Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Love's True Destiny ❯ Love's True Destiny Part 7-Answers and More Questions ( Chapter 7 )
Love's True Destiny
Part 7
"I'm glad we were able to contact you so quickly. I was hoping you might clear up this situation a bit." stated the red haired boy.
"Of course. Well, what's on your mind Izzy?" replied Gennai.
"As you probably know Izzy and I have been trying to search for ways to help Sora." came the quiet remark from Cody.
"I've been thinking about Azulongmon and what he told the others. No matter what I do, I can't make sense of it. Why did he say hope and light were the most powerful crests?"
"Well if you think about what he said Izzy the answer should be very clear to you. Azulongmon is the guardian of the east, the protector of hope and light. Consequently he considers those crests the most powerful. The answers always depend on who is questioned."
"If that's true then what traits are the other digimon the guardians of? How come the Crest of Love is the most powerful, Gennai?" questioned Cody.
"The Crest of Love is in fact the crest that unifies everyone. That is why it is so special. You see Cody everyone in both worlds loves something or another. Even virus digimon and people who claim to hate the world around them love something. It can be people, their mentalities, their personalities, and even the darkness. The point is that as long as you live you love. It's a part of life, and it makes the Crest of Love strong. Light can weaken when surrounded by darkness and hope can waver at the slightest obstacle but Love is always there. It is constantly around you even if you are not aware of it."
"I think I understand now. Sora's love is not the only thing that powers her crest. Its power also comes from the love of every living being. What about the Guardian digimon? Can Sora make Biyomon evolve?"
"How can Biyomon evolve beyond a mega form? Why didn't Azulongmon tell us about it?"
"The Four Guardian Beasts are known as Genbu, Suzaku, Seriyuu, and Byyako. In actuality, in the Digiworld, their forms, before they evolve into those four are Xuanwumon, Zhuqiaomon, Azulongmon, and Baihumon. Xuanwumon is the guardian of the North and the crests of Kindness and Reliability. Azulongmon, as you know, guards the east and the crests of Hope and Light. Baihumon watches over the western part of the world and the crests of Knowledge and Sincerity. Zhuqiaomon, who later evolved into Suzaku, guards the south and the crests of Courage, Friendship, and Love because she was the strongest and the three crests support each other."
"Support each other?"
"Kindness makes one reliable to their friends and the people around them. Hope is always in one's heart when light is present and as long, as hope is alive the light shines. When one is sincere, they impart their knowledge upon others. It need not be earth‑shattering news but any kind of knowledge passes along when someone is honest with another. Having courage when with others can lead to new friendships. Friendship in turn leads to love. It can be love for a sibling or for one's soul mate but it is still love. Thus the three crests are tied together."
"I think I understand now!"
"Do the other Guardian digimon have the ability to evolve to the Supreme stage?"
"Unfortunately, no, Cody. You see Zhuqiaomon was somehow born as a digidestined's partner digimon. With the power of the crest and digivice, she was able to digivolve to Suzaku. Now that she has been reborn as a partner digimon again she can once again digivolve to Supreme."
"Does that mean that Garudamon will have to digivolve to Zhuqiaomon then to Suzaku? What's her mega form?"
"That will be revealed at the appropriate time. The digimon she evolves to in the mega form depends on the power she has."
"What you're saying is that we have no way to help her plan for this battle unless Biyomon can evolve into Suzaku?"
"In a way Izzy, yes. Unfortunately, the digidestined will not fight this battle together. It's Sora's battle and the only way to correct the past. I'm afraid the only way you can help her is to love her. Remember love is her greatest strength but it is also her greatest weakness."
"What do you mean, Gennai? What past mistakes?" queried Cody.
"I'm sorry I can't tell you anymore. I have some work to get finished and must be going now. Good luck to all of you, especially Sora." replied Gennai as he gradually started fading away.
"Wait Gennai! You haven't answered us yet..." cried Izzy as he disappeared completely.
"Well he just raised more questions and gave very few answers!"
Izzy just nodded in reply, his mind full of what Gennai had just said.
*I don't want to die. I don't want to die. Why did I even accept this responsibility? I shouldn't be here. If only I'd listened to Momma and just worked in the flower shop. I wouldn't have fought with her, wouldn't have gone to camp, wouldn't have gone to the digiworld in the first place. I wouldn't have to be here, just waiting to die. I know that's what will happen in the end. I'll end up losing and I'll die. A monster will take over my body and Biyomon will be gone too.*
"My, my, am I hearing correctly? Is Love doubting herself?" came a mocking voice.
"What do you want now!?" shouted Biyomon into the darkness that was always approaching them.
"Quiet fool! What I want is none of your concern. It wasn't you concern last time so don't make it this time! Your time will soon come! Now as I was saying, Lady Love do you doubt your abilities? What a pity. With that type of attitude you shall make this the easiest battle ever. The time draws closer and closer my dear. Only a few hours left until I test your strength. By the way, stop thinking so negatively. It will decrease your chances for success. Do not make this fight too easy for me. I look for a challenge when I face a digidestined. Don't disappoint me." with those words Mephistopheles vanished from sight, taking the darkness with him.
*I look for a challenge... Don't disappoint me...* the villain's words ran through Sora's head. *I could swear somebody said that to me before. A long time ago. Who was it? This is so déjà vu!*
He could remember that night like it was yesterday. The pouring rain, the screaming horns, the blinding headlights. Sometimes he still heard the splash of the puddles as taxis drove through them. His nightmares were plagued with the sound of clicking heels against wet pavement. He was only a child then, a little boy of seven. Everything had scared him. The wind howled through the trees of the park. That very morning he had watched the sun poke through the gathering clouds and shed its golden rays upon the place. Somehow that place had been transformed from a safe haven to what it was now. At every turn a new danger emerged. The rain fell in sheets over the boy. He was lost and had no one to help him home. Tears gathered in the corner of his eyes, ready to take the paths the rain had already made when it came down on the boy's face.
Before the tears could come out a handkerchief was handed to him and an umbrella was held over his head. The boy looked up to see her face. Her fiery hair warmed him like a fire and her eyes shone with a light that seemed like the sun. She wasn't much older than him, probably only a few years or so. She smiled down at him and spoke in a voice that was honey sweet. 'You look lost. Where do you live? If I can I'll help you find your way home.' she told him.
He knew he shouldn't talk to strangers or go with them but all those thoughts were brushed aside when he looked in her eyes. She was the one that led him home that night. Like a beacon in the darkness, she was his guiding light. When he told his parents that the nice girl had led him home they thought he was imagining it. 'A child's way to cope with the fear.' they said. He knew he didn't imagine her. Ken also knew that this time he would have to help her.
A/N: honestly I didn't feel like making this any longer. I have exams coming up and about 100000000000000000000000000000000000000 projects due next week so I decided to stop here. I was going to use this chapter to explain any confusing ideas...I sometimes forget that u guys aren't always thinking like me. ^^*....ok well I want some reviews? Please!....btw if any is still bugging u just let me know...ok??....Nuriko I am expecting a nice long one!!!!!!...like the one I wrote....I sometimes write my reviews a little to long eh?....oh well that's cuz I'm me! I'll be an alien when I write short reviews! You know you luv me despite all that so how about a review?...I'm gonna stop now! Ta ta!