and slapped her in the face. Dawn fell back a slight and looked at him in anger. Matt got up and looked at Corneo with extreme fury.
"How dare you hit my girlfriend! Go get him, Gabumon! Time to warp-digivolve!" Matt said.
"Right! Gabumon warp-digivolve to.....MetalGarurumon!"
"Agumon, you're turn! Get in there!" Tai said to his Digimon. Agumon nodded in reply and went in, saying "Agumon warp-digivolve to.....WarGreymon!!". The two digimon went in and attacked fast. The people that were there were frightened and began to run away from the area as fast as they could. MetalGarurumon charged at Corneo with extreme force and used one of his attacks, but it wasn't able to scratch him. WarGreymon followed up and did his most ultimate attack, and still it was uneffected. Corneo encountered their attacks by causing a huge explosion. The Digimon flew backwards fast and hit into some buildings that were close-by. Batugurlmon came in quickly to digivolve into Vampressmon and became a back-up.
"Deadly Screams!" Vampressmon shouted and the violent attack aimed right at Corneo, but not even Vampressmon could touch him.
"There's not even a dent on him!" Mimi said. "There's no one that powerful, is there?!"
"I refuse to give up on this! Night Shade!!" Vampressmon and let out strong amounts of her attack. Corneo casted a reflect beam and it sent Vampressmon's attack back at her and the rest of the Digimon.
"Oh no! Vampressmon!" Dawn cried out.
"MetalGarurumon!" Matt said. Mimi looked over at Corneo in anger and started to run at him.
"You jerk!! I'm going to make you wish you were never born!!" She cried in anger.
"Mimi!! No!" Yolei shouted. Just before Mimi could get close to Corneo, her whole body froze. She couldn't move it an inch if she put all her effort into it. She began yelling and shouting. It was Corneo who was trying to put her under control.
"No! Stay out of my head! Leave me alone!" She sobbed and dropped to her knees. She kept fighting it, trying to resist it, and it was working.
"Mimi!!" Matt said. Dawn stood back up, now feeling like it was her turn to fight. I...can do this, she thought. Matt looked up at her in surprise. "Dawn, you can't fight! You're still wounded! It's not worth it to see you get hurt like this!"
"I have no choice, Matt. I may not be strong, but I can still do it. I'll show him not to mess with the Digidestined! Mess with one, and you mess with them all!!" She thrusted forward at Corneo with all of courage and revenge. She began trying to take him out by using punches and kicks. She tried with all her might, and yet, as fast as she was, she was still not quick enough to even hurt him. She finally took out her daggers, and began swinging them around aggressively. Dawn finally slashed her dagger and it cut across his face. It caused blood to spill out from his face and it drove him even further in anger to kick her in the stomach and then elbow her into the back so she could fall down.
"You'll pay for that!!!!" He scowled. He then tried to take over her mind, and was successful. She had a dark red in her eyes and she was glowing. "Now....I want you to kill the Digidestined...go." She charged first at Kari, who had been closest to her and began attacking viciously. Kari dodged quickly and managed to get out of the way.
"Matt, we have to attack her now!" Tai said.
"I....I can't do that, Tai!" Matt said, shaking his head at him.
"What do you mean, you can't?! You have to! Have MetalGarurumon attack Dawn!"
"No...! I don't wanna hurt her!"
"Damnit, Matt! Just do it! It's for her own good. Friend or not, she has to be stop otherwise she's going to make some serious damage occur!" Matt was silent for a moment. He said he would do it, but he didn't and couldn't do it to Dawn. Matt shook his head and looked at Dawn's new cold version of her....It has to be done, but....what if I tried talking to her? He thought. He walked over to her and gave her a sweet smile. She looked back at him and came over to him.
"Dawn, it's me, Matt. Don't you even remember?" He asked calmly. She didn't answer, only attacked. Matt jumped away, and she managed to break in half a boulder. "You gotta listen to me, Dawn! Corneos' controling you and you've got to break free from it. Please, try! Remember the time when we were really little both of our families went to dinner, and I wore a tux and I accidentally spilled spaghetti on myself?" Dawn's eyes twinged, and faltered back to her normal color, but then returned to the red-eyes. She attacked once more, but this time barely creased at Matt's shirt, ripping it.
"And then," Matt continued. "you thought I seemed miserable because I was the only one who had spaghetti on me so you poured some on yourself? And it eventually turned out to be a food fight and how much fun it was?" It wasn't working and Dawn just ignored it and continued to attack.
"Okay, I know that wasn't exactly the best memory....Uhh....Remember the night of our first kiss, Dawn??" He asked. She stopped and once again, her eyes turned normal.
"....First kiss?" Dawn repeated.
"Yeah, remember? It wasn't too long ago! We were tickling each other silly and I just had to kiss you on the lips! What really amazed me is that you kissed back! I'll always remember that, Dawn!! That was our memory. Ours. No one elses'. I love you Dawn and I want to be able to kiss you and hug you and comfort you until the day I die!"
"Matt...." She said and her whole mind-control faded away. Corneo looked at anger and started the mind controling again. "No, you don't! Dawn, kill him now!" The power was stronger, and it hurt Dawn so much to refuse.
"Dawn!" Matt shouted, but Tai and Izzy held him back.
"Don't come any closer, Matt! Corneo wants me to hurt you!" Dawn said slowly, feeling the mind-control running through her body, feeling huge amounts of pain. She was then was forced to stand up, trying really hard to resist, but it was useless. Dawn began to walk towards them.
"Aaargghhh!! I....I won't do it!!! Stop it!! Don't make me!!! Please!!! Don't make me hurt any....of them!!!" She hesitated. She pulled out her sword and kept walking. Tai and Izzy both tried to pull Matt back to get away, but he stood still. He didn't want to move an inch. The two backed away slowly, without Matt and tried to stay away from Dawn.
"Matt...what are you doing? Get away from Dawn! You heard her! She is being controlled! Get away!" Tai said.
"I won't back away..." He replied. "I'm going to try to help Dawn."
"Matt, please...!" Dawn pleaded, feeling tears come down. "you've got to get away from me!"
"I won't." Matt said. "I know you can stop this. Only you can end it. I know you can...." Dawn then took a swing with her sword and creased Matt since he dodged the attack, and it cut a tree in half. Mimi then came up from behind and held her by the waist. He fell backwards and hit his head on a rock.
"Dawn! You've got to stop! If I can fight it, you can too! Try!" She said. Dawn felt more pain rush through her whole body. She knew she was being told to kill Matt. Dawn suddenly pushed Mimi off of her and walked over to Matt, where he was laying. She kept trying to refuse the power, but her powers were still not strong enough. She was near Matt with the sword near at hand. Matt looked at her seriously, his heart racing a million miles a minute, and he wasn't going to move away from her attack. She raised her sword high in the air, just about ready to strike, but when she came down fast with it, she didn't hit Matt. She stuck the sword in the ground hard and deep. Dawn kneeled down, exhausted from her attempt.
"That's right...I...I won't do it...." She said.
"Good girl." Mimi said, patting her on the shoulder and giving her a smile.
"I knew...you could do it....Dawn..." Matt said. Dawn stood up and looked back to see that Corneo was furious.
"You broke out of my mind-control....you're a complete fool to even defy me when you started....now you shall die by my hands."
"We'll see who dies first, Corneo...." Dawn said. He disappeared quickly, confusing Dawn as to where he could have been. She looked around quickly, keeping her guard up. Everyone else tried to get up to go help her, but they were all blocked off by a forcefield and wasn't able to get to her. Dawn looked, but saw no one. She then felt a cold chill go down her spine. She turned around to see that he was right there. He made the first move by punching her into the face. Dawn rolled backwards into a wall.
"...Let's play rough..." Don said evily. Dawn got up and pulled out her daggers, and began to charge at him.
"Okay, you monster! You asked for it! You're gonna get rough!" She retorted. Dawn went into a roll and jumped high into the air, thrusting her daggers right at Corneo. He blocked it immediately and encountered using his magic saying "Total annihilation!" He let out a big white ball of light and it hit Dawn hard, making her practically unable to see from the light and it pushed her up agianst the force-field. She slowly got back up and went at him again, this time going fast and using her "Cannon Drill!!" where here whole body spinned fast and drilled right into Corneo. He flew backwards, falling hard to the ground. She then had a follow-up with her "Fatal Leg Twister!!!" The power the surged through her body arose and took fast action. She kept coming in and punching and kicking him as hard as she could. Blood spilled everywhere. Matt watched from the outside, fearing for Dawn's life was at stake. Corneo was ticked now. He came at Dawn and began to hit her hard. He then pulled out a knife and stuck it in Dawn's side unexpectedly.
They were all silent in horror. Don pulled out the knife and Dawn fell down to the ground, now helpless. Tears formed in Matt's eyes.
"Noooo--oooo!!!!!!" He cried out. The evil grin that Corneo had spread across his face. He let the forcefield die down and the first person he looked at was T.K and Kari.
"That's one pathetic loser out of the way....now for the rest..." He smiled. Just as he was about take out T.K and Kari, he felt a sharp pain of hot fire. Corneo held his back in endless pain. He turned around in serious anger to see that Dawn was standing weak, with her hands in the air like she were holding a bow and arrow. She panted hard, feeling the pain of her side, but she tried to not mind it.
"You're still alive?!!" Corneo asked. "You're just like your father, Koaru....strong-willed....but just as him, you will die. I promise you that...."
"Flame Sniper!!!" She screamed in anger, and let out more arrows of fire at him. One by one, they burned a piece of his body, and he was becoming weaker. She then used her "Angel---Strike!!", causing a huge explosion to occur. When the lights dimmed down, Dawn looked around and found that Corneo was on the ground. He looked down, but he slowly began to get up. Everyone looked surprised.
"That's not possible...!" Joe exclaimed. Dawn got back into her fighting stance to get ready for another round, but Corneo fell back to the ground, all worn-out, with a something falling out of his pocket. Dawn fell to her knees in exhaustion. She felt like she couldn't do anything. Matt ran up to her and hugged her tightly.
"Dawn..!" He said. He kissed her passionately on the lips. "Thank God it's over....you scared me tonight, Dawn...don't do this to me again, please..."
"I'm sorry, Matt." She said as she hugged him. "I want to go home now, Matt..."
"All right....Let's go home everyone..." Matt said. Just as the whole gang was about to go, Corneo managed to use his last strength to pick up the item he dropped look at it. It was a gun, and it only had one bullet in it. My last chance, he thought. He aimed the gun and pulled the trigger..............BANG!!
There was a scream and everyone went onto the ground. Matt pulled Dawn down with him to kneel so he could protect her. He held her close to him and then looked up to see if anyone was hurt.
"Guys? Is everyone okay?" He asked.
"We're fine..." Sora said.
"No marks here..." Cody said, feeling relieved.
"Thank God no one was hurt." Davis added.
"That's good to hear....You okay, Dawn?" Matt asked, but there was no answer. He unexpectedly looked at his hand from the back of her to notce that there was blood all over it. He looked at her in terror and began to shake her. "Dawn! Wake up! Please Wake up!! Oh my God....We have to get her to the hospital now!! Joe, get 911 on the phone! Dawn, just hang in there....I don't know what I would do without you...! Please....don't do this to me!!!!"
Matt sat impatiently in the waiting room with the others, three hours after bringing Dawn into the emergancy room. Everyone was very scared for what was going to happen to her. They feared for her life. Tai walked around back and forth while Mimi, Sora, and Yolei prayed for Dawn's safety. Joe and Cody kept their eye on the clock to see how long they were in there. Izzy tried to get some information from some doctors, but they wouldn't give out her medical condition. Davis and T.K sat next to Matt to comfort him and Kari looked out the window. There was silence between the whole group until Kari broke it.
"Dawn saved us all..." She said. "She sacrificed herself for us....and for the world.....Dawns' in there because of that Corneo guy...." Kari clenched her fist. "If it weren't for him, Dawn would've been able to live a happier life."
"I agree with you on that one." Joe replied.
"Don't give up guys....Dawn has a chance..." T.K said. They were silent again and Mimi broke the it by singing one of Dawn's songs.
"I hold the light and the darkness in my heart...." She said, beginning the song, and hoping that others would join, and maybe feel better. "trembling while I embrace the shadows moving me apart. I can't give up all the dreams I have chased and my love will come a gain to me with pride."
"When I look to the sunset...all the colors so beautiful...that the tears fall right down in-to the sea to the ocean of my he-art." Matt continued.
"Though the brightness of the sun has drifted far away, tomorrow holds, the sunlight of a brand new day for me..I hold the light and the darkness in my heart. Trembling while I embrace the shadows moving me apart and I can't give up all the dreams I have chased. And my love will be there, and will come to me again...with each rising sun, I'll find a future that is mine..." Davis finished. The song was a good song, and it made some of them feel better. Suddenly, Izzy came in with a doctor. Matt stood up quickly to face the doctor.
"Doctor, how is she? Hows' Dawn?" He asked nervously. The doctor pulled Matt aside from everyone into a corner.
"You're Matt Takaishi, aren't you?" The doctor asked, and Matt nodded in reply. "About Dawn Tabor.....She lost large amounts of blood with the stabbing, and the bullet was at a very bad position to be at......I'm.....I'm sorry.....She didn't make it through the surgery...."
Time froze all around for Matt. He felt like his heart had stopped. The information he recieved was repeating in his mind over and over again like a broken record. Matt didn't want to believe it. He shook his head and stood back from the doctor.
"No....That's not possible! It can't be...!" He replied at the doctor's report.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Takaishi....I know this must be very difficult....I understand what you're going through..." The doctor said, trying to put his hand on his shoulder, but Matt backed away.
"No! You have no idea what I'm going through....I just lost my whole world....She meant EVERYTHING to me. I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life!"
"Mr. Takaishi....Death isn't easy to deal with....especially your first experience of your loved one."
"Why....Why did she have to die...?? She was a good person....no....she was an angel! And look what the cruel world does to her in repay!" Matt said. Tears were forming and rolled down liked rivers. He just kneeled down and started to bawl out like he had never before. Tai and the rest of the others came up, helped Matt up and asked him what was wrong. Matt explained what was wrong with Dawn and what the final outcome of it was and everyone seemed very shocked. Mimi started crying up a storm. Sora cried softly in Tai's arms and eveyone else cried a little. Matt then looked up at the doctor.
"Can...Can I see her?" He asked. The doctor nodded his head and lead Matt down the halls, leaving the other digidestined behind. He went into the ER room, where Dawn's body laid, and he walked over to it closely, while the doctor left, knowing he wanted to be with her. He grabbed her hand and put it up against his face to feel her soft hand that no longer moved.
"Dawn...." He said softly. "You used to be so full of life, and now....you're so cold and still.....This is all my fault....I...I wish there was something I could have done.....I just wish it were me that's dead right now instead of you. It should've been me who took that shot. I know I won't forgive myself for this and you shouldn't either....I was no good to you as a friend and I'm no better being your boyfriend....I wasn't help to you either, and look what happens....(sniff)(wipes tears)I wasn't that great of being your prince in shining armor either. If only I was a better person, you would be alive now.....Now you won't be able to laugh, or cry...or even get angry....not that you ever got angry. And I'll never get to hold you into my arms. I just wanna let you know that, you've been the best thing in my life ever since I've known you....(sniff)I'm sorry that I never really cherished those moments and took them for granted in a sense...I've never stopped loving you, Dawn.....Not one day in my life.....and I never will....okay? And I'll never forget all the great things you've shown me.... You....mean so much to me......(sniff) I want to hear your voice again, Dawn....please.....just once.....damnit....! Why....?(sniff)" Matt then collapsed onto the bed and weeped for Dawn. In everyone's mind, this would be a certain day that the Digidestined will never forget....the day they lost their friend....