Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Masquerade ❯ One-Shot

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Rated R for implied sexualness and is Limey! Rushed job, but the idea wouldn't leave me alone.. the product of a post-trick or treat sugar high/alcohol fog :)


Daisuke grumbled a bit, looking at the invitation that he had been given. "Digidestined Masquerade Ball! Costume -only-! All must come!"

He shook his head. He hated getting all dressed up for Halloween.

Sighing, he looked in his closet for something, anything to wear.


Ken swirled around in the black silk cape that his parents had found for him. His black mask was on correct, and his normally shoulder length blueblack hair was swept up and held together under the sombrero that he wore. The rest of his outfit was loose fitting black breeches and a black shirt that had been tucked in at the waist. His feet were shod in black boots and he had a little mustache painted on. A fake sword was belted at his waste, the handle gleaming. And belted to his other side was his whip from his Kaizer days.

"I am such a damn sexy Zorro." He commented to no one in particular, swirling around. "I wonder if Daisuke will like this?" His cape billowed out and he smiled, before patting Minomon on the head and heading out the door.

"Mama, I'm going now!" "Zorro" called into the living room. He heard an affirmative answer and smiled, before heading out the door towards the hall that had been rented for the Digidestined Masquerade Ball. He headed for the Tamachi train station, humming happily.

He recieved a lot of funny looks on his way to the train station, as most people in Japan didn't celebrate Halloween. But Ken didn't care - it was fun, and the looks were worth it. Besides... it had been an idea of Mimi's to have a digidestined masquerade ball. And thus, the rest of the digidestined around the world had agreed.

Following the directions from the trainstation, Ken arrived at the hall where scary music was playing loudly. He grinned and twirled his cape again, before entering.

Many creatures greeted his eyes when he entered, from faeries (he recognized Mimi as a faerie princess) to vampires. (Jyou had taken advantage of his dark hair to dress up as a vampire). He thought he recognized a few other people, but of course, he could tell that Koushiro was the one at the computer, dressed as a hacker.

Shaking his head, he unfurled his whip and jumped into the crowd, chatting up the various women and men he saw. He moderated his voice just enough to make himself become unrecognizeable, and after twirling around the dance floor with several people (including the Vampire Jyou and the Faerie Princess Mimi) he retired to get a drink.

While standing at the punch, he heard the room gasp - and turned.

There stood a guy, in a black boustier and leather hotpants, his well muscled legs covered in fishnet stalkings and "fuck-me" pumps. He wore heavy makeup and a black wig, but Ken could see a bit of reddish brown hair sticking out from under the wig.

"Daisuke.." he breathed, instantly entranced. The young man scowled and entered the room, making his way immediately for the punchbowl.

"Damned sister..." he muttered, nodding to the disguised Ken. Ken licked his lips and smiled at Daisuke, knowing that now was the best time to make his move. Before all the girls did, of course.

"She dressed you up like that, eh?" Ken commented, his voice low and silky with a hint of a Spanish accent, hiding the boy's true voice. Daisuke nodded.

"My sister is apparently into kinky things... and that is not something I've ever wanted to know." The auburn haired boy's stomach was well ripped, and Ken felt himself being drawn to the hotpants, where Daisuke's attributes were being shown off... rather nicely, Ken thought.

"Well, if you'd like my opinion, the outfit certainly suits you." Ken smirked then, moving closer to the boy. "Although, I must admit.. I'd much rather see it off of you... and on my bedroom floor."

Daisuke blinked and stared at "Zorro", trying to decide just who it was and why they were making a pass at him. "Um... who are you?"

Ken shook his head. "That's a secret, my dear. But perhaps later tonight I shall reveal it to you, si?" Ken peppered his speech with just enough Spanish to distract Daisuke... or so he hoped.

Daisuke laughed. "All right, let's try it this way - are you male or female?" Ken felt the heat rise in his cheeks and he shrugged.

"Male. But one that's very attracted to you." Daisuke laughed and wrapped an arm around "Zorro" before batting his eyelashes at him.

"Gooood." The hyperactive goggle boy murmured. "It's a secret, but I much prefer men to women." Daisuke waggled his eyes at Zorro and chuckled. "I wish some people would pick up on the hints, but I'm not going to worry about that tonight." Daisuke puckered up his lips to Ken and batted his eyelashes. "Wanna dance, sexy thang?" He cooed, and Ken laughed.

"But of course, m'dear." Ken murmured, before gathering Daisuke in his arms and wisking him out on the dance floor, their bodies moving rhythymicly against each other... almost as if they had been made to be together. Ken felt himself grow hotter with every movement of the other boy's body, his perfectly sculpted athlete's body making unbidden thoughts spring to mind... and to other places.

Hours passed as the two continued to dance away with each other.. many men and women both coming up and attempting to cut in on them. Surprisingly, Daisuke waved them all away, snuggling further into his Zorro's arms. And Ken, obligingly, wrapped his caped arms tighter around the goggle boy.

As midnight neared, they began to kiss each other gently, soft lingering kisses with the promise of so much more. "Zorro.. let's go somewhere else..."

Ken nodded his agreement. "Si, I agree. I don't want to reveal myself to you here before everyone else..." Ken placed a small kiss on Daisuke's lips.

Daisuke purred his agreement in Ken's ear and they snuck off, leaving the rest of the partygoers to amuse themselves.


Daisuke groaned hotly into Zorro's mouth, his body molded to the other boy's. There was no doubt in the sex of his kissing partner, as the bulge in Zorro's pants was making itself well known.

"Oh god..." Daisuke groaned, feeling Zorro's hands run over his buttocks, squeezing them gently. Daisuke grinded his hips into the other boy's wanting to feel flesh against flesh.

"We should reveal ourselves first..." Zorro whispered huskily, his Japanese strained and unsure.

"Oh." Daisuke pulled back and grinned. "Of course, Zorro." He giggled then, and took off the black wig to reveal his auburn hair. He wondered who his mystery lover was.... and part of him hoped... that it was Ken.

Zorro's smile grew bigger. "I knew it was you, mi amor." Leaning forward, the masked boy continued to kiss Daisuke, his kisses hungrier. Daisuke allowed the attention for a few moments before pulling away.

"Oh no, Zorro. You know who your FrankNFurter is... I need to know who my Zorro is." Daisuke trailed a finger over the bulge in Zorro's pants, before running the fingers up to his boustier lacing and tugging on it gently.

Zorro smiled and nodded before kissing Daisuke's lips once more. Taking off the mask, Daisuke noticed for the first time the brilliant blueviolet eyes before him, rimmed in black facepaint. Then the hat came off, showing lustrous blueblack hair that had been pinned up. Daisuke's heart began to thud in his chest, his breath catching... was it? Could it truly be Ken?

And finally, the hair was let down, revealing the shoulder length hair that Daisuke had constantly longed to run his fingers through. With a joyful whimper, Ken found himself being kissed harder and longer by the auburn haired boy of his dreams. "I knew it!" Daisuke murmured between kisses and Ken laughed.

"Of course, Daisuke.. do you think that I'd let anyone else near you, especially in that outfit?" Ken murmured, before kissing his FrankNFurter deeply and lowering him to the ground. "And now it's time for me to show you the real treat of this holiday."

Daisuke only made soft purring sounds of affirmative affection.