Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Maverick Diaries - Outcast Chronicles ❯ Beggining ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Rio de Janeiro; Beginning of 2003...
Chaos had taken over the city. Alarms went wild, electronic devices exploded with no apparent reason, people ran through the streets, many screaming in pure panic.
In the middle of all this, a rather disturbing sight passed easily unnoticed. On the ground, in the middle of the street, a boy was kneeled on a small pool of blood, his eyes out of focus. Besides him, a small horned fur-ball creature lay unconscious and, in his arms, another boy suffered in silence because of a deep wound in his chest, which was the source of all the blood. Though the other boy was years older than the first, the physical resemblance between the two made clear that they were relatives.
Suddenly, the younger boy jerked and, as if finally noticed the horrible situation that he was in, screamed loudly.
Digital World; One year later...
At the first sight, it seemed to be just a regular sub-tropical forest, with medium sized trees and low ground vegetation. With a closer inspection though, it would revealed that the plants on that forest didn't belong to any family know by man. Even the animals who lived there would seem aliens to human eyes.
That's because those weren't animals…
They were digimon…
And, at that moment, one of those digimon was in a great rush. It was a humanoid creature with brown fur known as J-Mojamon. Had anyone got a good look on his face as he ran into the deeps of the forest, they would clearly see that the rare animal digimon was scared to his very Digi-Core.
Stopping for a moment, the J-Mojamon placed his hands on his knees and did the best that he could to quickly catch his breath again. Even though that he knew that he was being followed, the primate-like digimon couldn't contain the shock when he heard a voice coming from behind him.
“I have to admit. You were a pretty tough one to catch. But now our little game of cat and mouse is over!”
Turning around, the J-Mojamon found himself staring at a twelve-years-old boy who was standing a few steps away from him, his back leaning against a tree and his left side turned to the digimon. The pre-teen had a short black hair and his eyes were from a dark emerald-like green. He was wearing a pair of regular jeans, a black shirt, matching black leather gloves and dark colored sneakers. On top of all that, he was wearing a light-brown overcoat and, attached to his waistband, there was a gray hexagonal device. Though he knew exactly where his prey was, the boy kept staring at the space right in front of him, making no attempts to place the brown furred digimon in his line of vision.
Fear was quickly replaced by anger and frustration caused by the boy's attitude. Finally, not being able to hold back any longer, J-Mojamon sent a blow against the air as a ball of green energy come out of his fist when he did it.
Jungle Punch!”
The spherical shot crossed the space, flying directly at the boy's direction. However, before it could reach its target another it was intercepted by another energy ball, this one a fiery looking red and yellow. The colliding energies dissipated harmlessly in the air.
From the shadows of the forest, a strange figure came out. It was humanoid, but the purplish color of his skin gave him a sick appearance. He was wearing a yellow jumpsuit, brown gloves and shoes, red vest, a cape that hided most of his face and showing only his light green eyes, and a classic sorcerer hat with a skull emblem over his light-brown hair.
The boy sighed, closed his eyes and then said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “Wizarmon, take him out.”
In the following seconds, the only things heard in that entire section of the forest was a sudden blast and a J-Mojamon crying in pain…
Maverick Diaries - The Outcast Chronicles
Disclaimer: Digimon is property of the Toei Animation. The Diaries world belongs to Lord Archive and the Diaries Guild. Only Eduardo and others OCs are mine.
Chapter 1: Beginning
The Broadband Island. A relatively big portion of earth, located not very far from the southeastern coast of the continent of Folder and that has a considerable population of digimon. As expected from a location with such a high concentration of sentient beings, this island has a metropolis: Modem City. The biggest and only fully urbanized location in the whole area.
But, though the number of digimons living in the city was great, the number of those living in the wild was even greater. So, to prevent unnecessary conflicts, deals were made between the two parts. One of those deals said that the city's forces could not pursue any digimons beyond a certain frontier. When the high chairs of Modem finally noticed that many criminals would take advantage of that deal, the damaged was already done and their hands were tied on that subject. Their only choice was to search for external help.
And that was where he came in. Eduardo Cassaro was a Chosen Child, tough this was probably the last thing that he would ever call himself. Being considerably strong and not having any official attachments with the city, it was completely normal that he and his partner Elecmon - a lizard like creature with bunny like ears, peacock like tail and a purple fur with yellow marks that marked his viral lineage - received regular requests from Modem to capture runaway digimon.
Right now, he was on the plains not very far from Modem, waiting for the city's Borderline Patrol to show up and take the J-Mojamon that he had just captured. The young boy smiled as he remembered the mess that the brown digimon made back at Modem after having some extra drinks. No matter in which world you're in, some things just never change.
Suddenly, the sound of engines filled the air. Immediately realizing that the one that they were waiting for have finally arrived, both Eduardo and Elecmon turned their gazes to the sky. There, their eyes met the sight of a giant metallic zeppelin, which they both knew as being a Blimpmon. The flying machine digimon not only was commonly used as transport by the Borderline Patrol, but Modem's air forces were mainly composed by others like him.
Soon, the metallic brown digimon landed and opened his side door to allow the exit of his passengers. From inside, three figures got out and rushed into the two partners' direction. All the three were from the same specie of digimon: a short metal ball with arms and legs, using some sort of leather armor, armed with a pair of rapiers and with a face that resembled some sort of medieval helmet who attended by the name of Gladimon.
One of the Gladimon separated from the others and, while the remaining two went to check over the J-Mojamon, he approached the human and his digimon and greeted both of them. “Sir Eduardo. Sir Elecmon. I see that your hunt for the criminal was successful. Congratulations!”
“Thank you.” the two answered, frowning. Neither had gotten used to the almost worshipping respect that most of the digimon of Modem gave them. After giving an unnoticeable sigh, Eduardo continued. “But I still don't get it why we were sent after him. It seems too much just because of a few broken walls and some noises in the middle of the night.”
“Not that this is anything of your concern, but the damage caused at the city's properties wasn't his only crime.” said a deep strong voice. Turning around, they all saw another figure get out from inside the Blimpmon said. It was a reptile man like creature with at least four times Eduardo size. His skin was manly blue, with exception of his chest that was white with a strange red drawing on it. His head was covered with a metal helmet and there was some red hair coming out from the back of it. He had armor pieces covering his shoulder, arms, tail and legs. He was using a pair of baggy pants and some belts around his neck, hips and right leg. His clawed hands and feet had a pair of armored gauntlets and boots on it.
“Strikedramon!” Eduardo snarled. The dragon man digimon was the leader of the Borderline Patrol and one of the most powerful digimons in Modem city. For some reason unknown even to the Digital Gods, he and the human boy just didn't seem to find a way to get along.
“Hmph, I see. That fella must be more important than I thought for Asuramon's little pet come here to take him personally.” said the young Chosen while motioning at J-Mojamon's direction with his head. He had to hold himself to not to laugh as his comment resulted in the desired effect as Strikedramon started to growl in pure anger.
Not wanting to get into an unnecessary fight, Elecmon cleaned his throat and turned to Gladimon. “So, what else did the big guy do?”
Taking his cue, the armored ball digimon quickly answered, trying to take everybody's attention back to the previous topic. “In his drunken state, besides damaging several buildings and public properties, the delinquent knows as J-Mojamon had also invaded Lord Orochimon's personal residence.”
A sharp intake of breath came from both Eduardo and Elecmon when they heard that. In Modem City, the highest rank of command belonged to the Council of Three, a group formed by the most powerful members of each of the main types of digimon: Vaccine, Data and Virus. Orochimon, the Virus member of the Council, was a very possessive digimon and a firmly defender of the rights of private property. If the J-Mojamon had indeed broken inside his house, the big snake would do everything in his power to ensure that he wouldn't get away with it. The pair couldn't help but feel pity for the big brown furred digimon.
“Enough of this crap! Gladimon take the prisoner to inside Blimpmon. We're moving out!” Strikedramon shouted.
“Yes sir!” all the three answered in unison. Moments later, the J-Mojamon and the members of the Borderline Patrol were all inside the flying machine digimon, heading to the city.
Eduardo then turned to his partner and asked. “Ready to go home Elecmon?”
“Sure.” answered the small mammal digimon.
With that, the pre-teen took his Digivice with his right hand and pointed it high up. Then, both he and Elecmon were surrounded by a globe of light that started to fly, until it vanished in the middle of the sky.
Moments later, back at Earth…
The city of Rio de Janeiro has many attractions to the younglings. To its commonly sunny weather from its appellatives beaches, the city itself was a small paradise for those who seek for fun. For the members of the selective group knows as the Chosen Children or the Digi-destined, the `Wonderful City' has one extra reason to be special: it is one of the few places where you can find a permanently opened portal to the Digital World.
But nothing is always perfect, and living in such a place has its problems. Though you don't need either a D-3 to open a Digital Gate or a computer to make the cross between the two worlds, you can't exactly control where you are going to land. Once you use a Digivice to enter into the portal, you can fall anywhere inside of other side's portal's range, and in Rio's case, it extended itself until a couple miles beyond the city's limits.
Which is exactly where the two partners landed this time….
“I hate this.” Tsunomon, Elecmon's Baby II form, stated.
“Come on! It's not that bad. Besides, I've already called home. Our ride will be here in a short while.” Eduardo answered, trying to cheer up his angry digimon.
“It is that bad! Every time we make the cross, we end up landing in a very uncomfortable way somewhere very far away from home! Not to mention that the travel itself is terrible! It's always that same…” as his partner started to make his usual complains, the human boy decided to do what he usually in this situations: ignore Tsunomon and think about something else.
Eduardo's wonderings were soon interrupted by a car's horn. Looking to where the sound came, he saw a silver Xsara Picasso parked not very far from where he and Tsunomon were. From the driver's door, a beautiful brown haired woman got out. She was using an impeccably clean female business suit and dark sunglasses which didn't hide the fact that her face's straight features and the too white-shaded color of her skin showed clearly that she wasn't Brazilian. As he approached the car, the woman waved her hand to the dark haired Chosen and greeted him. “So Eduardo, had a good day at your friend's dimension?”
“Yes Julie. Everything went fine and easy.” Eduardo answered. The woman in front of him was Juliana Vargas, or Julie as he liked to call her. Years ago she was a soldier of the UNO's Peace Corps. It was then that she met his mother, during a mission where they both saved each other lives. Later, after Julie was kicked out from the army because of a incident that she refused to talk about, Mrs. Cassaro offered her a job to take care of her two infants. Though Eduardo always said that she was his bodyguard, Julie often teased him by saying that she was his babysitter.
Once he got nearer her, the pre-teen was able to see that the foreign woman had the half-relieved, half-frustrated look that she usually made every time that he returned from the Digital World and he knew exactly why: because she knew that there was nothing that she could do to help him on his missions, even though she had promised to his mother that she would protect him with her life.
Getting out of his own thoughts again, Eduardo entered into the car along with Tsunomon and Julie. Minutes later, they were back on the road as the brown haired woman drove them home.
An uncomfortable silence could be felt within the car, as it usually happened every time that Eduardo returned from the Digital World. One kept herself quiet as she was too busy consuming herself in guilt and the feeling of being useless, while the other simply did not felt comfortable in discussing that part of his life yet.
“Your mother called.” Julie said, finally breaking the silence. “She wanted to know how you were doing.”
“And what did you said?” asked a half-interested Eduardo.
“I told her that you were fine as always. Say, why don't you give her a call when we get home?”
“I think that it will be better if I not do so.”
Julie sighed at his answer. Being an important UNO's diplomat, Eduardo's mother had to travel constantly to other countries. Doing so, she had almost no time to stay with her family and having someone like Julie to take care of things back at her home became more than a necessity.
But, if before Mrs. Cassaro and her son had a very fragile relationship because of her constant absence, things between them started to reach unthinkable levels since that incident one year ago, when the whole Chosen thing was revealed. Back then, Eduardo and his mother had a huge fight because she wanted him to stop being involved with the Digital World but he simply refused to obey her. In the end, Mrs. Cassaro had to resume her travels and the two of them haven't being on speaking terms ever since.
For the past year, Julie has been trying unsuccessfully to lead Eduardo and his mother into making amends with each other. Those two seemed determined into not speaking with one another ever again. If it wasn't for the few messages that they passed through her, neither one would know how the other was doing.
As she drove through the busy streets of the Wonderful City, Julie started to become depressed. First she was only powerless to help Eduardo on his strips to the Digital World, but now she was also becoming powerless to help him with the problems of their world as well…
Meanwhile, back at the Broadband Island…
A group of baby digimons were playing on a savanna field. As expected from younglings, they were completely absorbed on their fun and acted like they didn't have a care in the world, which was actually true.
Maybe that was why they showed no reaction when a strange sound started to come from a nearby tree. It was only when that same tree started to irradiate a blindly light and strange marking appeared and formed a circle around its stalk that their attention was captured. Before they could investigate further though, a savage roar came from behind them.
To be continued...
Final notes: Finally first chapter is ready. Though I have to admit that I'm not completely satisfied with it, this is the best work that I can do for now. Maybe later I write something else giving more details about the facts mentioned here.