Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Lost ❯ Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


By: Gatochu

(A/N: I hope you like this, I worked very hard on it. ...^_^!)


Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon: Digital Monsters

I also do not own any of the riddles in this, I found them in books not owned by me (The Hobbit, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and some other book filled with poems that I can't find nor remember the title).



(Yamato's POV)

We sat there, just Hikari and I as we watched the TV listings roll by. I was happy, though I'm not quite sure why. About five minutes later, Takeru waled in.

"Um... Guys?" He asked, looking at us.

I took my arm off of her, feeling heat rise to my cheeks. "Uh, yes, Takeru?" I asked, trying to sound normal.

Takeru shook his head, muttered 'nothing', and sat down on a chair nearby.

"Anything good on?" He asked stiffly.

"No.. Well, I don't think so." I answered.

"Okay." He said shortly. "Yamato, could I talk to you out in the kitchen?" He asked suddenly.

"Yeah, sure..." I said, getting up slowly, and followed him into the kitchen. "What's up?"

"Do you like her?" He asked me.


"Do you like her? Hikari."
"Well, yeah. She's pretty cool, I gu-"

"No. I mean, do you like her?"
"Oh, well, um... Yes. I guess I do." I answered slowly. "Why?"

Takeru gave a soft sigh. "It doesn't matter." He said, walking off.

"Takeru!" I called, walking after him. "Takeru, what is the problem?" I asked, grabbing his arm.

He looked away. "Nothing. Listen, I have to head home, I've got a lot of homework to do." He said, getting his coat.
"Takeru! What's wrong?" I asked again, watching as he walked out the door.

I leaned against the door frame as he slammed the door shut.

"Yamato, what's wrong?" Hikari asked coming up to me.

"I'm not sure. Does Takeru have mood swings often? You know, happy one minute, mad the next?" I asked.

"No, I don't think so." She said.

"Okay." I sighed.

"What was he so upset about."

"I'm not sure, really." Actually, I had a pretty good idea of why he was so upset, but I didn't want to tell Hikari.

She nodded, and walked away.

I sighed again. 'Why is it that my life is so complicated?'


(No one's POV)

The sobbing child was heavy in the Digimon's small arms.

The girl blinked. "Where am I? And why is it so bright?"
"You out of the Realm of Darkness, and are in the presence of Mekananamon."
"Mekananamon? Are you by any chance FuegoDiaboromon's Master?"
"That is correct."
"Oh, this is great." Miyako groaned. "What are you going to do with me?"
"Take you to my Master. He will know what to do with you."
"You mean... You're not the one responsible for all of this? Someone else is?"
"Again, correct." He said, still carrying Miyako.

"You know, you don't take me for the evil type. You're so..."


Mekananamon sighed. "I'm of the Fresh level." He muttered.

"Fresh?! Woah, we all thought you would be a Mega level Digimon... I'd really hate to see your Mega level, then..."
"You probably never will, either. Like many of the other Digimon here, I can not Digivolve without consent of my Master."

"Why not?"
"Because, that is the way it is."

"Oh... Who is your Master?"
"Look and see."
Miyako turned her head.

"You have brought me another one today, Mekananamon. I praise you for that. Chosen Child, come here." The large Digimon commanded.

Miyako shakily stepped forward. "Y-Yes?"

"Look here, in my hand. Do you know what this is?"

Miyako looked at the tiny black object. It seemed to be engulfed in a dark, powerful light.

"No, I don't."

"This is a Dark Spore. But not just any Dark Spore. This one has been introduced to many of the Dark Elements. Water from the Dark Ocean, darkness from the Realm of Darkness, and much more. This will work instantly..." He grinned.

"What will it do?"

"It will turn any person of good into one of evil... A willing servant of evil, to be precise... But don't worry... Very soon, you won't be my only servant... There is another promising youth among you... And now, it is time..."

"No!" Miyako cried out as the Dark Spore drifted lazily over to her. Miyako gasped as the Dark Spore inserted itself into her neck.

"Good... Mekananamon, go. You know what to do."
Mekananamon bowed. "Yes, of course."


(Taichi's POV)

We got up, and walked through the hallway to a large room. 'Large' being the understatement of the century. The room could hold at least a dozen football stadiums! And, nearby, was DarknessWizardmon.

"Welcome, Chosen Ones. You have come very far. There are eight riddles you must solve. If you guess them all correctly, you may leave the labyrinth. If you don't, you will have to try and find your way out of the labyrinth on your own."

"Wonderful." Jyou muttered.

"Well, let's go." I said.

"The first...

An eye in a blue face

Saw an eye in a green face.

'That eye is like to this eye'

Said the first eye,

'But in a low place

'Not in a high place.'"

"Um... What?" I muttered.

DarknessWizardmon laughed. "I told you my riddles would become harder. Do you have a guess?"
Koushiro nodded. "It's the sun and daisies."
"Excellent! The second.

Thirty white horses on a red hill,

First they champ,

Then they stamp,

Then they stand still."

"Thirty white horses... Thirty white horses..." Sora muttered. "Of course! Teeth! Thirty teeth are the thirty horses, the red hill are the gums, and the champing and stamping is the chewing. Teeth!"
"Correct! Now the third.

What has roots as nobody sees,

Is taller than trees,

Up, up it goes,

And yet never grows?"

"I've heard something like this. Um... A mountain?" I asked.

"You are right. The fourth.

Alive without breath,

As cold as death;

Never thirsty, ever drinking,

All in mail, never clinking."

"Um... How many guesses do we get?" Mimi asked.

"One." DarknessWizardmon answered simply.

"Then my guess would be a fish." Iori stated. "I had a pet fish once. A fish lives without taking a breath, is cold and clammy from the water, it always drinks for air, and its scales are like the chain mail armor."
"You are right again. I shall make my next riddles harder." He said. DarknessWizardmon sat on the ground, and closed his eyes. Finally, he got up.

"The fifth.

First think of the person who lives in disguise

Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.

Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend,

The middle of middle and end of the end?

And finally give me the sound often heard

During the search for a hard-to-find word.

Now string them together, and answer me this,

Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?"

"I've heard this before... I know this..." Mimi said, pacing the room. "Of course! Now I remember! It's a spider!" She exclaimed triumphantly.

DarknessWizardmon gave a soft growl. "Correct, once again. The sixth.

It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,

Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.

It lies behind stars and under hills,

And empty holes it fills.

It comes first and follows after,

Ends life, kills laughter."

"The Dark." Jyou said immediately.

"Correct. The seventh...

This thing all things devours;

Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;

Gnaws iron, bites steel;

Grinds hard stones to meal;

Slays king, ruins town,

And beats high mountain down."

"It's what we don't have. Time." I answered after a minute.

DarknessWizardmon narrowed his eyes. "And now, the final riddle... No-legs lay on one-leg, two-legs sat near three-legs, four-legs got some."

Ken closed his eyes. "No-legs, one-leg, what does it mean? What does it mean?"
"Do you have a guess? I will not wait forever, you know." DarknessWizardmon asked after five minutes.

"Give me just five minutes more." Ken said.

"Fine. But if you don't have an answer by then..." He trailed off.

We waited anxiously, as the minutes passed by.

Ken looked up, and I saw a glimmer in his eye. "A fish on a little table, a man at the table sitting on a stool, and the cat has the bones."

DarknessWizardmon frowned. "I had hoped that my riddles would be too hard for you. But you have found the answer to all of them. As I have promised, you may now exit the labyrinth. You are strong, but the Keeper of the Castle is stronger, so beware!" He exclaimed. Picking up his staff, he pointed it at the wall. A door shimmered into view. "Remember my warnings!" He called as he disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

"Well, there's only one place left to go, so let's go." Sora said. She walked to the door and turned the brass handle. "Are you guys coming?" She asked, walking through. We followed her, and came out in a dark, nasty little place.

"It's so cold..." Sora stammered.

A tiny 'ping' came from Koushiro's computer.

"Hmm... I have four E-mails." He said. "The first one is a voice mail from Daisuke." He clicked on the 'Play' icon, and we listened.

<<Guys, what's taking you so long? Listen, it's getting real cold in here, Parurumon's practically a block of ice! And there's some weird... I don't know... Some sort of force... It feels evil, and it's getting stronger fast. I hope you're doing okay in there. Bye.>>

"We'd better hurry. If Daisuke is right, we're in for some real trouble." I stated.

"The next one is from... Yasoshaymon... How'd he get my E-mail address?"

"Worry about that later, Izzy. What's it say?" MegaKabuterimon asked.

"He says that there's a way for all of our Digimon to get to the Mega level, but he's not sure how it can be done. He's also rounding up the Digimon of Legends Long Forgotten. He's already found Supremon, Gryphonmon, Azulongmon, Apocalymon, and Beelzemon, and they've agreed to help us."
"Apocalymon wants to help us?" I asked skeptically.

"There are more than one Apocalymon in the Digital World, Taichi." WarGreymon said.

"Oh. Well in that case, this is great!"
Koushiro nodded. "The third is from Hikari. She said we've been gone for too long, and that she and Yamato are coming to meet us."
"What about Takeru?" Iori asked.

"Um... Oh! She says that Takeru went back home, and their sending him an E-mail. And the last one... Ooh... My on-line magazine. Too bad I can't read it right now." Koushiro stated.

"Yes, it is too bad. Because now, you die."
"FuegoDiaboromon!" Zudomon growled.

"Yes! Prepare for battle!"
"I think YOU should prepare for battle, FuegoDiaboromon! Heavenly Light!"
FuegoDiaboromon growled in pain.

"Now, DigiDestined and allies! We must work together!" Yasoshaymon called.

"Right! Terra Force!"
"Metal Wolf Claw!"
"Gate of Destiny!"
"Phoenix Claw!"
"Celestial Arrow!"
"Vulcan's Hammer!"
"Horn Buster!"
"Flower Cannon!"
"Spiking Strike!"
"Black Claw!"
"Angel Touch!"
"Rainbow Feather!"
"Gryphon Talon!"
"Grand Lightning!"
"Darkness Wave!"
"Double Impact!"

FuegoDiaboromon gave a horrible shriek, and disappeared in a blinding flash.

"FuegoDiaboromon has been defeated. But there is more that must be done. Follow me, we need to hurry." Yasoshaymon announced, floating towards a huge, dilapidated black castle. We ran after them, Hikari, Yamato, and Takeru included.

"WarGreymon, do you think that all of those guys, the 'allies' are all Mega level?"
He nodded. "They are. We have a strong team on our side."



A small, impish creature appeared out of nowhere.

"I am Mekananamon! Fear me!!"

Yasoshaymon flew towards him. "You? You are FuegoDiaboromon's Master? You are but a Fresh level Digimon!"

"That may be... But I am strong. Very strong. Darkness' Shadow!"
Yasoshaymon shuddered, and a light engulfed him. "No..." The light subsided. "You cannot make me DeDigivolve, Mekananamon. Angel Touch!"
Mekananamon growled and dodged. "You were always the better one, Yasoshaymon. Always ahead of me... But not anymore!" Mekananamon closed his eyes. "Mekananamon, Warp Digivolve to..."
"No! Quick, attack!"
"Terra Force!"
"Angel Touch!"
But before another attack could be made, Mekananamon finished his horrible Digivolution, becoming...

"OmegaBasianmon!" The large monster gave a hideous laugh that rang throughout the air, omitting some smoke as he did so. "Flames... Of the Night!" Horrible black flames appeared in his hands, and he shot those down to us. Towering fires engulfed the ground.

"OmegaBasianmon!" A loud voice, oozing evil called. "You know your duties! Now, DO THEM!"

OmegaBasianmon gave a soft growl towards the source of the voice.

"Chosen Child! Now is the time for you to repay your debt! Attack them! And you as well, Miyako!"
On the top of a nearby hill, we saw Miyako. Parurumon appeared next to hear with a tiny 'pop'.

Parurumon shuddered. "Parurumon, Dark Warp Digivolve to... BlackValkirymon!"

"Chosen One! Repay your debt! Step forward and attack!" OmegaBasianmon yelled.

'What is he talking about?' I wondered. Then, I saw. The only one of us who hadn't attacked FuegoDiaboromon stepped forward, slowly.


Hm... How's that for an Evil Cliffhanger of Doom?

Well, anyways, in the next chapter...

Iori is in debt to the Dark Digimon... But how?

Yamato is reminded of something he told himself he would never remember... Can he face his fears?

What is it that happened that makes the DigiDestined cry?

Find out on the next action-packed episode of Digimon: Digital Monsters!

Okay, technically, I've already finished the story. I just need to type it. ^_^!! Yeah, I know, I know... I really should type more often. ^_^!!

Um... If you have any questions on this or other chapters, just ask me! ^_^

Please R&R! But no flames, though... Aw, okay. Go ahead and flame me, I'll need em to help make the bonfire with Agumon, Phoenixmon, Guilmon, Zhuqiaomon, and Impmon. ^_~




YGato chuHiei@lelola.zzn.com