Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Love’s Fighting Battle ❯ Mystery of the Digiworld and Suzakumon ( Chapter 7 )
Love's Fighting Battle
PG-13 Action/ Adv/ Drama
Disclaimer: Okay these character or not me all right the belong not to me. Do not call the lawyer all right
Chapter Six: Mystery of the Digiworld and Suzakumon.
Welcome back guys and girls I'm still not getting any review at all. Grrness but that all right. So what going to happen to this story and what plot does Myotismon and Darkcamilamon have for the digidestined and there digimon. In addition, who come the digimon did not digivolve in that chapter but in these one the do well find out in this chapter.
"This is not the end of this battle Suzakumon and you Child of Light there more battle to come I will destroy all of you" said Myostismon
Kari was crying and Suzakumon got up and run toward her and clinching her right arm. Suzakumon guard Kari and Gatomon until Myostismon was gone. Then after when Myostismon was gone, she blackout and fall on top of Kari. Then the power go downs and reveal it was Sora, Kari was hold on to Gatomon and Sora both in each arms crying hard and yelling for Tai and the rest of digidestined
*End of Flashback*
Back to Kari and Gatomon
Kari was still crying and yelling for the rest of the digidestined to come and help her and Sora. Then Gatomon was starting to get up and Kari moves her arm away from Gatomon and keeps arms on Sora. Gatomon Ask what happen…
"Kari what happen and why are you crying and why is Sora here," said Gatomon
"Sora protected to me from Myostismon and you to" said sad Kari
"I will get the rest of the digidestined and how did she procet us" said Gatomon
"She used…" said Kari
"She use here spirit power of the lost digi-warrior did she" said Gatomon
Kari just nodded tears running down her face and cleans up some of the wounds that Sora had on her arm and back. Gatomon tell her not worry she will go got the rest of the digidestined. In addition, she digivolve into her champion form.
"Gatomon Digivolve to….Angewomen" Said Angewomen
"Please hurry back here Angewomen and hurry up," said Kari
"I will and take care Sora when I get back can you do that Kari" said Angewomen
Kari nodded and Angewomen fly off to the direction of the house. Kari was rocking back and forth will Sora in her arms. Not moving at Sora was still breathing but small breaths coming out of her mouth and nose and Kari keep crying and whispered.
"Please hurry back Angewomen," said Kari whispering
Back at the House
Tai was yelling for Kari and Sora so were rest of digidestined we also. Angewomen heard them yelling and fly down to were the are at. The group was stand in front of Angewomen and so rest of the digimon was. She told them.
"Guys we need to hurry back to Kari and Sora now" said Angewomen
"Angewomen are the all right are the hurt," said Tai
"Kari is a little bit but…" said Angewomen
"But who is Sora hurt really bad" said Matt
Angewomen nodded and Matt stared to yell and tell them that he is going to get Sora and Kari but Tai wents to come to. In addition, so did the rest of digidestined. Nevertheless, Angewomen only pick the Matt and Tai. Tai's and Matt's Digimon can final digivolve so Agumon and Gabumon digivolve to there Champion Form.
"Gabumon digivolve to….Garurumon" said Garurumon
"Agumon digivolve to….Greymon Grr" said Greymon
Matt hop on to Garurumon back and Greymon pick up Tai and puts him on his head and Tai was hold on to Greymon. Angewomen flew of the to the direction of Kari and Sora.
Back at Kari and Sora
Kari was praying that Sora was still all right and be fine when Angewomen bring back help. Then she heard Tai voice and she yelled and sure it was Tai and Matt with Greymon and Garurumon. Matt got of first and run toward Sora and Kari and Angewomen went back to her rookie form.
Matt look at Sora gentle and pick her up off Kari lap and took her to Garurumon and Tai just got off Greymon and look at Sora and a tear run down his cheek. Kari run toward her brother and starts to cry on his shirt. Tai hold his little sister, Gatomon comes running up to Kari, and Kari picks her up.
Matt got on Garurumon back and then puts Sora in his lap. Garurumon starts to run and Tai help Kari and Gatomon on Greymon back and the started to run off were Garurumon was heading.
Back at Gennai House
Joe was first one to help Matt to take Sora inside the house. Gennai was looking at her and shoked his head and tell them put her in girl's room. Matt left Joe alone so he can help Sora and warped her wounded up. Matt was walking down stairs when Tai and Kari come walk inside the house. Kari was still crying and Davis runs toward the two and helps Kari to the couch.
Joe was done and walks down stairs and sees the group praying that Sora was going to be all right. Joe places his hand on Matt and gives the okay to see Sora and tell him to be careful. Matt got up and went to check on Sora.
In Sora's Room
Matt opens the doors and there was Biyomon stand on the other side of Sora bed. Sora was looking beautiful as always. He grabs a chair, sits down, and moves some hairs away from Sora face. In addition, Kiss her cheek and place his hand under the cover and holds Sora hand.
Banged was around Sora right arm and her back and Matt was looking at her and give her on tight squeeze to leave Sora to rest. Biyomon was asleep and her wing on Sora hands and Matt cover up Biyomon and leave the room.
Downstairs of Gennai Place
Gennai was ready to tell story about the Digiworld 100 years and Sora in transformation all so. Matt come down stairs to here story that Gennai was going to tell. The rest of the digimon not including Biyomon were surrounding the house.
"Guess you guys are ready to her story that happen 100 years before you guys know about the Digiworld," said Gennai
"Gennai was there life in the Digiworld I'm mean more like you and what about the warrior was there only one," said Tai
"Let me show the real reason why Sora has that power to procet you guys from harm" said Gennai
Myotismon Place
Myostismon was yelling and screaming at Darkenmon of not killing the Child of Light. Then whe tell him not to do next time and decide give him one more chance.
"You can find any good help anymore," said Myostismon
"That so true partner and most of all you pick some stupid digimon to do your work," said Darkcamilamon
"You try the next attack and you see who will be last one to laugh," said Myostismon.
"You've got yourself a deal and no one going to stop me," said Darkcamilamon
The shake on it and the are wondering who well come out and destroy the digidestined for the last time and who come out in victory.
Back at Gennai House
Gennai tell them whole story about what happen and why digimon could not change because will digimon have to eat something to digivolve right.
"Know do you get the picture and why digimon have to eat something before the head to battle" said Gennai
"Yes we understand and that why the could not digivolve at all" said Cody
"Will what do you do wait for someone to attack us and have a lunch stew with the digimon" said Yolie
"No we keep or eyes open and make sure that no one get hurt and the one I have to procet which I'm going to do." said Sora
"Sora what are you doing up go back to bed and sleep you need your rest and your not ready to fight" said Ken
Sora just ignores him, walks outside and taking her new digivice, and begins say words and nothing more happen. Sora fall down to the ground and try to get up but could not get up or move. Matt come run toward Sora side and helps her up.
"Sora you need to rest and get better then transformation when you are better" said Matt
"Your right, so did you guys gets the fact about me and warrior inside," said Sora
"Yeah we did and not pretty at all," said Matt
Sora just giggled then gasps in pain and Matt carry her upstairs and decide to put her to bed and cover her up and give her a kiss goodnight. This was going to be a long not for both of them.
A/W: So what do you think about this story I now but guess what I'm not tell you what mystery happen in the Digiworld you just have to read chapter 1 and 4 to find what happen to mystery. Hahaha It has called a find out about the past.
Next Chapter: Darkenmon Revenge