Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Masks ❯ A New Battle ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: A New Battle

"So this is Shinjuku," a woman said as she walked with four men and another woman out of the international airport, "You impressed Harley, I'm not."

"You said it, Pammie!" the other, more energetic woman said, "This place is a real drag!"

"Would you two please shut up?" the man in the lead, his face and body hidden behind a trench coat and a large hat. He then brought a scared hand out of his pocket and began to flip a coin, "We need to find a place to set up shop, and then we go about taking care of business."

"I want the boy," the largest man said popping his knuckles.

"We'll all get our chance, Bane," The headman said, "But I finish him. Understood?" they all nodded, "Alright, lets find a staging ground."

"But, Two Face," A skinny tall man spoke up, "How are we going to find the rutty bird?"

"Simple, Dr. Crane," Two Face chuckled, "We don't. He finds us."


Takato looked out over the city street from the rooftop of his parent's bakery. His feet dangled off the side of the edge of the building and he rubbed his bandaged arm gingerly. "Hello, Renamon," He said politely as Renamon back stepped away, sure he hadn't seen her phase onto the rooftop behind him, "I've been expecting you."

"H-How did you …" Renamon stuttered in surprise.

"How did I know you were there," Takato asked climbing off the edge and turning to face her, "just a little something I learned a few years ago."

"Oh …" Renamon trailed off avoiding eye contact. "Was … was that really you today? I find it hard to believe if it was. You never showed that kind of skill even during the D-Reaper crisis."

"Yeah, that was me," Takato sighed, "and then again it wasn't, if that makes sense."

"Um … not it doesn't," The kitsune Digimon said tilting her head to the side.

"I guess I should start at the beginning, but you have to swear," Takato said looking at her in the eyes, the fierceness in them frightening the Digimon, "No one will hear of it, not even Rika. I know her, if she knew this she'd try to do it too. And I won't be responsible for being the cause of her being in harm's way."

Renamon nodded, not sure what to say, and wondering if she really wanted to know herself.

"Where to start …" Takato mumbled, "I guess … well, you see, the Takato you've known is just, I guess you could say, he's just a mask."

Renamon's head tilted again. "My name isn't even really Takato. My name's Tim, Tim Drake …"

Takato then took his place back on the edge of the roof, "My dad was a criminal, and I barely saw him growing up, he disappeared finally when I was around ten. It came out that a criminal who called himself Two Face murdered him. Then a man took me in and taught me to harness my anger and hatred, and gave me that costume you saw me wearing. The man was a real life urban legend, The Batman."

"The Batman?" Renamon questioned slack jawed, "He … he exists? I thought it was just a story Rika's mother used to tell her to keep her from going out at night …"

"Oh he exists alright …" Takato sighed, "I used to be his partner …"

-- Flashback to Four Years Ago, Gotham City --

Two-Face ran toward his getaway car, his hefty bag of stolen gold dollars thrown over his shoulder, slowing him down substantially.

"Where you going, Bug-eye?" a voice called from above him as he felt something collide with his back. The crime boss fell forward, catching himself with his free arm, before he collided with the asphalt.

"Why don't you go bother someone else, kid?" Two-Face growled at Robin, who only smirked back at the disfigured criminal.

Two-Face then spun the bag around; knocking the Boy Wonder into the oncoming Batman, "Try again next time, cape boys!" Two-Face barked, climbing into the car.

The car started to peal out, but Robin shot to his feet and leapt on top of the trunk of the car, and could hear Batman calling for him as the car shot down the street.

Bullets shot through the back glass of the car, and Robin barely was able to avoid them, before he extended his staff into the broken glass knocking one of Two-Face's goons out. "You're going down for good this time, Two-Face!" Robin barked, as Two-Face's driver slammed on the brakes. The 10-year-old Boy Wonder went flying through the already broken glass hitting his shoulder hard on the passenger seat of the car.

"Now, who's going down, brat?" Two-Face asked, placing a gun right in the center of Robin's domino mask.

Robin kept his cool. He glanced down at the retracted bow staff in his hand, and quickly extended it so that the edge hit hard against the driver's head, knocking him out.

"Why you little…" Two-Face growled as the car hit the curb, sending it spiraling through the air.

Once the car stopped rolling, Two-Face crawled out from the broken window, dragging Robin by the cape. He looked around the car to see that his bag with several thousand dollars worth of gold coins had busted, and the coins lay scattered across the pavement. He then reached down and grabbed the boy by the collar and raised him up, "You'll pay for that …" he started but drifted off when he saw the Robin's maskless face. "You …"

"I should of plugged you when I had the chance, Drake," Two-Face said raising his gun toward the unconscious boy, "I won't make the same mistake twice."

But before he could fire a shot, a bat-shaped boomerang knocked the gun from his hand. "Take your hands off him … now," a very familiar voice to Two-Face ordered from the shadows.

"So that makes you the old Robin, huh Nightwing?" Two-Face asked, as the blue and black clad crime fighter stepped out of the shadows.

"I won't say it again," Nightwing growled, popping his knuckles, "Let him go."

"We'll meet again, Drake," Two-Face growled as he threw the boy at Nightwing, and disappeared into the night.

"Robin?" a voice asked behind Nightwing, as Batman walked out of the shadows.

"Two-Face knows," Nightwing said simply as he held the unconscious Robin.


"How are you feeling, Tim?" Barbara Gordon, Better known as Batgirl, Batman's other partner, asked brushing a strand of dark hair from his eyes, "you had us worried."

"What hit me?" Tim groaned setting up in his bed, noticing it was well into the day.

"Two-Face," Barbara said simply forcing a straw in a glass of water into his mouth, "here, drink, you've been out for over a day, you need fluids."

"As soon as you're rested you're going on a trip," a deep voice called from the door. Bruce Wayne, the man behind the Mantle of the Bat, looked at the teenaged girl and eleven year old boy emotionlessly.

"What?" Tim asked in confusion.

"Tim, this is Takehiro and Mie Matuki, you're going to be going to stay with them," Bruce said as a man and woman of Japanese origins came into the room.

"For how long, Bruce?" Tim asked, a feeling of dread growing in the pit of his stomach.

"… You won't be coming back, Tim," Bruce said turning has back, "Pack your things, you're leaving in the morning … Takato Matuki."

"Bruce, no, I don't want to go, why are you making me do this?" Tim begged, but Bruce just opened the door, and signaled for Barbara, who was in tears at this time, and the Matuki's to follow. "BRUCE, YOU CAN'T DO THIS, DON'T MAKE ME GO! DON'T MAKE ME GO!" Tim cried, ignoring his physical pain and began to pound on the door.

--- End of Flashback ---

"When they brought me to my new 'home' I had my hair colored brown to help hide my appearance," Takato explained, a mix of anger and sadness, "Don't get me wrong I'm happy here, and I'm happy with my new life, but I miss my old one too."

"So is that why you've started back to wearing the costume?" Renamon questioned.

Takato sighed, "Yes and no, after I was made Robin, it lit a fire so to speak, then when I was forced to stop, I had look to other things to try to ease the habit."

"The Digimon game and Guilmon," Renamon realized out loud, "I always expected that you held back talent for some reason, no novice could have created a Digimon of Guilmon's caliber."

"I couldn't make a name of myself," Takato continued for her, "When Two Face saw who I really was, I can't risk too much public display, or he'd come after me."

"But earlier, that was all over the news," Renamon replied worriedly.

"I've made the new costume three months ago and have been going out at night at least three nights a week, and I've been really careful not to leave any evidence of who I am," Takato sighed, "But earlier I was too worried about you and Rika to care."

"You care deeply for my Tamer, don't you?" Renamon asked a smirk growing on her muzzle.

"Rika?" Takato squeaked, before steadying himself, "She's one of my best friends, of course I care about her!"

"That's not what I mean, my young friend," Renamon nodded, smiling.

"Then what do you mean?" Takato asked, obliviously.

"Nothing at all, perhaps you'll understand it sooner or later," Renamon said easing back toward the shadows, "I'll take my leave now, do not fear, your secret is safe with me."

"Thanks, Renamon," Takato said, going back toward the exit on the roof.


The late afternoon sun broke through leaves, its light hitting Takato and Guilmon's backs as they eased through the trees at Central Park, before finding their destination. The Digimon Tamers had a secret spot in the center of the park where they would meet on a weekly basis to practice, play cards, or just hang out. Takato smiled at hearing Rika recount her encounter with the Boy Wonder the day before, and smiled brighter at the fact she seemed impressed.

"He was even shot, and it didn't even seem to effect him," Rika recounted to the attentive Jeri, Kenta, and Kazu, "It was almost like he couldn't be afraid if he wanted to."

Terriermon, seeing Takato and Guilmon walking out of the bushes, decided it was the perfect opportunity. Henry made him swear not to tell anyone Takato's secret, but he'd be damned if he couldn't have some fun with Takato about it. "Hey, Rika, it sounds like you might have a crush on Bird Boy," Terriermon stated with a broad smile at the sudden blush on Takato and Rika's faces.

"What are you blushing for, Takato?" Kazu asked, blinking at Takato in confusion.

"Just flushed from the walk from home, that's all," Takato said, stretching slightly, he then turned to Rika with a shy smile, "You alright? I heard you had an exciting day at school yesterday."

"Yes, I'm fine, Goggle Head, as if you really care," Rika snapped coldly.

Henry sighed at the split second hurt look on Takato's face but the look was gone before he could comment.

"I'm sorry, Rika, I wish I could've …" Takato started with a weak smile.

"Could of what, Takato?" Rika snapped, "broke off from being wrapped around Jeri's finger long enough to prove you actually aren't a hypocrite about the whole friends are always there for each other shit?"

"Oh really, Rika?" Takato snapped growing angry as well, "since when have you ever acted like you even wanted to be my friend anyway?"

Takato could read her actions and knew it was coming, but didn't really expect her to punch him hard enough to take him off his feet. Takato sat up rubbing his cheek, but gave Rika a hurt look that possibly hurt her as much as she hurt him.

Henry walked over and helped his best friend up. "Rika …" Takato started, but Guilmon interrupted him.

"Takatomon, why woman scream that way?"

"What?" Takato asked his happy go lucky face vanishing.

"Guilmon hear woman scream for help," The red dragon-like Digimon said with an innocent look in his golden eyes, then looked toward the center of the park, "That way."

The Tamers and Digimon all looked at each other before dashing in that direction, leaving Guilmon there dazed and confused, before he turned and ran after them, "Takatomon! Wait for Guilmon!"


"Here birdie, birdie, birdie," a woman with greenish pale skin and shimmering red hair in an extremely tight dark green body suit said walking through the center of the park looking up at the men, women, and children cocooned in her living vines, "Here birdie, birdie, birdie,"

"You want a birdie, babe," Terriermon said jumping out of the before the woman, "here ya go!" he said raising his middle fore-claw to her.

"What an adorable creature," The woman smiled, as the other Tamers and Digimon ran out before her.

"Who are you, and exactly what do you think your doing," Rika smirked, using her Digimon Queen voice.

"Oh, I mean no harm," She said with a sultry smile to the teenaged boys, "My name's Ivy, Poison Ivy, and I'm just looking for a very dear friend of mine." She then walked over to a shocked Kazu and stroked his cheek, "Would you nice handsome boys and your friends help me find my little bird?"

Kazu smiled dumbly, "Yes, pretty lady …" but was jerked away from her by Takato.

"I know who you are … your that psycho crook from Gotham City in the United States!" Takato barked glaring at the redhead.

"I prefer the term 'criminally intrigued', but do I know you, cutie?" Ivy asked eyeing Takato carefully, "You seem awful familiar, and I never forget such a delicious face."

Takato groaned, and was about to reply when Rika jumped before them, "Listen here, you cradle robbing witch, I suggest you leave now while you still can."

"Oh what are you going to do about it, little girl?" Ivy smirked, infuriating the Digimon Queen.

"Oh I won't do anything," Rika suddenly smirked, "Renamon, take out her plants!"

Renamon nodded and jumped in the air, "Diamond- what?" Renamon gasped as she was caught in mid air by several vines that began to wrap her in a tight cocoon.

"Renamon!" Rika gasped, shocked at the ease of her Digimon's defeat.

"Let Renamon go, ugly woman," Guilmon growled diving at the woman only to be wrapped up by vines as well.

Henry quickly swiped a card on his D-Arc, and Terriermon leaped into the air, "Terriermon Matrix Digivolve t-" he started to cry out but was silenced as more vines launched from the ground wrapping the Digimon tightly. Followed shortly by Marineangemon and Guardromon, leaving the five Digimon Tamers to face Poison Ivy alone.

"Oh my, was that all the great Digimon had?" Poison Ivy yawned, "I'm not very impressed."

None noticed Takato easing into the shadows of the trees, before vines once again shot from the ground this time wrapping around Rika, Henry, Kazu, and Kenta's arms and legs, lifting them into the air. "Don't worry my young friends," Poison Ivy said sultrily slinking toward them, "I won't cocoon you like I did the others. You see this hasn't worked yet, I need to draw out a certain Boy Wonder, and if silent torture won't get him to show himself, then we'll have to try not so silent."

The psychopath then turned to the boldly glaring Rika, "Ah, the great Digimon Queen, I've read about you in Time Life, my dear. It's an honor to meat you." She then looked over Rika's bloomed teenaged body and smiled as more vines rose beside her, "You'll work nicely. Lets hear a little scream, sweetheart."

A single thorn vine moved up and sliced Rika's ponytail holder and let her spiky coconut-shaped ponytail to fall freely to her shoulders. "Go to hell," Rika hissed, not giving her the honor of knowing just how terrified she was.

"Oh well, but you never know," Ivy sneered, "You might just enjoy this," she laughed as a single vine moved toward Rika's lower body.

Rika closed her eyes, waiting for what she knew was coming, but instead heard the sound of something small cutting the wind and what sounded like flesh. She opened her eyes to see the vine writhing in pain with the end sliced off and oozing green fluid. She glanced down at the ground and saw an R-shaped throwing star stuck in the ground. "R? Robin?" she asked out loud.

"Ah, so you finally show your face …" Ivy smiled, "so to speak."

"What are you doing here, Ivy?" Robin asked flipping out of a tree near where the Digimon Tamers were restrained.

"Oh my, you're not really a 'Boy' Wonder anymore are you, Birdie?" Ivy sighed, eyeing him up and down, "You've grown, Robin."

"Sorry, Red," Robin said emotionlessly, yet with a smirk on his face, "I'm not really into older women, especially women as old as you."

"You really are his bastard son, aren't you, boy?" Ivy hissed as more vines fired at him, but Robin easily deflected them with his staff.

"The only bastard is him," Robin hissed, crouching then taking to the air, using the attacking vines to kick jump and stay in the air longer.

The Tamers were in awe of this teenager. He was like a black and red machine, doing what even their Digimon were unable to do. "Rika probably already planning ways to tear this guy apart," Kenta laughed, taking light of this situation.

"Yeah, I think she is," Kazu smirked, nodding at Rika who was watching the Boy Wonder with a uncharacteristic glimmer of awe in her eyes, "only not in the context your talking about, bro."

"Why you little …" Ivy hissed aiming her arm-mounted crossbow at the approaching teen, but Robin was already on top of her, and his steel toed boot made contact with her jaw, sending her flying backwards against a tree.

Robin appeared over her and picked her up by the neck, "Now give me answer, why are you so far away from Gotham?"

"Like … I'd tell you …" Ivy choked as a strand of blood leaked from her opened mouth.

"Like you said," Robin said narrowing his eyes through the white eye-covers, "I'm his bastard son."

"She's not telling you nothin, lil birdie!" a high-pitched voice called from beside him, and before he could raise his guard, a large boxing glove on a mechanical arm made contact with the side of his face.

"Oh great," Robin said flipping to his feet, to see a woman in a tight clown outfit helping Poison Ivy to her feet, "Harley Quinn."

"Yup, where Pammie goes, I'll be with her!" the clown proclaimed proudly, "And neither of us are going to tell you nothin about Two Face being our boss!"

"HARLEY!!" Ivy proclaimed, glaring at her partner.

"Oppsies!" Harley grimaced, then they both turned to the slightly stunned Robin.

"Well, you got lucky this time, you can have your little Tamer friends back," Ivy smirked as the vines released all the prisoners on in the clearing, "See you soon, Timmy boy." Ivy said as the two disappeared in the shadows.

"Are you all alright," Robin said walking over to the dazed Tamers, Digimon, and innocent bystanders.

"Yeah, a few bumps and bruises, but we'll be ok … Robin," Henry said, nodding worriedly at the emotionless, yet pale Boy Wonder.

"Good," He said turning to go, but felt a slight jerk on his cape.

"Wait, just a second … can't I at least thank you this time?"

"Huh?" Robin asked spinning around, only to feel a pair of soft lips colliding with his. His eyes widened even more when he realized the lips belonged to the Ice Queen herself. He couldn't help but notice that the Ice Queen was a very poor name.

"S-Sorry," Rika said uncharacteristically shyly, "I … was aiming for your cheek …"

Robin back stepped slightly, but then turned to the other Tamers, "Your Digimon have grown weak, even with added training it will be some time before they are ready to do any good against the likes of Ivy and Harley," he said coldly turning quickly, and letting the cape wrap around him, "I know you Tamers are used to playing Hero, but this time I think you need to just sit back and stay out of my way."

"Hey!" Terriermon barked, but was silenced by Rika and Henry's glares, "N-Nevermind."

"But Robin, we've done a lot of good be-" Rika said turning back to the masked teen, only to find no one there, "-fore …"

"Hey, where'd Takato get off to?" Kazu asked, suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Terriermon asked in confusion, "He was right …" he then saw murderous death glares from Guilmon and Renamon, "Right here a few minutes go, where did he go?"


Robin dashed and swung along the rooftops till he reached his parent's bakery, Two Face had found him, he was there, and he brought at least two of Batman's Rogues, one of which was definitely in the top ten. But he couldn't keep his mind on that, he took a swing on an out reaching flag pole, and dove into his open window.

He walked lightly into his darkened bedroom with smile on his face; he removed his domino mask, before touching his lips. Rika kissed him. Rika Nonaka, the Digimon Queen, had kissed him. He then threw himself down on his bed, fingers still touching his burning lips, "I wonder if Bruce ever felt like this with Catwoman?" Takato questioned, before laughing cheerfully.


"Sorry Two Face," Poison Ivy said fearfully at the crime boss's desk, "He's not the weak kid he used to be."

"That's alright, Ivy," Two Face said with a content smile on his scared face, "I didn't really expect you to take the student of the Bat alone, I only wanted proof that the boy really was here. And you've given it to me." he then rotated his chair to look out his window at the harbor, "We begin making Drake suffer tomorrow."

To Be Continued …

C. Cowboy: sorry for the delay ^^ but I've gotten major muse for this and its up and running now. I know Rika seemed slightly out of character in a few places but that's what I wanted it to seem. Don't forget to review, and expect more soon!

Next Chapter: Facing Old Fears