Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Love's True Destiny ❯ Love's True Destiny Part 11-Original Ending Part 1 of 2 ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Love's True Destiny

Part 11


"Can you take one more?" asked Mephistopheles, scornfully before he released another attack. "Shadowy Eyes!" he cried out.

Charcoal beams shot out of the dark digimon's eyes and impacted the foremost of Zhuqiaomon's wings while she recuperated from his previous attack.

The digimon cried out in pain as she was hit by waves of Mephistopheles' attacks.

Sora, who stood below the two, felt the pain Zhuqiaomon went through with every cry that pierced her ears. *She has to digivolve! But how do we do that?* she thought despairingly.

"Do not tell me that you have reached your limit, Zhuqiaomon. Surely you still have something left in you with which to fight or are you an unworthy opponent?" mocked the dark digimon as he observed the abuse suffered by his enemy.


"You make a good argument, Holder of Kindness...." started Baihumon.

"So you will return our crests?" asked Ken eagerly.

Xuanwumon cleared his throat before continuing the other's thought. "However, if we return the crests the Digital World will be greatly weakened and fall prey to the hands of Evil within minutes."

"You mean there's nothing you can do? It's either her or the world." stated the boy sadly.

"Yes, but worry not because you shall all be together again."

Ken accepted this reply, assuming they meant Sora would win and live through the battle. "Right. Stingmon, let's go see our friends."


*What? What can I do?* Sora asked herself desperately. The events of the past few weeks were drawing to a swift, stark, and shattering climax. Sora knew that she was probably the only person who could stop it. After all, Gennai had told them that she would fight this battle alone.

Zhuqiaomon evaded Mephistopheles' attacks only to get hit by others. She needed to digivolve. She looked to her partner helplessly, hoping for a power she so desperately needed to digivolve.

"Zhuqiaomon." whispered the girl. She watched her digimon battling above her, constantly bombarded by attacks, coming even more frequently. Cries of "Dark Rivers", "Shadowy Eyes", and "Shadow Claw" echoed above her. With every attack launched upon her friend, the love in Sora's heart grew until it reached it's peak.

"Zhuqiaomon, digivolve!" she shouted, her voice filling with hope.


The sight of a riveted group of thirteen gathered around a computer screen greeted Ken when he walked into Sora's hospital room. He scanned the group and noted that Tai and Matt stood at the front of the group with Sora's parents. Shuffling in quietly he broke the silence with a whispered, "Don't you know thirteen is an unlucky number." He tried, futilely to lighten the grim mood around him. A few of his fellow digidestined turned to beckon him forward while the rest merely acknowledged his entrance with a slight wave of their hands.

Ken moved forward to stand at the back of the group watching the battle. Zhuqiaomon appeared to be digivolving, Ken's attention was captured.


Flames enveloped Zhuqiaomon and the claw around her while down below, a dazzling red light emanated from Sora. "Zhuqiaomon evolve to..." From the blaze emerged a stunning being. Her appearance was that of a human but she radiated a vermillion light that blinded the enraptured viewers. Her hair held the hue of a blaze and flames licked the air around her. Armor whose color rivaled the cardinal's covered her upper body while loose robes adorned the rest of her body. Sunset wings emerged from her back and spanned a great length around her. Finally, the flames died down to reveal her face. She had sharp scarlet eyes and crimson hair, soft as baby's down.

A small smile played about her lips as she revealed herself to a shocked Mephistopheles and a mesmerized Sora. "...Suzaku." she continued in a musical, yet steely voice.

The fiery light outlined Sora's form as well as Suzaku as Mephistopheles recovered from his shock and expressed his satisfaction. "We meet again, at last." he stated quietly.


Izzy's laptop automatically began analyzing Suzaku when she evolved as the remaining digidestined looked on with interest and concern.

"Suzaku, " read the read-head aloud, "the most evolved form of Zhuqiaomon. She is the Guardian of the South and the crests of Courage, Love, and Friendship. Suzaku is also the Protector of all flying beings and the Ruler of the element Fire. She is one of the only two digimon known to have evolved to the supreme stage, where she takes on a human-like appearance. Suzaku's attacks have not been recorded."

"Wow...well let's hope that we're pleasantly surprised." whispered Mimi to everyone in general.

"Yeah, let's hope so." breathed Takeru as he looked on in awe.


"Shall we begin?" questioned Suzaku, a fierce look over her beautiful features.

"I look forward to defeating you again." snarled Mephistopheles as he launched an attack.

The fiery being gracefully dodged his attack before replying, "Don't be so sure of yourself." She then blurted, "Fire of Wrath!"

Spheres of fire rained down from above Mephistopheles, enclosing him in a shower of fire.

"Death Arrow!" countered Mephistopheles. As his dark arrows battled Suzaku's flames Mephistopheles launched another attack. "Dark Rivers!" he cried out.

Suzaku took note of this shortly before shouting, "Fire's Light!". A wide circle of flames shot outward from Suzaku's outstretched arms. (Like LadyDevimon's Darkness Wave)

The attacks neutralized each other as Suzaku launched one of her most powerful attacks. "Heaven's Fire!" she announced. It seemed as if the area above all of them had opened up to release its anger upon those below. Crimsons, oranges and golds ruled the laptop screen and obscured Sora's vision.

Surprisingly, Sora did not feel the heat of the flames as they danced around her presence. She could not sense any pain coming from Suzaku either, and hoped that all was well.

Without warning a shrill, piercing cry filled the air around her forcing the Bearer of Love to shield her ears from the pain filled sound.

When the blaze died down, at last, neither Sora nor Suzaku could see evidence of Mephistopheles contaminating her. A loud cheer filled her hospital room when the digidestined and her parents noted the dark creature's absence. However, it died down when a deep rumbling laughter floated to Sora's ears. Darkness lurked in the laugh and began to rebuild around her.

Out of the regenerating darkness emerged Mephistopheles in perfect condition. "Fool!" he hissed to Suzaku. "Did you think you could defeat me so easily?"

A stunned silence filled Sora's sterile hospital room which was filled with now wilting flowers. A deep red rose blossom, standing on a table opposite the bed, shed a petal as Mephistopheles gloated, "The rate of my evolution makes me immortal. Try and defeat me now!"


A/N: well I've been working like crazy on this part. It's the original ending I had planned, if u didn't get that from the title. Well anyway the next part will end the original ending but the taiora and sorato come out first...not exactly in that order. Whichever I get more inspiration for will come out first!...Anyway u kno wat to do!! Tell me wat u think!! If u do I'll work even harder over winter break!! I promise!!
